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        지역별 시설재배지에서 식물기생선충의 살선충제에 대한 밀도억제 효과 비교

        김세희,박상은,고나연,류태희,신효섭,권혜리,서미자,유용만,윤영남,Kim, Sae-Hee,Park, Sang-Eun,Ko, Na-Yeon,Ryu, Tae-Hee,Shin, Heo-Seob,Kwon, Hye-Ri,Seo, Mi-Ja,Yu, Yong-Man,Youn, Young-Nam 한국응용곤충학회 2013 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.52 No.3

        과채류 재배지에서 발생하는 식물기생성 선충의 방제를 위해 충남 공주의 오이 재배지와 충남 부여와 논산, 경남 진주의 딸기 재배지, 전남곡성의 메론 재배지역에서 시설재배와 노지 재배를 하고 있는 농가토양을 채취하여 선충을 분리, 동정한 후 각 지역별 토양에서 abamectin 1.68% SC, cadusafos 3% GR, dazomet 98% GR, fosthiazate 30% SL, BA12011 SL 등 약제들의 선충에 대한 밀도억제 효과를 알아보기 위하여 실내실험과 포장실험을 실시하였다. 대부분의 지역에서 채취한 토양 시료에 분포하고 있는 식물기생성 선충의 평균밀도가 약제처리 후 감소하는 것으로 확인되었지만, 부여의 경우 fosthiazate 처리시 Pratylenchus spp.가, 곡성의 경우 fosthiazate, abamectin, cadusafos, dazomet 처리시 Pratylenchus spp.에 대하여 토양 내 평균 밀도가 상승하였다. 또한 BA12011 처리시 약제처리 후 다른 약제와 비슷한 수준의 개체군 평균밀도를 보였으며, 특히 공주 토양에서는 fosthiazate의 약제처리 효과보다 모든 종에서 높은 방제효과를 확인하였다. 각 지역에서 채취한 토양에 약제처리를 한 후 난낭 형성을 확인한 결과, abamectin의 경우 부여와 진주의 토양에서 효과를 보였고, BA12011은 논산과 곡성, dazomet는 공주에서 난낭 형성을 억제하는 효과를 확인하였다. BA12011을 가지고 오이재배지에서의 방제효과를 살펴본 결과, Meloidogyne spp., Pratylenchus spp., Helicotylenchus spp.의 평균 밀도가 감소하였고, 2차 처리시보다 1차 처리시 평균 밀도의 감소율이 높은 것으로 보아 초기 단계의 방제의 중요성을 확인할 수 있었다. To assess the efficacy of nematicides for the control of plant-parasitic nematodes in fruit and vegetables fields, soil samples were collected from a cucumber field at Gongju; from strawberry fields at Buyeo, Nonsan, and Jinju; and from a melon field at Gocksung in Jeonnam Province, Korea. Plant-parasitic nematodes were separated from each soil sample and identified. The susceptibilities of the nematodes to abamectin 1.68% SC, cadusafos 3% GR, dazomet 98% GR, fosthiazate 30% SL and BA12011 SL were examined under laboratory and field conditions. The average population density of plant-parasitic nematodes was generally reduced after the treatment with nematicides; however, there was increase in the population of Pratylenchus spp. in soil after treatment with fosthiazate at Buyeo and Gocksung. Furthermore, there were increased populations following treatment with abamectin, cadusafos, and dazomet at Gocksung. The control effects of BA12011 treatment on plant-parasitic nematodes were confirmed to be similar to those of the other 4 nematicides evaluated, although its control effect was higher than that of fosthiazate in cucumber-growing soil at Gongju. The effects of nematicide treatment on egg mass formation in each of the collected soils differed according to the region of soil origin. Abamectin was effective in reducing the degree of egg mass formation in Buyeo and Jinju soil, whereas BA12011 was effective in Nonsan and Gocksung soil. Dazomet was found to inhibit egg mass formation in Gongju soil. To evaluate the effect of the newly developed nematicide, BA12011, experiments were conducted in a cucumber-growing greenhouse. The average population densities of Meloidogyne spp., Pratylenchus spp., and Helicotylenchus spp. after the first treatment were reduced to a greater extent than after the second treatment. It is thus suggested that early nematicide treatment is important for effective control of plant-parasitic nematodes.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        그림책에 묘사된 아버지 역할

        김세희 ( Sae Hee Kim ),나은숙 ( Eun Suk Na ) 한국어린이문학교육학회 2004 어린이문학교육연구 Vol.5 No.1

        본 연구는 그림책에 묘사된 아버지 역할을 조사연구 하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 아버지의 역할 특성이 나타난 그림책 32권을 대상으로 아버지의 역할을 격려자, 친구, 생계부양자, 양육자, 가사를 돌보는 자의 5가지로 범주화하여 분석하였다. 그 결과 격려자로서의 역할과 친구로서의 역할이 각각 15권(47%)의 같은 비율로 가장 높게 나타났으며, 다음으로는 생계부양자로서의 역할이 10권(31%), 양육자로서의 역할이 5권(16%), 가사를 돌보는 자로서의 역할이 4권(13%)으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 현대사회에서 요구하는 아버지 역할이 그림책에서도 반영된 것으로, 주로 아버지는 자녀와 함께 놀아주거나 즐거운 곳으로 어린이를 데려가는 활동을 하면서 자녀를 격려하는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 그림책 <곰>에서는 모든 범주에 걸쳐 아버지 역할이 나타났다. 반면 그림책 <동물원>에서는 아이들과 아버지가 상호작용을 하기는 하지만 5가지 범주에 해당하는 아버지 역할은 하나도 없었다. 아버지 역할이 그림책에서 어떻게 나타나고 있는지 상세히 살펴본 결과 ‘격려자’로서의 아버지 역할은 격려하는 동반자, 정서적 지원자, 미래의 꿈을 키우도록 돕는 격려자 등 다양한 방식으로 자녀의 정서적이고 인지적인 발달을 격려하고 지원하는 것으로 나타났다. ‘친구’로서의 아버지 역할은 놀이친구로서의 아버지와 친구로 변화하는 아버지로 나타났다. 현대사회에 적절한 아버지 역할을 담은 그림책의 교육현장에서의 적극적인 활용과 계속적인 출판이 요망된다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of fathers depicted in thirty-two picture books. Their roles were analyzed in terms of five categories, such as encourager, companion, breadwinner, care-giver and housekeeper. Both the roles of encourager and companion were observed in 47% of the books. The traditional breadwinner role was shown in 31% of the books. In 16% of the books, fathers were described as care-givers. Only 13% of the books showed father`s role as a housekeeper. Picture books that include father`s role which are appropriate in modern society should be applied in education programs and should be published continuously.

      • KCI등재후보

        무당벌레(Harmonia axyridis) 초시색상 패턴의 유전 및 이의 관련유전자 탐색

        김세희(Sae-Hee Kim),서미자(Mi-Ja Seo),박민우(Min-Woo Park),유용만(Yong-Man Yu),윤영남(Young Nam Youn) 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2012 농업과학연구 Vol.39 No.1

        In order to cloning of PPO gene as a melanin formation related genes involved in hardening and pigmentation of insect integument or wing, we cloned cDNA and analyzed the sequence of PPO gene of H. axyridis. PPO2 primer were designed based on the sequences of PPO genes of Tribolium castaneum and Drosophila melanogaster, and then plasmid DNA were cloned from PCR products obtained from different two color patterns. When the plasmid DNA band pattern were digested by restriction enzymes, BamH1, Xba1, and EcoR1, we found same size band pattern. However, this sequence was not homologous to sequence of T. castaneum PPO gene. Using the primer designed based on the sequence of D. melanogaster, 209 bp PCR product was observed.

      • KCI등재후보

        그림책 읽기 및 관련활동을 통한 유아의 행복에 대한 개념 확장

        김세희 ( Sae Hee Kim ),강순미 ( Soon Mee Kang ) 한국어린이문학교육학회 2008 어린이문학교육연구 Vol.9 No.2

        본 연구는 만 5세 유아를 대상으로 심리적 안녕감에 바탕을 둔 행복의 개념을 포함한 그림책을 선정하여 그림책 읽기 및 관련활동을 통한 유아의 행복에 대한 개념 확장을 살펴보았다. 본 연구 결과를 통해 개인적인 성장을 도모하고, 자아실현을 통해 행복한 사람이 되고 타인도 행복하게 만드는 이야기를 담은 그림책 읽기 및 관련활동이 유아들의 행복에 대한 개념을 확장시키는데 효과적임을 알 수 있었다. The main purpose of this study has been to explore the concept of happiness of five-year-olds by selecting and sharing picture books with them that include the elements of psychological well-being as part of the storyline. The results of this study provide empirical evidence that sharing these kinds of picture books help children expand the concept of happiness.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        아동용 그림책의 장르구분 탐구

        김세희(Kim Sae-hee) 한국아동청소년문학학회 2010 아동청소년문학연구 Vol.- No.6

        In Korean “picture books” are also known by several names including ‘그림책’ (grim check: picture book), ‘그림동화’(grim donghwa: picture fairy tale), ‘동화책’ (donghwa check: fairy tale book). Perhaps these terms might have arise from the early history of picture books which focused on the text rather than the pictures. What is more, this tradition, which places priority on the text, still plays an important role in the research on picture books. However, in order to communicate clearly with scholars and to achieve our final purpose which is to well educate children who are the ultimate beneficiary of the education, it is necessary for us to reconsider terms we use to refer to picture books and to reclassify the genres. In this article, the genres of picture books are classified taking into account both literary and educational factors. They are divided into three categories, which are Story Picture Book, Verse Picture Book and Informational Picture Book. Furthermore, Story Picture Books are subdivided into Folk Tales, Fantasy, and Realistic Stories. Verse Picture Books are subdivided into Traditional Children’s Rhymes, Nursery Rhymes and Poems. Especially for Story Picture Books, an additional division was made. On the other hand, in the case of Informational Picture Books, no divisions were made since it was ambiguous which standard to apply from among various standards. Therefore, further in-depth research is needed. Picture Books are becoming more and more a valuable source of literature for children. In summary, for the sake of both research and education general agreement in regard to genres and a reconsideration of terms in reference to picture books is urgently required.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스 르네상스 인문주의에 대한 재고찰:

        김세희(Kim, Sae-Hee) 한국교육사상연구회 2018 敎育思想硏究 Vol.32 No.3

        프랑수아 라블레는 프랑스를 대표하는 인문주의자다. 그가 활동했던 16세기 전기는 프랑스르네상스의 전성기로, 라블레의 생애와 작품에는 이 시대의 특성이 고스란히 반영되어 있다. 수도자이자 의사이고 작가라는 그의 이력과, 그리스어를 배우고 의학을 선택하며 해부학을 감행하고 대중소설을 쓴 그의 행적, 고전을 번역하고 신학문을 수용하며 책을 통해 새로운 지식을 전파한 그의 활동은 모두 ‘인문주의’라는 맥으로 이어져 있다. 『가르강튀아』는 프랑스 인문주의의 보고(寶庫)로 그의 교육사상이 집결된 책이다. 이 책에서 라블레는 스콜라철학의 형 식주의와 협소한 언어주의를 비판하면서 새로운 교육을 통해 ‘학문의 심연’에 다가갈 것을 권고한다. 즉 고전어는 물론 학문연구에 필요한 모든 언어와 자연과학, 그리고 인간과 관련한 모든 영역을 탐구하는 백과사전적 지식을 추구한다. 또한 중세교육에서 간과되었던 체육교육과 정서함양을 비롯해 새로운 방식을 도입하여 배움이 즐거운 것이 되도록 한다. 마지막으로 라블 레는 교육의 완결로서 자유의지에 따라 행동하고 결정하는 ‘자유로운 윤리적 주체’를 제시하면서 당대 르네상스 인문주의의 이상적 인간상을 전해준다. François Rabelais is one of the outstanding representatives of the French humanism in the period of Renaissance. The first half of the 16th century, in which he took an active part, is the heyday of the French Renaissance, and his career as well as his literary works symbolically incarnate the characteristic of the period. His activities can be understood in the context of the Humanism: his career which principally is composed of a monk, a surgeon and a writer; the achievements of an Renaissance man, who mastered the Greek language, chose the medical science, ventured the human anatomy and wrote popular novels; his energy which was invested in the translation of the Greek classics, in reception of the new sciences, in propagation of the new knowledge through the literary works. Gargantua, one of the treasures of the French Renaissance, summarizes the educational philosophy of Rabelais. According to this book, the education of the French Renaissance must criticize the formalist education of the medieval times and head toward that of the whole man; it must introduces not only the perfect universal knowledge like an encyclopedia, but also underline the importance of the physical exercises and the arts; in respecting the learners, it must invite the new ways just like discussion, observation, experiment, in order that the learning must be a source of the real pleasure. Finally, as its ultimate purpose, this education proposes a free ethical subject, who acts and decides according the his free will.

      • KCI등재

        자유 기술 응답을 통한 보유 의복 선호/비선호 원인 구조 고찰

        김세희(Sae Hee Kim) 한국복식학회 2004 服飾 Vol.54 No.8

        The purposes of this study are to investigate consumers` causes of clothing preference and dispreference separately, and to get `real` descriptions about that causes using an open-ended response questionnaire. The sample was composed of 81 undergraduate students. Subjects were asked to select their preferred clothing and dispreferred clothing respectively among wardrobes they have and to describe the causes of that preference/dispreference. The data was collected through an open-ended response questionnaire and analyzed using content analysis. The system for content analysis was divided into the view point of image, clothing itself, wearer`s physical characteristics, wearing situation, others` response, wearer`s values, wearer`s consciousness, and purchase process. Image was the primary cause that raised clothing preference, and clothing itself, wearer`s physical characteristic, wearing situation, others` response, wearer`s consciousness, wearer`s values, and purchase process followed. In addition, wearer`s physical characteristic was the primary cause that raised clothing dispreference, and image, clothing itself, wearer`s consciousness, wearer`s values, wearing situation, purchase process, and others` response followed. Finally, the framework for the causes of clothing preference/dispreference was developed.

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