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      • 귀국 대학생의 다중언어 습득과 제2언어 자아 변화 경험에 대한 내러티브 탐구

        김용걸 ( Kim Yonggeol ) 서울대학교 국어교육과 2022 先淸語文 Vol.50 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to conduct a narrative inquiry into the multilingual acquisition and second language self-experiences of Korean returnee university students and to understand the significance of their stories and experience. The “inquiry of the multilingual acquisition and second language self-experiences of Korean returnee university students” and the “significance of multilingual acquisition and second language self-experiences of Korean returnee university students” were set as the research puzzles for this study. Korean returnee university students are more simultaneous multilingual learners than being multilingual by learning an additional language other than their primary language. The identity of the languages acquired by the returnee university students is divided into the majority languages, which become the key to enter the mainstream society and the minority languages that represent their originality. The differentiated languages are each learned and used, leading to the creation of the second language motivational self in respect to the imagined communities and the imagined identities the returnee students wish for. Afterward, the students experience changes in their second language selves, which are an attempt to adjust the discrepancy with the motivational self, created through their second language motivational self system. Narrative inquiry, the research methodology used in this study, is an approach used to study human lives in a way that respects and understands the study participants’ experiences. It was the most suitable method for this study as it can draw the true significance of the study participants’ experiences. More specifically, this study observed the following steps for this research; first by “being in the field,” transitioning “from field to text,” “and retelling of the intermediate research text into the research text.” Five university students who had spent 12 years or more years abroad attending elementary school, middle school, and high school and returning to Korea to enter Korean universities were selected for this study. The field text for this study was collected by conducting interviews with each participant and asking them to write their biographies on their language learning experiences. The participants reviewed the intermediate research text before the final research text was completed. The narrative inquiry on the second language self change experience showed that the participants had critical events that led to changes in their selves. For returnee university students, the critical event was the changes in time and space by moving to a foreign country and returning to Korea. Based on this finding, this study classified the multilingual acquisition and the second language self change experience of returnee university students into the temporal and spatial axis and the multilingual axis, and the conditions for generating such experiences were categorized into internal and external factors, previous experience, and predicted experiences to create the narrative. In Chapter 5, this study compiled a research text on the significance of conducting a narrative inquiry on the experiences of Korean returnee university students. First, this study examined returnee university students’ abstract and personal experiences in the light of previous studies and theories. This study also identified the second language learning experiences that served as critical events that changed the second language selves of the returnee university students by closely examining the participants’ experiences. Furthermore, this study confirmed the characteristics of the Korean self, which are found in the experiences of the returnee university students and differentiate their experiences from the experiences of learners from different cultural backgrounds. By approaching the returnee university students’ Korean language learning experiences from the perspective of the second language self, this study confirmed that the Korean language capacity of returnee university students is not a result of the loss of knowledge but was due to a lack of experience. Finally, the study participants identified the motivational self meaningful in their history of language learning by meta-recognition of their experience through the narrative inquiry, and this inquiry process became a second language learning experience for the participants, allowing them to do so to set a new motivational self. Lastly, this study confirmed the significance of narrative inquiry on the personal, practical, and social levels. First, on the personal level, the researcher also experienced a change of self from being a Korean speaker to becoming a Korean language education researcher by conducting this collaborative research for the dissertation. On the practical level, this study gave voice to the returnee university students and called for appropriate Korean education programs for them. On a social level, this study raised the necessity of understanding the unique experiences of the returnee university students, so that they could adjust to the Korean society and universities and maximize their potential as global leaders.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 소그룹 학술 세미나에 대한 네트노그래피 연구 - 교육 연구 렌즈로서 담화 참여자 정체성을 중심으로 -

        김용걸 ( Kim Yonggeol ) 한국어교육학회 2023 국어교육 Vol.- No.183

        코로나 팬데믹 이후 소그룹 학술 담화가 줌 등을 통한 비대면 온라인 혼합 방식으로 진행되는 경우가 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 선행의 연구에 더하여 온라인 상황에서의 소그룹 학술 세미나에 대한 네트노그래피 연구를 진행하고자 하였다. 특별히 학술 담화를 구사하는 상황에서 개별 담화 참여자가 취하는 정체성 코드에 주목하여 분석하고자 하였다. 분석 결과 학술 담화를 구사하는 상황에서는 지도교수가 부재할지라도 지도교수의 기관-담화적 정체성이 가장 큰 권위를 가지는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 참여자들은 자신의 선택 가능한 정체성 코드 중 방어적 정체성 코드를 하향적으로 선택함으로써 방어권을 확보하려는 모습을 보이는 한편, 상호작용 국면에서 층위가 약한 정체성 코드에 대하여 층위가 높은 정체성 코드의 도전은 다른 권위자의 정체성 코드를 빌려와서 제공하는 모습을 보였다. 또한 온라인 학술 담화 공동체 내 역할과 책임 부여에 있어 학번과 국적이 영향 요인임이 확인되었지만 학번 요인이 더 우세함을 확인할 수 있었다. 온라인 소그룹 세미나의 참여자들은 온라인 매체의 기능과 특수성을 활용하여 다양한 형태로 담화 참여 정도를 조절하는 모습을 보였으며 특히 온라인 상황에서는 대면 상황에 비해 턴테이킹을 엄격히 준수하는 모습을 보였다. 본 연구는 한국어교육에서는 다소 생소한 네트노그래피(Kozinets, 2020)라는 방식의 특별한 연구 방법을 적용하여 연구를 수행하였다는 것과 소그룹 학술 담화에서의 개별 담화 참여자의 정체성 코드(Gee, 2000)에 주목하여 분석틀을 정교화하고 담화 맥락을 해석하였다는 점에서 그 의의를 갖는다. Since the coronavirus pandemic, small group academic discourse has sometimes been conducted in a hybridized online and face-to-face manner, such as Zoom. Therefore, in addition to previous studies, this study conducted a netnography study of small group academic seminars in an online context in order. To analyze the identity codes adopted by individual discourse participants in the context of academic discourse. The results showed that the academic advisor’s institution-discourse identities were the most authoritative in the context of academic discourse. Participants appeared to secure their defenses by selecting defensive identity codes downward from their options, while in the interaction phase, when challenge of the higher-ranking identity code to the lower-ranking identity code, lower-ranking identity code were met by borrowing identity codes from other authorities. I also found that academic rank(such as student number) and nationality were influential factors in the assignment of roles and responsibilities in online academic discourse communities, but the rank factor was more dominant. Participants in the online small group seminars utilized the features and characteristics of the online medium to regulate their discourse participation in various ways; in particular, they more strictly observed turn-taking in online situations than in face-to-face situations. This study is significant in that it applied a special research method called netnography (Kozinets, 2020), which is somewhat unfamiliar in Korean language education. It elaborated this analytical framework and interpreted the discourse context by paying attention to individual discourse participants' identity codes (Gee, 2000) in small-group academic discourse.

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