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      • 철도파업과 형사면책 범위 확대의 역사

        김선수 ( Kim Seon-soo ) 서울대학교 BK21 법학연구단 공익인권법연구센터 2018 공익과 인권 Vol.18 No.-

        대한민국 헌법은 노동3권을 기본권으로 보장하고, 「노동조합 및 노동관계조정법」은 단체행동권의 행사인 쟁의행위에 대해 민사면책과 형사면책을 규정하고 있다. 그렇지만 소극적인 집단적 노무제공거부에 의한 단순파업에 대해서도 형법상의 위력업무방해죄가 적용되어 노조간부들이 형사처벌을 받아왔다. 그로 인해 대한민국의 노동권 보장 수준은 19세기 중엽의 단결금지단계를 벗어나지 못한 것으로 평가받았다. 이러한 현실의 대한민국에서 철도노조가 파업투쟁과 법정투쟁을 통해 파업권에 대한 형사면책의 범위를 확대해왔다고 할 수 있다. 철도노동자들이 공무원이던 시절인 1988년 기관사 파업 사건에서 「노동쟁의조정법」상 공무원의 쟁의행위를 금지하는 조항은 ‘사실상 노무에 종사하는 공무원’에게는 적용되지 않는다는 대법원 판결을 받아냈다. 철도공사로 전환된 이후 철도노조는 철도사업이 필수공익사업에 해당하여 개정 전 노조법상 직권중재제도에 의해 파업권이 사실상 봉쇄됐으나, 파업투쟁을 통해 업무방해죄의 적용을 축소시키고, 나아가 노조법을 개정하여 직권중재제도를 폐지하고 필수유지업무제도를 도입했다. 2006년 철도파업 사건에 대한 대법원 2011년 전원합의체 판결은 단순파업의 경우 노동법상의 정당성 요건과 무관하게 전격성과 중대성 요건을 갖춘 경우에만 업무방해죄를 인정할 수 있다고 판시했다. 그 후 2009년 파업에 대한 대법원 판결은 업무방해죄 성립 여부를 쟁의행위의 목적으로부터 완전히 분리했고, 2013년 파업에 이르러서는 결국 업무방해죄 혐의에 대해 제1심부터 제3심까지 무죄판결이 내려졌다. 2016년에는 성과연봉제 폐지를 요구하며 72일이라는 최장기 파업을 했음에도 검찰은 이를 기소조차 하지 않음으로써 철도노동자들이 형사책임의 위협을 받지 않고 파업을 할 수 있음을 공인 하였다. 다만, 아직도 형사면책 법리가 온전하게 도입된 것은 아니고, 형사면책 확대의 법리가 민사상 손해배상책임이나 징계책임 면제의 단계에 이르지는 못하고 있다. 입법을 통해 그리고 해석을 통해 쟁의행위에 대한 온전한 민사면책 및 형사면책의 단계로 나아가야 할 것이다. 이 글에서는 철도노조의 파업과 형사면책의 범위가 확대되어 온 과정을 분석한다. The Constitution of the Republic of Korea guarantees three labor rights as basic rights, and the 「Labor Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act('LULRA')」 stipulates the immunity of civil and criminal liability for exercises of the right to collective action. However, labor union leaders have been subject to criminal charges for business obstruction by force for the simple strike, which is a collective refusal to offer labor. As a result, it is assessed that the level of guarantee for labor rights in the Republic of Korea is still in the stage of a ban on the unification in the mid-nineteenth century. In this reality, it can be said that the Korean Railway Workers' Union('KRWU'), through strikes and legal struggles, has expanded the scope of criminal immunity for the right to strike. In 1988, when railway workers were public servants, the Supreme Court ruled that under the Labor Disputes Adjustment Act, the provision banning disputes involving public servants was not applied to virtually working public servants. After the transition to Korea Railroad Corporation('KORAIL'), the railway industry was classified as an essential public utility project, so KRWU virtually blocked its right to strike under the compulsory arbitration system. KRWU reduced the application of business obstruction through strikes, then revised the LRLRA to abolish compulsory arbitration and introduced the required maintenance service system. The Supreme Court unanimous verdict in 2011 on the railway strike in 2006 ruled that a simple strike constitutes a crime of business obstruction only if it meets the requirements of abruptness and seriousness, irrespective of the justifiable requirements under the LULRA. Subsequently, the Supreme Court's ruling on the 2009 strike separated the business obstruction crime from the purpose of the strike. In the 2013 strikes, KRWU leaders were found not guilty of business obstruction from the first to the third trial. Despite the longest strike of 72 days which demanded the abolition of the performance-based pay system in 2016, the public prosecutor did not prosecute KRWU leaders and the railway workers were authorized to strike without being threatened by criminal liability. However, the criminal immunity principles have not yet been fully introduced, and the legal system for expanding criminal exemption has not reached the stage of exemption from civil liability or disciplinary liability. We must move to the full level of civil and criminal immunity from disputes through legislation and interpretation. This article examines the process of the strike of KRWU which widened the scope of criminal immunity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        노동위원회의 역할과 과제

        김선수(Kim Seon-Soo) 한국노동법학회 2009 노동법학 Vol.0 No.29

        Korea has an unique legislative system that Labor Relations Commission, Administrative Commission, takes charge of the adjudication of the labor (rights) dispute case like the case of the application for the wrongful dismissal. The adjudication function of Labor Relations Commission brings about many problems such as an essential limit arising from the fact that Administrative Commission takes charge of the function basically belonging to the judicial action, the confusion owing to dualistic relief procedures, the failure as a quick and cheap solution process of the disputes of rights owing to the operation of the actual 5-trial system and the insufficiency of expertise etc. The plan of the introduction of the Labor Court has been proposed as a way to solve such problems since 2003. However, the Labor Relations Commission Act was amended in the direction to strengthen the authority and functions of Labor Relations Commission. The situations have not been improved even after the amendment of Labor Relations Commission Act. The problems in the composition of Labor Relations Commission are as it used to be such as the members of public interests in charge of adjudication, the standing members and examiners etc. That is, the problems were intensified in the respect of expertise owing to the increase of the members of public interests and the easing of the standard of qualifications, and there remains a doubt in the fairness and neutrality of Labor Relations Commission in that the increased standing members were appointed with ex-high-class officials. The problems in the operation of Labor Relations Commission remain as usual such as the allotment of adjudi cation cases, the matter of the postponement of the date, the matter of the extortion of conciliation, insufficient survey of facts and the matter of examination etc. The problems of the adjudication functions of Labor Relations Commission can be raised as it used to be. It is necessary to recheck the adjudication function of Labor Relations Commission belonging to a judicial action fundamentally including the adjudication function on the case of the application for the wrong dismissal relief system.

      • KCI등재

        경북지역 환돈 유래 Salmonella Typhimurium의 약제내성 유전자 분석

        김주형 ( Joo Hyung Kim ),김성국 ( Seong Guk Kim ),김선수 ( Seon Soo Kim ),김정화 ( Jeong Hwa Kim ),박세희 ( Sye Hee Park ),남기후 ( Ki Hu Nam ),김형배 ( Hyoung Bae Kim ) 한국동물위생학회 2013 한국동물위생학회지 (KOJVS) Vol.36 No.2

        This study was conducted to investigate antibiotic resistance among Salmonella Typhimurium isolates from diseased pigs in Gyeongbuk province during the period 1998∼2011. One hundred forty one isolates were tested for antibiotic resistance using the standard disk diffusion method and were examined for presence of resistance gene by PCR method. S. Typhimurium showed high drug resistance rates to tetracycline (95.7%), streptomycin (93.6%), ampicillin (86.5%), cephalothin (80.1%), gentamicin (79.4%), and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (72.3%). Resistance gene, blaTEM, blaPSE1, tetA, tetB, tetG, sul1, sul2, aadA, strA, grm, and temA were detected among the antibiotic resistance isolates and temB, tetC, aadB gene were not detected. One hundred twenty one (89.6%) tetA, two (1.5%) tetB and one (0.7%) tetG gene were detected in the 135 tetracycline resistant isolates. Two (1.6%) temA gene were detected in one hundred twenty two ampicillin resistance isolates and temB was not detected.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        경북지역 재래염소의 Coxiella burnetii 항체보유율

        김성국 ( Seong Guk Kim ),조재청 ( Jae Cheong Cho ),이민교 ( Min Gyo Lee ),김선수 ( Seon Soo Kim ),이승헌 ( Seung Hun Lee ),곽동미 ( Dong Mi Kwak ) 한국동물위생학회 2014 한국동물위생학회지 (KOJVS) Vol.37 No.4

        Q fever is a zoonotic disease caused by the obligate intracellular bacterium Coxiella (C.) burnetii and affects wild and domestic animals worldwide. The aim of this study was to evaluate the seroprevalence of C. burnetii in native Korean goat (Capra hircus coreanae) in Gyeongbuk province, Korea, using ELISA. A total of 256 goat blood samples from 56 farms in Gyeongbuk province were collected between May 2012 and March 2013. Among them, 22 (8.6%) samples from 10 (17.9%) farms were seropositive for C. burnetii by ELISA. According to regional analysis, the seroprevalences among goat farms in eastern, western, southern, and northern areas of Gyeongbuk province were 0%, 18.2%, 36.8%, and 6.3%, respectively, showing the highest seroprevalence in the southern region. Among 22 counties in Gyeongbuk province, 10 (45.5%) counties had one or more farms positive to C. burnetii antibody. Accordingly, the seroprevalence of C. burnetii in high-risk humans and animals are constantly demanded by regional investigation.

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