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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        어학 : 동사에서 파생된 독일어 동사의 분류

        김영길 ( Yeong Kil Kim ) 한국독일어문학회 2010 독일어문학 Vol.51 No.-

        Diese Arbeit versueht, die deverbalen Verben im Deutschen zu untersuchen. In dieser Arbeit werden die Struktur, die syntaktische und semantische Funktion dieser deutsehen Verben systematisch analysiert und kiassifiziert. Im Folgenden werden Inhalt und Ergebnisse der Arbeit kurz zusammengefasst. 1. Die Struktur der deverbalen Verben wird in der Regel in 3 Typen geteilt. Die Typen sind Strukturen von Vokalwechsel des Basisverb(BV)s, BV+Suffixe und Prafixe+BV. 2. Die deverbalen Verben sind nach der syntaktischen Funktion des BVs und des Ableitungsverbs(AV) wie folgt zu klassifizieren: a. AV als BV+machen/veranlassen b. AV als BV+mehrfach/ wiederholt/ein wenig c. AV als gleiche Valenz des Vbs d. AV als Valenzanderung von BV 3. Die deverbalen Verben sind nach ihrer semantischen Funktion wie folgt zu kiassifizieren: a. Kausativa. b. b.Iterativa c. Prafixbildungen mit verschiedenen Bedeutungen, das Prafix er- hat nahmlich verschiendene Bedeutungsfunktionen wie folgende : `perfektiv`/`resultativ` und inchoativ/ `punktuell`.

      • KCI등재

        Zur Didaktisierung von Partikeln im DaF-Unterricht

        Yeong Kil Kim(김영길),Hyun Sook Jung(정현숙) 언어과학회 2000 언어과학연구 Vol.18 No.-

        Particles in German such as ja, mal, eben, wohl, nur, denn, eigentlich, bloβ may at first glance seem to be nothing but tiny, negligible fillers, but in fact have complex semantic functions, which make particles difficult for both learners and teachers of German as a foreign language. Although there has been a steady increase in research on the topic throughout the last few decades, this new consciousness has not been reflected deeply in teaching methods or teaching materials yet. The aim of this paper is to take a closer look at widely used German language textbooks, examining the didactic methods used when introducing particles. The first chapter reflects on the role and significance of particles in German, whilst Chapter 2 attempts to offer a more precise insight into the matter, giving an introduction to the grammatical structure of patterns, In order to show the variety of possible approaches and views, publications that represent teaching and learning grammar books, linguistic and normative grammar theories are analyzed. By doing so, we also attempt to clarify differences between the current research and that of approximately 30 years ago (as representative for the normative grammar we chose the Duden from 1959). In chapter 3, we analyze, as mentioned above, a number of textbooks of German as a foreign language. In chapter 4, we suggest additional ways of particle training methods which may help to overcome the shortcomings in most of the analyzed textbooks. Finally, in chapter 5, some general observations on the possibilities of teaching particles are offered.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        독일어 파생동사의 통사구조

        김영길(Yeong Kil Kim) 언어과학회 2014 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.69

        This paper aims to examine the important issues of German verbformation. In this work the structure of derivative verbs of German will be systematically analyzed and classified. The derivative verbs must have the basic word in the derivation. These verbs can have 3 basic words as part speech: noun, adjectiveand verb. From this result the following categorization of the derivative verbs: desubstantive verbs, deadjectiveverbs, deverbal verbs. The following briefly presents the content and results of this study in the sequence of work. 1. According to the component of basic word the desustandive verbsare as follows classified: 1) BS as subject 2) BS as subject predicate 3) BS as object predicate 4) BS as object 5) BS as prepositional object 2. According to the syntactic punktion of basic word the deadjective verbs are into 3 structures divided: 1) BA as subject predicate 2) BA as object predicate 3) BA as adverbial function 3. The sentence of deverbal verbs is according to syntactic function as in the following analyzed: 1) AV as BV+machen /veranlassen 2) AV as mehrfach/ wiederholt/ein wenig 3) AV as the same valenz of BV 4) AV as valenz change of BV.

      • KCI등재

        독일어 상태동사의 의미 분류

        김영길 ( Yeong Kil Kim ) 한국독일언어문학회(구 독일언어문학연구회) 2011 독일언어문학 Vol.0 No.54

        Diese Arbeit versucht, die deutschen Zustandsverben(Zv) semantisch zu analysieren und zu klassifizieren, Die deutschen Zustandsverben konnen semantisch in 6 Gruppen klassifiziert werden: 1. Die pradikativen Zv werden in 6 Untergruppen klassifiziert: a.Existenzverben b.organische Zv c.defekte Zv d. Formenverben e.optische Zv f.physikalische-mechanische, elektrische, chemische Zv 2. Lokal-relationale Zv werden durch den Faktor /+Ort/ ausgedruckt. Sie lassen sich gliedern, je nachdem ob sie, a. einen inneren Aufenthaltsort, b. einen außeren Aufenthaltsort, c. eine haltungsbezogene Position mit lockerem Kontakt bezeichnen. 3.Temporale-relationale Zv werden nur von zwei Verben gebildet: dauern und wahren. 4. Possesiv- relationale Zv werden semantisch in 3 Unterguppen gegliedert: a. unechte possessive Zv(A hat B) b. "Teil von" possessive Zv (B ist Teil von A) c. echte possessive Zv(B ist A`s). 5.Eine recht uneinheitlich gestaltete Gruppe bilden diejenigen Zv, die eine Beziehung der ``Art und Weise`` zwischen Großen zur Bedingung haben. 6.symmetrische Zv sind innerhalb des Systems aufgrund des Faktors /+Symmetrie/ eindeutig bestimmt. Es handelt sich um die Verben ahneln, sich decken, gleichen, grenzen und kreuzen.

      • KCI등재

        독일어 동사의 조어 유형

        김영길(Yeong Kil Kim) 언어과학회 2013 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.64

        The Structural Types of German Verb Formation. The Journal of Linguistic Science 64, 47-70. This paper aims to examine the important issues of German verb formation. In this work the structure and productivity of German word formation will be systematically identified. The following briefly presents the content and results of this study in the sequence of work. The morphology of German verbs differs in several respects from those of nouns and adjectives. The German verbs must have the infinitive -(e)n as the only element of verbalization. The structure of German vermin verb compounds is generally divided into four types. The types are the structures of verb + verb, noun + verb, adjective + verb, adjective + verb, and adverb + verb. The German verb compounds are predominantly formed with adverb (particle) as a first part. Because these adverbs are predominantly local particle, the main name function of these compounds will already be specified too. According to their derivative forms the derivative verbs of German are divided into three types; Type BW + VE, BW + SU + VE, PR + BW + VE. The derivative verbs must have the basic word in the derivation. These verbs can have 3 basic words as part of speech: noun, adjective and verb. Form this result, the following categorization of the derivative verbs: desubstantive verbs, deadjective verbs, deverbal verbs. Among them desubstandive verbs have the greatest productivity. (Buasn University of Forein Studeis)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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