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        金錫俊 부산대학교 사회과학대학 1985 社會科學論叢 Vol.4 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the class structure in Pusan City considering its rapid urbanization. In this study, the class structure in Pusan City is classified into three classes - capitalist, petty bourgeoisie, working class. Then, the proportion of each class and its change in class structure is presented by analysing census and economically active population data. The main findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the proportion of the capitalist in the class structure in Pusan City has gradually decreased since in 1966. The proportion of the petty bourgeoisie had fluctuated but has gradually increased ; that of the working class has decreased since in 1980. Second, working class occupies relatively large proportion in Pusan City compared with other cities in Korea. Furthermore, the proportion of the productive laborers in this working class is very large, while that of the salary-men is relatively small. Third, the proportion of urban petty bourgeoisie has increased absolutely and relatively since in 1980, even if the degree of increase in not very large. This interesting phenomenon is contrasted with the result of the other study. In this study, besides such a rough analysis of the class structure in Pusan city, explanations about the inner composition of each class, their socio-economic conditions and interrelations between classes/strata are attempted very tentatively. By the way, this study in itself cannot go beyond a preliminary approach, so it needs to be supplemented by more theoretical/empirical researches.

      • KCI등재
      • 정책과정의 새로운 통합이론과 인식공동체이론

        김석준 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1992 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.60 No.2

        This study intends to suggest epistemic-communities approach and newly synthesizing theories of the policy process as alternatives to integrate two different research streams in political science and in policy studies. Although policy science developed from a subfield of the political science, its theories are much differentiated from that of its original discipline. Despite their continuous contributions to policy researches, the gap between political scientist and policy scholars has grown enormously. This similar trend exists both in the United States and in Korea. In order to delve more scientifically and relevantly into the policy issues, we need to study the public policies interdisciplinarily by coordinating the efforts of policy scholars and that of political scientists. First, we can point out the innovations discovered by the policy scholars in understanding the policy process : ⅰ) the importance of intergovernmental policy communities/subsystems, ⅱ) the importance of substantive policy information, ⅲ) the critical role of policy elites vis-a-vis the public, ⅳ) the desirability of longitudinal studies of a decade or more, ⅴ) the differences in political behavior according to policy types. Political scientists and policy scholars share a common interest of developing better theories of policy process than the stage heuristics. Second, such theories should integrate many of the contributions of policy scholars with the political scientists traditional focus on the preferences, interests, and resources of various actors, institutional rules, and socioeconomic background conditions. Third, four such efforts can cover the range of approaches that meet the criteria of addressing most of those topics, applying to significant portions of the policy process, and proving useful in a variety of empirical settings : ⅰ) the open-systems funnel of causality framework of Richard Hofferbert ; ⅱ) the approach involving rational actors within institutions developed by Elinor Ostrom and her colleagues, ; ⅲ) the "policy streams" framwork of John Kingdon ; and ⅳ) the "advocacy coalition" framework recently developed by Paul Sabatier. Fourth, in addition to these four approaches of synthesizing the theories of the policy process, we suggest Peter Haass epistemic communities approach as another alternative to explain the policy making/policy coordination, especially in an information society. This approach identifies the following points : ⅰ) the modern administrative state(expansion, professionalization, and deference to the "knowledge elite") ; ⅱ) decision-making process(complexity, uncertainty, and depeudability of epistemic communities for advice) ; ⅲ) distinguishing epistemic communities from other groups(interest groups, social movements, disciplines, professions, legislators, bureaucratic agencies, bureaucratic coalitions, etc.) ; and ⅳ) epistemic community approach is derived from the cognate literature which includes ideas, belief systems, operational codes, cognitive maps, consensual knowledge, policy networks, transnational and transgovernmental channels and politics, institutions and organizations. In an authoritarian state like Korea, the nature of policy process is depoliticized. Major governmental policies are made and implemented with an exclusive leadership of the state. These kinds of policy process can be explained by a series of orthodox theories of the policy science which neglect the active role of the political actors, of even the institutional competition among state agencies. However, the Korean politics became democratized after the labor-movements of the mid-1980s by the destruction of authoritarianism. On the other hand, the Korean society also went through a long period of its own industrialization, and now, it is trying to enter into a new stage of information society : that is, another side of post-industrial society. These kinds of new politico-economic contexts need new theories to explain the characteristics of Korean policy process. In conclusion, both the synthesizing theories of the policy process and the epistemic communities approach can be Velevant theories to study the Korean policy process. Especially, they will be very useful to the analysis of Korean policy issues when we consider that the Korean society is now rapidly changing toward its democratization, informationization, and globalization. These three new characteristics of the Korean society will enhance the applicabilities of both the synthesizing theories and the epistemic communities approach to the discipline of policy studies in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌라이제이션 시대 한국 국가변동과 개혁정책의 정치경제 : 국가, 시장, 결사체, 및 공동체 의식에 대한 국민의 태도조사를 중심으로

        김석준 이화여자대학교 사회과학연구소 2000 사회과학연구논총 Vol.5 No.-

        본 연구는 국민의 태도조사에 의해 한국의 개혁정책과 국가변동을 시장, 결사체, 및 공동체 의식의 변화와의 상호관계를 중심으로 신제도론적 관점에서 분석한 경험적인 연구이다. 한국은 당면한 'IMF관리체제'의 극복 외에도 새로운 밀레니움을 맞으며 글로벌라이제이션이라는 밖으로부터의 압력과 시민사회의 요구라는 안으로부터의 도전에 직면하여 경제적으로 신 자유주의 시장경제, 정치 사회적으로 신조합주의 결사체모형, 그리고 정치 문화적으로는 새로운 공동체 의식 등을 통합적으로 구축하는 범 국가적인 개혁과제가 주어졌으나 이들간의 상호관계에 대한 체계적이고 경험적인 연구는 부족한 편이다. 이 때문에 본 연구는 개혁정책을 국가제도화의 관점에서 파악하여 국가, 시장, 결사체, 및 공동체 의식 등의 거시적 상호 관계분석에 초점을 두되, 전국규모의 설문지조사를 통한 미시적인 방법을 사용하여 이들 연구변수간의 관계를 분석하였다. 그 결과, 글로벌라이제이션이라는 국가 외부변수가 신 자유주의 시장개혁에 영향을 주고 이것이 결사체나 공동체의식 개혁 및 국가정당성 수준을 바꾸어, 국가가 사회세력이나 외국기관과 맺고 있는 국가정당성의 수준이 국가제도화를 자력으로 가능하게 하는 힘이 되고,국가정당성을 기반으로 한 국가제도화의 확장이야말로 영속적인 국가능력의 향상을 가능하게 함을 본 연구는 밝혀주고 있다. 이는 국가개혁 과제간의 이론적인 상호관계와 인과관계를 밝혀줄 뿐만 아니라 국가정책간의 선후관계와 그 비중의 정도를 밝혀준다는 점에서 의의가 있다 This is an empirical study to analyze the influences of the market, consociation and community culture on the state change(in detail, state legitimation and state institutionalization) with a neo-institutional approach. In addition to the IMF economic crisis, Korea should deal with such problems from an international demand of the civil society, market, community culture as well as from the external pressures of globalization. The Korean reform policies should deal with economic neo-liberalism, social ne-consociationalism, and new community culture which are changing the nature of the state in turn. However, there is not any study to analyze the relationship among ·the state, market, consociation and community culture, both theoretically as well as empirically. Therefore, this study analyzed their relationships by a national attitude survey on those variables with a sample size of 1,200 adult citizens. According to the result, first, this study has verified that the neo-liberal economic reform in the market has more if1uences on the state change than consociation and/or community culture has. Secondly, the state legitimation change induces the state institutional change within the state change, which means that the Korean state is under the process of change from the below/or the besides rather than that from the above. In conclusion, Korea is in the middle of the democratic consolidation in terms of state change and the reform policies in the globalization age.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        韓國政權變化의 政治經濟

        金錫俊 한국정치학회 1988 한국정치학회보 Vol.22 No.1

        한국의 정권변동에 따른 권위주의의 심화를 그동안 관료적 권위주의, 국가조합주의, 그리고 종속적 발전론 등과 같은 외국에서 행성된 이론들을 중심으로 논의하여 왔으며 이 과정에서 이들 이론의 적실성 문제가 크게 제기되었다. 이러한 기존의 논의를 바탕으로 이들 이론의 部分性과 靜態性을 극복하면서 한국사례의 특수성을 감안하여, 본 연구는 政權變化를 世界體制, 國家, 그리고 社會階級間의 相互活動을 중심으로 파악코자 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 제3세계발전과 강한 權威主義國家登場에 관련된 이론들을 검토하고, 이들의 한국적 적실성을 평가한 후 왜 새로운 政治經濟的 模型의 설정이 필요한가를 밝힌다. 이러한 이론적 검토와 적실성평가를 기초로 하여 한국의 정권변화를 설명코자 世界體制, 國家, 社會階級 등이 主要變數로 선정되고 이들간의 相互活動類型을 중심으로 國家形態가 규정된다. 이때 세변수들은 각각 변화의 경향성을 지니고 그 구체적인 내용들간의 결합유형에 따라 국가는 政治的 安保國家, 政治的 福祉國家, 新重商主義的 安保國家, 그리고 新重商主義的 福祉國家의 형태로 나타난다. 한국의 경우에는 世界國家體制의 主導下에 정치적 안보국가인 이승만정권이 등장하고, 사회세력이 중심이 되어 4ㆍ19 이후 장면정권이 채정치적 복지국가로 정착이 되지 못한채 5ㆍ16을 맞게 되면서 軍을 주축으로 한 安保指向의 國家官僚制의 주도하에 신중상주의적 안보국가인 박정희ㆍ전두환정권을 등장ㆍ유지 시켜왔다. 그러나 최근 民衆세력이 정치적으로 활성화되면서 신중상주의적 복지국가로의 변동을 추구하고 있다. 이러한 한국에서의 정권변화 추이는 초기 세계국가체제주도에서, 국가주도로, 그리고 최근 사회계급이 주도하는 새로운 국면으로 변화하고 있음을 이들 세변수의 자체운동법칙을 중심으로 밝힌다.

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