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        현암 김종희 회장의 생애와 경영이념 연구

        김성수(Sung Soo Kim) 한국경영사학회 2009 經營史學 Vol.52 No.-

        이 논문은 한국 화약산업의 개척자 한화그룹의 창업주 현암 김종희 회장의 생애와 경영활동 연구를 통한 경영이념 및 신 기업가정신(New Entrepreneurship)을 발굴하는 데 목적을 두었다. 현암 김종희 회장은 1922년 11월에 출생하여 1981년 7월(59세)에 영면 하였다. 비교적 짧은 생을 살았지만, 현암 김종희 회장은 1952년 30세 때에 화약산업의 불모지인 한국에서 한국화약㈜을 창업하였다. 그는 ‘다이너마이트’ 생산의 성공으로 혁신적인 화약류 국산화의 꿈을 실현한 훌륭한 기업가이다. 그는 한화그룹의 창업주로서 화약, 석유화학, 기계, 호텔, 건설, 무역 등 생전에 17개의 대기업집단을 이룬 창업 CEO이다. 그는 신의와 혁신, 도전과 개척 정신 그리고 변혁적 리더십 소유의 기업가로, 한국의 화약산업 개척자로서 화약산업사의 역사적 인물로 부각되며, 우리나라 화약산업의 기업 가사 연구의 중요한 경영사학적 사례를 제공한 기업인으로 평가된다. 그는 생애 경영활동을 통하여 사업보국 이념을 중심으로 ‘신용과 의리 그리고 봉사’로서 인류사회에 공헌하고자 하는 경영이념을 실현한 기업가이다. 특히 사업보국을 이념으로 발굴된 그의 신 기업가정신은 이 연구에 큰 의미를 준다. 즉, (1) 신의정신, (2) 도전과 개척정신, (3) 책임정신, (4) 근검절약정신, (5) 합리주의 정신, (6) 창의와 혁신정신, (7) 인재육성정신 등 7개의 기업가정신으로 나타나고 있다. 그리고 그의 혁신적 기업인 상은 (1) 인간성 중시의 변혁적 리더십을 소유한 기업인으로 대표되며, (2) 정도경 영을 실천한 기업인 (3) 경영이념(사업보국주의)을 통한 생산성 향상 정신을 실천한 기업인, (4) 혁신경영과 기술개발 노력을 실천한 기업인, (5) 위기극복과 문제점 해결능력을 갖춘 기업인 등으로 평가된다. 특히 (6) 국익증대의 선봉에 선 민간 외교관, (7) 스포츠 강국을 꽃피운 체육계의 거목이라는 경영인 상을 가진 기업가로도 높이 평가된다. The purpose of this study is to explore the chairman Chong-Hee Kim’s life and Managerial ideology, founder of Hanwha group. This research was to Highlight the entrepreneurship of chairman Chong-Hee Kim of Korea explosive founded (currently Hanwha Corp. Explosive Division), who carries the management principle which focuses on the devotion to business patriotism of social responsibility by providing best products and services with talent and technology. Also it aimed to revisit the life and the management principle of chairman Chong-Hee Kim who, with the business patriotism of righteousness and sense of mission, tried to found korea’s first gunpowder corporation. This research was mainly divided into two parts:literature-history research method and managerial history research method, and it analyzed the managerial accomplishment chronically according to the literature history documents, and managerial history method. This study took 12 months in which the document collecting process, writing process, and 6 party joint research processes were completed. The content of the research divided and categorized chairman Chong-Hee Kim’s life and managerial principle in the following order:(1) Social back ground at time of his birth (2) Elementary, middle and high school education in his teenage period (3) Business career begins (age 20-30) in his adolescent (4) 30s (age 31-40):president inauguration of the korea explosive founded, (currently Hanwha corp.explosive division), and his management his managerial growth process in his early adult life, in case, oct, 1952 korea explosive founded (gunpowder corp), oct, 1955 Incheon explosive plant acquired, jan,1959 all domestics industrial explosive suppled by korea explosives (5) 40s (age 41-50):his managerial revolution process in his middle the prime of the life, in case, Jan, 1964 Shinhan bearing industrial acquired, Nov, 1969 Kyungin energy established (6) 50s (age 51-59):genius management and establishment of the leading corporation in the Korean defense industrial and diversified management in his latter the prime of the life. In case, dec,1972, Hankook plastics industrial established, sept, 1974, union polymer established (currently Hanwha polydreamer), may 1975, Cheon-an Bukil foundation established, may 1976, sundo securities acquired (currently Hanwha securities). Next, the entrepreneurship through chairman Chong-Hee Kim’s managerial creed and ideology was examined. The 7 elements of Chong-Hee Kim’s new entrepreneurship of business patriotism that were examined are as follows : (1) Spirit of faithfulness (2) Spirit of challenge and pioneer (3) Responsibility for the fulfillment of obligation (4) Spirit of diligence and frugality (5) Spirit of rationalism for management (6) Spirit of creative and Innovation (7) Spirit of corporative social responsibility and service to society His entrepreneurship is based on the transformational leadership of rich humanity and management of righteousness, he is pioneer of schumpeter’s (J.A), and the creative entrepreneur who seeks for Innovation. The management philosophy of Hanwha (chong-hee, kim) is embedded in the Hanwha TRI circle ; the three circles Represent Trust, Respect and Innovation, respectively. They are the three pillars of how it’s conduct our business. Vision of Hanwha (chong-hee, kim) is just as committed being trustworthy, respected and Innovative as a responsible member of society as the Hanwha be to becoming dynamic global enterprise. As symbolized in the Hanwha TRI Circle, Trust, Respect and Innovation are core value as its interact with customer, serve our community and improve the everyday lives of people in general.

      • KCI등재후보

        김재철 회장의 생애와 기업가정신 연구

        김성수(Sung soo Kim) 한국경영사학회 2009 經營史學 Vol.50 No.-

        이 논문의 목적은 “성실한 기업활동으로 사회정의 실현”과 “도전과 정도경영”에 바탕을 둔 동원그룹의 창업자 김재철 회장의 생애와 경영활동을 통한 기업가 정신(Entrepreneurship)을 발굴하는 데 있다. 김재철 회장은 1969년 34세때 동원산업(주)를 창업한 현재(2009년 4월)까지 40여년간 한국수산업계를 선도해온 창업자이면서 전문경영자(CEO)이며, 식품산업으로 시작하여 1차산업에서 2차산업으로 그리고 3차산업의 금융 및 서비스산업까지 사업다각화로 동원그룹을 세계적(Global)기업으로 발전시킨 창조적, 혁신주의 기업가이다. 이러한 동원그룹의 김재철 회장의 연구는 다음과 같은 네 가지의 중요성을 가지고 있다. 첫째, 동원그룹 창업자 김재철 회장의 생애와 경영이념을 고찰하여, 동원창업자의 Entrepreneurship을 발굴하여, 한국기업가사 연구의 체계적 정립을 마련하는 데 있다. 둘째, 동원 김재철 회장은 슘페터(J. A, Schumpeter)가 지적한 혁신적(Innovation) 경영활동을 적용해서 “동원경영학”의 정립을 체계화시키는 데 노력하고 있다는 점이다. 셋째, 대표적 수산업의 CEO 김재철 회장 경영활동을 통하여 “동원수산경영”의 발전과정을 경영사학계에 보급시키고자 하는 기초자료 제공에 있다. 넷째는 앞으로 해양수산업의 관리자 및 CEO가 되고자하는 청소년 및 대학생들에게 기업가 정신(Entrepreneurship)의 중요성을 인식케 하는 기초자료를 제공하는 데 있다. 본 논문은 경영사연구방법론을 채택하였다. 경영사의 개척자인 미국하버드 경영대학원(Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration=HBS) 경영사 교수인 그라스(Norman Scott Brien gras)와 챈들러(Alfred, D. Chandler)박사 등이 개발하고 활용하여 전 세계 학계에 보급한 ‘경영사연구방법론’을 도입하여 활용하였다. 이에 따라 동원의 김재철 회장이 추구하는 가치와 정신은 고객/주주 제일주의, 1등주의, 현금흐름주의 등이며, 21세기 그의 정신은 (1) 창조정신, (2) 열성정신, (3) 도전정신 등 ‘Candoism’으로 요약된다. 또한 그의 기본사상은 (1) from the basic(기본의 철저한 준수) (2) fact finding(현장주의 업무수행 자세) (3) global standard(국제수준의 업무품질) 등으로 나타났다. 그리고 성실한 기업 활동으로 사회정의 실현을 선도하는 가치는 (1)생활문화의 New Leader로서 위상을 향상시키는 사업가치 (2) 고객을 존중하고 만족시키며, 동원그룹을 창조기업으로 승화시키는 고객가치 (3) 1등주의 인재육성과 성과조직을 인적자원관리의 최우선으로 하는 인재가치 등을 확인할 수 있었다. This study was to highlight the entrepreneurship of chairman Jae-Chul Kim the founder of Dongwon Industries Co., Ltd, who carries the management principle which focuses on the devotion to under the realization of social justice, the function of the enterprise will be done in honesty and loyalty. Dongwon creates fresh and new experiences into the customers’ lives. it will be the prime company that leads the lifestyle culture in the 21st century. Also it aimed to revisit the life and the management principle of chairman Jae-Chul Kim who, with the new management, tried to found world’s first human corporation social responsibility. This study was mainly divided into two parts:literature-history research method and managerial history research method, and it analyzed the managerial accomplishment chronically according to the literature history documents, and managerial history method. this research took 8 months in which the document collecting process, writing process, and 7 party joint research processes were complete. The content of the research divided and categorized chairman Jae-Chul Kim’s life stages and managerial principles in the following order:(1) social back ground at the time of his birth (2) elementary, middle and high school education in his teenage period (3) university and establishment of oneself in life, one’s youth period is the time of adventure and daring (4) president inauguration and the foundation of the Dongwon Industries Co., Ltd and his management and his managerial growth process in his early adult life, (5) genius management and new experience creator-Dongwon group of the leading enterprise in the world in his latter adult life Next, the entrepreneurship through chairman Jae-Chul Kim’s managerial principle was examined. The 10 element of Jae-Chul Kim’s new the Entrepreneurship that were examined are as follows : (1) Spirit of a Sincerity and Credit (2) spirit of creativity and Innovation (3) spirit of earnestness (4) spirit of challenge and cultivation(development). (5) spirit of customer satisfaction (6) spirit of human respect (7) spirit of Justice (right) management (8) spirit of responsibility and autonomous(self-control) (9) spirit of stage management or artistic management (10) spirit of corporate social responsibilities. Dongwon corporation’s chairman Jae-Chul Kim carries the entrepreneurship principles such as (1) management that gives happiness to the customers (2) management that respects people (3) management that creates new value (4) living up to the fundamental principle (5) applying significance to even a small matter (6) challenging any new tasks, etc. His entrepreneurship is based on the righteous managerial spirit, known as “I need to be the challenge and innovation”, which aims to reflect the past and analyze today’s critical situation. especially his righteous managerial spirit is leading the Dongwon Group as the global corporation through Business ethics, humanity, innovation, etc. therefore, he is pioneer of Schumpeter’s(J.A), and the creative entrepreneur who seeks for innovation. He is reviewed as one of the greatest 21st century manager who carries these 6 characteristics:(1) artistic mind of stage management (2) positive mind (3) emphasis on self-changing (4) faith and trust (5) keeping endurance and rule (6) having courage not to be afraid of failure (7) emphasis on social contribution.

      • 수열 Yeh-Feynman 적분에 관하여

        김성수,Kim, Sung-Soo 배재대학교 자연과학연구소 1997 自然科學論文集 Vol.9 No.1

        수열 파인만적분을 Yeh-Winner 공간에서 확장하고 바나하(Banach) 대수의 모든 원에 대한 수열 Yeh-Feynman 적분의 존재성을 밝힐 것이다. We shall extend the concept of the sequential Feynman integral over the Yeh-Winner space. We shall show that prove the existence of the sequential Yeh-Feynman integral for all element of Banach algebras.

      • Decision Support System by using Tunable Simulation for Optimally Mixed Systems

        김성수,Kim, Sung-Soo 대한산업공학회 1997 산업공학 Vol.10 No.3

        This mixed push and pull production system defines that all stages are not ordered by either of the production systems. Some stages are ordered by a push-type production system and the other stages are ordered by a pull-type production system. A decision support system is built by using a combination of optimization program and the "tunable" SIMAN discrete-event simulation for the implementation of an optimally mixed production system. Finding this optimal system requires 6 CPU hours for the case study on a Pentium. Both the simulation and optimization model are validated with a case study of Phoenix company that manufactures transmitters. This paper uses survey from experts in this company for evaluation and validation of this system.

      • KCI등재

        칼만추정과 초월함수 사영을 통한 L<sup>1</sup> 신호간의 거리 Metric에 IES을 적용한 새로운 고장진단 기법

        김성수,Kim, Sung-Soo 대한전기학회 2015 전기학회논문지 P Vol.64 No.1

        Measuring the distances between signals in the signal space is usually determined by obtaining the ideal metric which is not easy to obtain. In this research we have investigated the scheme that measures the distances between the signals constructed with the measured voltage signals connected to electric apparatus using Kalman filter and exponential mapping. The metric is defined on the feature signals obtained via the estimation process of a Kalman filter and the mapping process using the exponential transformation. Diagnosis is on the voltage fluctuations is applied to determining whether the system is in the stable state or not due to the unexpected accidents, such as power overcharge, discharge, outages flow may be the cause of the accident. The decision making scheme evaluated with respect to the effectiveness and the degree of complication with different variances. Two methods, the Hard Limit Threshold Scheme(HLTS) and the Interval Energy Scheme(IES) are proposed and compared. In experiments the IES shows better tolerance to impulse noise than the HLTS.

      • KCI등재

        디스플레이 커버 글라스의 표면 처리에 의한 광학요소 제어

        김성수,황재석,전법주,Kim, Sung Soo,Hwang, Jai Suk,Jeon, Bup Ju 한국전기전자재료학회 2015 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.28 No.9

        To provide the clear images from the direct light on electrical board and display devices, anti glare treatment of display cover glass is needed. In this study, the effects of surface treatment temperature, concentration, and etching solution coating thickness of the gel phase on optical elements control such as gloss, haze of reflected light and transmittance, were investigated. Cover glasses were treated at different coating thickness and additive concentration. The optical properties were examined using spectrophotometer, gloss and haze meter. The surface morphology and roughness were measured by the optical microscope and Ra measuring instrument. The etching rate and surface morphologies were dramatically affected by the concentration of acid additive in the viscous gel because of re-crystallization of components in the etching solution, hydrogel formation and coagulant after coating on glass substrate. In our experimental range, cover glass which is surface-treated with various optical properties as well as the morphology uniformity was obtained; in particular, optical properties could be controlled by etching solution coating thickness of the gel phase and the concentration of additive. The gloss was depended on the surface roughness and it showed the linear relationship between optical transmittance and haze of reflected light, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        필름 두께 측정용 투과 양극형 x-ray tube의 개발 및 특성

        김성수,김도윤,Kim, Sung-Soo,Kim, Do-Yun 한국진공학회 2008 Applied Science and Convergence Technology Vol.17 No.3

        수십에서 수백 ${\mu}m$ 영역의 필름 두께 측정에 적용하기 위한 Ag-target 투과양극형 x-ray tube를 개발하고 특성을 조사하였다. 10kV 부근의 관전압에서 x-ray 에너지의 분포 및 선량특성을 조사하고 W-target tube와 비교하여 논의하였다. 또한 Ag-target tube와 W-target tube를 이용하여 Ny film과 PP film의 두께변화에 따른 x-ray의 투과 특성으로 조사하였고, 그 결과 개발된 x-ray tube는 필름두께 측정용으로 적용할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 좋은 특성을 나타내었다. The x-ray transmission anode Ag-target tube was developed to apply for the thickness measurement of film in the thickness range of several tens$\sim$several hundreds ${\mu}m$ and its characteristics were evaluated. The energy distribution and dose of x-ray from Ag-target tube was investigated at the tube voltage near 10 kV, and discussed in comparition with that from W-target tube. The energy distribution and dose of x-rays passing through film were measured with various thickness of Ny and PP film. From these results, it was confirmed that our x-ray tube can be applied for the thickness measurement of film.


        천막상부 뇌수막종 절제후 단기간에 발생한 두개인두종 - 증례보고 -

        김성수,고용,이형중,김영수,오성훈,김광명,오석전,Kim, Sung Su,Ko, Yong,Yi, Hyeong Joong,Kim, Young Soo,Oh, Seong Hoon,Kim, Kwang Myung,Oh, Suck Jun 대한신경외과학회 2001 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.30 No.10

        Authors experienced a unique case of craniopharyngioma which had evolved rapidly after 4 years of total resection for supratentorial meningioma. A 58-year-old woman presented with headache and visual deterioration. Previously, she had undertaken surgical removal of frontal convexity meningioma 4 years ago and had been well without any postoperative sequelae thereafter. Brain magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a newly developed suprasellar mass. Pertinent operative procedure was performed and histological verification was made as an adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma. She has been showing unremarkable clinical course up to date. Possible pathogenic mechanisms of de novo development of craniopharyngioma are disscussed with review of case.

      • KCI등재

        한라산 고지대에 서식하는 유존 나비종의 풍부도와 개체군 안정성

        김성수,이철민,권태성,Kim, Sung-Soo,Lee, Cheol Min,Kwon, Tae-Sung 한국응용곤충학회 2013 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.52 No.4

        지구온난화로 인해 고산지역에 고립되어 서식하는 고산종은 감소할 가능성이 높다. 본 연구는 한라산 고지대에 서식하는 10종의 유존 나비종의 서식실태를 파악하기 위해 수행되었다. 고지대의 나비조사는 한라산 정상부의 초지에서 2007년부터 6년간 실시하였다. 유존종의 나비가 저지대에 나타나는 지 확인하기 위해 2012년에는 저지대의 2곳에서 조사를 하였다. 나비는 선조사법으로 조사하였다. 10종의 유존 나비종들은 고지대에서는 관찰이 되었으나, 저지대에서는 관찰되지 않았다. 이들 종들은 대부분 개체수가 많고 개체군의 안정성이 다른 나비들에 비해 낮지 않았다. 밀도 변화를 분석한 결과 유존종의 나비들이 감소하거나 증가하는 경향은 나타나지 않았다. 따라서 기후변화의 영향은 아직은 유존 나비종의 개체군에 명확하게 나타나지는 않았다. 본 조사결과와 우리나라의 출현자료를 토대로 각 유존종에 대한 취약성 평가를 하였다. The number of mountain species that live in the highlands and are isolated from other populations will likely decline because of global warming. The present study was conducted to survey populations of 10 relict butterfly species living in the highlands of Mt. Hallasan, Jeju Island. Butterfly surveys were conducted for 6 years from 2007 to 2012 by using the line transect method. To test whether relict species occur in the lowlands, we surveyed butterflies at 2 reference sites in the lowlands in 2012. All the 10 relict species were observed at the highland sites, whereas they were not observed at the 2 lowland sites. Majority of the relict species surveyed are relatively abundant, and the stability of their populations did not differ from that of other butterfly species. When we analyzed the annual change in populations, compared to other species the relict species did not show any difference in population change. Hence, the influence of climate change is not yet apparent on the populations of relict butterfly species. We evaluated the vulnerability of each relict species on the basis of our results and occurrence data from South Korea.

      • KCI등재

        불화수소(HF)의 독성에 관한 병리학적 분석 연구

        김성수,조남욱,오은하,이동호,Kim,Sung Soo,Cho,Nam Wook,Oh,Eun Ha,Rie,Dong Ho 한국방재학회 2012 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.12 No.6

        현대의 건축 재료는 각종 고분자 화합물의 비중이 커지고 있어 건축 재료 연소 시에 발생하는 가스의 성분비가 천연재료를 이용하던 과거의 건축물과 차이를 보인다. 실제로 근래의 건축재료 연소가스의 정성분석결과를 살펴보면, 천연재료의 연소가스에 포함되어있는 CO, <TEX>$CO_2$</TEX>외에도 HF, HCN, HBr, HCl, NO, <TEX>$NO_2$</TEX>, <TEX>$SO_2$</TEX>등의 화학종이 포함되어 있음을 알 수 있다. 이러한 화학종들은 고분자 화합물에서 발생하는 것으로 분석되며, 건축 재료에서 그 비중이 높아지는 만큼 향후 이러한 화학종들이 건축물 화재에서 대피의 주요 방해요인으로 작용할 수 있을 것으로 예상된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 연소가스중 HF가 실험동물의 생체에 미치는 영향을 병리학적으로 분석하기 위하여, HF의 표준가스를 실험동물에 노출시켜 조직 병리 검사, 유전 독성 평가실험을 실시하였다. 이를 통하여 HF에 노출된 실험동물은 폐와 간에서의 광범위한 출혈과 괴사가 발생함을 확인하였으며, 이로 인한 혈액과 장기별 DNA손상은 Comet assay를 이용하여 정량적으로 분석하였다. Polymer materials are well-used for Modern building constructions. Combustion gas of construction material has different components between natural and polymer. Recently research shows, Apart from combustion gas of natural construction material contain CO. <TEX>$CO_2$</TEX> species. Also polymer combustion gas include HF, HCN, HBr, HCl, NO, <TEX>$NO_2$</TEX>, and <TEX>$SO_2$</TEX> additionally. It analyzed that species product from Polymer compounds. These species can act as major disturbance factors in the evacuation from the building`s fire. Because, polymer will increase the proportion in building materials. In this research, effects from HF gas are analyzed by pathological method. Histopathologic examination, DNA toxicity evaluation experiments were conducted for mouse exposed by HF standard gas. Exposing HF gas were caused extensive hemorrhage and necrosis in the liver and lung from experimental animals. and blood and DNA damage were analyzed quantitatively by comet assay.

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