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      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        비만과 장내세균 불균형

        김상만 대한비만학회 2015 The Korean journal of obesity Vol.24 No.3

        Recent studies have described an association between obesity and gut microbiota, suggesting that the latter might play a critical role in the development of the former. Possible mechanisms by which gut microbiota can mediate obesity are by changes in gut microbiota which can influence energy absorption, modulate associated enzymes and induce low-grade inflammation. Several studies have reported beneficial effects of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), including anti-obesity effects and improvements in lipid profiles. However, other studies have reported of no beneficial effects of LAB on obesity, or even an increase in obesity. Using probiotics for the improvement of gut microbiota as a treatment for obesity is likely to be more complex than anticipated and may require a long-term complex program (e.g., 4R program: remove, replace, reinoculate, repair) and multiple follow-up evaluations over time. 최근 장내세균과 비만이 관련되어 있고, 장내세균이 비만에 중요한 역할을 할 수 있다는 많은 연구가 진행되고 있다. 장내세균이 비만의 원인이 될 수 있는 기전으로는 장내세균의 변화가 에너지 흡수에 영향을 주고 에너지에 관련된 효소를 조절하고 장내세균에 의하여 발생되는 지질다당체(LPS)에 의하여 경도염증(low grade inflammation)이 발생하여 에너지 대사에 영향을 주는 것으로 알려져 있다. 실제적으로 젖산균(Lactic acid bacteria)을 이용한 몇 가지 연구에서는 항비만효과 및 지질대사개선과 같은 긍정적인 효과가 보고되고 있으나, 효과가 없거나 오히려 체중이 증가된다는 보고도 있어 아직 논란의 여지가 많다. 비만치료에 있어 장내세균과 같은 프로바이오틱(probiotics)의 사용은 이전에 시행한 단순한 방법보다는 장점막 회복(4R 프로그램) 등 복합적인 방법을 응용한 장기간 연구가 필요할 것이다.

      • KCI우수등재

        소아비만 기술역학연구

        김상만,조남한,정지연,김효민 대한비만학회 1998 The Korean journal of obesity Vol.7 No.2

        It is well known that childhood obesity induces adolescent obesity and other chronic diseases such as hypcrtension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and psychoJogical problems, Thus, obesity measurement and appropriate obesity care are important in child and adolescent periods. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to survey the prevalance of childhood obesity in primary school students in Kyoungki province area using a various types of obesity measuring methods. In this study, we surveyed a total of 947 students(boys-483, girls-464) from 7 primary schools in Kyoungki province, Korea. These schools comprised of one private and 1 public school from Suwon city(Urbanized), and 5 public schools from remote rural area. We measured height, weight, waist, hip, biceps, triceps, subscapular, suprailiac, and body fat using bio-electrical-impedance. The other information such as demographic, physical activity and socioeconomic charactristics were collected using standardized questionnaire. The level of obesity was evaluated using BMI, Rohler Index, Symmetry Index and fat weight(%). The rate of obesity varied according to the obesity indices used for the study. The obesity rate ranged from 1.5-32.1%. The obesity curve tendency to increases from 9 years of age in most of the indices, The relationships among biceps, triceps, subscapular, suprailiac were significantly high with r=0.83-0.9, The childhood obesity was significantly associated with physical activity, dietary habit, and residential area, but no relationship was seen with economic status. Furthermore the level of obesity significamtly correlated with parents BMI(r=0,202-0.210). In conclusion, we revealed childhood obesity at 1.5 ta 32.1% level, and it was significantly associated with physical activity, dietary habit and residential area. This study clearly demon- strated that the level of obesity can significantly affected by the measuremnent methods. Therefore, we suggest that the standardized obesity index should be developed, and use it to measure the pattern of childhood obesity in the prospective follow-up studies to determine the true prevalence of childhood obesity.

      • KCI등재

        Use of zeroing in the W-T comparison methodology and targeted dumping (US anti-dumping measures on large residential washers from Korea (DS464))

        김상만,김종호 한국무역학회 2017 Journal of Korea trade Vol.21 No.2

        Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to review the use of zeroing in the weighted average-to-transaction (W-T) comparison methodology and targeted dumping under the anti-dumping agreement by reviewing the WTO appellate body’s rulings on the use of zeroing in the W-T comparison methodology in the USA – antidumping measures on large residential washers from Korea (DS464). Although the appellate body has ruled that the use of zeroing would not be allowed in the weighted-average-to-weighted-average comparison methodology nor in the transaction-to-transaction comparison methodology, it has not ruled on whether the use of zeroing is allowed in the W-T comparison methodology prior to the instant case. Design/methodology/approach – This paper mainly analyzes the WTO appellate body report on the USA – anti-dumping and countervailing measures on large residential washers from Korea’s rulings (DS464) and reviews other WTO appellate body reports on the use of zeroing in anti-dumping measures. This paper reviews the relevant provisions of the WTO anti-dumping agreement and the US Anti-Dumping Act, and also referred prior papers on the use of zeroing. Findings – The appellate body upheld the panel’s finding that the USA’s use of zeroing in the W-T comparison methodology is inconsistent with Article 2.4.2 of the anti-dumping agreement. As zeroing inflates dumping margins, increases the amount of duty collected, and hinders the expansion of trade in goods. The use of zeroing should be prohibited or permitted only in very limited circumstances. Social implications – Zeroing, which has been the subject of many WTO disputes between the USA and foreign governments, causes dumped sales to be masked by fair value. The WTO appellate body has consistently condemned the US practice of zeroing over the past decade as an unfair commerce practice. The instant case and this paper will help to stop the practice of zeroing in anti-dumping measures. Originality/value – The text of Article 2.4.2 does not clearly prohibit the use of zeroing. The paper reviews the WTO appellate body’s rulings on the use of zeroing in the W-T comparison methodology in the USA – anti-dumping measures on large residential washers from Korea (DS464). The appellate body report was very recently circulated, on September 9, 2016. The appellate body has not ruled on whether the use of zeroing is allowed in the W-T comparison methodology prior to the instant case. This paper, first, concludes that the W-T comparison methodology is inconsistent with Article 2.4.2 of the anti-dumping agreement.

      • KCI우수등재

        건진센터 수검자 자료를 이용한 비만지표에 대한 연구

        김상만,최희정,이득주,김광민,윤수진 대한비만학회 1997 The Korean journal of obesity Vol.6 No.2

        We have examined l5145 persons(7468 men 7677 women) to determine the role of Obesity Index(body mass index, WHR, body fat percent) on the risk of various chronic disease. All the subjects were pooled from Health Examination Center who took the annual health examination from June, 1994 through Jan, 1997, BMI(Body mass index, kg/㎡), WHR(Waist hip ratio) were measured and correlated with the frequency of chronic disease. In order to evaluated the BMI, WHR, Body Fat as an independent factors on rnorbidity, analysis of covariance was applied adjusted for age. The risk of variows chronic diseases were also analyzed with obesity, defined by BMI above 26kg/㎡ (men), 25kg/㎡ (women), by logistic regression adjusted age and sex. Risk of hypertension was 2.6 with 95% eonfidence interval of 1.9-2.8 in obese group. Risk of diabetes mel1itus, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, gall stone, fatty liver were 3.2(2.3-4.4), 1.2(0.9-1.4), 2.1(1.7-2.8), 1.4(1.1-2.6) and 1.3(0.8-2.3) respectiveiy. The risk of various chronic diseases were also analyzed with obesity, WHR above 0.9(men), 0.81(women), by logistic regression adjusted age and sex. Risk of hypertension was 1.7 with 95% confidence interval of 1.4 -2.1 in obese group. Risk of diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, gall stone, fatty liver were 3.1(2.3-4.0), 1.2(0.9-l.4), 1.4(1.1-2.6), 2.4(l.8-4.8) and 2.1(1.2-4.1) respectively. The BMI, WHR were independent risk factors for various chronic diseases.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        The Supreme Court of Korea’s Decisions on the Fraud Exception in a Demand Guarantee

        김상만 한국무역학회 2015 Journal of Korea trade Vol.19 No.3

        A demand guarantee is an irrevocable undertaking to pay the beneficiary upon presentation of a demand complying with the terms of the guarantee. A demand guarantee, a relatively recent creation, is widely used in contracts for international sales of goods, in overseas construction contracts, and in shipbuilding contracts. The independence principle, the prominent feature of a demand guarantee, provides certainty of payment, but has brought significant problems into international transactions. Therefore, many jurisdictions recognize the fraud exception as well as the independence principle in a demand guarantee. There have been only two cases decided by the Supreme Court of Korea as to the independence principle and the fraud exception in a demand guarantee in international transactions. The Yuwon Construction Co. case of 1995 recognized the fraud exception and admitted payment refusal of a demand guarantee. The East Gas Seeds Industry Co. case of 2014 affirmed the fraud exception of the Yuwon Construction case, but in reality remanded the decision of the Yuwon Construction Co. case as to the practical ambit of the fraud exception.

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