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        A non - (trans)derivational approach to the dominance effects : with accent deletion vs. without accent deletion

        김선회(Sun-Hoi Kim) 한국음운론학회 2004 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.10 No.3

        In traditional derivational phonology dominance effects have been regarded as the deletion of base accent triggered by a random set of suffixes called dominant suffixes. In this paper, two types of dominance effects are examined. From the derivational perspective, one is regarded as the deletion of base accent (Tokyo Japanese case) and the other as the word-initial insertion of accent preceded by the deletion of base accent (Indo-European case). In the non-derivational approach proposed in this paper, however, the dominance effects are bifurcated into dominance with accent deletion and dominance without accent deletion. In this paper, it is also shown that the derivational approach to the latter dominance effect leads to the undesirable Duke of York (DY) derivation. It is argued that no situation with dominance effects needs the DY derivation from the non-derivational perspective with the parallel constraint domination. In addition, it is shown that the transderivational (anti-) faithfulness proposed by Alderete (2001a) is not needed in accounting for dominance effects and instead the Input-Output (anti-)faithfulness can replace it. Finally, the shift of non-initial base accent to word-initial position is accounted for by the interaction between ALIGN-L(ACCENT, PrWd) and two NO-FLOP-ACCENT constraints.

      • KCI등재

        충실성제약과 선행제약, 그리고 그 서열관계

        김선회(Kim, Sun-Hoi) 한국음운론학회 2011 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.17 No.2

        This paper explores the ranking relation between a precedence constraint PREC(F₁, F₂) and faithfulness constraints, F₁ and F₂. In this paper, it is shown that opacity occurs when PREC(F₁, F₂) is ranked above F₁ or when PREC(F₁, F₂) is ranked above F₂. This ranking relation leads to the result that there is no reason that F₁ or F₂ should be ranked above PREC(F₁, F₂), differently from the ranking relation predicted with a meta-constraint F₂ » PREC(F₁, F₂). Further, PREC(F₁, F₂) » F₁, F₂ is supported by the discussion leading to the result that the status of F₂ » PREC(F₁, F₂) as a meta-constraint should be abandoned.

      • KCI등재

        한국 음운론 연구(1995-2014) 관찰

        김선회(Kim, Sun-Hoi) 한국음운론학회 2015 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.21 No.1

        This study explores the characteristics and trends of academic research in phonology over a period of twenty years in Korea, quantitatively investigating 435 articles published in Studies in Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology from 1995 to 2014 by The Phonology - Morphology Circle of Korea. The investigation focuses on the words and phrases contained in the article titles. Their occurrence frequencies are counted and their co-occurrence networks are analyzed with measurements of meaningful index values such as degree, betweenness centrality, eigenvector centrality and edge weight. The study shows that the trends and directions of academic research in phonology in Korea have changed not radically but steadily and dynamically. While Optimality Theory-related words and phrases occurred frequently in article titles and played an important role in the network structure of co-occurring words and phrases before the period of 2010-2014, during this period Optimality Theory gave way to English-Korean inter-language studies of perception and production, an area towards which academic interest has steadily increased since 2000.

      • KCI등재후보

        모음체계의 변화와 방언접촉

        김선회(Sun-Hoi Kim) 한국중원언어학회 2010 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.16

        The goal of this paper is to present an Optimality-theoretic approach to the phenomenon that the change of a vowel system is activated by the most unstable vowel in the vowel system and it is also influenced by external factors, such as dialect contact. For achieving this goal, this paper focuses on the analysis of the loss of a low back vowel in Korean. In the framework of Optimality Theory (McCarthy & Prince 1993, Prince & Smolensky 1993/2004), this phenomenon is analyzed in relation to conflicting constraints. The analysis proposed by this paper shows that the vowel shift in Middle Korean is a result of the constraint ranking where a listener-oriented faithfulness constraint outranks speaker-oriented faithfulness ones. It further shows that the loss of the Korean low back vowel is influenced by dialect contact and its influence is formalized by the constraint ranking where an output-output faithfulness constraint outranks input-output faithfulness ones.

      • KCI등재

        한국어의 단어 빈도와 단어와 음절의 분포적 특성

        김선회(Kim, Sun-Hoi),남성현(Sunghyun Nam) 한국음운론학회 2020 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.26 No.3

        This paper analyzes the distributional characteristics of Korean words and syllables in relation to word frequency. Five sub-lexicons of Korean are made on the basis of word frequency for this study. The sub-lexicons are compared with respect to the distributions of words and syllables. The analysis shows that the sub-lexicon of high frequency words (i.e. use frequency of 1,500 times or more) exhibits a marked difference in the distributional characteristics of words and syllables. According to the analysis, when other words are added to the sub-lexicon of high frequency words, meaningful changes are observed in the distributional characteristics. The analysis shows that word frequency is an important factor that should be considered in the analysis of the distributional characteristics of words and syllables in Korean.

      • KCI등재

        한국어와 영어 기본 단어들의 빈도에 대한 계량적 분석

        김선회 ( Kim¸ Sun-hoi ) 한국현대언어학회 2021 언어연구 Vol.37 No.2

        The Journal of Studies in Language 37.2, 127-148. This study focuses on the frequencies of basic words in Korean and English. Their distributions were analyzed quantitatively to compare Korean and English. The correlation analysis shows that the inter-correlation between Korean and English is very high. It implies that the linguistic-cultural difference between these two languages rarely affects the use of basic words. The analysis of visualized frequency distributions shows that the frequencies of basic words exhibit heavy tailed distributions and seem to follow the power-law distribution in both languages. However, the quantitative analysis tells us that their frequency distributions do not follow the power-law distribution but the log-normal distribution. The result suggests that selecting probability distribution best fitted to frequency data should depend on well-established statistical procedures, but not only on visually inspecting of plotted distributions. (Chung-Ang University)

      • KCI등재

        A tone - domain interactive approach to binary spread and shift of high tone

        김선회(Sun-Hoi Kim) 한국음운론학회 2005 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.11 No.2

        This paper focuses on the binary (bounded) spread and shift of high tone in the case where high tone is specified on a tone-bearing unit in the input. The main idea of this paper is that high tone is realized only within the domain for high tone. In this view, the spread and shift of high tone are both domain-internal processes. Therefore, this view requires that the domains for high tone should be optimally constructed. In this paper, it is shown that this view adequately explains various ways to realize the input high tone in the output. The parametric interactions of constraints in this view have applied to four Korean tonal dialects, that is, Hoylyeng, Samchek, Taykwu, and Pwukcheng Korean. In this case study, it is shown that the approach proposed in this paper accounts for the rich variation of tonal phenomena relevant to binary spread and shift of high tone in the Korean tonal dialects.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 단어들의 음절 기반 음운이웃 네트워크

        김선회(Sun-Hoi Kim),남성현(Sunghyun Nam) 한국중원언어학회 2021 언어학연구 Vol.- No.60

        This study analyzed the syllable-based phonological neighborhood networks (PNNs) of Korean words. The network-theoretic representation of the lexicon has provided new insights on cross-linguistic and language particular factors in the composition of the phonological lexicon (Vitevitch, 2008; Shoemark et al., 2016, among others). This study draws from the literature the notion of phonological similarity as a network feature, but, unlike previous phonemic approaches, it assumes syllables as the unit of phonological similarity (Mehler et al., 1981; Kwon et al., 2006, 2011). We collected 83,881 polysyllabic words from a Korean corpus. According to the various network measurements on them, the syllable-based PNNs were similar to conventional phonemic-based PNNs in satisfying requirements for small-world networks, being influenced by the lexicon size and having a high value of assortativity by degree. However, they also showed different characteristics from phoneme-based PNNs: syllable-based PNNs had larger giant clusters, average degrees, and cluster coefficients, and they showed smaller values of the average shortest path length. The insights from the PNN analysis are significant since they can help answer empirical questions of phonological word processing and word acquisition.

      • KCI등재

        영어 음운습득에서의 모음 장ㆍ단 대조와 어말 폐쇄음 탈락

        김선회 ( Kim Sun-hoi ),유혜정 ( Yu Hye-jeong ) 대한영어영문학회 2009 영어영문학연구 Vol.35 No.1

        This paper analyzes the vowel length contrast and word-final stop deletion in the phonological acquisition of English. It examines Dinnsen, McGarrity, O’Connor & Swanson’s(2000) ‘sympathy’ analysis of Weismer, Dinnsen & Elbert’s(1981) children’s data and points out that the flaw of the ‘sympathy’ analysis is caused by the input of child production set under the principle of “richness of the base.” Then, adopting an assumption that “the output of adult production is the input of child production”(Smolensky 1996a: 19) on the basis of the argument proposed by Smolensky(1996a, b) and Hayes(2004), this paper shows that a long vowel before a deleted word-final voiced stop is to satisfy ID(weight) which is ranked above LENGTHEN and that the deletion of a word-final stop is to satisfy NOCODA which is ranked above MAX. (Chungang University)

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