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        개인-환경적합성과 직무수행간의 차별적 영향관계와 일가치감의 매개효과

        김영순 ( Young Soon Kang ) 한국인적자원관리학회 2012 인적자원관리연구 Vol.19 No.4

        The current study aims to investigate the seriously three parts. First, person-organization fit(POF), person-supervisor fit(PSF), person-job fit(PJF) were measured as the integrated concepts of supplementary fit and complementary fit, and the discrimination of each concept(POF, PSF, PJF) was demonstrated statistically, Second, the differential effects of each independent variables toward OCB-organization (OCBO) and innovative behavior were verified with hierarchical regression models. Finally, the mediating effects of perceived work value in the relationships between POF, PSF, PJF and OCBO, and POF, PSF, PJF and innovative behavior were investigated, The sample consisted of 217 employees, in Jeju, who work for public enterprises and private companies with well-established organizational network in Korea, The results are as follow, First, discriminant validation of POF, PSF, PJF was demonstrated with the exploratory factor analysis, Second, the positive significant relationship was found only between POF and OCBO as outcome variable in organizational context. PJF and PSF had significant relationships with innovative behavior as a dependent variable in individual context. As well, as the research question, PJF has higher effect than PSF to the innovative behavior. Finally, the full mediations of perceived work value were found between POF and OCBO, PJF and innovative behavior, PSF and innovative behavior. This study captures important implications. First, compared with previous researches, by dint of measuring complementary fit and supplementary fit included for the study, the concept of person-environment fit is enable to apply more widely, The discriminative effects with POF, PSF, PJF were verified with OCBO as job performance variable associated with organization and innovative behavior associated with individual job performance, the application of person-environment fit was enable from attitude variables to job performance variables. Third, the mechanism for how person-environment fit affects job performance was found by mediation of perceived work value.

      • 자기이해중심 부모교육 프로그램이 부모효능감, 분노조절 및 자아분화에 미 치 는 효과

        김영순 ( Young Soon Kang ),김종남 ( Jong Nam Kim ) 국제뇌교육종합대학원대학교 뇌교육연구소 2012 뇌교육연구 Vol.10 No.-

        본 연구는 부모자신의 개인내적 성장를 돕고, 유아키 자녀를 둔 어머냐에게 필 요한 앙육정보와 기술을 제공하논 자기이해중심 부모교육 프로그램을 개발 실시 하여 그 효과성을 검증하고지 하능데 목적이 었다 연구방법므로능 유치원에 등 원하논 자녀를 둔 어머니 17염을 대상으로,2010년 2월 24일부터 2010년 4월 14 일까지 부모쿄육 프로그램을 매호I 120분씩, 주 1호I, 총 8주간 8호|기를 실시하였 마 자료 분석은 앙적 분석과 질적 분석을 모두 실시하였다 양적 분석으로늠 부 모효능감, 문노조절, 자아분화 번인을 중심으로 전체 잠여집단원의 사전, 사후, 추 수 점수에 대한 Paired I-lest를 실시하였다. 사전 사후 분석결과, 부모쿄육 프로그 램 참가자들에서 부모효능감이 유의하게 향상되었으며, 자아분화수준에서도 유의 한 향상을 보였다 반면, 분노조절능력에서논 유의한 번화가 없었다 사전-추수 분석 결과, 자아분화 수준에서 유의한 변화가 지속되고 있었다 질적 분석은 각 회기 중에 잠여 집단원들이 표헌한 자키 기술에 대한 내용분석을 통해 이루어졌 마 그 결과 부모역할과 태도 변화, 감정 및 행동 조절, 그러고 자기이해와 성잘 면에서 긍정적인 변화를 관찰할 수 있었마 결론적으로 자기이해중심 부모교육 프로그램 이 부모효능감에논 유의 한 것g로 그리고 부분적 으로 자아문화수준의 향 상에 차이가 있능 것므로 나타났므며, 자기이해와 성찰 측면에서 글정적인 변화 를 나타냈마 마지막g로 본 연구결과를 바탕g로 논의하고 다양한 측먼에서 부 모교육 프로그램의 실천적인 개입 방향에 대해 제안하였다 . The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of parent education program based on self-understanding. To do so, we have developed parent education program focused on self-understanding, and analyzed its effect throughout the recognition changes of mother in parent efficacy, anger control ability and ego differentiation. The parent education program has been performed total of 8 times, 2 hours per session. Participants are 17 mothers with children in ages of 6-7, who attend at kindergarten in Seoul. For the analysis of the results, quality analysis and quantity analysis have been performed. The summary of this results are as following. On the quantity analysis, the changes in parental efficacy and ego differentiation are shown to be significant. But in anger control there were no changes after program. Also, On the quality analysis, participants have expressed changes from negative self description to positive self description during program process. In conclusion, we can say that this parent education program based on self-understanding is effective in the aspects of mothers` parent efficacy and ego differentiation, and also helpful in the improvement of various dimensions, including self¬understanding, emotion and behavior regulation and so on.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        비타민 E 섭취가 전신경락마사지에 의한 산화 스트레스에 미치는 영향

        김영순 ( Young Soon Kim ),이혜연 ( Hye Youn Lee ),강상모 ( Sang Mo Kang ) 대한미용학회 2014 대한미용학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships between oxidative stress and α-tocopherol (vitamin E) supplementation after a whole body meridian massage among middle-aged women. Eighteen healthy volunteers were randomly divided into two groups: control (n=8) and vitamin E (n=8). Each subject in the control group received 120 min a whole body meridian massage therapy sessions; Each subject in the vitamin E group received the same massage therapy sessions after supplemented 400 IU/day of vitamin E for 15 days. We analyzed the concentration of fatigue substance, the activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx), the stabilities of the reactive oxygen metabolites (d-ROMs), and the levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) from antecubital vein blood of participants before and after vitamin E supplementation. Vitamin E group decreased the visual analogue scale of fatigue(VAS-F) score more than the control group. Also, vitamin E group significantly decreased concentration of lactic acid, cortisol and the level of SOD compared with the controls. Moreover, the vitamin group presented a significantly higher activities of GPx (about 14.2%) than control group. These results suggest that vitamin E has an anti-fatigue effect by decreasing the oxygen free radical and promoting anti-oxidative activity.

      • KCI등재

        비타민 C, E 섭취가 전신경락마사지로 인한 피로도 저감화에 미치는 영향

        김영순 ( Young Soon Kim ),여혜연 ( Hye Yeon Yeo ),강상모 ( Sang Mo Kang ) 대한미용학회 2015 대한미용학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        This study evaluated the impact of a simultaneous intake of vitamins (Vt) C and E on changes in the concentration of lactic acid, fatigue, pain, the levels of antioxidant enzymes in blood and those of metabolites after body meridian massage. The study surveyed women in their 30 s to 50 s living in Gyeonggi province. After intaking Vt, massage was done. Four target groups (8 participants per group) were as follows: control (C), Vt. C, Vt. E, and Vt. CE (intake of both Vt. C-1000 mg/day and Vt. E-400 mg/day). The changes in fatigue and pain levels after massage increased a little by 0.13±0.84 in all groups. The concentration of lactic acid increased by 30.8% in C but decreased by 33.9% in Vt. C, 30.1% in Vt. E, and 45.5% in Vt. CE. The concentration of uric acid increased by 2.3% in C but decreased by 6.6% in Vt. C, 8.9% in Vt. E, and 9.5% in Vt. CE. Superoxide dismustase (SOD) increased by 56% in C, 40.7% in Vt. C, 46.6% in Vt. E, and 30.2% in Vt. CE. Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) decreased by 4.1% in C and 2.9% in Vt. E, but increased by 17.1% in Vt. C and 17.4% in Vt. CE. Biological antioxidant potential (BAP) increased by 0.4% in C, 7.3% in Vt. C, 3.8% in Vt. E, and 2.1% in Vt. CE. Diacron reactive oxygen metabolites (d-ROMs) decreased by 1.5% in C, 3.3% in Vt. C, 3.9% in Vt. E, and 5.4% in Vt. CE. From this, you can see each works in advanced way, like lactic & uric acid originally increased, but with Vt intake, they decreased. Therefore, vitamin C and E intake before meridian massage treatment is highly recommended to alleviate pain in sore or hardened areas after exercise.

      • KCI등재

        사회적 소외계층의 미디어교육 운영 실태 연구: 기관 운영진 FGI를 중심으로

        김영순 ( Young Soon Kim ),강진숙 ( Jin Sook Kang ),배현주 ( Hyeon Ju Bae ) 경북대학교 중등교육연구소 2009 중등교육연구 Vol.57 No.2

        본 연구는 미디어교육 기관의 운영진을 대상으로 사회적 소외계층의 미디어교육 운영 실태를 진단하고 개선점을 모색하는 데 목적을 둔다. 특히 우리 사회의 소외계층이라고 할 수 있는 장애인·노인·저소득층 자녀를 대상으로 하는 미디어교육 기관의 운영진들에 대한 FGI 조사를 수행한다. 이를 통해 사회적 소외계층을 위한 미디어교육 프로그램 운영의 방향을 모색할 것이다. 이 연구에서는 기관 운영진들에게 사회적 소외계층을 위한 미디어교육의 목표, 미디어교육의 커리큘럼 구성, 미디어교육의 수업 방법, 기타 제안사항에 대해 질문을 제시하였다. 이에 대한 결과로서 미디어교육 목표의 경우, 미디어별 콘텐츠에 대한 지식과 이해 및 제작능력 함양을 통해 비판적 수용태도와 이를 기반으로 주관을 가진 창의적 생산자로서 사회와 소통하는 능력을 강조하였다. 커리큘럼 구성의 경우, 기초 단계에서는 미디어에 관한 지식 및 이해 미디어 조작과 기초적인 제작, 심화 단계에서는 미디어에 대한 비평과 가치, 미디어 이용태도 등을 중점적으로 다뤄야 한다. 수업 방법으로는 체험 및 참여활동을 강화하고 토론학습법을 제안하였다. This study investigate the present managing condition of the media education institutes for the social alienation class, and suggest a series of improvements to the management of the institute. In this study it is an important role for the proposals to the management of media education programme. Because of it, this paper make an investigation into managers, programmers, and teachers in the media education institutes for the social alienation class the investigation. Especially, these institutes have to do with the disabled, the old, and children of the low-income bracket. The investigation was accomplished by the FGI(Focus Group Interview) as a sort of the qualified research methods. Results of this paper are follows; It is emphasized in this study that the ability to understand contents of median, to utilize the median, and to read critically median will be set as the goal of the media education. On the basis of this goal, it is necessary for the social alienation class to learn the ability to interact with the others. In the case of the construction for the media education curriculum, the basic level was designed by the knowledge about median, the understanding median, and basic producing median. The upper level was constructed by the critical ability to median.

      • 독일 학교 미디어 교육의 실천과 교훈

        김영순 ( Young Soon Kim ),강윤주 ( Yun Ju Kang ) 경북대학교 중등교육연구소 2004 중등교육연구 Vol.52 No.1

        The mass media (television, radio, cinema, newspapers and magazines, popular music, the internet) are an important part of everyday life. Media education is concerned with understanding how the media work and how they communicate information and entertainment. It also aims to help people learn to develop the skills to use the media effectively to communicate their own ideas. This article considers practical issues of activities in the media education in German school. German school explore the possibility of introducing the term ``viewing`` or ``visual communication`` as part areas language skills for German as well as the learning of multi-culture. This teaching method shows that learners tend to respond differently to each medium and draw on different levels of literacy to make meanings of the given media text. This implies that teachers need to use different teaching strategies to develope particular level of literacy. And this method gives to learners the political, social and cultural mind. (Inha Univ./The Green Foundation)

      • KCI등재후보

        전통문화산업 현장의 창의적 체험활동 프로그램 개발

        김영순(Kim Young-soon),강현민(Kang Hyeon-min),응웬뚜언아잉(Nguyen Tuananh) 한국문화산업학회 2011 문화산업연구 Vol.11 No.1

        Today, it is crucial to understand one’s own traditional culture as well as others. By learning traditional culture, students can consider the distinct characteristic of their own culture and culture universality. Also creative activities education in traditional culture industry field make it possible for students to develop creativity and build their character. This study provides activitity program for the Bucheon Atelier Street. This program composes cognitive constituents which are problem-solving, divergent thinking, visualization skills, critical thinking. Also, it includes factors which are diversity, autonomy, creativity, curiosity, interest, immersion. In addition, it help to build character implements which are cooperation, responsibility, consideration, pride. This program consist of 5 steps: beforehand activity, researching material activity, experiencing an on-the-spot activity, other experiencing activity, arrange activity. Beforehand activity is planning and getting prior knowledge process. Researching material activity is about 7 intangible cultural assets in Bucheon Atelier Street. Other experiencing activity is producing brochure or advertisement poster. Lastly, writing essay and presenting and evaluating are conducted in the arrange activity. Today, it is crucial to understand one’s own traditional culture as well as others. By learning traditional culture, students can consider the distinct characteristic of their own culture and culture universality. Also creative activities education in traditional culture industry field make it possible for students to develop creativity and build their character. This study provides activitity program for the Bucheon Atelier Street. This program composes cognitive constituents which are problem-solving, divergent thinking, visualization skills, critical thinking. Also, it includes factors which are diversity, autonomy, creativity, curiosity, interest, immersion. In addition, it help to build character implements which are cooperation, responsibility, consideration, pride. This program consist of 5 steps: beforehand activity, researching material activity, experiencing an on-the-spot activity, other experiencing activity, arrange activity. Beforehand activity is planning and getting prior knowledge process. Researching material activity is about 7 intangible cultural assets in Bucheon Atelier Street. Other experiencing activity is producing brochure or advertisement poster. Lastly, writing essay and presenting and evaluating are conducted in the arrange activity.

      • 암 환아 가족의 아동 호스피스 요구도

        강경아,김신정,김영순,Kang, Kyung-Ah,Kim, Shin-Jeong,Kim, Young-Soon 한국호스피스완화의료학회 2004 한국호스피스.완화의료학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        목적: 본 연구는 암환아 가족의 호스피스 요구도를 파악하여 앞으로 암 환아 간호시, 대상자의 요구에 적절한 호스피스 간호를 제공하기 위한 목적으로 시도되었다. 방법: 자료수집은 2004년 2월부터 7월까지 서울의 2개 대학병원에서 암으로 진단 받고 입원한 아동의 가족 104명을 대상으로 하였다. 대상자의 아동 호스피스 요구도를 측정하기 위해서는 아동 호스피스에 대한 국내 외 문헌고찰과 아동 호스피스 전문가와 관련자, 암 환아 가족 20명을 대상으로 면담하여 개발한 암 환아 가족의 아동 호스피스 요구 측정도구[10]를 사용하였다. 결과: 1. 대상자의 아동 호스피스 요구 정도는 4점 만점에 $2.77{\sim}4.00$점의 범위로 평균 3.41점(.38)으로 높게 나타났다. 각 요인에 따른 요구정도는 아동의 정서적 간호 말기 주요 신체적 증상의 조절, 2차적인 생리적 문제의 조절, 가족이 어려움 수용, 죽음준비를 위한 영적 돌봄의 순으로 나타났다. 2. 대상자의 일반적 특성에 따른 아동 호스피스의 요구 정도는 아동 어머니의 연령(F==4.980, P=.009), 형제나 친척 중 암 환자의 유무(t=2.423, P=.017)에 따라서만 유의한 차이가 있었다. 즉, 대상자의 아동 호스피스 요구정도는 어머니의 연령이 $36{\sim}40$세인 경우가 요구 정도가 가장 높고 35세 이하인 경우가 가장 낮았으며 형제나 친척 중 암 환자가 있는 경우가 없는 경우보다 요구 정도가 더 높았다. 결론: 아동 호스피스에 대한 암 환아 가족의 요구 정도는 정서적, 신체적, 사회적, 영적 돌봄의 순으로 나타나 가족이 자녀의 죽음을 앞두고 자녀의 신체적 증상관리와 함께 자신의 죽음에 대한 이해가 어려운 자녀의 불안과 두려움을 경감시켜주기 원하는 부모의 특성이 파악되었다. 또한 호스피스에 대한 요구도는 높았으나 자녀에 대한 호스피스 돌봄의향은 낮게 나타나 암 환아 부모들이 적극적인 치료와 호스피스에 대한 양가감정을 가지고 있음을 유추해 볼 수 있었다. 본 연구의 결과는 암 환아 가족들을 위해 간호사가 제공해야 하는 호스피스 돌봄의 방향을 제시하고 있다고 생각되며 이를 위해서는 호스피스 관련 기관뿐만 아니라 국가적 차원의 아동 호스피스에 대한 관심과 지원이 요구된다고 생각한다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the need for child hospice care programs in families of children with cancer. Methods: The survey of 104 families who were taking care of children with cancer was conducted. This survey was conducted from February 2004 to July 2004 at two general hospitals in Seoul. The data were collected through a self-reporting questionnaire of 22 items. The items were classified into five areas by factor analysis to identify the construct validity. The reliability of the tool was established by Cronbach's alpha as .94 and the data collected were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA. Results: 1) The degree of need for hospice care of the subjects showed a high average of 3.40 (${\pm}3.8$). The need for 'emotional care of children' showed the highest mean (M=3.55), 'management of terminal physical symptoms'(M=3.49), 'control of secondary physical problems' (M=3.41), 'acceptance of the family's difficulty' (M=3.20), 'spiritual care for preparing for death'(M=3.17), respectively. 2) With respect to the demographic characteristics of the subjects, there were statistically significant differences in hospice care needs, according to the child's mother's age (F==4.980, P=.009), whether or not there were cancer patients among their siblings or relatives (t=2.423, P=.017). Conclusion: The family of children with cancer have a heavy burden of ambivalence, especially in relieving the anxiety and fear of their children, communicating about death, and managing physical symptoms. Child hospice care must be provided considering the needs of families of children with cancer. Thus popular needs as well as hospice nurses' higher concern and support for hospice care of children require further education and program development to meet the current demands.

      • KCI등재

        영상ㆍ뉴미디어 교육과정과 자격제도에 관한 인식 연구

        강진숙(Jin-Suk Kang),이영주(Young-Joo Lee),김영순(Young Soon Kim) 한국방송학회 2009 한국방송학보 Vol.23 No.2

        뉴미디어 시대 교육의 ‘특성화’는 산업사회에 필요했던 단순 실무능력이 아닌 보다 복잡하고 지능적인 미디어 활용 능력과 판단 능력을 요구하고 있다. 이것은 제도의 문제 이전에 창의적인 교육 시스템의 구축과 학생들의 자발적 참여를 통해 가능한 것이다. 이러한 문제의식에 따라 이 연구의 목적은 영상ㆍ뉴미디어 교육과정과 자격제도에 대한 교사들의 인식 사례를 분석하여 미디어 특성화 고등학교의 교과개설과 자격제도 개발 방안을 모색하기 위한 근거를 제시하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 우선, 기존 미디어 특성화 교육제도와 교육과정에 대해 검토ㆍ논의하고, 이를 바탕으로 미디어 특성화 교사들을 연구참여자로 구성하여 자유로운 토론과 의견 교환에 기반한 집단심층인터뷰를 실시하며, 그 분석결과에 근거하여 시사점과 과제들을 도출하고자 한다. Education on new media era adopted "Specialty" substituting traditionally required simple practical competence with ability to intellectually utilize and judge media. The objective could only be accomplished by implementing creative educational system and interactive participation from students notwithstanding systematical problems. With recognition of this problem, this study analyze recognition cases of teachers on educational curriculum and qualification system for new image media technologies, providing the ground for opening curriculum for media-specialized schools, and developing the qualification system. For this purpose, this study investigates and discusses current media-specialized media education system and curriculum. The considered result shall be used as a basis when teachers at media-specialized teachers are invited as survey participants. The survey will be based in mass focal interview method, where participants are invited to demonstrate individual ideas and opinions. The survey results shall provide the ground to induce implications and research themes.

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