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      • 통일시대 북방교화의 방향

        김영두 한국원불교학회 2001 圓佛敎學 Vol.7 No.-

        Until now from August, 1990, this author is keeping scholarly exchange both with scholars from the North Korea and China and with The Religious Division in China and The Association of Buddhism in China. Through the scholarly exchange, this author has collected many data and knowledges and, based on the experiences, attempts to describe the writing focusing on the subject $quot;The Direction of the North Evangelical Work in the Age of Unification$quot;. Therefore, prior to main description, this author makes clear that this writing focuses on China and the North Korea. Also, to support the main suggestions, it includes some contents excerpted from $quot;The direction and Work for the North Korea Evangelism$quot; in $quot;Won Buddhism$quot;, the 21st Edition in 1997, and $quot;The Religious Policy and Ways in China Evangelism$quot;, published in $quot;The Collection of General Won Buddhism Culture Treatises$quot;, and this author describes additional contents required in new parts of this article. Through the scholarly exchange with scholars from the North Korea and China as activities on this author's own initiatives, it could be commonly shared that Wonbuddhism thought is to erect spiritual civilization and to use maternal civilization properly. This author believes that, through the more attention from religious society and the support for continuous studying, the more improved evangelical environments may contribute for the evolution of a unified thought among people. In this article, this author reviews the processes of exchange with the North Korea until now, and, based on the review, suggests 11 ways, which are available for the North Korea Evangelism, and 9 for China evangelical work. The conclusion of this article represents this author's expectation that, because it is not a suitable time for direct evangelical work, some preparatory period is needed for it and, after that, religious workers should be officially sent in the proper time. This author had already sent 50 books of Scriture of Wonbuddhism with help from headquarters of Wonbuddhism and also graduate students who will perform the wide studies on Wonbuddhism thoughts in $quot;the Social Science Center in the North Korea$quot; are available. Therefore, given the situation, this author think that Wonbuddhism thoughts may take an important part of spiritual development and the activities for understanding Wonbuddhism thoughts will be more increased.

      • KCI등재

        스키와 스노보드 이용 고객의 스키장 이용 행태 기반 세분화

        김영두 대한관광경영학회 2020 觀光硏究 Vol.35 No.7

        스키장은 스키 이용 고객뿐 아니라 스노보드 이용 고객이 함께 활동을 하는 장소이다. 스키어와 스노보더는 스키장을 이용한다는 공통점이 있는 반면 활동 측면에서는 서로 다른 행태를 보이기도 한다. 따라서 스키장이라는 한정된 공간을 함께 이용하는 스키어와 스노보더에게 최적화된 스키장 경험을 제공하기 위해서는 스키어와 스노보더의 스키장 이용 행태를 함께 고려해야 함에도 불구하고 스키어와 스노보더의 이용 행태를 스키장을 중심으로 함께 고려하여 살펴본 연구는 거의 없는 것으로 보인다. 본 연구는 스키어와 스노보더가 스키장을 함께 이용할 때 이들의 스키장 시설 이용 최적화를 도모하고자 스키와 스노보드 이용 행태를 기반으로 한 스키장 이용자 세분화를 시도해 보았으며, 스키어, 스노보더 그리고 스키와 스노보드를 함께 즐기는 고객 간의 특성이 무엇인지를 살펴보았다. 본 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 스키와 스노보드를 중심으로 고객을 세분화해 본 결과 세분 집단은 3개 집단, 즉 스키 위주의 이용자 집단, 스노우보드 위주의 이용자 집단, 스키와 스노우보드 함께 이용하는 집단으로 세분화가 되었다. 둘째, 세분화 집단 간에는 스키장 규모 및 시설, 슬로프 및 리프트 이용, 스키 대여 및 리프트 이용 가격에 대한 지각에서 차이가 있음을 발견하였다. 셋째, 각 세분화 집단 간에는 연령, 월 소득, 혼인 여부 등에 있어서 차이가 있음을 발견하였다. 이상에서 발견된 사항이 스키장 경영에 시사하는 바를 기술해 놓았다. The ski center is a place where not only skiers but also snowboarders do activities. While skiers and snowboarders have in common that they use ski center, but they show different behaviors in terms of activities. Therefore, in order to provide an optimized ski center experience for skiers and snowboarders who share a limited space (ski center), the behavior of skiers and snowboarders must be considered together. However, there seems to be few existing studies that have considered both skiers and snowboarders’ activities of ski center. This study attemped to segment ski center users based on the behavior of skiers and snowboarders using the ski center in order to optimize the use of the ski center by skiers and snowboarders. In addition, this study investigated the characteristics of skiers, snowboarders, and customers who enjoy skiing and snowboarding together. The results of this study are as follows. First, as a result of attempting customer segmentation by considering skiers and snowboarders together, it was clustered into three groups; ski-oriented user group, snowboard-oriented user group and ski and snowboard user group. Second, it was found that there was a difference between the clustered groups in perceptions of the size and facilities of the ski center, the use of slopes and lifts, and the price of ski/snowboard rentals and lifts. Third, it was found that there were differences in age, monthly income, and marital status among clustered groups. The findings have described the implications for ski center management.

      • KCI등재

        집합건물 관리비 채권채무의 당사자와 관리비채무의 승계

        김영두 한국민사법학회 2009 民事法學 Vol.46 No.-

        In this case(Korean Supreme Court 2008. 12. 11. 2006다50420), the plaintiff was a corporation established for the management of commercial condominium, and the defendant was a unit owner who assigned his unit ownership. The plaintiff demanded for payment of assessment delayed by a former unit owner. Korean Supreme Court ruled that the defendant should be liable only for the common expense delayed by the former unit owner on the basis of Art. 266(1) of Korean Civil Code and Art. 18 of Korean Condominium Act("KCA"). Korean Supreme Court treated the plaintiff as the president of condominium association, so it applied KCA in this case. However the plaintiff was not a president of condominium association, because it was not elected as a president at the general meetings of unit owners nor by documentary resolution. It was only the president of users' association which is partly composed of unit owners who were using the unit and partly composed of lessees. KCA applies only to condominium association and doesn't apply to users' association because it is not condominium association which is solely composed of unit owners. If Supreme Court concluded that it was right of the plaintiff to demand of the unit owner common expense delayed by the former unit owner, it should find out legal basis rather than Condominium Act. So far as the legal basis couldn't be found in operative laws, it should be the implied intent of the user that, with regard to common expense, he would follow the resolution of the general meeting and bylaws of users' association which empowers the president of users' association to demand of the unit owner common expense delayed by the former unit owner.

      • KCI등재

        국제적 통일계약법의 계약해제 제도와 우리 민법의 개정방향

        김영두 한국민사법학회 2008 民事法學 Vol.43 No.2

        The international uniform contract laws, such as United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(CISG), UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contract(PICC) of International Institute for the Unification of Private Law(UNIDROIT), Principles of European Contract Law(PECL) of Commission on European Contract Law are the most important contract rules that can be referred to in the course of revision of Korean Civil Code(KCC). The international uniform contract laws share some characteristics concerning the rules of termination of contract. 1) They have general clause for termination of contract. If the debtor doesn't perform the obligation of contract and the non-performance is fundamental, the creditor can terminate the contract. It doesn't matter whether the non-performance is delay, impossibility, or non-cooperation. 2) The fault of debtor is not required for termination of contract. It means that even though the non-performance is not due to the fault of debtor, the creditor can termination the contract if the non-performance is fundamental. 3) They allows the debtor to terminate the contract when the circumstances are changed. 4) They entitles the creditor to terminate the contract for anticipatory non-performance, which means an obvious unwillingness or inability to perform the obligation of contract. 5) They entitles the debtor to terminate the contract when the creditor unlawfully reject the performance or doesn't cooperate. 6) Termination of contract has no retrospective effect, it only releases both parties from their obligations to effect and to receive future performance. These characteristics should be reviewed to confirm the need of reception into KCC. However, in reviewing the need of reception, the characteristics of international uniform contract laws should not be thought as the ideal model of contract law. Because the international uniform contract laws have the aim of unifying national contract laws, they are the result of compromise and mixture of national contract laws and have the rules which are very abstract.

      • KCI등재

        대안 구색에 따른 선택에 프레이밍과 조절초점이 미치는 영향: 절충 대안 대 양 극단 대안 그리고 대안 비교 맥락을 중심으로 -

        김영두 한국마케팅관리학회 2012 마케팅관리연구 Vol.17 No.4

        Framing Effect has studied numerous decision making areas, such as marketing, consumer, organization. Many studies have supported the existence of framing effect, but meta-analysis(Kühberger 1998; Kühberger et al. 1999; Levin et al. 1998) reported that the framing effect is not as strong as shown by Tversky and Kahneman's article(1981). And therefore, recent research on framing effect is focused on boundary conditions or moderating variables. Prior research on framing effect had focused on choice between sure option and risky option or between risky options. But option assortment, which was influenced by context effect and individual motivational difference, is likely to impact framing effect. In this study, I investigated that regulatory focus and framing influenced choice by option assortment, i.e., adding options shared with sure and risky feature between a sure option and a risky option, and, even though same wording (message), influenced on choice by composition of comparison alternatives context(positive or negative). The assortment composed of 4 options (one is sure, and another 2 options are shared with sure and risk, and the other is risky option). In this study, sure option is classified as sure thing, and the other options are classified as risky options. And in perspective of context effect, sure and risky option is classified as extremeness option, and the other is classified as compromise option. I experiment in the gain/loss domain and positive/negative domain. Findings are as follows; 1) when option assortment was composed of a sure option and multiple risky options, framing effect impacted on choice in gain/loss frame, and this effect influenced more profoundly on promotion-focus than prevention-focus, 2) gain/loss frame impacted on choice between compromise options and extremeness options, 3) compromise options were chosen more profoundly in loss condition by prevention-focused participants, 4) regulatory focus mainly influenced choice between compromise options and extremeness options in positive/negative frame, 5) even though completely same wording (message) was presented to participants, framing and regulatory focus influenced on choice, and 6) framing effect distinctively appeared in fields of arena. 프레이밍 현상은 마케팅, 소비자학 및 의사결정 분야에서 많이 연구되어 오고 있는 주제 중 하나로서, 전반적으로 그 효과가 나타난다는 연구 결과가 다수인 반면 나타나지 않거나 효과가 크지 않는다는 연구결과들도 보고되었다. 따라서 최근에는 프레이밍 효과를 조절하는 요인에 관한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 기존의 프레이밍에 관한 연구는 대안의 구색이 단일의 확정성 대안과 단일의 위험 대안 중 선택하거나 위험 대안 간 선택에 집중되었다. 그러나 본 연구에서는 대안 구색이 확정 대안과 위험 대안 이외에도 대안의 공통성에 대한 소거(cancellation)과정을 적용하여 확정성과 위험성을 동시에 가지고 있는 대안이 함께 제시되는 경우 대안 선택에 차이가 있는지를 프레이밍과 조절초점 관점에서 살펴보았으며, 또한 기댓값이 동일할 뿐 아니라 메시지도 동일하게 제시되는 대안 일지라도 비교 대상이 되는 대안들의 구성 맥락에 따라 대안 선택의 차이가 있는지를 프레이밍과 조절초점 관점에서 살펴보았다. 연구 방법으로는 실험방법을 활용하였고, 실험은 이득/손실 프레임과 긍정/부정 프레임의 2가지 영역에서 실시되었다. 실험 결과 발견된 사항은 다음과 같다. 먼저 이득/손실 프레임에서는 첫째, 대안 구색이 단일의 확정성 대안과 복수의 위험 대안으로 구성된 경우에도 프레이밍 효과가 발생하였고, 프레이밍 효과는 예방초점 보다는 향상초점의 경우 더 크게 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 양 극단 대안과 절충 대안의 선택에 프레임이 영향을 미쳤다. 이득 프레임에서는 손실 프레임 보다 양 극단 대안 선택의 비중이 높게 나타난 반면 손실 프레임에서는 양 극단 대안과 절충 대안의 선택 점유율이 대등하게 나타났다. 셋째, 예방초점은 이득 프레임 보다는 손실 프레임에서 절충 대안의 선택이 유의하게 증가하였다. 다음으로 긍정/부정 프레임에서는 첫째, 양 극단 대안과 절충 대안 간 선택에 있어서 조절초점의 주효과가 발생하였다. 특히 부정적 프레임에서는 조절초점 간 차이가 유의하게 발생하였다. 둘째, 기댓값 뿐 아니라 동일한 언어로 표현된 메시지일지라도 메시지의 비교 대상 대안의 구성 맥락과 조절초점에 따라 선택에 차이가 발생하였다. 한편 프레이밍 효과는 영역(자산의 이득/손실 영역, 메시지의 긍정/부정 비교 영역)에 따라 달리 나타났다. 이상에서 발견된 사항들의 이론적 기여와 실무적 기여를 마케팅, 소비자, 금융 및 의사결정을 중심으로 하여 기술해 놓았다.

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