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        공감의 법사상

        김연미(Kim, Yeonmi) 미국헌법학회 2014 美國憲法硏究 Vol.25 No.3

        미국의 오바마대통령은 이상적인 법관(ideal Judge)이라면, 고통받는 이들에게 ‘공감’(empathy)을 표현할 줄 아는 사람이어야 하고, 그는 이러한 실천을 두 명의 여성연방대법관을 임용하면서 시작하였다. 당시 오바마의 이런 공감의 강조는 법학계에 논쟁거리가 되었고, 아직도 불씨는 끝나지 않고 있다. 사람들은 ‘공감’ 보다는 그들의 판사들이 법을 사심없이 공평하게 집행하기를 바란다고 대응하였다. 공감은 ‘타인의 관점을 채택해보기’(taking up the perspective of other people)라고 할 수 있다. 공감능력은 타인의 감정을 이해할 능력이다. 법관의 공감능력은 원고와 피고, 당대의 법규범의 수범자 모두의 관점에서 희망과 고군분투를 이해하는 능력이다. 이러한 공감의 능력을 향상하기 위하여 누스바움(M. Nussbaum) 은 문학적 상상력을 통한 분별력있고 공평한 시인으로서 법관상을 제시한 바 있다. 이 글에서는 누스바움이 제시한 문학적 상상력을 통해 배양된 공정 상상력(public imagination)의 중요성이 법적 추론에서 중요한 역할을 한다는 점을 강조했다. 특히 현대 체험주의윤리학과 인지과학이 밝혀낸 감정이입으로서 공감의 능력은 칸트의 [도덕적 힘]으로서 [엄격한 아버지]은유로부터 발생한 [물리적 힘]의 은유적 맵핑을 거부한다. 오히려 [도덕적 감정이입]은 [자애로운 부모] 도덕성이라는 점에서 다양한 배경을 가진 법관들의 구성이 오히려 공평한 판결을 확보할 수 있다. 최고법원의 재판관들이 동일한 학력과 삶의 배경을 가진 자들이라면 그 사회의 규범체계는 어느 사회보다도 위험할 수 있다. 단일한 종교적 신념하에 사는 사람들의 자유가 제한될 수밖에 없는 것처럼, 현대사회의 대부분의 자유의 한계설정을 관장하는 최고법원에서 동일한 배경을 가진 재판관들만으로 구성된다면, 그 사회는 극도로 감정의 편향성에 치우친 판결을 내릴 확률이 많다. 법관은 은유적 사고를 함에 있어서 단순히 직업적 공평성만 추구하는 것이 아니라 자신이 교육받고 자라온 생물학적, 문화적 혹은 사회적 배경(context)과의 상호작용을 거쳐 법적 판단에 이른다. 감정은 가치를 판별할 수 있는 신념이나 판단의 문제와 연관된다. 만일 법관이 정의의 파수꾼이라면, 법적 추론과정에서 법적 판단에 이르기 전에 자신이 충분히 공감의 사각지대에 놓여 있을 수 있음을 인식해야 한다. 그렇지 않으면 공감의 사각지대를 극복하지 못한다. 이 글은 법적 공감능력의 중요성을 다음과 같은 몇 가지 관점에서 파악하려고 하였다. 첫째, 입법이든 사법적 판단이든 법적 허구(legal fiction)의 특성을 가지기 때문에 ‘공적 상상력’이 필요하다. 둘째, 공감은 법적 정의의 실현을 완성시키는데 필수적 요소이다. 셋째, 공감은 존재와 당위의 간격을 메꾸는 역할을 한다. 넷째, 공감은 민주적 정당성을 위해 다양한 측면에서 법관으로 하여금 역지사지의 역할을 수행하게 한다. 따라서 다섯째, 법적 추론과정에서 법관이 공감의 사각지대를 인지하지 못한다면, 법적 추론은 파탄에 이르게 된다. The President Obama of the United States emphasized that an ideal Judge ought to have empathy to those in pain, and practiced this belief by appointing two female federal judges. The debate on judge’s empathic capability has remained controversial within the legal academic field since that time. It is rather demanded by people that they want judges to enforce the law in impartial and objective manner. Empathy means ‘taking up the perspective of other people’. Judge’s decisions are influenced by a quality of empathy, of seeing, understanding and identifying with people’s hope and struggles. To improve empathic capability, Nussbaum suggested that the literary imagination is a part of public rationality , and not the whole. In her book, Poetic Justice, so as to develop judge’s empathic(compassionate) capability in legal reasoning, she suggests a novel-reading. And J. Rifkin suggests that empathy is a bridge between Is(Sein) and Should(Sollen). In particular, empathy emphasized also by modern experientialism and cognitive science. From the perspective of the brain science, … and Lakoff & Johnson’s experientialism, embodied concept is based upon a neural structure. Empathy is a metaphorical conception like the Golden Rule. Also empathy makes legal justice as our own value system. Empathy play a role of social ties that bind people together into one community. In this paper, I considers empathy from biological, cultural and normative aspects. If in one state are all the highest judges sharing similar background, normative structure of this society should be more risky than other societies in which has multiple background. As is the case in the country with one religion being less free one, lack of diversity in the highest court inevitably has the same effect to modern society. It is purely due to the fact that Judges in the highest courts makes a decision that settles down the limit of freedom within most contemporary societies. Judges’ decision through metaphorical mapping, is not merely reflected on occupational fairness. But They reach the legal decision through interaction between biological, cultural and social contexts. As emotion closely relates to the matter of faith and judgment, it is important for Judges to realize they could well be fallen into empathic ‘Blind Spots’ while reaching to legal decision through legal reasoning. Above all, judges as a watchman of justice, should recognize that empathic ‘Blind Spots’ can be in their Bodies, in order to avoid them.

      • KCI등재

        문학적 법철학연구: 법의 내용으로서 비극성

        김연미(Kim Yeonmi) 한국법철학회 2020 법철학연구 Vol.23 No.3

        필자는 3개의 문학작품을 통해 법에 내재된 비극성의 특징들을 고찰하였다. 3개의 작품을 공동체의 인륜적 비극성, 자유주의적 선택적 비극성론, 체험주의적 포괄적 비극성론의 관점에서 고찰해 보았다. 이 글 전체는 법의 원천에서의 분열현상을 법의 비극성으로 보고, 이 비극성의 파악을 위해 자연법과 실정법의 관계에 집중하였다. 이 관계는 ‘문’의 메타포를 만들어 내고 법의 경계형상들이 법의 내용적 측면에 영향을 미친다는 점을 고찰한다. 첫 번째 작품은 소포클레스의 『안티고네』이다. 이 작품을 공동체적 인륜성의 관점과 문맹적 비극성, 생물학적 인지적 부정의의 측면에서 고찰하고 문학과 철학이 분기되지 않았던 고대 그리스의 아레테(Arete)사상에 이 작품이 어떤 의미를 지니는가를 고찰하였다. 특히 헤겔을 문학적 법철학연구의 선구자로 보면서 그가 고대 그리스작품을 통해 ‘인륜성’개념을 발견한 맥락들을 짚어 보았다. 그리고 버틀러의 해석을 통해 허구적 안티고네를 친족법체계로 해석하는 것의 불가능성을 버틀러의 라깡해석에 기초하여 살펴보았다. 또한 아레테의 개념을 축소시킨 소크라테스의 철학적 혁명을 아리스토파네스의 희극, 『구름』을 통해 고찰하였다. 두 번째 작품은 카뮈의 『이방인』이다. 이 작품에는 3개의 죽음이 등장하고, 그중 뫼르소의 죽음을 개인적 선택의 귀결로 보고, 이를 자유주의적 선택성 비극성의 관점에서 고찰한다. 특히 카뮈의 부조리철학에 의거하여 이 작품을 해석하였다. 또한 뫼르소의 의식의 흐름을 추적하면서 스토아의 자연법사상이 간직한 이성적 기획에 대비하여 선택적 비극성을 생각해 보았다. 이 장에서는 아리스토텔레스의 이성적 『시학』의 구성과 이에 대한 셰익스피어와 괴테의 반이성적 기획, 그리고 벤야민의 비애극의 연구를 함께 고찰했다. 세 번째 작품은 카프카의 “법 앞에서”이다. 시골사람은 법의 문 앞에서 법치주의로 들어가려고 평생을 기다리며 산다. 문의 메타포는 법과 삶의 경계로서 식별되기 어렵다는 해석을 아감벤의 이론에 의거해서 비극성의 의미를 생각해 보았다. 법과 삶의 식별불가능성은 자연법과 실정법의 불가분성을 의미하고, 법과 불법의 식별불가능성으로서 법의 원천에 대한 문제 제기라 할 수 있다. 푸코와 아감벤의 생명정치사상은 이러한 포괄적인 법의 비극성을 보여 준다. 마치 예수가 법의 문을 닫아 버린 것처럼, 법과 삶이 구분되지 않는 상태를 아감벤은 “포함인 배제”이론으로 설명한다. 법의 문은 자연상태와 법치가 구분되지 않음에도 경계를 만들어서 안티고네적 ‘生中死’, 뫼르소적 ‘부조리’, 그리고 시골사람의 ‘예외상태’로서 잠재적 ‘호모 사케르’(Homo Sacer)를 발견하게 한다. 결국 ‘판결하기 어려운 사안’(hard cases) 문제가 현대법철학에서 발견하게 된 이유를 필자는 법의 내용으로서 ‘포괄적 비극성’이라고 불렀다. The author examines the characteristics of tragedy intrinsic in the law through three major literary works – Antigone, The Stranger and Before the Law. In each of three literature, the author identifies humanitarian tragedy of community, tragedy in choice and liberty of law, and empirical comprehensive tragedy. This essay regards the phenomenon of separation at the source of law as the tragedy of law and focuses on the relation between natural law and actual law to understand the character of tragedy. It is in this relation that the ‘door’ metaphor is created, and the author considers how border imagery of law influences its context. First work is [Antigone] by Sophocles. The author examines Antigone from viewpoints of communitarian humanity and biological cognitive injustice. This section explores the meaning of ‘Arete’ thought in Ancient Greece for Antigone when no division between literature and philosophy existed. In particular, with Hegel as a pioneer in literary jurisprudence, this section considers how Hegel discovered the concept of ‘humanity’ from Ancient Greek literature. It proceeds with the impossibility of interpreting fictional Antigone in the system of Family law on the basis of Butler’s analysis of Lacan. This section finalises with examination of philosophical revolution of Socrates that shrinks the concept of Arete though Comedy of Aristophanes, [The Clouds]. Second work is [The Stranger] by Albert Camus. In this work, among three deaths appears, the death of Meursault is seen as the result of personal choice and the author contemplates Meursault’s death from the perspective of tragedy in choice and liberty of law. The Stranger is interpreted according to Camus’ Absurdism. With tracking the flow of Meursault’s consciousness, the author considers tragedy by choice compared to the rational project of Stoic’s idea of natural law. This section considers the composition of Aristotelian rational [Poetics] alongside anti-rational ideas of Shakespeare and Goethe, and Benjamin’s study of tragedy. Third literature is [Before the Law] by Franz Kafka. A Countryman waits his entire life before the door of the law to enter the rule of law. For the ‘door’ metaphor blurs and hardly distinguishes the boundary of law and life, the author explores the meaning of tragedy according to Agamben’s theory. This indistinguishable character of law and life signifies the indivisibility of natural and actual laws. This in turn signifies indistinguishable nature of legal and illegal that can raise an issue of the source of law. Biopolitical thoughts of Foucault and Agamben show a comprehensive tragedy of law. As if Jesus closes the door of law, Agamben explains ‘inclusive exclusion’ theory as such a condition where law and life is indistinguishable. By creating the boundary between indivisible natural state and rule of law, the door of law discovers the potential ‘Homo Sacer’ from Antigone’s ‘death within death’, Meursault’s ‘Absurdism’ and ‘state of exception’ in a countryman. The author denominates the reason for discovering ‘hard case’ issues in modern jurisprudence as ‘comprehensive tragedy’ within the context of law.

      • 팬데믹시대의 법윤리적 위기 생물학적 권리논변을 중심으로

        김연미 ( Kim Yeonmi ) 아세아여성법학회 2020 아세아여성법학 Vol.23 No.-

        Under the Coronavirus Pandemic, countries around the World faces the crisis of the rule of law on life, health and safety of its citizens. Unlike modern scholars of distributive justice, i.e. John Rawls or Ronald Dworkin, Martha Nussbaum explores the crisis from the glance of her 'capabilities approach'. She offers the alternatives of the crisis from the substancial justice perspective of threat to the ecological system, the recognition of animal rights and disgust. I assume the implication of biological narrative in her theory of the rule of law. Furthermore, I investigate the crisis of life phenomenon implied in the rule of law from the viewpoint of biopolitics theories of Foucault and Agamben. M. Nussbaum’s insists on the realization of 'ten core capabilities' to enhance the 'quality of life', and this capabilites approach is based on life and emphasizes the importance of animals and environment, and the relation of human and animals. Nussbaum really emphasizes that the protection of human life and animal species and control of the environment improve the quality of human life. This paper is based on her theory of justice. I insist on the importance of environmental and animal rights in (II). Next, in (III), the legal and ethical crisis situation in relation to hate speech and disgust has increased significantly due to Covid19. Through discussions such as environmental destruction and climate change, recognition of animal rights, and hate speech, (IV) I get to consider the crisis of legal ethics depending on Foucault’s and Agamben’s ‘biopolitics’ theory that the narrative of human beings as an animal is written by the power group who has the right to life and death, in particular focuses on the power to ‘let to die’ by Foucault and its relation Homosacer by Agamben. Circumstances surrounding the Coronavirus Pandemic have led to the legal ethical crisis. Countries across the world have reached the limit of human and physical medical resources, and in the context of medical collapse distributive justice has long lost its meaning. According to the terminology used by Agamben, there is no guarantee that no one will potentially become a naked and abandoned 'Homo sacer'. Therefore, the last argument for rights in out animal narrative has the characteristics of 'biological rights argument', not political rights or any economic rights.

      • 법과 시, 그 관계의 상상력

        김연미 ( Yeonmi Kim ) 아세아여성법학회 2015 아세아여성법학 Vol.18 No.-

        Since M. Heidegger`s poetic philosophy, philosophers have read deep thoughts within poetry. Of course, many antecedent western thinkers has done that thing. Heidegger focused on two propositions- “language speaks” and “human being dwells poetically”. Heidegger approached to Language-Speaks proposition in the poem or poetry philosophically. He mediated the meeting of poetics and philosophy. I tired to think how to meet poetry, philosophy and jurisprudence in this paper. Heidegger cited Stefan Gerorge`s poem, “The words” in essays, for example, “The nature of language” in Unterwegs zur Sprache . The poem runs: The Words So I renounced and sadly see: Where word breaks off no thing may be It blooms and shines now the front along … Once I returned from happy sail, I had a prize so rich and frail, She sought for long and tiding told: “No like of this these depths enfold.” And straight it vanished from my hand, The treasure never graced my land … So I renounced and sadly see: Where word breaks off no thing may be Heidegger concentrated on the last stanza of this poem. What does ”breaks off” mean? It means “is lacking”. The last line runs: No thing may be where the word(the name) is lacking. This paper mainly concentrated on the renouncement and the relation of word and thing. In word`s breaking off, Sage(truth language in natural language) demand poet to listen. This listening demand happens also to judge. If he stand before a hard case, he know the fact that the accustomed legal terms do not put into his case. According to Heidegger, poetry(Dichten in German) is the source of language. And poetry and thinking(Denken in German) is a neighbourhood. Where legal terms break off and lack, judge has to listen and think with standing back. In jurisprudence ‘Sage’ means justice.

      • KCI등재

        농업부산물 바이오차 시비를 통한 방울토마토의 생육 변화 및 탄소격리 효과 분석

        박선용 ( Sunyong Park ),김석준 ( Seok Jun Kim ),조아영 ( A Young Cho ),김연미 ( Yeonmi Kim ),이동현 ( Doung Hyun Lee ),오광철 ( Kwang Cheol Oh ),장철성 ( Cheol Seong Jang ),김대현 ( Dae Hyun Kim ) 강원대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2022 강원 농업생명환경연구 Vol.34 No.0

        In the face of global environment problems, the mitigation or sequestration of greenhouse gases have been extensively studied. In particular, biochar has garnered much attention as a means to reduce carbon dioxide through carbon sequestration. Therefore, the present study sought to improve plant growth and enhance economic feasibility in terms of the price of carbon credits due to carbon sequestration by converting agro-byproducts to biochar and applying it as a fertilizer. Pepper stem, perilla stem, and chaff were selected as the agro-byproducts. Pepper and perilla stems were pelletized and converted to biochar. Unamended culture soil was used as the negative control and culture soil supplemented with commercial biochar as the positive control. Cherry tomato was cultivated. Each type of biochar was applied by mixing with culture soil at 0.5% (w/w) or 1% (w/w). More cherry tomatoes were produced in biochar-amended soils, although the differences between the biochar-treated and negative control groups were not significant. Plant height significantly differed between the biochar-treated and negative control groups, except in the pepper stem biochar-treated group. Total carbon sequestered was respectively 13.26% and 15.27%-26.44% in the negative control and biochar-treated groups. In terms of carbon credits, a profit of ₩3,976,906-40,130,253 ha-1 was estimated with biochar amendment. Although there was no significant difference in the number of cherry tomatoes using culture soil, a significant difference may appear if field soil is used. Moreover, profits from carbon credits due to carbon sequestration are expected to fluctuate.

      • KCI등재후보

        국립부여박물관 소장 고려시대 동종의 과학적 분석과 보존

        이선명,남궁승,김연미,김종오 국립중앙박물관 2009 박물관보존과학 Vol.10 No.-

        국립부여박물관 소장 고려시대 범종은 일부가 결실된 상태이며, 표면은 부식물과 매장당시 고착된 흙, 먼지 등으로 곳곳이 오염된 상태이다. 동종의 분석 결과, 주요 성분으로 Cu 74.18%, Sn 9.58%, Pb 15.77%가 검출되었고 기타 미량성분으로 As, Fe, Sb, Bi, Ag가 확인되었다. 동종의 미세조직은 α상 기지에 부분적으로 흰색(α+δ)공석상이 관찰되고 곳곳에서 회색 개재물(S)과 검은색 개재물(Pb 편석)이 분포하였다. 동종의 안정적 보존을 위하여 보존처리를 실시하였다. A part of the bronze bell from Goryeo (918-1392) in the collection of Buyeo National Museum was missing, and it was noted to retain corrosion products and burial accretions. Chemical analysis showed that the chemical composition of the bronze bell is Cu (74.18%), Sn (9.58%), Pb (15.77%), and very small amounts of As, Fe, Sb, Bi, and Ag. It was noted that the microstructure of the bronze bell was mainly made up of α phase and α+δ eutectoid phase, and gray (S) and black (Pb segregation) prevailed. Conservation treatment has been done for the preservation of this bronze bell.

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