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      • 李德懋의 經濟經營思想

        金柄夏 啓明大學校産業經營硏究所 1986 啓明大學校ㆍ挑山學院大學國際學術세미나 Vol.1986 No.-

        먼저 이날 午前中에 있었던 두 報告內容에 관해서 報告者인 長谷川 彰·金柄夏 兩氏로 부터 補充說明이 있은 후·金氏로 부터 長谷川氏로 부터 金氏에게 서로 質問과 그에 대한 應答이 있었다. 이 質疑應答을 통하여 각기 다른 테마로써 이루어진 두 報告 사이에 논하여야 할 公通的인 問題가 明白하게 된 것을 먼저 적어야 하겠다. 그 논점으로는 各 報告의 독자적 내용 그 자체에 관한 것 말고는 다음 세가지로 이것을 요약 할 수가 있다. ① 經營史의 대상 및 方法에 관한 문제 ② 日本的 經營·韓國的 經營을 논함에 있어서 比較의 대상을 어디서 구하여야 하는가의 문제 ③ 經營思想이라고 하는 어떤 특정思想家의 思想이 現代에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가의 문제 以下의 討論도 대체로 이러한 여러가지 문제점을 중심으로 전개되었다. ①의 문제에 관해서는 啓明大學校側의 參席者로 부터 長谷川氏에 대한 質問으로서 經營史라고 하는 學問에 대한 接近 方法을 중심으로 다른 學問과의 관련 방법, 經營史의 段階區分을 經濟發展의 時期區分과 어떻게 관련지워야 한는가에 대하여 문제가 제기 되었다. 여기에 대하여는 經營發展의 時期區分을 基底로 하면서도 文化構造의 파악과의 관련으로 經營方法의 계속성 까지도 具體的으로 고려하여야 한다는 대답이 있었다. 經濟史에 대비한 經營史硏究의 특성을 여기에서 제시한 셈이다. 또 이 문제에 대해서도 金氏도 다 같이 문제시하고 經濟學者 보다도 經營學者에 의한 經營史硏究에 주목하고자 하는 뜻을 주장하였다. ②및③의 문제는 서로 관련되어 있고 ③의 문제에 대한 討論을 통해서 ②의 문제에 대하여도 討論이 전개되고 그 진행중에 討論이 점차 熱氣가 높아졌다. ③의 문제에 관해서는 3人의 出席者로 부터 金氏의 報告에 관련한 質問이 있었다. 그 內容은 經營思想과 經營理念과의 구별과 관련의 문제, 思想 전개의 배경에 있는 經濟活動 內容 如何의 문제, 報告에 있는 李思想의 어떠한 데가 現代에 연결되는가의 문제, 옛날 日本商業活動에 있어서 思想의 役割과 李思想의 韓國에 있어서의 그것과의 대비 등이었다. ②의 문제에 관해서는 金氏의 補充說明에도 있으나 예컨대 日本的 經營을 논하는 경우 比較의 대상을 西歐 특히 美國 經營에서 구하는 것이 일반적이고, 대단히 가까운 文化를 가진 韓國·中國 등과의 比較는 예컨대 儒敎의 영향을 파악함에 있어서, 또 イエ(이에-家)·ムラ(무라-村)의 문제와의 관련을 생각함에 있어서 대단히 중요한 意義를 가진다. 토의중에 제시된 經營의 국제비교를 행하는 경우의 共通의 기반을 어디에서 구하는가의 문제도 比較方法에 관련하여 중요한 뜻을 가진다. 또 經營理念이 韓國에 있어서 담당하는 役割과 日本의 그것과의 차이에 관한 문제제기도 이러한 문제와 관련하여 구체적으로 논하여야 할 것이라고 생각한다. 그리고 이 討論의 최후에 제기된 日本 戰後 經濟發展 중에 아직도 존속하는 韓國의 文化的 特質과의 類似性과 差異를 具體的으로 어떻게 파악하여야 되겠는가의 문제는 지금까지의 토의를 집약한다는 점이다. 그런데 이것은 早急히 結論을 낼 수 있는 문제도 아니다. 그러므로 이 문제는 앞으로의 硏究推進에 큰 課題를 남기는 것으로서 銘記하여야 할 중요한 意味를 가진다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 특수교육의 학사적(學史的) 일 연구: 초기(1960-70년대) 연구 활동 중심으로

        김병하 한국특수교육학회 2009 특수교육학연구 Vol.43 No.4

        This paper was conducted to present the scholastic history on special education in Korea from 1960s to 1970s. The subject of analysis in this study involved the research paper, the published books and the related professional papers on special education in Korea from 1960s to 1970s. Our country had been established the preparation of special education teachers for children and youth with disabilities at college and university as four year professional course since 1961. The scholastic discourse in Korean special education during 1960s was concentrated on educating the visually impaired and the hearing impaired. And the early days in the 1960's, the research papers on the children with disabilities in our country were concentrated upon the problem of socio-medical aspects. In our country, the first professional author in special education field was Dr. Tae Young Rhee who initiated the preparation of special teachers at Korea Social Work College since 1961. His first book, 「Introduction to Special Education」 was published in 1963 at Daegu. In this book, Dr. Rhee discussed the future issues of special education in Korea, and suggested the school restructuring for all children as long term vision. During 1970s, scholastic papers on special education in our country were more increased in quantitatively and qualitatively. First of all, the professional publications and research papers on the mentally retardation and management of special classes for children with disabilities were published more rapidly since 1970s. 본 연구는 1960년대에서 1970년대에 이르기까지 초기의 우리나라 특수교육 연구 활동을 학사적(學史的) 측면에서 구명하기 위해 수행되었다. 1960년대에 접어들며 우리나라에서도 4년제 대학에 특수교육과가 설치되고 그에 영향을 받아 특수교육 저술을 비롯해서 초기의 연구 활동은 주로 맹교육과 농교육 중심으로 행해졌다. 60년대에 우리나라 최초의 특수교육 저서는 한국사회사업대학 특수교육과 설립(1961)에 주도적인 역할을 한 이태영(李泰榮; 1929-1995) 학장이「특수교육개론」(1963)을 저술한 것이다. 60년대 중후반에 접어들면서 대학 연구소와 논문집을 중심으로 특수교육 분야 논문이 본격적으로 발표되기 시작했으며, 이 무렵 특수교육 학술단체로 ‘한국특수교육학회’가 결성되기도 했다. 70년대에 와서는 특수교육 연구 활동의 양과 관심분야에 걸쳐 현저한 진전을 가져오기 시작했다. 특히 70년대에 와서 정신지체 분야의 저술과 논문이 급격하게 증가하였으며, 그 가운데 김정권(金正權) 교수가 기획한「정신박약아교육총서」(전6권)의 간행은 당시 상황으로서는 주목할 만한 것이었다. 70년대의 저서 가운데 구화교육(최병문), 청각교육(이규식 등), 특수교육역사(김병하), 지체부자유아교육(안병즙) 등에 걸쳐 성과가 있었고, 논문 쪽에는 정신지체의 진단-평가, 특수아동 실태조사와 출현률, 특수학급 입급(入級) 아동 진단과 교육, 교사교육 등에 걸쳐 상대적으로 많은 관심이 모아졌다. 70년대에 특수교육학계가 우리나라 특수교육 발전에 기여한 주요 성과 가운데 중학교 무시험진학제도 도입이후 일반 초등학교 내에 전국적으로 특수학급이 설치 운영되게 한 것과 1977년 말에 학계가 주도하여 ‘특수교육진흥법’이 제정될 수 있게 한 것은 특히 높이 평가할만하다.

      • 四角形 密閉空間 內의 孤立된 障碍物體가 自然對流에 미치는 影響

        金炳河 慶一大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        The effect of a centered, square, heat-conducting body on natural convection in a rectangular enclosure was examined numerically. The analysis reveals that the fluid flow and heat transfer processes are governed by the Rayleigh and Prandtl numbers, and the ratio of the thermal conductivity of the body to that of the fluid. For Pr = 0.71 and relatively wide ranges of the other parameters, results are reported in terms of streamlines, isotherms, and the over all heat transfer across the enclosure as described by the Nusselt number. In all cases, Streamlines show a large cell rotating clockwise around the centered body. Mean Nusselt number increases with increasing Rayleigh number at constant thermal conductivity ratio. The effect of the thermal conductivity ratio in heat transfer decreases with increasing Rayleigh number.

      • 孤立된 傳導性 障碍物을 갖는 傾斜진 四角形 密閉空間內의 自然對流

        金炳河 慶一大學校 1995 論文集 Vol.12 No.2

        Natural convection in an inclined rectangular enclosure with an isolated conductive obstruction was examined numerically. The analysis reveals that the fluid flow and heat transfer processes are govened by Prand시 number, Rayleigh number, inclined angle of rectangular enclosure and the ratio of the thermal conductivity of the obstruction to that of the fluid. For Pr=0.71, Ra=10??-10 and relatively wide ranges of the other parameters, results are reported in terms of streamlines, isotherms, and the overall heat transfer across the enclosure described as the Nusselt number. Streamlines show a large cell rotating around the obstruction and small cells rotating near the enclosure corner. Mean Nusselt number has its maximum value at about 60°of inclined angle. The effect of the thermal conductivity ratio on heat transfer characteristics decreases with increasing Rayleigh number.

      • 18·9世紀 毆美 廳覺障害兒 學校敎育의 成立過程과 方法論爭에 關한 史的 硏究

        金炳廈 韓社大學 1973 대학논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        The attitude towards deafness has always been a complex, fashioned by the preveiling philosophy, science, religion and social economic states. During the last three hundred years in the West the tremendous progress in phonetics, anatomical knowledge of hearing and education thought has revolutionized the attitude towards the deaf childlren. This study attampts to explicate histolical background of philosophy towards deafness and educational programs, methodologies for the deaf in Europe and United States from 1760 to 1880. In Europe, pioneer for educating deaf children was P.R. de Leon, and J.P.Bonet in Spain, who were fashioned by religious philanthropy. In the eighteenth century, specially since 1760, through such men as de l'Epee, Heinicke, Braidwood, the position of tearcher of the deaf began to attain professional dignity, and the education of the deaf moved to spread its benefits to the public by the establishment of schools for the deaf. From this times, methedologies between oralism by Heinicke, Braidwood and manualism by de l'Epee aroused controversy in educating deaf chilchen in Europe. In the nineteenth century, education for the deaf spread to the United States through the influence of F.Green, and T.H.Gallaudet, who admitted methods of instsuction for the deaf from Europe. In the United States, the first free public school for the deaf was stated in Hartford, Cannecticut, in 1817 by T.H.Gallaudet, who admitted France manual method. The manual method under Hartford schood influence became the primary system of deaf education to be used in the early American schools. The dispute between manulism and oralism had been continued since 1760 to 1880 in Europe and United States. In 1880, education of the deaf from all over the world held a conference at Milan, Italy, The second international Conference of Teachers of the Deaf in Milan declared as following; Oral mefind should be preferred to that of signs in the education and instruction of the dead and was carrid in favour of the pure oral method, as opposed to a mixture of speech and manual signs Members of in conference returned to their respective countries to renew their effort for education of the deaf through their newly acquired common band-oralism.

      • 대학원 특수교육학과 교육과정 편성과 운영개선 연구

        김병하,김정권,여광응,임안수,박화문,조인수,김용욱,이해균,민천식,김영숙,이근용,이한선,배은혜 한국발달장애학회 2001 발달장애연구 Vol.5 No.1

        The Cunicular of Special Education at Graduate School of Taegu University have been formed and conducted on the basis of the traditional trends with emphasis on the specified category of disability, It is high time that present cunicular be thoroughly analyzed to cope with the challenges posed by the rather outdated programs.Thus, a great shift in the educational reform is urgently needed, For this purpose, there search or study potential on the part of students.The renewed curriculum promote : (1) the master's curriculum should allow the students to select the subjects they favor. Thus, they students will not be contained in any specific area : (2) the doctorate program, beside the existing five categories of disabilities, will beextended to the more fields including special education leadership major, special educationfor the early childhood, and learning disability major. 현행 대구대학교 대학인 특수교육학과 교육과정이 철저히 기존의 전통적 장애영역 중심으로 편성 · 운영되고 있는 것은 이 시점에서 충분히 재검토 되어야할 과제가 된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 21세기 대전환 시대에 걸맞는 대학인 특수교육학과 교육과정의 개편을 위해 교육과정의 중핵을 "학문(연구) 수행능력 중심 교육과정"으로 설정하면서 대학원 특수교육학과 교육과정 편성과 운영의 개선 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 특히, 교육과정 개선 모형으로 석사과정은 세분된 전공영역의 벽을 허물고 통합형 교육과정을 편성하면서 학생들의 선택에 따라 자율적으로 심화과정을 구성해 갈 수 있게 열어놓고 있다. 그러나 박사과정에서는 기존의 5개 장애영역별 전공 외에 특수교육의 일반적인 특성을 강조하는 특수교육 리더쉽전공, 발달 단계의 특성에 따른 유아특수교육전공, 특정학습 영역에서 문제를 수반하는 학습장애 전공을 각각 새로이 개설하는 것을 제안하고 있다.

      • 都中에 관한 考察

        金柄夏 啓明大學校 행동과학연구소 1994 啓明行動科學 Vol.7 No.1

        In order to clarify the nature of the concept, Tojung, this paper explores the characteristics of the merchant guilds organized at Sun-ju Jun in Gaesung and at Sun-sang Jun in Haeju. In Korea, merchant guilds were organized during the latter period of Chosun to maitain the rights to transaction monopoly and intervention. Until these days, it has been commonly accepted that these merchant guilds were organized only at Youk-ee Jun in Seoul. However, a review of old literatures shows that merchant guilds existed in other cities than Seoul. The literature review also suggests many things pertinent to the problem with the nature of the concept, Tojung. This paper reexamined this concept in a new perspctive provided by the review of these old literatures.

      • 四角形 密閉空間내에 놓인 傳導性 障碍物 주위의 自然對流

        金炳河 慶一大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.9 No.1

        The effect of a centered, sequare, heat-conducting body on natural convection in a rectangular enclosure with horizontal hot and cold isothermal walls was examined numerically. The analysis reveals that the fluid flow and heat transfer processes are governed by the Rayleigh and Prandtl numbers, and the ratio of the thermal conductivity of the body to that of the fluid. For Pr=0.71 and relatively wide ranges of the other parameters, results are reported in terms of streamlines, isotherms, and the overall heat transfer across the enclosure described as the Nusselt number. Streamlines show a large cell rotating around the centered body and four small cells rotating near the enclosure corner. Mean Nusselt number increases with increasing Rayleigh number at constant thernal conductivity ratio. The effect of the thermal conductivity ratio on heat characteristics decreases with increasing Rayleigh number.

      • 聽覺障碍兒 敎師의 專門能力 硏究

        金炳廈 韓社大學特殊敎育硏究所 1981 特殊敎育硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        In this study, I have assumed that teacher education for the hearing impaired in Korea should be reformed to performance/competency-based teacher education. The main purposes of this study are to identify competencies needed by teachers of the hearing impaired and also to examine the perceived importance and selfproficiency of the competencies by Korean teachers of deaf schools. A systematic approach to determine the competencies needed by teachers of the hearing handicapped was implemented to experts which included teacher educators, administrators, and experienced teachers for the hearing impaired, The competencies developed by the 1974 CED(Council on the Education of the Deaf) Standards of Certification and the competencies lists needed by teachers of hearing impaired infants and their parents developed by Northcott(1971), and the competencies list described by 50 Korean teachers for the deaf were used to identify the competencies in the present study. Sixty-five competencies were identified by the experts in a systematic approach and then classified into eight categories: (1) Educational Foundation, (2) Psychological Aspects, (3) Speech science and Audiology, (4) Curriculum and Instruction, (5) Counselingand Guidance, (6) Language and Communication Skills, (7) Media and Technology, and (8) Administrative Responsibilities. The field testing was conducted on 150 Korean teachers from 18 deaf schools to verify the competencies identified by the experts. The findings of the evaluation are summarized as follows: 1. The perceived importance of the competencies was revealed to be very high(total M=4.018, SD=.877), but the self-proficiency of the competencies was perceived slightly low(total M=3.058, SD=.957), i.e., Korean teachers affiramatively perceived importance of the identified competencies in this study. The categories of media, instruction, and communication skills were perceived to be more important than those of audiology and psychological aspects. Among the 65 individual competency lists, knowledge of preschool education for hearing impaired infants, language acquisition of infants, ablity of teaching auditory skills, oral teaching, and individual instruction were highly emphasized as the competencies needed by teachers of the hearing impaired. 2. The perceived importance between the elementary and secondary teachers did not reveal a statistically significant difference in all categories of competencies. Three individual competencies(item 3.3, 6.9, 8.1) were revealed to be significantly different: ① Elementary teachers placed more emphasis on two statements of the physical characteristics of sound(3.3) and methods, procedures, and materials used in teaching auditory skills(6.9); ② Secondary teachers put more emphasis on the relationships with interdisciplinary teams(8.1). 3. Among four groups with different backgrounds of teacher education, three statements(1.7, 2.4, 6.14) were significantly different: the major organizations serving the deaf in Korea and in other countries(1.7); social adaptation and emotional problems(2.4); and research and other literature on communication skills(6.14). 4. Among the four groups with different amounts of teaching experience, no significant difference was shown in the 65 competencies list. However, two of them which are with teaching experience of less than one year and with 11 years or more years revealed significant difference in eight competencies lists in which the latter put more emphasis on the importance of the competencies than the former. The results shown above suggest that the following conclusions may be appropriate. 1. The Judgement of the experts on the basis of the existing competencies lists can be used as a effective procedure to identify competencies needed by teachers of the hearing impaired in Korea. 2. Korean teachers in their perception of the importance of competencies needed by teachers of the hearing impaired reveal very affirmative responses and they place particular emphasis on competencies related to instruction, media, and communication skills. 3. Teaching levels between elmentary and secondary courses, backgrounds of teacher education, and the length of teaching experience do not affect teachers'perception of the importance of competencies needed by teachers for the hearing handicapped. But teachers with 11 years or more in teaching experience put more emphasis on the perceived importance of competencies than those with under one year of experience. Korean teachers viewed the identified competencies in this study as highly important. This fact suggests that the Korean teacher education programs should be reformed from the traditional course-based model to a competency-based training model.

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