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      • KCI등재후보

        성인에서 발생하는 인슐린의존성 당뇨병 유병율 추정

        박용수(Y . S . Park),이경진(K . J . Lee),김태화(T . W . Kim),김목현(M . H . Kim),이홍규(H . K . Lee),김성연(S . Y . Kim),고창순(C . S . Hoh),민헌기(H . K . Min) 대한내과학회 1997 대한내과학회지 Vol.52 No.5

        Objective: IDDM is an autoimmune disease, which occurs among genetically susceptible individuals. In the Asian populations, it is not uncommon for adult patients with NIDDM to eventually lose beta cell function and develop IDDM. These individuals may be characterized by autoantibodies to GAD and high risk HLA-DQ alleles, which are unlikely to be prevalent among true NIDDM cases or in the general population. The objective of the present study was to evaluate and compare the prevalence of these immunogenetic markers in NIDDM patients and healthy non-diabetic individuals from Korea. Methods: The prevalence of anti-GAD antibodies and HLA-DQA1 and DQB1 alleles among 121 newly diagnosed NIDDM cases identified from a population-based study in Yonchon, Korea and 100 matohed healthy control subjects were evaluated and compared. Results: The overall prevalence of anti-GAD antibodies was 1.7% (2 of 121) in patients with previously undiagnosed NIDDM, whereas 1 of 100 controls had positive antibodies. Among those who were positive, their titer of antibodies to GAD were not high. No statistically significant differences in the distributions of either mean levels of anti-GAD or DQA1 and DQB1 alleles were found comparing NIDDM patients to controls. Conclusion: The low prevalence of anti-GAD antibodies and HLA-DQA1 and DQB1 susceptibility alleles among recent-onset NIDDM patients, which was similar to observations in controls, suggests that diabetes in Korean adults is unlikely to have an autoimmune component to its pathogenesis.

      • KCI등재후보
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        방사성동위원소옥소(131I)에 의한 갑상선질환의 임상적연구

        정경태,이문호,이범홍,김목현,장고창,김명재,이장규 대한핵의학회 1967 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.1 No.1

        $quot;서울대학교 의과대학 부속병원 방사성동위원소진료실에서 1960년 5월부터 1966년 6월까지 진료한 1,716명의 각종 갑상선 질환 환자에 대하여 131I에 의한 각종 갑상선기능검사를 실시하는 동시에 갑상선 기능항진증에 대한 131I의 치료성적을 종합검토하여 아래와 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1) 1,716예의 갑상선질환중 중독성미만성선종이 596명 (34.7%)으로 가장 많았으며 비중독성결절성선종이 412명 (24.0%), 정상기능이 278명 (16.2%), 비중독성미만성선종이 236명 (13.8%), 기능저하가 89명 (5.2%), 중독성결절성선종이 53명 (3.1%), 갑상선염이 32명 (1.9%), dyshormonogenesis가 20명 (1.2%)이었다. 2) 갑상선질환의 성별 발생빈도는 남자 218명 (12.7%), 여자 1,498명 (87.3%)로 그 비는 1:6.9이었다. 3) 연령별 발생빈도는 20∼40대가 1,365명으로 가장 많았으며 이는 전예의 79.6%이었다. 4) 각종 갑상선기능검사중 131I 갑상선섭취율, 131I 혈청내방사능, T3 시험, PB131I 전화율, BMR 등의 진단적가치를 논하고 각 검사의 정상범위에 대하여 고찰하였다. 5) 갑상선 기능항진증예 545명에 대한 131I의 완치율은 초회에 68.3%, 2회에 92.3%이었으며 1회 투여량은 6mC가 가장 많았다. 6) 131I 투여$quot; Over the past 6 years, from May 1960 to June 1966, 1,716 patients with various diseases of thyroid were examined and thyroid function tests with 131I were done. Among them, 545 patients with hyperthyroidism were treated with (131)^I. A summary of the clinical data of the (131)^I-thyroid function tests and the therapeutic results of (131)^I were presented and discussed. 1) The patients examined consisted of;596 cases (34.7%) with toxic diffuse goiter, 412 cases (24.0%) with non-toxic nodular goiter, 278 cases (16.2%) with euthyroidism, 236 cases (13.8%) with non-toxic diffuse goiter, 89 cases (5.2%) with hypothyroidism, 53 cases (3.1%) with toxic nodular goiter, 32 cases (1.9%) with thyroiditis and 20 cases (1.2%) with dyshormonogenesis. 2) There were 218 (12.7%) male patients and 1,498 (87.3%) female patients, showing a ratio of 1:6.9, female predominantly. 3) The majority of patients (79.6%) were in the 3rd through 5th decades of their lives showing the peak in the 4th decades (35.9%). 4) The diagnostic values and normal ranges of (131)^I uptake test, 48 hour serum activity, T3 red blood cell uptake and PB131I conversion ratio were discussed. 5) An attention was given to dyshormonogenesis, a qualitative hypothyroidism, due to its characteristic findings of clinical and (131)^I thyroid function tests, and its pathogenesis was briefly reviewed. 6) Among 545 patients with hyperthyroidism treated with (131)^I, 68.3% was cured after single therapeutic dose and another 24.0% was cured after second dose. 7) The complications of (131)^I therapy were discussed in some details and myxedema had developed in 3.9% of our cases. No thyroid cancer was found after (131)^I therapy.

      • Behc¸et症候群 1例 報告

        金榮順,金剛石,朴陞哲,李禎均,朴炅南,金穆鉉 中央醫學社 1975 中央醫學 Vol.28 No.4

        Behscet's disease is an obscure disorder characterized by ulceration of the mouth and genitalia, and involvement of the eyes including uveitis and iridocyclitis, and the nervous system is also involved. Recently the chararteristics of the autoimmune disease regarding pathogenesis have been exclaimed in relatively broad multisystems. A 44 year old female was admitted with complaint of incidiously progressive aphthous ulceration of the mouth and ulceration of the vagina for 30 years duration, erythema nodosum for 15 years, and conjunctivitis with iridocyclitis for 9 years. She had suffered from neurologic manifestations, which began one year previously. She was given with conservative measures, and corticosteroid with poor improvement.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

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