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      • KCI등재

        교과와 예술을 통합한 수업의 실제-'독도 프로젝트' 사례 중심으로-

        김외순 한국초등미술교육학회 2014 미술교육연구논총 Vol.37 No.-

        This study discusses the educational meaning of an art-integrated education focused on the case of ‘Dokdo Project’ carried out integrating subject and art. Recently, in the academic world and field, the movement pursuing the integration between art and subject has been actively discussed. However, since there are insufficient considerations of integrated approaches fitting the original purpose of the art curriculum, it is difficult to realize the reconstruction of the curriculum properly through integrated art education. Thus, this study attempts to describe that issue-based art education with integrated approaches through artistic experiences can develop art integrated education. For this purpose, it first discusses artistic experiences in art education. Also, it sheds light on the need and direction of art-integrated education and suggests that issue-based art education can be a realistic and practical way of integrated approaches. In addition, based on data and interviews that observed and analyzed ‘Dokdo Project’ carried out from this perspective, this study presents the educational effect of an art integrated class. 본 논문은 교과와 예술을 통합하여 수행된 ‘독도 프로젝트’ 사례를 중심으로 예술 통합 교육의 교육적 의미를 논의한다. 최근 학계와 현장에서 예술과 교과의 통합을 추구하는 움직임이 활발히 논의되고 있다. 하지만 예술 본래의 교과 목적에 맞는 통합적접근에 대한 고려가 충분히 이루어지지 않아 통합적 예술교육을 통한 교육과정 재구성이 제대로 실현되기 어려운 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 예술적 체험을 통해 통합적으로 접근하는 쟁점중심 미술교육에 의해 예술 통합 교육이 전개될 수 있음을 설명하고자 한다. 이를 논의하기 위해서 먼저 미술교육에서 예술적 경험에 대해 논의한다. 그리고 예술 통합 교육의 필요성과 방향을 조명하며, 쟁점중심 미술교육이 통합적 접근의 실제적이고 실천적인 방안이 될 수 있음을 제안한다. 그리고 이러한 관점에서 수행된 ‘독도 프로젝트’를 관찰하고 분석한 자료, 인터뷰를 근거로 본고에서는 예술 통합수업의 교육적 효과를 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        자기연구를 통한 교사의 예술성 찾기

        김외순 한국초등미술교육학회 2018 미술교육연구논총 Vol.55 No.-

        The recent focus on the artistic aspects of education has created greater demand for artistic capabilities in teachers, i.e., the ability to practice the art of teaching. Pedagogical discussions abound on education as art or the artistry of teaching, but none of them addressed teacher’s own artistry. In this light, this study explores how I, as a teacher myself, am perceiving the concept of teacher’s artistry, refining my views on this concept, and reflecting the changes to my inner self in my art lessons. Teachers should be able to study themselves, i.e., perceive themselves both as a researcher and a research subject; they should stay mindful of their life and teaching and look back on themselves ceaselessly. As such, I adopted the self-study method, one of the qualitative research methods aimed at examining a researcher’s own pedagogical practices and their context. For more detailed discussion, I built upon Maxine Greene and Rudolf Steiner’s concept of teaching artists to clarity the notion of teacher’s artistry. This was followed by the self-study on me, for which I collected written records related to my lessons, reflective journals, diaries, visual representations including pictures and drawings, and video recordings of my instructions dating from 2015 to 2018. Based on these materials, I interpreted my own experience as an artistic teacher with a focus on the changes in my pedagogical practices and my own life arising from the changes in my inner self. The findings from this exercise were divided into the three categories of “reinventing myself”, “from me to you”, and “Spatial expansion as a framework of recognition” through which I explained the concept of teacher’s artistry in light of the changes in my inner self. I conclude this study with the clarification that self-study is a useful tool for teachers to discover their own artistry. If one accepts that a truly dedicated, professional teacher should go beyond her teaching skills to recover her artistic capabilities expected from a pedagogical subject, my discussions on teacher’s artistry will be a meaningful first step toward this goal in art education. 최근 교육의 예술적 측면이 부각됨에 따라 교사에게도 가르침의 예술, 즉 예술성이 요구되고 있다. 교육학 전반에서 교육의 예술성이나 수업의 예술적 특성을 밝히려는 논의는 많았으나 교사의 예술성에 대한 논의는 없었다. 본 연구는 연구자 자신이 교사로서의 예술성을 어떻게 인식하고 형성해 나가고 있는지, 그리고 내면의 변화가 미술 수업으로 어떻게 실천되고 있는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 교사가 자신의 삶과 수업에 의식적으로 주의를 기울이고, 자신을 끊임없이 성찰해보아야 한다는 말은 자기 연구, 즉 스스로를 연구자이자 연구대상으로 놓을 수 있어야 함을 말한다. 이에 본 연구는 질적 연구 방법 중에서 ‘자신의 교육적 실천 행위와 그 맥락’을 연구하는 자기 연구(self-study)를 기반으로 하였다. 구체적인 논의를 위해 교사를 예술적 존재로 바라본 맥신 그린과 슈타이너의 논의를 바탕으로 교사의 예술성을 밝혔으며, 연구자인 ‘나’를 대상으로 자기 연구를 실행하였다. 이를 위해 2015~2018년까지의 수업 관련 기록물과 반성적 저널, 일기, 그림이나 사진과 같은 시각적 표상 자료, 수업 영상 등을 자료로 수집하였다. 수집된 자료를 바탕으로 교사의 내면의 변화에 따른 미술 수업의 실천 및 삶의 양상에 주목하여 경험을 해석하였다. 해석된 결과는 “거듭나기”, “나에게서 너에게로”, “인식의 틀로서의 공간 확장”이라는 세 가지로 범주화하여 내면의 변화에 따른 교사의 예술성을 밝혔다. 마지막으로 교사의 자기연구가 교사의 예술성을 찾는데 유용한 방법임을 논의하였다. 교사의 전문성이 수업 기술의 의미를 넘어 교육의 주체로서 지녀야 할 예술성을 회복하는 것으로 본다면, 이는 미술교육에서도 의미 있는 출발이 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • Separation of the alkaloidal constituents of Spiraea prunifolia Siebold by T.L.C.

        權泰勳,金外順 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1966 연구논문집 Vol.1966 No.1

        The alkaloids present in leaves and stems of Spiraea prunifolia Siebold,used widely as an tipyretics and cardiotonics-herb drugs,have been separated by Thin Layer Chromatography using silica gel as a plate by Stahl's method with a developer of the various solvent systems(20kinds). Elution with either methyl alcohol,methyl alcohol-H₂O(3:1),ethy; alcohol-H₂O(3:1) chloroform-ether(1:1),isopropyl alcohol-H₂O(3:2),or n-propyl alcohol-H₂O(1:1) systems gave satisfactory chromatograms when employed with Dragendorff's reagent and when placed under ultra-violet light.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        청년사업가를 위한 성장요인이 창업역량과 창업의도에 미치는 영향 연구

        이인숙(In Suk Lee),김외순(Oe Sun Kim),나영아(Young Ah Rha) 한국조리학회 2013 한국조리학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to understand interrelationships among young entrepreneurs` growth factors, entrepreneurial capability and entrepreneurial intentions, targeting the students who major in culinary and foodservice. Based on total 327 samples obtained from the empirical research, this study reviewed reliability and fitness of the research model and verified total 2 hypotheses with the Amos program. The proposed model provided an adequate fit for the data, x2=495.217 (p<.001), df=231, CMIN/DF 2.144, GFI .902, AGFI .878, NFI .911, CFI .954, RMSEA .067. The SEM results showed that the young entrepreneurs` growth factors such as policy support(β =.457, p<.001), skills & knowledge(β=.244, p<.01), role model(β= .242, p<.05) in order had significantly positive effects on entrepreneurial capability, and entrepreneurial capability(β= .787, p<.001) had positive(+) effects on entrepreneurial intentions, verifying organic causal relationships among the growth factors, entrepreneurial capability, and entrepreneurial capability. These study results showed that there should be more systematic supports to encourage young entrepreneurs. Limitations and further research directions are also discussed.

      • KCI등재

        전주비빔밥 전문점의 서비스품질이 고객만족도, 재방문의도에 미치는 영향 연구

        채운랑(Woon Rang Chae),김외순(Oe Sun Kim),나영아(Young Ah Rha) 한국조리학회 2013 한국조리학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to know the effect of Jeonju bibimbap specialty restaurants` service quality on customer satisfaction and revisit intention. The respondents of this study were people who visited one of bibimbap specialty restaurants in Jeonju. The summary of this study is as follows. First, people tend to visit a bibimbap specialty restaurant once in two weeks on average. The most popular bibimbap restaurant is Gajokhoekwan (Family Hall). In addition, the purpose of visiting is usually to have dinner or lunch with family, and most respondents answered that information about bibimbap is shared with surrounding people. Second, it was found that the service reactivity factor and the food factor (among other factors such as facility, reliability) mostly affect customer satisfaction. Third, for the impact of customer satisfaction on revisit intention, revisit intention tends to increase as customer satisfaction increases. In that sense, to enhance customer satisfaction and attract more customers, restaurant operators need to strengthen effort for improvement of services by recognizing the importance of service quality.

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