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      • 1930년대 김광주의 상해 체험과 아나키즘 인식

        김명섭 ( Myung Seob Kim ) 단국사학회 2016 史學志 Vol.52 No.-

        본 논문은 소설가 김광주의 회고를 통해 1930년대의 상해 한인사회에 대해 살펴보았다. 김광주는 1929년 상해로 이주한 이래 중일전쟁이 일어난 1937년 피신까지 약 10년 동안 상해 한인사회의 다양한 인물들을 만나고 항일운동과 함께 문화 활동을 펼쳤다. 이를 통해 1930년대 상해에서의 김광주는 영화계의 젊은 신진 감독을 비롯해 연극계의 다양한 문화예술가들과 교유하였음을 알 수 있다. ``일제의 지배가 싫은 젊은 세대``인 자유로운 문화예술가들과의 교류와 ``보헤미안극사`` 활동을 통해 그는 시, 꽁트, 연극, 영화 등에서 다양한 체험을 하게 되었다. 물론 그 바탕에는 1930년대 상해 한인 민족운동을 이끌고 있던 김구·안창호·김두봉 등 지도자들 후원이 컸다. 더욱이 남화연맹에서 활동한 아나키스트들과의 교류는 그의 항일 민족정서와 함께 자유정신을 키우는데 큰 영향을 끼쳤다. 특히 해방이후 상해체험을 회상하는 그의 작품의 대부분이 나라를 위해 싸우다 죽거나 방랑생활을 하다 귀국하지 못한 동지들에 대한 그리움이 한 축을 이루고 있다는 점에서, 상해체험이 그의 작품 활동에 미친 영향은 매우 컸다. This paper discussed the Korean community in China Shanghai in the 1930s by the novelist Kim Gwang-ju`s recalls. Kim Gwang-ju is a refuge for about 10 years until the 1937 war took place while since moved to Shanghai in 1929 to meet the various figures of the Korean community in Shanghai unfolded cultural activities with the anti-Japanese movement. Even though his shanghai settlement and time of refuge records are seem to inaccurate, but it is a relatively considered as a objective and analytic memoir of his experience. Through this we can know that Kim Gwang-ju associated with the young director of movies, including the various cultural artists of theatrical world in 1930s Shanghai. Through the interchange with "the young generation of unconstrained cultural artists who do not want the Japanese domination" and the activity of "Bohemian Theater Company", he had various experience in poem, conte, play and movie. Of course, theses are based on the great support of leaders such as Kim-Gu, Ahn-Changho and Kim Du-bong who led the Korean Independent Movement in Shanghai. Furthermore, the interchange with anarchists who were active in the ``Namhwa-Federation`` has had a big impact to raise his nationalistic emotion and the spirit of freedom. From the perspective of the Korean modern national movement, the research of Kim Gwang-ju`s life first, additional research materials for his family, especially elder brother Kim Dong-joo is very necessary. Kim Dong-joo is a secret help sponsor of activities of the Anti-Japanese independence fighters in Manchuria, as well as a important person who connected with an agents of a Provisional Government. His life was believed to be the future of course, also we need to study in depth the role and position of the personal hospital. Secondly, it is necessary to examine the local shelter, etc. Activity of Kim Gwang-ju activities in Shanghai. In other words, while Kim Gwang-ju live a long time is needed for local excavations and historical research, such as the Activity where many literary works written by the school and toughness. This is expected to find signs of shanghai, including Kim Gwang-ju Korean culture, artists in the 1930s who exchanges with him.

      • KCI등재

        김구와 이승만의 지정인식

        김명섭(Myongsob KIM),김석원(Seokwon KIM) 한국정치학회 2009 한국정치학회보 Vol.43 No.3

        우남 이승만(雩南굃承晩, 1875-1965)과 백범 김구(白凡金九, 1876-1949)의 지정인식을 비교분석한 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대한제국 망국 이전 이승만과 김구는 중국중심적 지정인식으로부터 벗어나 주권독립에 대한 인식을 확립했다. 이러한 인식의 확립에는 근대주권체제의 확립과 불가분의 관계에 있었던 개신교가 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 둘째, 대한민국 임시정부가 소련과의 제휴여부를 놓고 내분을 겪을 때에, 이승만과 김구는 공히 소련의 영향력 팽창을 경계하는 입장을 취했다. 셋째, 아시아-태평양전쟁 시기 이승만과 김구의 협력은 대동아공영권이라는 일본의 지정전략에 맞서는 동시에 중국(아시아)과 미국(태평양)의 지정적 연대를 상징했다. 넷째, 이승만은 태평양으로 팽창하던 미국의 힘과 가치를 중시하면서 중국을 보조적인 협조자로 생각했다. 이에 비해 김구는 순치적 관계에 있는 중국과의 지정적 연결성을 중요하게 생각했다. 다섯째, 이승만은 세계의 대세를 통찰하는 거시적 시야를 가지고 있었던데 비해 아시아대륙의 혁명적 열기에 상대적으로 둔감했다면, 김구의 시야는 이승만의 그것에 비해 상대적으로 협소했지만 유라시아대륙의 혁명적 열기에 훨씬 민감했다. 여섯째, 전 세계적 냉전이 악화되는 가운데 동아시아의 한반도를 자신의 영향권 안에 두고자 했던 대륙세력과 해양세력 간의 대립구도 속에서 두 사람이 가졌던 지정인식의 공통점 보다는 그 차이점이 전면으로 부상했다. 그러나 광복과 건국에 기여했던 두 인물의 지정인식 상의 공통점은 대륙세력과 해양세력 사이의 균열과 남북한 분단이라는 이중적 단층구조를 뛰어넘고자 하는 21세기 대한민국의 지정학적 사유에 있어서 중요한 모퉁이돌이 될 수 있을 것이다. This paper compares the geopolitical perceptions of Syngman RHEE (雩南굃承晩, 1875-1965, He was one of the first Koreans who wrote his name in the Western manner, with the personal name preceding the family name) and KIM Koo (白凡金九, 1876-1949). The conclusions of this paper are as follows. First, both Rhee and Kim developed their perceptions of Independence (獨立) during the period of TaehanCheguk(大韓帝國, the Great Han Empire) which was strengthened by their embracement of Protestantism, ideational foundation of modern sovereignty in Europe. Second, both Rhee and Kim took precautions against the expansion of Soviet communism at a time when the Korean Provisional Government, founded after the end of World War I, was feuding over the issue of cooperating with the Soviets. Third, Rhee and Kim incarnated the geopolitical linkage between China (Asia) and the U.S. (the Pacific) against the Japanese geopolitical vision of a Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere(大東亞共榮圈) during the Asia-Pacific War. Fourth, while Rhee highly regarded U.S. power and her cause regarding China as merely an auxiliary assistant to the global role of the U.S. at that time, Kim placed greater emphasis on the linkage between Korea and China, metaphorically describing the Korea-China relationship as one of Soon-chi(脣齒, lips and teeth). Fifth, while Rhee had a macroscopic geopolitical perspective, he was relatively impervious to the rising tide of the Asian revolutionary atmosphere. In contrast, while Kim’s geopolitical perspective was relatively limited to Asia, he was more aware of the impending Asian revolutionary wave. These divergent geopolitical perceptions were not irrelevant to the separate trajectories of these two great political figures after 1948. By the advent of two governments in Korean peninsula and the aggravation of the Cold War in which the Sino-Russian camp and the U.S. camp competed for keeping the Korean peninsular in its own zone of influence, the differences overshadowed the commonalities in the geopolitical perceptions of Syngman RHEE and KIM Koo. However, the commonalities of their geopolitical perceptions which had contributed to the liberation of Korea from Japanese occupation and the birth of the Republic of Korea can be a cornerstone of South Korean geopolitical thinking in the 21st Century to overcome the dual fault lines, i.e. the inter-Korean division along with the confrontation between sea power and continental power on the Korean peninsula.

      • KCI등재

        吳光鮮의 생애와 만주 독립군 활동

        김명섭(Kim, Myung-seob) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2021 군사 Vol.- No.121

        Oh-Kwangsun sought asylum to China in 1917 following the teachings of his father"s "Righteous Army" against imperial Japan and his hometown teacher, Yeo-jun. He joined Sinheung Military school in Seogando, China, where he became an instructor and an independent military official. He also led the Korean-Chinese coalition to the battlefield as the head of the Korean Independent Army. As his mentor Yeo Jun passed away, he served as a official for the cultivation of the Independence Army along with Yi,Cheong-chun under the orders of President Kim-Gu of the Provisional Government of Korea. Furthermore, he infiltrated Beijing, an occupied area of the Japanese military, and was sentenced to prison for spying. After his country’s liberation, he served as the head of the Liberation Army"s domestic zone to help the provisional government return to the country, and was a typical anti-Japanese and founding soldier who had served till his last rank of brigadier general while participated in the creation of the Korean military. Furthermore, his two children and his son-in-law worked hard on the independence movement. Indeed, he is a well-known family member who participated in the independence movement for three consecutive generations. Oh-Gwang-seon"s life is dominated by the anti-Japanese independence movements and the construction of a liberated Korea. Not only did he participate in various battles at the forefront of the anti-Japanese independence war, but he also contributed to the creation of the Korean Armed Forces. His life in the construction of a liberated Korea must be the great root of today"s Republic of Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • 뇌졸중환자의 일상생활활동의 만족과 사회적응 능력 증진 사례연구

        김명섭,김정자,Kim, Myeong-Sub,Kim, Jeong Ja 한국임상보건과학회 2017 한국임상보건과학회지 Vol.5 No.3

        Purpose. To understand the effectiveness of training programs to improve the daily living activities and social adaption abilities of stroke patients. Methods. The participant included 1 stroke patient in Jeonbuk, from March to August 2016. The test tools used was the Canadian occupational performance measurement, International classification of function, disability and health co-resets. After applying the training program, I compared the daily life satisfaction and social adaption abilities. Results. According to this study, both daily life satisfaction and social adaption abilities improved. Conclusion. In conclusion, after an exercise program, self- help program, and underwater exercise programs, daily life satisfaction and social adaptation levels were improved. Therefore, the programs that apply to stroke patients could be found to be effective.

      • 페놀 화합물 냉치료와 운동요법의 병행적용이 Carrageenan에 의하여 유발된 근육 통증에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김명섭,Kim, Myoung-Seoup 대한고유수용성신경근촉진법학회 2009 PNF and Movement Vol.7 No.3

        Purpose : The aim of this study is to examine the effect of the phenol compound-cold therapy plus exercise therapy on the carrageenan(CAR)-induced muscle pain. Method : Mice were injected 0.1ml of 2% CAR into the gastrocmemius(GAS) muscle for the induction of muscle pain. After 4 hours from the injection of CAR, the cold therapy with 1% syringic acid was done to GAS muscle. After 2 hours from cold therapy, the exercise therapy such as muscle stretching, climing- and declining-movements was performed three times interval of 10 minutes in each experimental group. After 4, 10 and 24 hours from CAR-induced muscle pain, the measurements of muscle diameter, paw withdrawal latency(PWL) and, tail flick latency(TFL) were carried out. Results : In this study, the thickness of GAS muscle in CAR-induced muscle pain significantly increased compared with control. While, the thickness of GAS muscle adopted cold syringic acid-therapy with exercise-therapy group was significantly decreased than that of CAR-induced muscle pain. In the measurements of PWL and TFL, cold syringic acid-therapy with exercise-therapy group was remarkably increased than CAR-induced muscle pain group in PWL and TFL. All measurements were showed significantly different between the treated-group and the treated-time. Conclusions : From these results, it is suggested that the cold syringic acid-therapy with exercise-therapy such as muscle stretching, climing- and declining-movement was effective in the prevention of CAR-induced muscle pain by the decrease of muscle thickness and the increase of PWL and TFL.

      • KCI등재

        네트워크 이동 환경에서의 TCP 성능 향상 기법

        김명섭,최명환,Kim Myung-Sup,Choi Myung-Whan 한국정보처리학회 2006 정보처리학회논문지 C : 정보통신,정보보안 Vol.13 No.3

        인터넷과 이동 네트워크로 구성된 유무선 통합 네트워크에서는 인터넷 상의 송신자와 이동 네트워크 상의 이동 호스트(MH, Mobile Host) 간 경로는 두 개 이상의 무선링크로 구성된다. 이와 같은 네트워크 이동 환경에서 TCP의 종단간 제어 특성을 유지하면서 무선링크에서의 패킷 전송 오류로 인한 TCP의 성능 저하를 극복하는 방안을 제안한다. 제안하는 방안에서는 수신된 패킷의 시퀀스 번호와 ACK 번호를 근거로 하여 무선링크 상에서의 전송 오류로 인한 패킷 손실 정보를 추출하고 이 정보를 상류의 라우터에게 전달함으로써 상류의 액세스 라우터나 이동 라우터에서 신속히 손실된 패킷을 재전송할 수 있도록 한다. 제안하는 방안은 상류 무선링크에서의 패킷전송 오류를 신속히 극복하는 특성을 가지며 모의실험을 통하여 제안한 방안의 TCP 전송률 성능을 평가하였다. TCP 종단간 제어 특성을 가지며 송신자나 수신자 측에 추가 기능이 요구되지 않는 snoop 방식과 비교할 때 제안하는 방안의 TCP 성능이 크게 개선됨을 모의실험을 통해 확인하였다. In the integrated wired/wireless network which consists of the Internet and moving networks, multiple wireless links are used to connect a fixed host(FH) in the Internet to a mobile host(MH) in the moving network. For use in such an environment, we propose a scheme to overcome the TCP performance degradation due to the packet losses over the wireless links without losing the end-to-end TCP semantics. The proposed scheme in each mobile router(MR) allows to obtain the information regarding packet losses over the upstream wireless links based on the received packet sequence number and the ACK number. This information is delivered to the upstream router, which enables the upstream access router(AR) or MR to quickly retransmit the lost packets. The proposed scheme has the feature to quickly recover the packet losses incurred over the upstream wireless links and the performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated through simulation. It is shown that the significant performance gain can be obtained using the proposed scheme compared with the snoop mechanism which maintains end-to-end TCP semantics and does not require any additional features at the source and/or destination nodes.

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