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      • KCI등재

        판례로 본 분묘기지권에 관한 법리 연구

        김상명(Kim Sang-Myeong) 한국토지공법학회 2007 土地公法硏究 Vol.35 No.-

        Graveyards, in general, are established on the land of the its owner. However there are some cases that they are established on the land of owner with the permission or without it. The owner of the graveyard has the site right of the graveyards, many realistic problems such as damage of nature, inefficiency of national land, and infringement of ownership have been happened and to regulate these a funeral law was enacted. The site right of the graveyards is not against to the principle of realty in Civil Law, and although funeral law excludes the existence of the site of graveyards expressively, it is reasonable that the exclusion will be recognized only in the case, among the precedents which courts have acknowledged, of prescribing the site of graveyard by establishing a graveyard in the land of others without permit of the owner. However the site right of the grave superficies which had been recognized by the judical precedents has been threatened recently. One of the maim reasons is to enact the new law on the land. The law does not permit the other person, such as the owner of the grave, to occupy the right of grave having established without the owner"s permission of to land. The law of the funeral explains the content related to the right of the grave. So the right of preservation of the grave superficies and the right of the land may be abolished. In this study, I would like to explain the theories and the former judical precedents on the right. After studying on the funeral law and the future of the grave superficies, I would like to make view for the desirable targets.

      • KCI등재

        점유취득시효완성자의 대상청구권

        김상명(Kim Sang-Myeong) 한국법학회 2007 법학연구 Vol.27 No.-

        우리 민법에서는 대상청구권에 대하여 아무런 규정을 두고 있지 않음으로 인해 판례가 인정하게 됨으로써 그 인정범위와 권리의 내용에 대해 학설상 다툼이 발생할 수밖에 없다. 이에 대하여 대법원은 공평의 원리에 따라 구체적인 사안에서 구체적 타당성을 도출하는 방향으로 대상청구권을 활용하고 있다. 특히 부동산 점유취득시효로 인한 소유권이전등기청구권이 이행불능이 되었을 경우에 대상청구권에 대하여도, 이행불능 전에 등기명의인에 대하여 취득시효의 완성을 주장하거나, 또는 그것을 원인으로 한 등기청구권을 행사하였을 경우에만 그 대상청구권을 행사할 수 있는 것으로 요건을 제한함으로써 취득시효완성 후 목적물을 처분한 소유자의 책임을 제한적으로 인정하여 온 기존 판례와 조화를 맞추고 있다. 이러한 판례의 태도는 공평의 이념에 따른 것으로 기본적으로는 타당한 것으로 볼 수 있으나 대상청구권의 인정범위나 구체적인 권리내용이 명확하지 않아 법적 안정성을 해칠 우려가 있다. 따라서 대상청구권에 관한 충분한 논의를 거쳐 그 인정범위와 권리의 내용에 대하여 민법에 명문으로 규정을 둠으로써 입법론적으로 해결하는 것이 다툼을 방지할 수 있는 방안이 될 것으로 생각한다. The claim rights of vicarious compensation mean the creditors' right of recourse on the profit against the obligors when debtors make profits on vicarious compensation of the object to be fulfilled by the same causes which raised the insolvency. The Korean civil law has no provision on the claim rights of vicarious compensation. The claim rights of vicarious compensation in legal schemes and the harmonizations of the laws with the other civil law systems are different due to the differences in the ways of the transfer of a real right and the principles of risk bearing etc. of the countries. The results of breaking the fairness between both parties concerned like this appear continuously in that only the proportional decrease of a consideration obligation would be admitted. the effect come up to fruit, even a guarantor necessarily bears a responsibility when the rights are exercised. In conclusion, due to the problems in itself as well as possible conflict with existing system and fairness breaking result of the acknowledging the claim right of vicarious compensation, it is reasonable that the Korean civil law should not acknowledge the claim rights of vicarious compensation. In a word. it is necessary to provide an express provision admitting the claim rights of vicarious compensation and regulating essential contents rationally to solve the problems.

      • KCI등재

        부동산유치권의 특수성과 입법적 과제

        김상명(Kim, Sang-Myeong) 한국법학회 2012 법학연구 Vol.45 No.-

        유치권은 타인의 물건을 점유한 자가 그 물건에 관하여 발생한 채권을 가지고 있는 경우에, 그 채권의 전부를 변제받을 때까지 물건의 반환을 거부할 수 있도록 함으로써 당사자간에 공평의 원칙을 실현하기 위한 법정담보물권으로서 로마법상 ‘악의의 항변’권에서 발전하였다. 오늘날 유치권은 부동산과 관련하여 발생하는 경우가 대부분을 차지하고 있으며, 이는 부동산거래 당사자간의 분쟁사건 역시 부동산유치권을 대상으로 하는 경우가 대부분을 차지하고 있다. 이러한 부동산유치권은 부동산담보물권임에도 불구하고 등기에 의하여 공시되지 않고 점유라는 공시방법을 인정함으로써 다른 담보물권과는 다른 특수성이 존재한다. 또한 부동산유치권은 저당권과는 달리 부동산 전부의 교환가치로부터 후순위권리 자나 기타 채권자보다 피담보채권에 대한 우선변제 권이 인정되지 않으며, 이로 인한 목적물이 멸실, 훼손 또는 공용징수됨으로써 그 목적물에 갈음하는 금전 기타 물건의 변형물 위에 존속하는 물상대위성도 인정되지 않은 특수성이 있다. 그리고 부동산경매절차에서 다른 담보물권의 성립 선후에 관계없이 유치권이 경매에 의하여 소멸하지도 않고, 목적물의 인도청구의 소에 있어서 유치권자가 인도거절을 할 경우, 피고의 유치권항변이 인용되는 경우라도 원고의 청구를 전적으로 배척할 것이 아니라, 그 물건에 관해서 생긴 채권의 변화와 상환으로 그 물건의 인도를 명하여야 할 것임을 성질상 당연하다고 하여 원고일부승소판결을 하는 것이 타당하다는 특수성이 존재한다. 이러한 부동산유치권의 특수성에 비추어 다음과 같은 입법적 과제를 제시하고자 한다. 첫째, 부동산유치권은 점유만으로 대항력을 인정하게 되므로 매수인 또는 이해관계인에게 불측의 손해를 끼칠 염려가 있으므로 성립요건을 강화하여야 할 필요가 있고, 제3자에게 공시할 수 있는 입법적 대안이 필요하다. 둘째, 유치권에 의해서 부동산의 교환가치가 하락함으로써 담보권자가 불이익을 받는 것을 방지하기 위해서 부동산유치권의 경우에도 담보권의 우선변제의 효력을 인정하도록 하여야할 입법적 조치가 필요가 있으며, 나아가 부동산경매절차에 의해서 유치권은 소멸하도록 하여야 할 필요가 있다고 생각한다. A lien was initially developed from the right of exceptio doli according to Roman Law to realize the fairness doctrine between two parties as a legal right granted by a way of security in the case where a person who occupies anothers possession can refuse the right to return it until he/she is fully reimbursed for the bonds that they are entitled to related to the possession that they hold Today, the lien is mostly related to real estate cases. This situation also happens to apply mostly to the two conflicted parties who are involved in real estate transactions. Such lien of real estate has a distinct feature in that it is different from other legal rights by a way of security as it acknowledges the public announcement of possession in the sense that it doesnt rely on the official registration process even though it is a real estate collateral. In addition, the lien of real estate does not acknowledge the priority reimbursement rights for collateral bonds above other miscellaneous creditors or junior creditors for the exchangeable value for the total real estate, unlike the mortgage right. Under- such conditions, the targeted asset could be eliminated, damaged or expropriated by compulsory acquisition and thereby having the unique characteristic of not being acknowledged with the property substitute rights which presides over the substituted property such as money and other objects. Furthermore, in the real estate auction process, irregardless of other establishments of collateral rights before or after, the lien does not cease to exist through the auction and in the attempt to extinguish the transfer claim of the target object, should the lienholder refuse the transfer, even in the case where the defendants lien is quoted, the claims of the plaintiff should not be totally excluded, but keeping in mind that fundamentally it is of course right that the transfer be ordered for that object due to the changes and repayment of the bonds related to that object, a distinctive characteristic exists that it is appropriate to have the case partially decided in favor of the plaintiff. Based on such distinctive characteristics of the lien of real estate, I would like to propose the following legislative issues. Firstly, the lien of real estate acknowledges opposing power just with occupation, and there is the concern that it is likely to have unpredictable damages to the purchaser or any other parties involved which makes it necessary to strengthen the establishment conditions. Also, an alternative plan is needed which will allow a public announcement to the 3rd party. Secondly, with the depreciation of the real estate exchange value due to the lien, in order to prevent any disadvantages that may be incurred to the mortgagee, even in the case of the lien of real estate, there is a need to acknowledge the effectiveness of priority reimbursement of the security right, and in addition, there is a need to terminate the lien through the real estate auction process.

      • KCI등재

        미성년자의 불법행위에 대한 감독의무자의 책임

        김상명(Kim Sang-Myeong) 한국법학회 2008 법학연구 Vol.30 No.-

        미성년자의 불법행위로 인한 감독의무자의 책임에 관하여 민법 제750조의 일반불법행위 일반규정 이외에 제753조와 제755조를 따로 규정하고 있다. 민법 제753조는 미성년자가 타인에게 손해를 가할 당시 그 행위의 책임을 변식할 지능이 없는 때에는 배상책임을 지지 않는다고 규정하고 있다. 이러한 미성년자의 책임능력은 구체적인 사안에 따라 개별적으로 판정하고 있는 것이 판례의 태도이다. 대개 정상적인 발육을 한 경우에는 13-14세의 자 정도면 책임능력이 있다고 본다. 그러나 민법 제755조의 흠결로 책임능력 있는 미성년자의 감독자에게도 책임을 부담시키는 방안을 모색함으로써 책임무능력자의 연령이 점점 높아지고 있다. 제755조는 가해자가 책임능력이 없으면 그의 법정감독의무자가 배상책임을 지게 되며, 이때 감독의무자가 그의 감독의무를 게을리 하지 않았음을 입증하여야 면책이 되도록 규정하고 있다. 따라서 감독의무자의 책임은 가해자가 책임능력이 없을 때 그를 대신하여 책임을 진다는 의미에서 보충적인 성격을 가진다. 또 불법행위 자체가 자신이 행한 것이 아니므로 무과실책임적인 면이 있는가 하면, 감독의무를 게을리 하였다는 점에서 자기과실적인 면도 가지고 있으므로, 이른바 중간책임적 성격이라고 할 수 있다. 민법 제755조가 책임능력 있는 미성년자의 불법행위책임은 감독의무자가 부담하지 않아도 되도록 구성되어 있다. 그러나 현실적으로 미성년자가 자력이 있다면 모르지만 그렇지 않을 경우에는 피해자의 구제가 불완전해진다. 그래서 학설과 판례에서는 책임능력이 있는 경우에도 감독자가 책임을 부담하는 방향으로 나아가고 있다. 이 경우에 도출될 수 있는 이론이 가단책임설, 가장 책임설, 신원보증인책임설, 일반불법행위적용설, 제755조 확장적용설 등이다. 판례도 그러한 감독자에게 고유의 일반불법행위의 책임이나 미성년자와의 병존적 책임을 인정하고 있다. 하지만 판례의태도는 구체적 타당성에 치중되어 있는 나머지 법적 안정성은 무시되고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 민법 재755조는 입법적인 불비로 생각되며, 감독의무자와 미성년자 모두에게 책임을 물을 수 있는 병존적(병합적) 책임으로 입법화하는 것이 바람직하다고 할 것이다. This article deals with the liability of a supervisor when a minor does unlawful acts. If the minor who had not attained majority did a tort, his or her supervisor is liable for damages. In the korean Civil Cord article 750, 753 and 755 touch upon this theme. The article 755 expresses the liability of a supervisor over a person under disability, In case where the minor is not responsible in accordance with article 753, a person who is under a legal duty to supervise a person under mental disability is bound to make compensation for any damage which the mentally unsound person has caused to a third person. So if the minor had caused damage to another person and had been in possession of sufficient intelligence to comprehend of the damage according to art 750. But as if he had no money, the victim is not a satisfactory. The purpose of this study is explore way that helps relieve injured persons from the torts of a minor and how to share the loss equitably.

      • KCI등재

        제주도 중산간지역 난개발 방지를 위한 도민의식조사 연구

        김상명(Kim Sang-Myeong),상찬(Kim Sang-Chan) 한국법학회 2005 법학연구 Vol.18 No.-

        Jeju Island is expected to carry out some serious levels of developments in the wide-scale construction businesses such as the 7 Innovative Projects followed by the General Plan of Jeju Free International City. The Mid-mountain Area which is located about 200m-300m above sea level occupying about 32% of the whole Jeju Island area not only has a high level of water but possesses a good amount of porous soil which contains underground water but is also an area where endangered species of animals and rare plants reside forming a spectacular vista of natural landscape and scenic beauty. This fact alone makes this area a very valuable place to preserve but unfortunately, some imprudent developments have been carried out and there is concern that this will continue on in the future. There certainly is a dire need to look for preventive measures that will effectively put a stop to this excessive development. Taking this natural and environmental unique features of the Mid-mountain Area into consideration, the reasons and issues of the unwarrantable developments were looked into and a research into the awareness of the Jeju residents were carried out in order to seek out a solution. Based on the analytical results of the study, the following legislative and policy measures are suggested to preserve and prevent further unwarrantable developments. First, it is advisable to carry on any regional and International City developments focusing on the ecological parks. Second, the situation in the Mid-mountain Area is so serious which merits a fortification of the development permit system regarding this region. In the event of a conflict of interest between development and preservation in this region, other alternative developments based on the preservation of the ecological system should be the premise for any further actions. Third, as it is concluded that the most important element in the preservation of the Mid-mountain Area is the preservation of the ecological system, the directions for the preservation of the ecological system should be firmly established. It is necessary to implement measures such as making it compulsory to form ecological parks during the development process. Fourth, in order to protect the natural environment according to the special qualities of Mid-mountain Area, the developments of the Mid-mountain Area should be based on an objective and scientific environmental effect evaluation focusing on environment-friendly and ecologically safe actions. Fifth, out of the 3 preservation areas in the Mid-mountain Area, in the areas where loss is incurred due to the restrictions in development as such as that of the grade 1 and grade 2 areas, a loss and compensation system should be established speedily so that adequate compensation is given.

      • 포스터 전시회 : 서보 유압형 피에조 인젝터 모델 개발 및 2단 분사 검증

        김상명 ( Sang Myeong Kim ),정명철 ( Myoung Chul Jeong ),성기수 ( Gi Su Sung ),조인수 ( In Su Jo ),이진욱 ( Jin Wook Lee ) 한국액체미립화학회 2013 한국액체미립화학회 학술강연회 논문집 Vol.2013 No.-

        Performance of diesel engine with high fuel pressure injection is related its emission gas and fuel consumption. In this study, by using 3rd generation piezo-driven injector model, two-stage injection characteristics and effects were analyzed. And numerical model with injection rate and hydraulic pressure about two-stage injection were developed and verified with experimental results.

      • KCI등재

        不動産仲介業者의 民事責任에 관한 硏究

        김상명(Sang-myeong Kim) 한국토지공법학회 2004 土地公法硏究 Vol.21 No.-

        Recently we can see the burst of economic bubble especially in the real estate market came out from the severe economic crisis and chaos. There are lots of argument about cause and countermeasure for the value of real estate that has caused economic crisis. Therefore it is expected that there will be more and more damages from now on. However, the legally responsible managements of real estate brokers have not been systematized yet in korea, and neither have those of general experts. As a result, to clarify the Liability, the real estate brokers should use specified official contracts at the stage of agreement. And yet when the faults of experts cause damages, it is necessary to compensate the clients or the damages by means of the improvement of the present perfunctory insurance. Furthermore, the government should revise the related legislations for the autonomous control of the expert group and the proper performance of their duties. Consequently, these measures can clarify the sphere of liabilities and coincide with the principle of modern law which is called the balanced social distribution of Liabilities. Beside, by the measures mention above, we can expect more expanded social competence of real estate brokers.

      • KCI등재

        不動産仲介業制度의 改善에 관한 硏究

        김상명(Sang Myeong Kim) 한국토지공법학회 2003 土地公法硏究 Vol.19 No.-

        As the national economy grows, the real estate is increasingly regarded with impotance, which involves an advanced realty brokerage, improvement of a brokerage system and institutional device to a real estate transaction to cope with opening a realty service market by reaching an agreement of UR negotiation. It is needed that the system of a realty brokerage advanced and large-scaled. Particularly, the real estate market was frozen hard over business. As the result of it, several restriction actions relating to acquiring the real estate are almost abolished in attract the foreign investment. The purpose of this study is based on the show and introduction of various problems which hinder korean real estate brokerage business from the developmental fixations dependent on the environment change of the real estate brokerage market such as the foreign open, So I tried to study the overall problems according to the environment change. However, I didn't specifically study the individual private ideas by means of the limit of the contents.

      • KCI등재

        부동산중개계약에 관한 연구(2)

        김상명(Kim Sang-Myeong) 한국법학회 2007 법학연구 Vol.26 No.-

        Generally, the real estate has a greater economic value and complicated legal relations unlike other goods. Therefore, in a real estate transaction, one requires assistance from an expert, that is, a listing activity by a real estate agent to lead such transaction to success. Since the real estate has a great value in terms of goods and the effect of a change in real estate market on the society and economy is also enormous, the nation has established a variety of real estate policies and enforced related legislations. Considering the social and economic weight of the real estate, it can be said the real estate listing contract which plays a pivotal role in real estate transaction activities is a system that has social and public nature strongly that can not stay within the scope of a private contract any longer. Thus, it can not be denied that supplementing the real estate listing contract system is and urgent task. Therefore, the purpose of this is to find ways of remedying the problems after checking to see what problems are involved in the current real estate listing contract system by inquiring all matters relating the real estate listing contract in depth. that is, the purpose this study has been proposed interpretation and legislated to improve real estate listing contract.

      • KCI등재

        민법 제999조(상속회복청구권)에 관한 비교법적 연구

        김상명(Kim, Sang-Myeong) 전북대학교 법학연구소 2016 法學硏究 Vol.48 No.-

        상속회복청구권 제도는 로마법상 상속재산회수소송이나 이를 계수한 독일을 비롯한 프랑스, 스위스, 일본 등은 진정상속인의 보호를 주된 목적으로 하지만 다른 한편 권리행사기간의 일정한 제한으로 상속재산관계의 확정과 거래의 안전을 도모하려고 하고 있다. 그리고 이를 계수한 서구 각 나라의 상속회복청구권은 공통적으로 포괄적인 청구권으로서의 성격을 가지고 있으며, 상속재산을 특별재산으로 취급하여 대상물 등에도 폭 넓게 반환을 청구할 수 있도록 하고 있다. 독일 · 스위스 · 일본 · 우리나라 등은 상속회복청구권에 관하여 민법에 규정하고 있지만 프랑스는 민법에 규정하지 않고 학설과 판례의 의하여 인정하고 있다. 우리나라는 헌법재판소의 결정에 의하여 호주상속제도가 이미 폐지되었으면서도 아직까지 구법을 답습하고 있는데 문제가 있다. 그러므로 상속회복청구권의 조속한 확정과 거래안전보호 및 선의의 제3자 보호보다는 진정상속인의 보호에 치중하고 있는 외국의 입법례와 연역적 · 비교법적 시각으로 보아 우리나라 민법상 상속회복청구권의 행사기간을 연장하는 것이 타당하다고 생각한다. The claim for recovery of inheritance is a right of a real heir to recover the violated heritages, but actually it has been operated as a restriction to the right of real heirs. Since the Korea Supreme Court prescribed the claim for recovery of inheritance as a set of individual claims, if time limit of the claim the recovery of violated heritage. Furthermore, before 2002 revision, Korea Civil Law prescribed that the claim for recovery of inheritance should be expired after 10 years after from the day when the heritage began. On of the big problems in the Korea legal system about the claim for recovery of inheritance is that the legislator didnt fully reveal the context of the statute. Therefore, the legal system about the claim for recovery of inheritance could be operated in contradicting way. Especially, the introduction of the information system about the inherited property to guarantee the effectiveness of the claim for recovery of inheritances as a comprehensive claim is necessary. Also, an express provision is needed to admit the return of the property subject like the German Civil Law. And, the claim for recovery of inheritance is a system aimed for the protection of real heris but the whole system would be proper for both safety of transaction and bona fide.

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