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      • KCI등재

        자기조절의 신경과학

        김양태(Yang-Tae Kim) 대한생물치료정신의학회 2016 생물치료정신의학 Vol.22 No.1

        Recently, self-regulation has attracted increasing attention at both theoretical levels and practical applications. Self-regulation, changing one’s responses based on some rules, values or standards, is a crucial key to success in life. Most self-regulation occurs in three domains : thought, emotion, and impulse control. Therefore, the aim of this article reviews diverse literature on self-regulation from the perspectives of neurobiology, limited resources, and strength model. First, the costs and benefits of self-regulation as well as its definition will be provided. From a neurobiological perspective, self-regulation is mainly involved in top-down control from the prefrontal cortex over subcortical areas related to thought, emotion, and impulse. Second, acts of self-regulation seem to depend on limited resources, of which blood glucose is a key energy component. Finally, in terms of strength model, self-regulation can be improved through targeted exercises over a period of weeks.

      • KCI등재

        일본 기업방재 현황과 지원정책 연구

        김양태 ( Kim Yang-tae ),임상혁 ( Yim Sang-hyuk ) 한국일본근대학회 2019 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.66

        본 연구는 우리나라에 BCP보급·확산을 위해 방재선진국인 일본의 기업방재 현황과 BCP지원정책을 고찰·분석한 연구이다. 일본의 재해대책은 지진, 풍수해 등의 재해 원인을 특정하고 생명·신체와 자산에 대한 피해를 막는 ‘방재(防災)’가 중심이었다. 그러나 1995년 한신·아와지(阪神淡路)대지진 이후, 많은 기업이 피해를 경험하면서 자연재해와 사고에 의한 공급사슬 단절 문제가 경영현안문제로 등장했다. 특히 동일본대지진은 지진과 해일(쓰나미)뿐만 아니라 원전의 방사선물질 유출과 전력부족 등의 영향으로 일본기업에 커다란 손해를 입히면서 종래 ‘방재’에 중점을 둔 위기관리체계를 되돌아보는 계기가 되면서 ‘감재(減災, Disaster reduction)’가 중요한 키워드로 등장했다. 감재(減災)의 사고에 입각한 재해대책으로 사업지속성계획(BCP: Business Continuity Plan)과 사업지속계획관리(BCM: Business Continuity Management)가 등장했다. 사업지속성계획(BCP)이란 재난이 발생해도 기업의 비즈니스 연속성을 유지하기 위한 방법론으로 사업 중단의 원인이 되는 여러 가지 위험을 상정하여 이들을 미연에 회피, 혹은 피해를 받아도 신속하게 복구할 수 있도록 방침이나 행동수순을 규정한 것이다. 일본의 경제산업성, 내각부, 중소기업청 등은 영미 기업들 사이에 도입된 BCP, BCM를 일본에 보급·확대를 위해 BCP 가이드라인이나 운용지침을 발표하여 방재의 측면만이 아닌 경영의 관점에서 사업을 중단시키지 않고 지속시키는 지혜가 몸에 배도록 메시지를 발신하고 있다. 일본은 중앙정부, 지방정부, 민간단체에 의해 다양한 BCP책정 지원을 전개하고 있으며, 많은 성과를 거두고 있다. 우리나라는 2013년 3월 23일 「재해경감을 위한 기업의 자율 활동 지원에 관한 법률」이 제정되고 동년 12월에는 ‘기업재난 관리표준’이 마련되어 시행 중에 있다. 본 논문은 향후 우리기업이 재해경감활동에 적극적으로 관여하기 위해서는 어떠한 정책과 지원이 필요한지를 일본 사례를 통해 다양한 시사점을 제공해 주리라 사료된다. This research is a study that examined and analyzed the current status of business disaster prevention in Japan, a disaster prevention country, and the BCP support policy in Korea for the purpose of supplying and expanding BCP. Japan’s disaster measures were centered on “disaster” that specified causes of disasters such as earthquakes and feng shui and prevent damage to life, body and assets. However, since the 1995 Hanshin and Aaji earthquakes, the problem of cutting off supply chains caused by natural disasters and accidents has emerged as a management issue as many companies experience damage. In particular, “disaster control” has emerged as an important keyword as the earthquake and tsunami as well as the earthquake and tsunami, which caused huge losses to Japanese companies due to the leakage of radiation materials from nuclear power plants and power shortages, and thus led to a review of the crisis management system that traditionally focuses on “disaster.” BCP (Business Continuity Plan) and BCM (Business Continuity Management) emerged as disaster measures based on the accident of the deduction. A Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is a methodology for maintaining the business continuity of an enterprise in the event of a disaster, which presumes various risks that contribute to the disruption of the business so that they can be averted or quickly recovered from damage. Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Industry and Energy, and the Small and Medium Business Administration have issued BCP guidelines or operating guidelines to distribute and expand BCP and BCM introduced among U.S. companies, sending messages to the body so that it is wise to keep the business afloat from a management perspective, not just from a disaster perspective. Japan has deployed various BCP-assigned support by the central government, local governments and private organizations, and has made a lot of progress The Act on Support of Self-Governing Activities of Enterprises for Reducing Disaster was enacted on March 23, 2013, and the Industrial Accident Management Standards were prepared and in place in December of the same year. It is believed that this paper will provide various implications through the Japanese case on what policies and support our company needs to actively engage in disaster mitigation activities in the future.

      • KCI등재

        일본 노동시장과 고용관행의 변화 -헤이세이(平成)불황부터 최근까지의 동향-

        김양태 ( Yang Tae Kim ) 한국일본근대학회 2016 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.52

        이 논문은 헤이세이 불황 이후부터 현재까지의 일본 노동시장과 고용관행의 변화에 대해서 고찰하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 1990년대 버블경제 붕괴로 시작된 장기간의 경기침체와 회복기, 그리고 다시 2008년 글로벌 금융위기와 2011년 동일본대 지진 등을 거치면서 일본경제는 물론 노동시장 지형이 크게 변화했다. 우선 오래 동안 안정적인 수준을 유지해 왔던 실업률이 상승하고, 입직률 및 이직률이 상승하면서 노동시장의 유연화가 진행되었고, 또한 비정규고용이 큰 폭으로 증가하면서 파트타임 아르바이트, 파견, 계약, 촉탁 등의 고용형태의 다양화가 뚜렷하게 나타났다. 노동시장의 유연화 및 고용의 탄력화·다양화의 결과, 격차사회 혹은 노동빈곤 등의 문제가 사회적 이슈로 등장하기도 했다(채인석:2007, 안희탁:2013, 노상현:2004). 한편, 장기침체에 따른 저성장, 산업구조 및 고용구조의 변화, 노동력의 고령화, 정보화 사회 등의 사회경제적 환경변화 속에서 인건비를 절감하고 노동력의 효율적 이용을 확대하는 방안이 모색되면서 종신고용과 연공임금을 주축으로 하는 일본적 고용관행도 대대적인 수정작업이 진행되어 왔다. 먼저 종신고용에 대해서는 버블경제 붕괴에 따른 장기불황의 여파로 종신고용 대상자의 비율이 하락하고 평균근속연수가 줄어들면서 종신고용의 종언을 언급하는 논자도 적지 않다. 다음으로 연공임금에 대해서는 직능자격등급의 축소와 연령급 폐지를 통한 연공승격 및 정기승급의 억제(폐지), 직무급·역할급 도입을 통한 직무(역할)중심형 인사제도로의 전환, 성과·업적주의 도입, 단선형 인사관리에서 복선형 인사관리로의 전환 등이 그 대표적인 예이다(안희탁:2007). 이러한 일본적 고용관행의 변용은 종래의 획일적·일률적 성격이 강한 집단적 노사관계가 개별 근로자의 성과·업적에 따라 임금과 승진이 변동하는 개별적 노사관계로의 전환되고 있음을 의미하기도 한다. 그러나 2010년대 중·후반이후 일본적 고용관행에 새로운 동향이 나타나고 있다. 신규고용이 증가하고 고용안정과 인재육성의 관점에서 장기고용관행을 재평가 하려는 움직임이 활발하게 전개되고 있다. 이에 따라 노동자 주도의 자기계발을 강조했던 인재육성방침도 내부노동시장 중심의 기업주도로 전환되고 있으며, 과거 도입된 업적·성과주의 임금체계는 직능급 및 역할·직책 혹은 직무급으로 대체되는 경향이 증가하고 있다. 본 연구는 헤이세이불황이후 노동시장의 유연화와 고용의 탄력화·다양화 흐름을 인사노무관리 측면에서 재조명하고 현재의 노동시장의 유연화, 고용의 탄력화·다양화의 동향을 파악해 그 특징을 살펴보고자 한다. The Japanese economy and labor market have been greatly changed through recession for a long period and the recovery period started from collapse of bubble economy in 1990’s, global financial crisis in 2008 and earthquake in East Japan in 2011. The labor market started to be flexible by increase of a unemployment rate that had been kept in a stable level for a long time and a turning-in rate and turnover rate and diversification of types of employment including part-time job, dispatched labor, contract labor and non-regular labor has been clear by sharp increase of non-regular employment. As a result of flexibility of the labor market and diversification of employment, the society with gaps and working poor appeared as a social issue. Conversely, Japanese employment practice has been revised extensively with lifetime employment and seniority wages as key point by seeking for plans to reduce personnel expenses and expanding efficient use of labor in changing social and economic environment such as low growth caused by long-term recession, change of industrial and employment structures, aging of labor and information society. Regarding lifetime employment, quite many arguers have mentioned about termination of lifetime employment by decreasing a rate of lifetime employees and average years of service due to aftereffects of long-term recession caused by collapse of bubble economy. Also, regarding the seniority wages, transfer to role-centered personnel management system through control of promotion with long service and regular promotion by reducing functional qualification class and abolishing age-based pay and introduction of job-based pay and role-based pay, introduction of performance and performance-centered system and transfer from personnel management with a single line to personnel management with multiple lines are the representative examples. This transformation of Japanese employment practice means that collective labor relations that have strong traditional standardized and uniform characteristics have been transformed to individual labor relations that wages and promotion are changed according to performances and achievement of individual employees. However, a new trend of Japanese employment practice has appeared since the middle and late of 2010’s. Movements to increase new employment and reevaluate lifetime employment practice are active from stable employment and personnel training aspects. Accordingly, a personnel training policy that emphasizes labor-driven self-development has been changed to internal labor market-centered corporate’s leading and an achievement and performance-centered wage system introduced in the past have been changed to function-based pay, job-based pay, role-based pay, position-based pay or duty-based pay. In this study, by reviewing flows of flexibility of the labor market and diversification after recession in Heisei period from human resources management aspect and understanding trends of flexibility of the current labor market and flexibility and diversification of employment, its features will be reviewed.

      • KCI등재

        일본 소재·부품산업 경쟁력 원천과 연구개발 파트너십에 관한 연구

        김양태 ( Kim Yang-tae ),임상혁 ( Lim Sagn-hyuk ) 한국일본근대학회 2020 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.68

        본 연구는 우리나라의 소재·부품·장비 부문의 경쟁력 강화 정책의 효율성을 높이기 위해 정책적 대안을 마련하는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 일본의 부소재(部素材)산업을 대상으로 산업분석과 함께 경쟁력 원천을 정부정책과 기업 행동을 상세히 고찰·분석해 그 시사점을 얻고자 한다. 그러나 주지하는 바와 같이, 한·일 양국의 산업구조에는 많은 유사성이 관찰되지만, 일본의 소재 산업은 한국보다 훨씬 먼저 공업화를 추진해 왔고 그 과정에서 많은 경험과 노하우 및 기술축적을 이룩해 왔다. 우리나라는 무엇보다 원천기술의 확보를 정부 정책의 목표로 두고 있지만, 일본은 이미 확보된 탄탄한 원천기술을 바탕으로 지속적인 연구개발을 통해 한국, 중국, 대만 등 후발 국가의 추격을 따돌리면서 고부가가치 분야로의 전환을 끊임없이 시도하고 있으며 일본 정부도 보조금 및 연구개발 감세 등의 제도를 활용해 간접적 지원을 시행하고 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 양국의 소재·부품·장비 산업의 특수성과 상이성을 파악·인식하고 우리나라가 효율적으로 원천기술을 확보하는 방향에 대해서 중점적으로 고찰해 보았다. 본 연구는 일본에서 과거부터 성공적으로 진행 시켜 온 연구개발 파트너십 제도 즉 기술연구조합제도의 도입을 제언하고자 한다. 기술연구조합은 기업(중소, 대), 대학, 정출연 연구기관이 참여해 공동으로 시험연구 및 제품개발까지 시행하는 조합이다. 외부기관과의 연계를 통해 대학의 요소 기술을 중심으로 한 산학연계뿐만 아니라 공동연구, 대·중소기업 간 협력영역의 확대 및 공동연구 및 제품개발이 가능하다. This research is to develop policy alternatives to enhance the efficiency of the nation’s policies to strengthen competitiveness in the materials, parts and equipment sectors. In this study, we want to gain implications for Japan’s subsidiary industries by examining and analyzing the sources of competitiveness in detail, along with industrial analysis. As is noted, however, many similarities are observed in the industrial structure of Korea and Japan, but Japan’s material industry has pushed for industrialization much earlier than Korea and has achieved a lot of experience, know-how and technology accumulation in the process. Korea aims to secure original technologies, among other things, but Japan is constantly trying to shift to high-value-added areas by avoiding the pursuit of Korea, China, Taiwan and other later countries through continuous research and development through solid original technologies already secured, and the Japanese government is also implementing indirect support by utilizing such systems as subsidies and R&D tax cuts. This study focused on identifying and recognizing the specificity and differences between the materials, components and equipment industries of the two countries and on the direction in which Korea efficiently secures original technologies. This research suggests the introduction of a research and development partnership system, or technology research cooperative system, which has been successfully implemented in Japan since the past. Technology Research Association is a combination of companies (medium and large), universities, and research institutes that jointly conduct test research and product development. Through its links with external institutions, joint research, joint research and product development is possible, as well as industry-academic links centered on university’s element technology.

      • 알코올 의존 환자에 대한 도박과제의 임상적 적용

        김양태(Yang-Tae Kim),이승재(Seung-Jae Lee),권성민(Sung-Min Kwon),이국희(Kook-Hee Lee),권도훈(Do-Hoon Gwon),조성남(Sung-Nam Cho) 대한생물치료정신의학회 2004 생물치료정신의학 Vol.10 No.2

        입원한 알코올 의존 환자를 대상으로 두 가지 도박과제 검사를 시행하여 의사결정 손상의 유무와 이들 과제의 임상적 관련성을 평가하고자 하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) OGT 수행 결과, 알코올 의존군(-7.7±15.4)은 정상군(19.8±22.8)에 비해 성적이 유의하게 떨어져 있었다. 이러한 차이는 41장에서 60장을 선택한 구간에서부터 차이가 나기 시작하여, 이 후 구간에서 더욱 커져갔다. 2) VGT 수행결과에서도 알코올 의존군(-0.6±2.3)이 정상 대조군(11.2±4.9)에 비해 유의하게 낮은 수행정도를 보였으며, 이러한 차이는 61장 이 후 구간에서부터 나타났다. 3) OGT와 VGT 수행 결과, 본 검사에 참여한 알코올 의존군의 64%(25/39)가 두 종류의 도박과제를 모두 실패하였으며 따라서 보상이든 처벌이든 간에 미래의 결과에 대해 일관되게 둔감한 양상을 보이는 아군에 속함을 확인하였다. 4) OGT와 VGT 모두에서 ‘손상’이 있었던 예후가 가장 나쁘다고 여겨지는 군과 그렇지 않은 군으로 분류를 한 뒤, 알코올 의존 정도, 갈망 정도, 그리고 임상경과와 관련된 변수들 비교한 결과 두 군간에 의미있는 차이는 없는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 도박과제에 따른 구분의 임상적인 의미에 대해서는 보다 많은 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단된다. Objectives : The purpose of this study was to apply Iowa Gambling Tasks to alcohol dependent patients and test clinical implications of this test. Methods : The subjects were 39 patients who met DSM-Ⅳ criteria for alcohol dependence and 36 normal controls. All subjects completed computerized Iowa Gambling Tasks, namely original and variant gambling task. For alcohol dependence group, we assessed Michigan Alcohol Screening Test(MAST), Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale(OCDS), and alcohol-related factors. Results : There was a significant impairment in original gambling task performance of alcohol dependent patients(-7.7±15.4) relative to normal controls(19.8±22.8). They also showed worse performance(-0.6±2.3) on variant gambling task than normal controls(11.2±4.9). According to the performance of gambling tasks, we classified alcohol dependence group into two subgroups such as one group who failed both gambling task and the rest. The comparison between two subgroups showed that there were no significant differences in MAST, OCDS and clinical variables. Conclusions : These results support the fact that decision-making in alcohol dependent patients is poorer than normal individuals. But we could not prove the clinical usefulness of Bechara's classification by the performance of both original and variant gambling tasks.

      • KCI등재

        대규모 신경망의 관점에서 본 우울증

        김양태(Yang-Tae Kim) 대한생물치료정신의학회 2017 생물치료정신의학 Vol.23 No.1

        Recent developments in the emerging science of large-scale neural networks offer a new understanding of a coherent paradigm for cognition. The perspective of large-scale neural networks provides a powerful framework for investigating psychopathology in psychiatric disorders. In a similar vein, altered organizations in large-scale neural networks are shown to play a prominent role in depression. In this respect, this review gives an overview of a diverse literature on depression from the perspectives of large-scale neural networks. First, both definition and function of large-scale neural networks will be provided. Second, from a large-scale neural networks perspective, symptoms of depression will be discussed. Next, the relationship between psychodynamics of depression and altered organizations in large-scale neural networks will be addressed. Lastly, it will be explained how antidepressants and psychotherapy influence on large-scale neural networks. Understanding depression in terms of large-scale neural networks will be expected to provide a better option of treatment for depression.

      • KCI등재후보

        시점간 선택과 중독

        김양태(Yang-Tae Kim) 한국중독정신의학회 2016 중독정신의학 Vol.20 No.2

        Intertemporal choice refers to decision making between immediate but smaller and delayed but larger rewards. This decision-making is ubiquitous in real life such as in the domains of health, retirement savings, and education. Although it is usually assumed that humans generally prefer sooner over later rewards, growing evidence suggests that this preference shows interindi-vidual diversity and can vary according to the context. Recently, interdisciplinary approaches including behavioral economics, neuroscience and psychiatry have elucidated the psychological and neural mechanism underlying intertemporal choice and have suggested novel intervention methods for intertemporal choice. Therefore, the goal of this article is to review the diverse literature related to intertemporal choice. First, the concept of intertemporal choice and context-dependent change in intertemporal choice will be introduced. Next, the neural mechanism of intertempoal choice will be explained from the perspective of neural network and dopamine. Then, the high discount rate in intertemporal choice in patients with addiction will be addressed. Finally, diverse interventions which reduce high discount rate in intertemporal choice will be suggested.

      • KCI등재

        중독환자에서 보이는 사회인지의 손상

        김양태(Yang-Tae Kim) 대한생물치료정신의학회 2011 생물치료정신의학 Vol.17 No.1

        When we engage in social interaction with others, we constantly share and infer their emotion, belief, and thought. Thus, social cognitions such as emotion recognition and mind-reading play a crucial in successful interpersonal relationship. It has been demonstrated that social brain including the amygdale, anterior cingulated cortex, insula, orbitofrontal cortex and medial prefrontal cortex are activated in association with social cognition. In fact, social cognition deficits have been reported in a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders, for example, autistic spectrum disorder, patients with frontal lobe damage, and schizophrenia. Recently, several studies revealed that substance abusers showed the impairments in social cognition and alterations in neural correlates relevant to it. Thus, social cognition deficits and altered neural networks related to it in substance abusers may lead to misunderstandings and impairment of interpersonal communication, which could in turn contribute to hostility and stress during interpersonal relationship. These alterations in socio-emotional behaviors might be related to relapse and sustainment of substance abuse. Therefore, treatment and rehabilitation for substance abusers must consider the role of social cognition and include relearning of social interactions and behaviors.

      • KCI등재

        우반구와 좌반구의 기능적 비대칭성

        김양태(Yang-Tae Kim) 대한생물치료정신의학회 2013 생물치료정신의학 Vol.19 No.1

        Asymmetry between right and left hemispheres had been of interest long before Broca reported the specialization of the left hemisphere for language. Recently, however, the concept of left hemisphere dominance was changed into an effort to investigate functional differences between two hemispheres as neuroscientific research has extended into the areas of visuospatial perception, emotion, and social cognition. Here, we review the diverse literature describing hemisphere asymmetries in terms of evolutionary theory, neuroscience, and psychotherapy. First, the conflict between both hemispheres, from ancient times until the present, ending in the final triumph of the left hemisphere, will be discussed. Then, from the neuroscientific perspective, the functional asymmetries between right and left will be provided. Finally, the application of functional asymmetry between two hemispheres to psychotherapy will be addressed through right-brain affect regulation and couple cases. From the perspective of neurobiology, psychotherapy can stimulate horizontal, and interpersonal integration.

      • KCI등재

        신경생물학적 관점에서의 사회적 의사결정

        김양태(Yang-Tae Kim) 대한생물치료정신의학회 2012 생물치료정신의학 Vol.18 No.2

        A lot of important decisions are made in the context of social interactions because we live in highly complex social environments. In order to investigate social decision-making in the laboratory setting, simple but sophisticated tasks such as Ultimatum game, Prisoner’s dilemma, and Trust game have been used from a branch of behavioral economics. Recently, a variety of neuroscience methods including functional neuroimaging, brain-damaged neurological patients, transcranial magnetic stimulation, pharmacological manipulations have been used to examine the underlying neural networks for social decision making. Neural systems such as insula, caudate nucleus, ventromedial, ventrolateral, dorsolateral, and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex are recruited for inequity aversion, reciprocity, abstract and delayed reward, emotional regulation, social norm, and mentalizing respectively. These neural systems are also modulated by neurochemicals including serotonin and testosterone, which promote and suppress prosocial behavior respectively. Additionally, recent progress has been made in understanding the neural differences between normal subjects and patients with mental illness in social decision-making. Overall, the study of social decision-making in the perspective of neurobiology has been growing rapidly and the current state of knowledge as described here seems to provide many interesting avenues for future research.

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