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      • 2차원 어류 서식처 모의를 이용한 격리된 구하도의 연결성 복원에 따른 서식지 개선 평가

        김석현,김다나,조강현,Kim, Seog Hyun,Kim, Dana,Cho, Kang-Hyun 응용생태공학회 2015 Ecology and resilient infrastructure Vol.2 No.2

        하천 본류와 구하도 사이의 횡적 연결성은 하천-홍수터 생태계에서 생태적 기능을 유지하는데 매우 중요하다. 본 연구는 2차원 평균수심 유한요소 모형인 River2D를 사용하여 만경강에서 직강화로 인해 격리된 구하도의 연결성을 가상으로 복원하고 평수기와 홍수기 조건에서 어류 서식처 변화를 평가하였다. 평가 대상 어종은 정수성 어종인 붕어 (Carassius auratus)와 유수성 어종인 피라미 (Zacco platypus)를 선정하였다. 물리서식처모의 결과에 의하면, 연결성 복원 전후의 붕어와 피라미의 가중가용면적 (weighted usable area, WUA)은 복원 후에 증가하였으며 양방향 복원이 일방향 복원보다 어류 서식처 복원에 효과적이었다. 또한 가중가용면적의 증가율은 평수기보다 홍수기에 더 높았다. 특히 피라미의 경우 홍수기에 구하도의 연결성이 양방향 복원되었을때 구하도 내의 가중가용면적이 복원 전 대비 약 4배로 크게 증가할 것으로 예측되었다. 본 연구 결과 만경강에서 본류와 구하도의 연결성이 복원되었을 때 정수성 어류와 유수성 어류의 서식처가 모두 증가할 것으로 예상되며, 일방향 복원보다 양방향 복원이 더 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 또한 복원된 구하도는 홍수기 때 어류의 피난처 역할을 할 것으로 기대되었다. Lateral connectivity between a main channel and a former channel plays an integral role in maintaining ecological functions of stream-floodplain ecosystems. This study virtually restored the connectivity of the former channel, which is currently isolated by channelization, in the Mangyeong River, Korea. Fish habitat improvement after the connectivity restoration was evaluated using River2D, two-dimensional depth-averaged hydraulic modeling, depending on normal and flood flow conditions. Target fish species were crucian carp (Carassius auratus), which are known as lentic species, and pale chub (Zacco platypus), known as lotic species. The weighted usable area (WUA) of the two species was increased after the connectivity restoration: the two-way connection between the main and formal channels was more effective than the one-way connection. The result of the physical habitat simulation at a flood flow condition demonstrated an increased rate of the WUA than during a normal flow condition. In particular, the WUA of pale chub increased about four times on the two-way connectivity restoration. This result suggests that habitat availability of both lentic and lotic fish species will increase after a connectivity restoration, and a two-way connectivity restoration may be more effective. In addition, the restored formal channel would function as a shelter for fish during the flood season.

      • 자갈하천에서 서식처 교란이 어류 군집구조에 미치는 영향

        김석현,이완옥,조강현,Kim, Seog Hyun,Lee, Wan-Ok,Cho, Kang-Hyun 응용생태공학회 2014 Ecology and resilient infrastructure Vol.1 No.2

        본 연구는 전형적인 자갈하천인 가평천에서 하천 환경과 서식처 교란이 어류 군집구조에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위하여, 13개 조사지점에서 미국 환경청의 간편 생물평가법을 적용하여 하천환경을 평가하고 어류 군집구조를 조사하였다. 하천환경 평가 자료를 이용하여 주요인분석을 실시한 결과, 하상 경사와 관계가 있는 하상 서식환경, 유속/수심 체제, 유사 퇴적이 주요한 평가항목으로 판별되었다. 가평천에서 출현한 어종은 12과 46종이었고, 우점종이 참갈겨니 (Zacco koreanus), 아우점종이 피라미 (Z. platypus)이었다. 종별 개체수 자료를 사용하여 계층적 군집분석의 결과, 조사지는 상류, 중류 및 하류의 세 개의 집단으로 구분되었다. 비모수다차원척도법 결과에 의하면, 어류는 하천환경 평가 항목 중 하상 서식환경, 하상 매몰, 유속/수심 체제, 유사 퇴적, 하도 개수, 여울 빈도 항목과 유의한 상관관계가 있었다. 따라서 자갈하천인 가평천에서 어류 군집구조는 일차적으로 하상의 종적 환경 변화에 의하여 영향을 받고, 인위적 교란에 의하여 군집구조에 변화가 나타났다. Fish assemblages play an integral role in stream ecosystem and are influenced by stream environmental conditions and habitat disturbances. Fish community structures and habitat parameters of U.S. EPA rapid bio-assessment protocol were surveyed to investigate the effect of stream environment and habitat disturbance on fish communities at 13 study sites in the Gapyeong Stream, a typical gravel-bed stream. Principal component analysis (PCA) based on data from habitat assessment at each study site indicated that the study sites were differentiated by habitat parameters such as embeddedness, velocity/depth regime and sediment deposition, which were related with bed slope. A total of 46 species belonging to 12 families were collected in the Gapyeong Stream. A dominant species was Zacco koreanus, subdominant species was Z. platypus. Hierarchical cluster analysis based on species abundance classified fish communities into the three main groups along the stream longitudinal change. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) portrayed that fish community structures were related to major habitat parameters, i.e., epifaunal substrate/available cover, embeddedness, velocity/depth regime, sediment deposition, channel alternation and frequency of riffles. These results suggested that fish community structures were primary affected by the longitudinal environmental changes, and those were modified by habitat disturbance in the Gapyeong Stream, a gravel-bed stream.

      • 만경강에서 하천정비에 의하여 격리된 구하도의 어류 군집 구조: 연결성 복원을 위한 제안

        김석현,전형태,조강현,Kim, Seog Hyun,Cheon, Hyoung Tae,Cho, Kang-Hyun 응용생태공학회 2015 Ecology and resilient infrastructure Vol.2 No.1

        본 연구는 하천에서 격리된 구하도와 본류에서 어류 군집 구조의 차이를 비교하기 위하여, 만경강에서 2곳의 본류와 단절된 구하도를 선정하여 환경 요인과 어류 군집 구조를 조사하였다. 측정된 환경 자료를 이용하여 주요인분석을 실시한 결과, 구하도는 하상이 주로 진흙과 모래로 이루어졌고 식생 피도가 높은 반면 본류는 수로 폭이 넓고 하상이 왕자갈, 잔돌, 호박돌 등 다양한 하상구조를 보였고 용존산소 및 전기전도도가 높게 나타났다. 어류 자료를 사용하여 군집분석 결과, 구하도 군집과 본류 군집으로 뚜렷이 구분되었다. 구하도는 호소 및 소하천에 서식하는 어류 군집 구조가 나타났고, 본류는 강과 같은 대형하천에 서식하는 어류군집 구조를 나타냈다. 비모수다차원척도법 결과에 의하면 구하도에 분포하는 어류는 식생 피도와 높은 양의 상관관계를 가진 반면 본류에 분포한 어류는 용존산소, 전기전도도와 높은 상관관계를 보였다. 본 연구 결과, 구하도는 본류와의 연결성이 단절되면서 본류와 비교할 때 어류 서식 환경이 완전히 달라짐으로써 어류 군집 구조가 큰 차이를 보이고 어류의 산란처 및 은신처 기능도 상실한 것으로 판단되었다. 따라서 하천의 어류 생물다양성 증진을 위하여 구하도의 횡적 연결성을 복원하기 위한 노력이 필요하다. This study investigated the difference in fish community structures in a main channel and an isolated former channel, considering the environmental factors in the Mangyeong River, Korea. Principal component analysis (PCA) with environmental factors showed that former channels were composed of a fine substrate covered by in-stream vegetation, whereas the main channel was covered by a wide range of substrates with a higher dissolved oxygen and conductivity. The result of the hierarchical cluster analysis with species abundance delineated to the four main groups; three abandoned channel groups and one main channel group. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) showed that fish community structures of each study site differed from environmental factors: former channel fish communities were positively related to in-stream vegetation cover, whereas main channel fish communities were positively associated with dissolved oxygen and conductivity. The results indicated that channelization, where there was a separation between the former channel and the main channel, had detrimental effects on fish community structures of both the main channel and the abandoned channel in the Mangyeong River. In conclusion, this study suggested that the connectivity between the main channel and abandoned channel were required to enhance both habitat structural diversity and species diversity of the Mangyeong River.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        꺽저기 Coreoperca kawamebari와 꺽지 C. herzi의 공서 하천인 보성강에서 환경 차이에 따른 두 종의 분포와 어류 군집 구조

        김석현 ( Seog Hyun Kim ),이상헌 ( Sang Hun Lee ),이완옥 ( Wan Ok Lee ),조강현 ( Kang Hyun Cho ) 한국하천호수학회 2013 생태와 환경 Vol.46 No.3

        The distribution of Coreoperca kawamebari was known to be restricted to the Tamjin River and several small streams flowing into the southern part of the West Sea, while C. herzi was widely distributed throughout South Korea except the areas inhabited by C. kawamebari: the two species were known to be allopatric. However, we found that both species were sympatric in the Boseong River, a tributary of the Seomjin River, and the Jiseok Stream, a tributary of the Yeongsan River. Local-scale distribution of the two Coreoperca species, fish assemblages, and environmental variables were surveyed to investigate effects of environmental factors on fish community structures in the Boseong River. Rank abundance distribution of fish community at the study sites indicated that fish species diversity and distribution pattern of the two Coreoperca species were closely related to habitat diversity. The result of canonical correspondence analysis showed that C. kawamebari was distributed in pool areas while C. herzi was found in the areas with higher water velocity and boulder substrate. These results suggested that species diversity of fish community decreased and only one of the two Coreoperca species inhabited at the sites with less diverse habitat, but on the other hand, high habitat diversity increased species diversity and allowed the two species to coexist.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Bisphenol A가 흰쥐의 태반 기능과 출산에 미치는 영향

        이채관,김석현,문덕환,김정호,손병철,김대환,이창희,김휘동,김정원,김종은,이채언,Lee, Chae-Kwan,Kim, Seog-Hyun,Moon, Deog-Hwan,Kim, Jeong-Ho,Son, Byung-Chul,Kim, Dae-Hwan,Lee, Chang-Hee,Kim, Hwi-Dong,Kim, Jung-Won,Kim, Jong-Eun,Lee, Chae 대한예방의학회 2005 예방의학회지 Vol.38 No.3

        Objectives : The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of bisphenol A (BPA), an estrogen-like environmental endocrine disrupter, on the placental function and reproduction in rats. The mRNA levels of the placental prolactin-growth hormone(PRL-GH) gene family, placental trophoblast cell frequency and reproductive data were analyzed. Methods : The pregnancies of F344 Fisher rats ($160g{\pm}20g$) were detected by the presence of the copulatory plug or sperm in the vaginal smear, which marked Day 0 of pregnancy. Pregnant rats were divided into three groups. The control group was intraperitoneally injected with a sesame oil vehicle. The two remaining groups were injected with 50 or 500 mg/kg B.W/day of BPA, resuspended in sesame oil, on either days 7 to 11 or 16 to 20 of pregnancy, with the rats sacrificed on either day 11 or 20, respectively. The mRNA levels of PRL-GH and Pit-1a and b isotype genes were analyzed by Northern blot hybridization and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The hormone concentrations were analyzed by radioimmunoassay, and the frequency of the placental trophoblast cells observed by a histochemical study. Reproductive data, such as the placental weight and litter size, were surveyed on day 20. The fetal weight was surveyed for 4 weeks after birth. A statistical analysis was carried out using the SAS program (version 8.1). Results : The mRNA levels of the PRL-GH gene family, such as placental lactogen I, Iv and II, prolactin like protein A, C and Cv, and decidual prolactin-related protein were significantly reduced due to BPA exposure. The mRNA levels of the Pit-1a and b isotype genes, which induce the expression of the PRL-GH gene family in the rat placenta, were also reduced due to BPA exposure. The PL-Iv and PL-II concentrations were reduced in the BPA exposed group. During the middle to last stage of pregnancy (Days 11-20), a high dose of BPA exposure reduced the frequency of spongiotrophoblast cells, which are responsible for the secretion of the PRL-GH hormones. Reproductive data, such as the placental and fetal weights and the litter size, were reduced, but that of the pregnancy period was extended in the BPA exposed compared to the control group. Conclusions : BPA disrupts the placental functions in rats, which leads to reproductive disorders.

      • 인천시에서 토지이용이 도시 열 환경에 미치는 영향

        공학양,김석현,조형진,Kong, Hak-Yang,Kim, Seog Hyun,Cho, Hyungjin 응용생태공학회 2016 Ecology and resilient infrastructure Vol.3 No.4

        본 연구에서는 도시 토지이용과 열 환경의 관계를 파악하기 위하여, 인천시에서 토지이용이 다른 곳에서 기온을 측정하였고, 지난 40년간 토지이용과 기온의 변화를 파악하였으며, 위성영상 자료를 이용하여 토지이용과 온도의 관계에 대하여 연구하였다. 2014년 8월 19일부터 21일까지 산림지, 경작지 (논), 나지 (운동장), 시가화지 (아스팔트 도로)에서 온도를 측정한 결과에서 시가화지역이 가장 기온이 높았고 산림지가 가장 낮았다. 인천시에서 1975년부터 2014년까지 40년간 기온은 약 $1.4^{\circ}C$ ($0.035^{\circ}C$/년)이 상승하였다. 지난 40년간 인천시의 토지이용 유형에서 시가화건조지, 나지, 초지가 증가하였고 경작지, 습지, 산림지가 감소하였다. Landsat 위성영상을 이용하여 추출한 지표면 온도 (LST)와 정규식생지수 (NDVI), 정규시가지화지수 (NDBI) 간에 상관관계를 보였다. 지표면 온도는 NDVI가 높은 곳에서 지면온도가 낮았고, NDBI가 높은 곳에서 지면 온도가 높았다. 따라서 도시의 열섬효과를 완화하고 열 환경을 개선하기 위해서는 녹지, 습지, 농경지의 토지이용을 보전하고 복원하는 것이 중요하다고 판단된다. To identify the relationship between land use and thermal environment in an urban area, the air temperature was measured at different places of land use, and the changes of land use and air temperature were traced for 40 years in Incheon City. The relationship between land use and temperature was also investigated using satellite image data. The results of temperature measurements on a forest, a cropland (rice paddy), a bareland (school ground), and an urban area (asphalt road) from 19 to 21 August 2014 showed that air temperature was the highest on a pavement road. The temperature increased by about $1.4^{\circ}C$ ($0.035^{\circ}C/year$) for 40 years from 1975 to 2014 in Incheon. The changes in land use patterns of Incheon for the past 40 years showed that urban dry land, bareland and grassland have increased and cultivated land, wetland and forest land have decreased gradually. The land surface temperature (LST) was correlated with the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalized difference built-up index (NDBI) extracted from Landsat satellite image. The land surface temperature was lower at higher NDVI, and higher at higher NDBI. Therefore, it is important to conserve and restore the land use of greenery, wetlands, and agricultural land in order to mitigate the heat island effect and improve the thermal environment in an urban area.

      • KCI등재후보

        내성천에서 영주댐 운영전 어류 군집구조의 특성

        원종서(Jong-Seo Won),김석현(Seog Hyun Kim),조강현(Kang-Hyun Cho) 응용생태공학회 2017 Ecology and resilient infrastructure Vol.4 No.1

        낙동강의 지류하천인 내성천은 전형적인 모래하천으로 고유한 생태계의 구조와 기능을 가지고 있다. 그러나 2016년부터 운영되고 있는 영주댐에 의하여 내성천의 댐 하류에서 하상의 변화와 이에 따른 어류상의 변화가 예상된다. 본 연구에서는 2014년부터 2016년까지 모래하천인 내성천에서 어류의 서식환경, 생물상 및 군집구조의 변화를 모니터링하기 위하여, 공사중인 영주댐 하류와 대조지소로서 서천에서 하천 환경을 조사하고 어류를 채집하였다. 내성천에 영주댐이 축조되기 시작하면서 댐 직하류에서 하상재료의 입경 크기가 증가하였다. 영주댐이 운영되기 전 내성천에서는 피라미가 우점하였고, 조사지점에 따라서 끄리, 쉬리, 참마자, 모래무지가 아우점하였다. 내성천에서는 모래 하상에서 특이하게 서식하는 누치, 참마자, 모래무지, 흰수마자, 기름종개, 대동갱이가 발견되었다. 내성천의 영주댐 하류에서 어류 군집는 하상 재료의 입경에 따라서 돌마자, 쉬리, 꺽지 등의 자갈 하상 어종 출현 군집과 누치, 기름종개, 흰수마자 등의 모래 하상 어종 출현 군집으로 구분되었다. 또한 이들 군집은 영주댐 건설 이후에 시간이 경과함에 따라서 점차 모래 하상 어류 군집에서 자갈 하상 어류 군집으로 변하는 경향이었다. 그러므로 영주댐 하류 하천에서 환경과 어류상의 변화를 지속적으로 모니터링하여 모래하천의 생태계 보전을 위한 기초자료를 확보하여야 할 것으로 생각된다. The Naeseong Stream as a tributary of Nakdong River has conserved the unique structure and function of a typical sand-bed stream ecosystem. However, it is expected to change the stream bed environments and then the fish fauna in the downstream of the dam after the operation of the Yeongju Dam from 2016. We collected fishes and investigated their habitat environments from 2014 to 2016 in the downstream of the Yeongju Dam under construction in order to monitor changes in habitat environment, fauna and community structure of fishes in the Naeseong Stream. The size of the bed materials increased immediately downstream of the Yeongju Dam under construction. Before the operation of the Yeongju Dam, Zacco platypus was dominated and Opsarichthys uncirostris amurensis, Coreoleuciscus splendidus, Hemibarbus longirostris and Pseudogobio esocinus were sub-dominated according to the different sampling sites. Hemibarbus labeo, H. longirostris, Pseudogobio esocinus, Gobiobotia nakdongensis, Cobitis hankugensis and Leiocassis ussuriensis were found as a psammophilous fish specific to sand stream in the Naeseong Stream. At the downstream of the dam, the fish community was classified into a group of gravel-bed fishes such as Microphysogobio yaluensis, Coreoleuciscus splendidus and Coreoperca herzi and a group of sand-bed fishes such as Hemibarbus labeo, Cobitis hankugensis and Gobiobotia nakdongensis. These fish communities gradually tended to change from sand-bed fish community to gravel-bed fish community during the construction of the Yeongju Dam. Therefore, it is necessary to collect the baseline data for the stream ecosystem conservation in the sandy stream by continuously monitoring changes in the environment and fish in the downstream of the Youngju Dam.

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