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      • A Process Mining Technique for Performer Recommendation Using Decision Tree

        Aekyung Kim(김애경),Jae-Yoon Jung(정재윤) 대한산업공학회 2012 대한산업공학회 추계학술대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.11

        This paper demonstrates that the process model discovered from historical event log can be extended to predict business performance and recommend performers of running instances. For the performance prediction and the performer recommendation, we adopt decision tree, which is a decision support tool in management science. Decision trees are commonly used to help identify alternative most likely to reach a goal. The proposed approach is aimed at supporting managers in performer decision-making processes, based on historical data such as completion time and cost according to the performers. To provide effective performer recommendation, we use several filtering with performers to the decision tree, which allows for a suitable recommendation according to characteristics processes. The proposed technique is evaluated through an experiment using real-life event log in telecom service industry. The main contribution of this paper is to provide a real-time decision support tool by recommending the best performer for a target performance indicator during process execution based on historical data.

      • KCI우수등재

        마오쩌둥 시기 중국의 주권정책: 중·소 동맹과 중·영, 중·일 수교과정을 중심으로

        김애경(Aekyung Kim) 한국국제정치학회 2021 國際政治論叢 Vol.61 No.3

        이 글은 마오쩌둥 시기 중국의 주권정책을 고찰한다. 마오쩌둥 시기 중국은 강경한 주권원칙을 고수했다. 제국주의 국가들의 식민통치에서 벗어나는 과정, 내전을 통해 정권을 획득하는 과정에서 마오쩌둥은 어떤 국가도 중국의 내정에 간섭할 수 없고 중국 국경 내(內)의 일은 스스로 해결할 것이라며 주권원칙 제시했다. 마오쩌둥시기 중국은 ‘새롭게 시작한다(另起爐灶)’, ‘과거를 청산한다(打掃房子再請客)’와 ‘평화공존5원칙(和平共處五原則)’을 제시하며 주권수호 의지를 표명했다. 그런데 마오쩌둥 시기 중국은 새로운 인센티브나 명확한 물질적 보상에 직면했을 때 주권의 일부를 양보하는 유연한 정책으로 활용했다. 이는 중소 동맹 체결과 중영 수교과정에서 홍콩문제에 취한 중국의 태도, 중일 수교과정에서 주권관련 이슈에 대한 중국의 태도에서 잘 나타나고 있다. 이 세 가지 사례는 마오쩌둥 시기 수교협상 과정에서 중국이 주권이슈에 타협적인 모습을 보였던 대표적인 예이다. 마오쩌둥 공산당 정부는 국민당 정부를 부정하고 공산당 정권의 대내외적 합법성을 표명하며, 경제발전을 통한 국가부흥에 도움이 되는 명확한 물질적 보상과 이익을 만족시킬 수 있多(다)면 핵심 이익인 영토주권의 문제에서도 타협의 태도를 보였다. 절대적 주권개념을 주장하던 마오쩌둥 정부가 주권을 원칙이 아닌 정책으로 활용했다는 점은 향후 중국이 국가 간 관계 및 정책에서 취할 수 있는 행태를 전망하는 데 유용할 것이다. G2 국가로 부상한 현재에도 중국은 여전히 주권수호에 대해 강한 의지를 표명하고 있어, 주권문제에 대한 중국의 레토릭과 행태의 일치여부에 대한 정확한 분석은 매우 중요하다. This article examines China’s sovereignty policy during the Mao Zedong period. China adhered to the strict principle of sovereignty during the Mao period, In the process of being out of colonial rule by imperialist countries and getting into power through civil war, Mao Zedong presented the principle of sovereignty, stating that no state can interfere in China’s internal affairs and that the affairs within China’s borders will be resolved by itself. China expressed its will to protect its sovereignty by proposing ‘LingQiLuZao(另起爐灶)’, ‘DaSaoFangZiZaiQingKe(打掃房子再請客)’, and ‘the five principles for peaceful coexistence(和平共處五原則)’ during the Mao period. However when China faced new incentives or clear material rewards, the sovereignty principle was used flexibly as a policy during the Mao era. This is well reflected in the process of signing an alliance between China and the Soviet Union, China’s attitude toward Hong Kong issues in the process of establishing Sino-British diplomatic relations and China’s position toward sovereignty issues establishing diplomatic ties between China and Japan. These three cases are representative examples that China has shown compromising attitute on sovereignty issues in the process of discussion on diplomatic relations The Communist government of Mao Zedong also showed a compromise attitude in the issue of territorial sovereignty, which is a core interests, if they deny the the Kuomintang’s government, expressing the internal and external legitimacy of the Communist Party regime and can satisfy clear material rewards and benefits that help revitalize the nation through economic development. The fact that the Mao’s government, which had insisted on absolute sovereignty, used sovereignty as a policy rather than a principle would be useful for predicting what actions China could take in future inter-state relations and policies. Even now, as a G2 country, China still expresses a strong will to safeguard its sovereignty, so it is very important to accurately analyze whether China’s rhetoric and behavior on the issue of sovereignty are consistent.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        지식경제에서의 지역인적자원개발 정책과제 : 대구 · 경북의 사례를 중심으로

        김애경(Aekyung Kim),김영용(Youngyong Kim),김종한(Jonghan Kim) 한국지역사회학회 2007 지역사회연구 Vol.15 No.2

        Globalization and the Knowledge economy are new challenges to not only national levels but also most regions. Thus those regions that have successful regional assets such as high skilled worker, appropriate institutions, and government policy could be successful in global competition. Human resources determine the innovation capacity of locals and regional growth in the Knowledge economy. This study focuses on the regional human resources development(RHRD) which is critical factor for local innovation capacity and regional innovation system(RIS). Also, this study deals with the new role of local government policy for regional human resources development which is needed for the creating effective regional economic development strategies. From the result of intensive interviews with specialists who work at local government and institutes at Daegu · Kyungpook region, we can infer that the necessity for RHRD for local government is urgent and critical. The policy agenda for RHRD which are inducing from the case study could be summarized as follows. Firstly, legal and institutional bases for RHRD should be built as soon as possible. Secondly, the local government organization and agents for RHRD must be strengthened. Thirdly, financial support for RHRD is also necessary condition. And, above all things, by the conclusion of the importance of governance system for effective RHRD, we proposes a new general RHRD organization for local government such as 'Daegu · Kyungpook Human Resources Administration'.

      • KCI등재

        세계금융위기와 베이징컨센서스의 대외적 확산?

        김애경(Kim, Aekyung) 연세대학교 동서문제연구원 2010 동서연구 Vol.22 No.2

        이 글은 세계금융위기 이후 중국이 베이징컨센서스를 확산하는가에 대해 분석한다. 2008년 세계금융위기는 워싱턴컨센서스의 발전모델로서의 적실성에 대한 의구심이 제기되고 이에 대한 대안을 모색할 필요성이 제기되면서 베이징컨센서스이 주목을 받게 되었다. 특히 국제사회에서 중국의 정치ㆍ경 제적 역할이 증가되고 개발도상국들이 중국에 보내는 긍정적 평가는 세계금 융위기 이후 중국이 자국의 발전경험인 베이징컨센서스를 확산시킬 것이라는 우려를 낳고 있다. 그러나 중국이 의도적으로 베이징컨센서스를 확대하고자 한다고 판단하기에는 아직 이르다. 베이징컨센서스 자체가 가지는 불완전성, 내재적 모순, 원칙 지향적 특성은 합의(consensus)라고 부르기에 부족하다. 중국은 아직 지속적으로 발전해야 하는 과제를 안고 있고 자신들의 책을 쓰고 있는 상황이다. 때문에 베이징컨센서스는 중국의 성공을 전제로 하는 진행형이다. 따라서 중국이 만약 금융위기로부터 상대적으로 상처 없이 잘 빠져나온다면 베이징컨센서스는 개발도상국이 선택할 수 있는 경제성장모델이될 수 있다. This article investigates that will China spread Beijing Consensus after global financial crisis. Many Analyst cast doubt on Washington Consensus that it is suitable for development model. Because it is suggested that the alternative should provide, Beijing Consensus is paid close attention after global financial crisis. In addition, as China s influence increase politically and economically in international society and developing countries stand for China, much concern is being voiced about spreading Beijing Consensus. But it seems a little early that China has a desire to spread Beijing Consensus. It is not suitable to call it Consensus as Beijing Consensus still has incompleteness. China has a mission that is to achieve continuous economic growth. So continuous economic growth is a prerequisite for Beijing Consensus and it is making now. If China would weather the crisis relatively without hardship, Beijing Consensus will be a model that developing countries wish to follow.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국제질서의 변화와 중국 대외전략에 대한 담론 검토

        김애경(Aekyung Kim) 서울대학교 아시아연구소 2012 아시아리뷰 Vol.2 No.2

        이 글의 목적은 국제질서 변화와 중국 대외전략에 대한 중국 내 논의를 분석하는 것이다. 국제질서와 중국의 대외전략에 대한 논의는 이미 1990년대 말, 2000년대 초반에 매우 활발하게 토론된 바 있다. 이후에도 중국의 국제적 위상이 제고되면서 중국의 대외전략 변화 여부에 대한 논의는 지속되었는데 2008년 글로벌 금융위기를 계기로 재차 논의의 지평이 넓어졌고 일부 이슈에 대해서는 학자들의 논조 변화를 엿볼 수 있었다. G2의 개념을 적극적으로 수용하고 있지는 않지만, 많은 전문가들이 국제질서의 권력구조가 변화하고 있다는 점을 인정한다. 중국의 국제적 역할과 발언권 확대와 관련된 논의에서는 중국이 역할을 해야 하는지 아닌지에 대해 논의했던 이전과는 다르게 어떤 역할을 어떻게 해야 하는지에 대한 논의로 변화되었음을 알 수 있었다. 중국의 발전모델 확산과 관련한 학자들의 평가는 대체로 부정적이다. 베이징 컨센서스라고도 불리는 중국의 발전모델이 존재하는지에 대한 근본적인 의구심을 제기하기도 한다. 다만 미국이 신자유주의 모델을 전세계에 천편일률적으로 확산시키는 것에 부정적 반응을 보였던 중국으로서는 중국의 부상이 신자유주의 모델 확산에 견제 역할을 했다고 평가한다. This article aims at reviewing the discourses of international order shift and of China’s strategies with foreign policy, based on domestic debates within China. While the rise of China’s status triggered debates on the international order and China’s foreign policy strategies, by the early 1990s to early 2000s, they became topics of heated discussion with a focus on determining the strategic changes in China’s foreign policy. After the global financial crisis in 2008, the broadened range of debate and the changing opinions of scholars began to be found in some issues. Despite their unwillingness to accept G2 in its original concept, many experts agree on the shift in the power structure of the international order. It is evident that scholar’s debates have since changed from those of discussing China’s status in the international order, to those of discussing the appropriate role of China. As for the expansion of China’s development model, scholars’ reviews have been generally negative. They have raised fundamental questions doubting the existence of a development model for China, a collective doubt which has come to be known as the “Beijing Consensus.” However, scholars in China have criticized that the rise of China has only played the role of ‘checks and balances’ in the expansion of the economic development model, “Washington Consensus,” which was monopolized by the United States.

      • KCI우수등재

        요양병원 노인 환자를 위한 신체활동증진 프로그램 개발 및 효과

        류세인(Ryu, Se In),김애경(Kim, Aekyung) 기본간호학회 2020 기본간호학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a physical activity promotion program and identify it’s effects on physical fitness, fall efficacy, vitality, happiness, and adaptation for older adults hospitalized in long-term care hospital. Methods: The research design was a quasi-experimental, nonequivalence control group design. Older adults in long-term care hospitals were assigned to the experimental (n=28) or control group (n=27). The experimental group received a 12-week program consisting of total of 60 sessions, 5 times a week for 20-40 minutes per day. Results: The homogeneity test for the participant physical performance showed no statistically significant differences between the two groups. There were a statistical significant differences between the two groups in muscular strength (Right t=13.81, p=.001, Left t=48.91, p=.001), muscle endurance (t=99.50, p=.001), cardiopulmonary endurance (t=50.12, p=.001), coordination (t=-7.94, p=.001), balance existed (t=-4.84, p=.001), flexibility (t=20.23, p=.001), fall efficacy (t=6.06, p=001), vitality (t=7.01, p=.001) and happiness (t=3.95, p=.001). There was no significant statistical difference between the experimental group and the control group for adaptation (t=0.74, p=.460). Conclusion: The results of this research supports the use of the physical activity promotion program developed in this research as a physical activity and happiness promoting program for older adults in long-term care hospital.

      • KCI우수등재

        요실금 중년여성의 삶의 질 구조모형

        염영란(Yeom, Young Ran),김애경(Kim, Aekyung) 기본간호학회 2021 기본간호학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors affecting the quality of life of middle-aged women with urinary incontinence by using Wilson and Cleary (1995)"s health-related quality of life model and previous studies. This article was done to construct a model for the collection of data on women with urinary incontinence and verifying the suitability of the model and the hypotheses presented in the model. Methods: A total of 209 valid questionnaires which met the criteria of middle-aged women who experienced urinary incontinence was used for final analysis. The exogenous and endogenous variables of the hypothesis model consisted of age, number of delivery, menstrual status, self-esteem, social support, physical symptoms, depression, anxiety, self-care agency and quality of life. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS/WINdow 25.0 and AMOS 18.0 program. Results: The fitness of the modified model, x²/df=1.675, RMR=0.047, RMAEA=0.057, GFI=0.900, AGFI=0.855, NFI=0.923, TLI=0.957, CFI=0.9674. In the modified model, self-esteem showed the strongest total impact including the direct and indirect impacts on the quality of life of women with incontinence. In the result of verification of the modified model, quality of life explained by 58.8% through self-esteem, social support, self-care agency. Conclusion: Efforts are needed to improve self-esteem for middle-aged women with urinary incontinence, alleviate psychological symptoms, and develop self-care agency that they can manage themselves. Various aspects of physical, mental and psychological aspects can be comprehensively assessed and utilized to develop an interactive strategy system through individual programs and social support.

      • KCI등재

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