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      • KCI등재

        염도계 및 Mohr법으로 측정된 HMR 제품의 나트륨 함량과 제품 영양표시 상의 나트륨 함량 비교

        김순미,박희옥 한국식생활문화학회 2019 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.34 No.6

        Two experiments were conducted to determine how much sodium in food could be detected using a salinity meter. First,the salinity of mixed solutions of 0 to 6% sugar, 0 to 5% oil, and 0 to 6.4% MSG in a 1% NaCl solution was measured usinga salinity meter and a Mohr titration method, and the results were compared with the calculated sodium expectations. Asa result, the sodium contents of the sugar solutions and MSG solutions measured using a salinity meter were lower than theexpected concentrations at 2% or more and 0.8% or more, respectively (p<0.05). The salinity of the 18 HMR products wasmeasured in the same way, and the results were then compared with the sodium contents of the nutrition facts. The averagesodium content of all products measured using the salinity meter and Mohr method was 1.12 times and 1.06 times thesodium content of the nutrition facts, respectively. On the other hand, the differences between the products were significant. The correlation coefficients between the nutrition facts and salinity meter, the nutrition facts and the Mohr method, and thesalinity meter and Mohr method were 0.885, 0.920, and 0.950, respectively (p<0.01).

      • KCI등재

        大埜 柳健休의 《異學集辨》에 나타난 천주학 비판에 관한 연구

        김순미 (재)한국교회사연구소 2014 敎會史硏究 Vol.0 No.45

        In this paper, commentary of Different Science Collection(異學集辨) an introduction to the writings of motivation and systems and content. And I recognized analyze criticism content and criticism about the features of the “Catholicism” out of this book. Andong in the early 19th century Confucian scholar Dae-ya Ryu, geon-hyu’s(大埜 柳健休) wrote a book called commentary of Different Science Collection (異學集辨). In the preface said the Catholic students and he wrote a book because of that to mess up the Choseon Kingdom. So then come as a threat to the Catholic since neo-Confucianism by telling them the excuse of other studies of demonstration them all. And other studies have already become extinct as Neo-Confucianism is that Catholicism may one day will die if we prosper. But it is Dae-ya Ryu, geon-hyu’s(大埜 柳健休) the reasons were unwilling to a surface area and inside there was seems to be the urgency that they must shelter them from “noron”(老論) to “Yŏngnam namin”(嶺南南人). Led to a Catholic Persecution of 1801(辛酉迫害) that were “noron” “Gi-ho namin”(畿湖南人) would drive her life out of them are “Yŏngnam namin” them work to find a way in order not to be a target. Neo-Confucianism(性理學) is well preserved, claiming that the place as Andong is reform of the next generation of Teogye Lee, Hwang(退溪 李滉). And “Gi-ho namin” and behavior more emphasize that the target did not want to be removed due to political opponent. So rather than theoretical content of Catholic studies in “Gi-ho namin” are criticized the attitude to understand Catholicism by doing so, the “Yŏngnam namin” “Gi-ho namin” stressed that a different view. So then the limits of Catholic studies in understanding for the Dae-ya Ryu, geon-hyu’s naked. To sum up, as below it. First, various issues of Catholic studies in not dealing with the best. This superficial criticism because he always key and get us out of. Because of this superficial criticism and speak beyond the core. Second, he is logical leap as a senior’s opinion criticising. Third, of Neo-Confucianism supremacist ideology have. Because of the Joseon’s status is quite natural to think society. Although Dae-ya Ryu, geon-hyu’s of Catholic studies in criticisms are fragile, the leap myself, deep limitations, if any, is revealed. Later Ryu, chi-myeong(柳致明) school’s of thought of influence therefore until expel wickednessl consciousness, we will do by book I’m looking for the flow of “Youngnam maninso”(嶺南萬人疏) significance. 본고에서는 《이학집변》이라는 책의 저술 동기, 체제와 내용에 대해서 소개하였다. 더불어 이 책 가운데 〈천주학〉 편을 분석하여 천주학 비판 내용과 비판의 특징, 한계점 등을 살펴보았다. 《이학집변》은 19세기 초 안동의 성리학자였던 대야가 쓴 책으로 서문에는 천주학도들이 조선을 어지럽히는 것에 대한 분노 때문에 이 책을 썼다고 했다. 그래서 당 시대에 위협적으로 다가오는 천주학을 빌미 삼아 원시 유학 이래 이학들을 모두 모아 변증하면서, 이미 사라진 전대의 이학들처럼 정학을 밝히면 천주학도 언젠가는 사라질 것이라고 했다. 하지만 그것은 대야가 표면적으로 드러낸 이유이고, 이면에는 노론으로부터 영남 남인들을 보위해야 한다는 절박함이 있었던 것으로 보인다. 노론들이 신유박해를 일으켜 기호 남인들을 대거 축출시키자 영남남인들은 그들의 표적이 되지 않기 위하여 방도를 찾아야만 했다. 안동은 대대로 퇴계의 덕화가 미쳐 성리학이 잘 보존된 지역임을 내세우고,기호 남인들과 성향이 다르다는 것을 강조하여 정적 제거 대상이 되지않으려 했다. 그래서 천주학의 이론적인 내용보다는 기호 남인들이 천주학을 이해하는 태도를 비판함으로써 영남 남인들은 기호 남인들과 생각이 다르다는 것을 강조하였다. 그러다 보니 천주학 이해에 대한 대야의 한계가 그대로 드러나고 있다. 그것을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 천주학의 다양한 쟁점들에 대해 다루지 못하고 있다. 이것 때문에 피상적인 비판에 그치면서 번번이 핵심을 벗어나고 있다. 둘째, 논리적 비약으로 선학들의 비판을 비난하는 강경함과 준엄한 태도가 엿보인다. 셋째, 성리학 우월주의 사상을 가지고 있다. 이것 때문에 조선의 신분 사회를 당연한 것으로 생각한다. 비록 대야의 천주학 비판 내용이 허술하고 논리적 비약이 심해 한계가 그대로 노정되어 있다 하더라도 이후에 류치명(柳致明) 학파의 척사 의식에까지 영향을 끼쳐 영남만인소로 이어지게 했으므로, 영남 유림의 척사 의식의 흐름을 찾는 저술로써 의의가 있다 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        문학 작품 속의 방언 번역

        김순미 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2011 통번역학연구 Vol.15 No.-

        The presence of dialect in a source text poses a huge problem for translators because dialect is so deeply embedded in the source culture and it is actually not possible to find a target language variant with similar characteristics. Focusing on the translation of dialect in the literary texts, this paper studies merits and shortcomings of various translation techniques and try to find effective strategies to compensate for the possible loss of rhetorical functions in the dialect translation. Whenever two or more variants of the same language exist in a text, a translator can: 1)simply ignore dialect and render it with standard version of the target language; 2)create a synthetic target language composed of non-standard grammar or phonetically modified words and phrases; 3)render with socioeconomic dialect,use colloquial expressions, or add expletives; 4)use one or more non-standard variants of the target language. This paper examines various translation methods with the Korean translation of Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone and Lady Chatterley's Lover. It finds the standardization method weakens foreign and exotic effect while rendering with non-standard variants in the target language might create some unintended images. A translator can transfer the effect of dialect by creating new dialect,but s/he might irritate readers with unnatural vocabularies, sound and grammar. In conclusion, the efforts to render the effect dialect produces in the source text can be only partially and indirectly transferred.

      • KCI등재

        TPN치료의 환자례 보고

        김순미 한국병원약사회 1986 병원약사회지 Vol.3 No.1

        이 case는 entro-cutaneous fistula가 있는 성인환자에 있어서 individualized TPN이 얼마만큼 적절한 영양물을 공급하고 또 그 치료를 도울 수 있는지를 보여주는 한 본보기이다. Summary of effects of TPN: 1. Length of TPN therapy ……… 28days 2. Weight gain ……… 6kg(1.5kg/wk) 3. Serum albumin increased from 3.3 to 3.6 gm/100㎖ 4. Total protein increase from 5.9 to 6.7 gm/100㎖ 5. Blood glucose remained<160gm/100ml(Abg.123) 6. Infection ……… none 7. Electrolyte problems ……… none 8. Fistula output decreased from 1500㎖/day to 200㎖/day 9. Avg. caloric intake ……… 2300kcal/day 10. Avg. protein intake ……… 80gm/day

      • KCI등재

        Distortion of a text through narrative framing in translation: A case study of controversy surrounding the Korean translation of Angus Deaton’s The Great Escape

        김순미 한국번역학회 2019 번역학연구 Vol.20 No.5

        This study explores a process in which narratives are manufactured in translation and subsequently undermined by opposing narratives. Hankyung BP, a publishing company of a right-wing news agency, published the Korean edition of the economist Angus Deaton’s The Great Escape. However, a massive controversy surrounding the translation was sparked by a researcher at a progressive research institute who exposed gross distortion of the text by Hankyung BP. The publishing company was discovered to have changed the subtitle of the book, added a blurb, included a new preface, and made many omissions, all believed to be an attempt to manipulate the text. Many conservative economic institutes were also found to have collaborated in creating narratives by falsely positioning Deaton as a counterpoint to the French economist Thomas Piketty, whose progressive ideas gained enormous popularity among liberals in Korea. However, the publishing company did not acknowledge any wrongdoings or mistranslation, stating that the alterations were merely editorial changes. The conflict entailed attacks and counterattacks between the concerned parties. This investigative case study uses news articles and paratexts leading up to and following the publication of the Korean translation to demonstrate that a text can be manipulated by social institutes to uphold their own position and challenge opposing views.

      • KCI등재
      • 乳단백질 유래 peptide의 기능성

        김순미 中央大學校 食糧資源硏究所 1992 食糧資源硏究所 論文集 Vol.4 No.1

        기능성 식품이라는 단어는 신조어로서, 그 말은 일본 문부성의 ‘식품기능의 계통적 해석 및 전개’라는 특정연구에서 유래되었다. 이 연구의 목적은 식품이 갖는 새로운 기능을 찾아내는 것으로, 그 최종 목표로써 ‘기능성 식품’이라는 개념이 도입되었다. 기능성 식품이란 특히 식품이 가질 수 있는 3차적 기능인 ‘생체조절기능’에 중점을 둔 것으로서, 그것은 ‘생체방어, 생체리듬의 조절등에 관계되는 기능을 생체에 대해서 충분히 발현ㅇ시킬 수 있도록 설계된, 일상적으로 섭취되는 식품’으로 정의된다. 이러한 식품에서 유래되는 생체조절 기능성 인자들은 내인성의 생리조절인자들과 상호작용하거나, 내인성 인자의 생합성 및 분비를 촉진 혹은 억제시키기 위한 자극을 가함으로써 생체조절 기능을 수행하는 것으로 생각되고 있다.

      • KCI등재

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