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        중대재해법 관련 사회적 담론 구조: 트위터와 신문 기사를 중심으로

        김병태(Byungtae Kim),황혜선(Hyesun Hwang) 한국콘텐츠학회 2023 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.23 No.2

        트위터 데이터와 보수언론 및 진보언론의 기사를 대상으로, 토픽모델링, 워드 임베딩 및 소셜 네트워크 분석 방법론을 통해 중대재해법과 관련된 논의를 다양한 층위에서 분석하고자 하였다. 분석결과, 언론에서의 논의와 구별되는 중대재해법에 관해 트위터 유저들이 전개하고 있는 시민 관점의 독자적 논의의 내용이 확인되었다. 한편 보수언론과 상대적 진보언론으로 구분하여 분석한 결과로부터 보수언론의 경우 상대적으로 경영자, 기업의 관점이 전면에 드러나는 모습을 발견할 수 있었던 반면, 진보언론의 경우 노동계의 관점이 강조되는 경향을 발견할 수 있었다. 특히 보수언론의 경우 보수정당의 인물-기관, 진보언론의 경우 상대적 진보정당의 인물-기관이 전면에 드러나는데, 이는 결국 정치적 이념적 관점이 중대재해법과 관련된 사회적 논의에서도 상당 부분 작용하였을 가능성을 시사한다. To capture the structure of social discussion on “Serious Accidents Punishment Law”, this study analyzed Twitter’s tweets and online news articles from conservative and progressive media at various levels through topic modeling, word embedding, and social network analysis methodologies. The result of this paper shows that the uniqueness of citizens’ perspectives represented by Twitter users’ tweets, which is distinct from that of the news media, were confirmed. In the case of conservative media, it was prominent that the perspectives of corporate managers and companies were relatively more exposed, while in the case of progressive media, it was possible to find a tendency that the perspectives of the group of workers were more emphasized. Through the analysis of the social network, similarity between the conservative party’s perspective and that of conservative media was confirmed. Likewise, relationship between liberal media and liberal party’s perspectives are revealed, suggesting that political and ideological perspectives may have been reflected in social discussions related to the law.

      • 북한 핵위협 시나리오와 한국의 대응전략: 핵심지점 관리를 통한 “전방위 억제”

        손한별 ( Sohn Hanbyeol ),김병태 ( Kim Byungtae ) 한국군사학회 2021 군사논단 Vol.105 No.-

        North Korea has been continuing to strengthen its nuclear weapons even since 2018. It continued to develop nuclear capability and made it clear that it would not give up nuclear weapons. It is difficult to fully trust North Korea’s denuclearizarion intentions, and the need has grown to prepare to deter the current and future nuclear capabilities that North Korea clearly possesses. The important question for South Korea is, “Is there a strategy to deter and respond to the threat of North Korea, which is overconfident in its capabilities and strengthening its offensive capabilities?” This paper argues for a “Full-Spectrum Deterrence” strategy. First of all, South Korea should shift to a deterrence-oriented strategy. Second, the authors present the concepts of “strategic paralysis” and “offensive denial” to achieve the strategic objective. Third, it calls for a re-establishment of priorities in the construction of military forces in terms of means, including core capability for retaliation, the completion of the missile defense cycle, and infrastructure capabilities. It also drew the deterrence of ‘additional’ nuclear development and nuclear use, and local provocations as critical points to deter the North Korean nuclear threat. The management of these key points will be able to deter North Korea’s nuclear development and use of nuclear weapons, and ultimately pressure and induce North Korea’s denuclearization.

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