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      • 의례와 지역사회의 상호작용에 대한 고찰 : 시만토강 유역사회에 대한 민족지적 연구를 중심으로 An Ethnographic Study of Shimanto Riverside Society

        김양주 培材大學 附設 社會科學硏究所 2005 사회과학연구 Vol.26 No.-

        The writer has been contemplated variation and following culture which was occurred in Shimanto Riverside Society in 1950 to 1980. In detail, this article discussed traditional and modern Matsuri through two kinds of festivals firstly. Secondly, it was discussed through a method called 'country,' which is a comprehensive point of view. This paper looked into through above two aspects; the circumstances that Japanese society face later than 1980, conditions to overcome, society's common task and rebirth for better circumstances. This paper is trying to organize the above awareness of issues, viewpoint and the result, which was obtained by the method. At first, the paper tried to find out the answer of 1) what is the Matsuri's meaning to modern Japanese society and residents, 2) what is propping up the Matsuri. Second, the writer ponders about 1) how residents consider Shimanto River and its surrounding ecosystem, 2) how can we maintain and develop this recognition. Last but not least, the article discussed 1) if it is possible to contemplate dynamic aspects of rite and society through these two interactions or inter-regulation, 2) how can we improve unanalyzed facets in this Ethnography from now on.

      • 축제론의 탈영토화 : 축제기계와 유목축제론 시도

        김양주 培材大學校 人文科學硏究所 2018 人文論叢 Vol.35 No.-

        이 글이 시도하는 것은 ‘전쟁기계’ 개념에서 촉발된 ‘축제기계’, 그리고 그의 ‘유목축제론’이다. 탐구와 논의의 중심 문제와 주제들은 크게 다음과 같다. 전쟁기계의 축제기계화, 국가축제와 유목축제, 축제의 유목론 또는 유목축제론, 유목축제를 위한 축제기계의 실천론, 그리하여 기존 축제론 으로부터의 탈영토화를 위한 축제-되기 등등이 주된 논의가 된다. 결론적으로 기존의 ‘축제 일반언설’ 혹은 ‘축제 담론’들— 1)축제는 정체성의 확인, 2)축제란 신화적 세계나 역사적 사실의 재현, 3)축제는 일상에서 비일상으로 전환된 시공간―들로 부터의 탈영토화한 새로운 문제적 명제들을 제시한다. 이것은 바로 축제의 탈영토화를 위한 실천적 작업이며, 이는 ‘축제-되기’의 시도이다. This paper is looking for a new festival theory. So it starts from the question which is ‘what kind of thing which is festival?’ instead of ‘what is festival?’ Therefore, this festival theory is not to deals with a festival itself, but to attempts to find out actually how the festival acts and operates. In other words, the main purpose of this paper is to show how the festival to become and to be made rather than to make a definition or the concept of festival. How it works? What kind of time-space features are shown? What are the potential risks? I believe that the process to find out the answers about these questions is the actual way to tell about the festivity. For the revolutionary and creational festivity, it is necessary to de-territorialize from current festivals. Also I feel the necessity and urgency. So I call it not ‘festival-doing’ or ‘festival-making’ but ‘festival-becoming’ Maybe this process itself means that festival is production of desire and will be a path to the practical actions. Why ‘festival-becoming’ Therefore, what is ‘festival-becoming’

      • 의미의 축제

        김양주 培材大學校 人文科學硏究所 2015 人文論叢 Vol.32 No.-

        축제가 우리에게 주는 의미는 무엇일까? 축제의 의미? 아니면 의미의 축제? 우리의 삶은 축제일까? 인생은 진정 축제가 될 수 있을까? 축제를 사유할 때 대결하여야 하는 것은 없는가? 있다면 그것은 무엇일까? 축제는 배치인가? 또는 욕망인가? 축제는 무엇인가라고 묻는 것이 아니라면 어떤 것이어야 하는가? 차이나지 않는 지루하고 허망한 반복이 아니라 차이나는 반복으로서의 축제는 가능할 것인가? 축제의 사유. 축제를 향해 던져지는 수많은 물음들. 축제의 차이와 반복 What is the meaning of the Festival gives us? The meaning of the Festival? Or the Festival of the meaning? Our lives would festival? Could life really be a feast? Is there something or anything to make confrontation when we have to think about the festival confront? What are these if its there are? Is the festival arrangement or desire? What the Festival should be? Is it possible that festival will not be a vain repetition but a differential repetition? Is there any exit which from the stratified festivals to the de-stratified festivals? So could our lives can lead to flight? This article is not the correct answer but one answer of these numerous questions thrown towards the festival in the process of thinking festivity. The differentiation and repetition of the Festival. keyword: meaning of the festival. the festival of the meaning. confrontation to the festival. arrangement. desire. stratification and destratification. stratification and de-stratification. differentiation and repetition.

      • 극동 캄차트카 지역의 학제적 연구 가능성 고찰

        김양주 배재대학교사회과학 연구소 2004 사회과학연구 Vol.25 No.-

        This paper is to search Kamchatka region's possibility of interdisciplinary research comprehensively. Kamchatka peninsula's nature, people and society are not yet well known to us. Therefore, it contains many possibilities -including researches and interchanges- of environment and ecology, ethnic composition and lives, and their socio-cultural aspects. There are academic exchange and research project development, cultural interchanges with various groups and individuals, research and research project development for outsiders and insiders in University. Also, accumulation about region-relating information is expected. Hence, this paper's purpose is to provide intensive fieldwork and exploration all above mentione

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        "리조트 입국"의 결과와 전환 - 고치현의 사례를 통해 본 국가적 관광정책과 지역사회 관광개발의 동태 : "리조트 입국"의 결과와 전환

        김양주 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2003 日本硏究 Vol.21 No.-

        This writing is the movement of international tour system and the tour improvement of community, through the examples of Kochi agriculture in Japan. This is a research about the country and the local self-governing body, which make tourism for production. In the big theme of social change and movement of cultivation. I tried to find out tour system of community, which follows after change of Japanese society. This definitely purpose on the understanding of Japanese culture through the tourism. The main focus is what were the actual effect and the process of tour development, which was made in country, about community in late 1980s. Moreover, this writing is a discussing about "Zenso which is national development policy that contributed with its capacity and ability when Japanese society was in between industralization in late 1980s. Meanwhile, the community problems about depopulation and old-aging, which was happened in this time, and "Muraokoshi", which is confrontation of community problems that is activation of community, will be understood through example of the village in Kochi.

      • 불빛의 축제

        김양주 培材大學校 人文科學硏究所 2020 人文論叢 Vol.37 No.-

        불빛의 축제. 축제의 등대. 두개의 등대가 있다. 홈패인 등대와 매끄러운 등대. 하나가 살아있는 등대라면, 다른 하나는 죽은 등대 이다. 피직스로서의 등대와 메타피직스로서의 등대. 야위어가는 등대와 풍요롭게 부활하는 등대. 영토화된 등대는 사라져 갈 뿐이다. 탈영토화하는 등대만이 부활한다. 죽은 자만이 부활하며, 죽으려는 자만이 살 수 있는 것처럼. 살아남은 자는 부활할 수 없듯이, 탈주를 멈춘 등대는 재단장이나 재건축이나 재활용을 통해서 다시 살아나진 않는다. 새로 태어나는 등대는 리모델링이 아니라 탈영토를 거듭하며 풍요로운 반복을 통할 때만 그것이 가능해 진다. 새로운 시대에 변화하는 등대를 위하여. The festival of lights. The lighthouse of the festival. There are two types of lights. One is the ‘the striated’ lighthouse and the other is ‘the smooth’ lighthouse. If one is a living, the other is a dead lighthouse. Lighthouse as physics and lighthouse as metaphysics, lean and resurgent. The territorialized lights are only disappearing. Only de-territorialized lights will be revived. Only the dead will be resurrected; only who want to die can live. Just as those who survive cannot be revived or resurrected, Lighthouses that have stopped running away will not be reconstructed again by refurbishment, reconstruction or recycling. You can’t make it through remodeling. In order to reborn and rebuild, we have to leave and desert the old territory. The newly born lighthouse is only possible when the abundant repetition continues.

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