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        한국 현대소설속의 돈황

        김명석 한국현대소설학회 2005 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.25

        이 연구는 돈황을 중심으로 한 실크로드 지역을 공간적 배경으로 삼은 대표작들을 고찰하여 ‘돈황’이라는 장소가 갖는 상징적 의미가 자아 탐구라는 작가의 주제 의식과 어떻게 관련되는가를 고찰한다. 여기서는 ‘돈황 소설’의 원류인 윤후명의 <돈황의 사랑>과의 상호관계를 출발점으로 윤대녕의 <피아노와 백합의 사막>, 조성기의 <돈황의 춤>을 분석하였다. 윤후명이 갈 수 없는 나라 돈황이라는 상상속의 도시로 자아를 향한 사랑의 모험을 떠났듯이, 윤대녕의 <피아노와 백합의 사막>에서 자아를 찾아 떠나는 내면의 여행지로 설정된 장소가 아득한 ‘저쪽’ 돈황의 사막이다. 그러나 돈황의 ‘이쪽’에도 서울이라는 일상의 사막이 있다. 사막에 오아시스가 숨어 있듯이 서울의 사막에도 사랑이 있으며, 사랑을 통해 영원성을 획득하려는 작가의 목마름이 거기에 있다. 이점이 바로 윤후명과 윤대녕이 만나는 지점이다. 조성기의 <돈황의 춤>에 나오는 비천녀 이미지와 우주적 무도의 은유는 이 작품의 창작 모티브이다. 돈황의 사막은 생성과 소멸의 우주적 무도를 상징화하는 공간이며, 이 우주적 무도의 본질이 육화된 존재로서의 비천녀는 우주의 무희이다. 비천녀의 상징적 이미지는 바로 <돈황의 사랑>과 궤를 같이 하는 것이다. 이름모를 소녀의 ‘공후인’ 노래 대신에 한 여인의 ‘돈황송’(敦煌頌) 가락이 명사산 모래언덕에 흐르면서, 윤후명이 상상의 세계에서 추구하던 ‘사막의 상상력’이 한국소설의 새로운 현장에서 다시 한번 모습을 드러낸다. This paper explores famous novels which focus on Dunhwang and the Silk Road area. And this study deals with the relation between the symbolic meaning of the place Dunhwang and the subject consciousness of the writer. And I compare The desert of piano and lily and The Dance of Dunhwang with the love of Dunhwang, the originater of Dunhwang novels. In Yoon Dai-neyong's The desert of piano and lily as like Yoon Hu-myung's adventure toward the self the hero leaves from Seoul, the desert of everydayness to Dunhwang. But The desert of everydayness exist in seoul too. There is a love in the desert of Seoul as like there is an oasis in desert. And the longing of the writer which gets the eternity through the love. This is the point that Yoon Dai-neyong meets Yoon Hu-myung. In Cho Sung-gi's The Dance of Dunhwang the image of Bichunyeo(the woman flying the sky) and the metaphor of cosmic dance is the motive. she is the dancer of the embodyment of the true nature of cosmic dance. Her symbolic image succeed the tradition of the love of Dunhwang.

      • KCI등재

        창작과 표절 사이

        김명석 한국중어중문학회 2003 中語中文學 Vol.33 No.-

        I regard the plagiarism problem commonly exists in the history of Ease and West. As Mandarin Ducks & Butterflies(MDB)'s transfer to Shanghai School Fiction(SSF) became more apparent, MDB's writing dearly has close relationships with the then current commercial trend at the litreray world. More significantly, the plagiarism problem and the criticism co the writing mind also took the rise in the group writing or adaptation and Imitation. It is notable that the bestseller form of popular tradition makes a deep Impression on the reader's mind and then raises the appearance of similar works. The problem of abundant production and the plagiarism, however, is not their own abuses just remarkable in the writing mind of MDB or SSF. The debate on the plagiarism and appropriation is longranged phenomena in all ages and countries. In fact, the literary history can be regarded as the history of misgivings, intentional misunderstandings, and intentional revision. The Chinese writers also wanted to create new work by imitate intentionally and consciously. At this point, it was not regarded as the defect but as the virtue in Chinese novel. In spite of that, the west literary world regarded this phenomena as the burden of the past or the anxiety of influence. There exists misreading, however, that is, creative revisional act between two authoratative writers, who make literary influence. In fact, this misreading phenomena broadly appears in the longranged history of Chinese novel. It is not too much to say that the name of the modernity in Chinese literature is exactly this history of anxieties, intentional misunderstandings, and intentional revision. This agnostic attitude, however, not on]y can be misused for the authority of selfjustification or rationalization, but also can be misused for the intellctual nihilism that abandons the human rationality and knowledge irresponsiblly. At this point, the attempt to revaluate the Shanghai School's adaptation and imitation would not begins with accepting monism or absoluteness but begins with accepting pluralism or relativism. What's the standard of plagiarism and appropriation at work of art including literary works? First of all, 'publicity at form' and 'intention at contents' would be the standard prescribing creation and plagiarism. Secondly, the standard to judge the suspicion of plagiarism and appropriation is not microscopic aspect but is the macroscopic aspect. The third judging standard is not external elements as the form or literary style, but is the internal elements as the theme or plot, motif. Above all things, the most important standard to judge the plagiarism and appropriation of completed work would be whether it has individuality or not. From the genuine writers' viewpoint, however, there can occasionally be aroused considerable suspicion of plagiarism on. SS writers even though they clearly traced a quotation to its original source. Most of all, we can't deny thar commercial motive rook the rise in their adaptation and imitation, and they lack of pursuit and effort of transforming other writer's elements into new matter as alchemist did.<br/>

      • KCI등재

        디지털 세대 문학과 영상에 나타난 남성상과 여성상

        김명석 한국현대문예비평학회 2008 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.26

        This essay is about typical type of the model of the male and female which shown in the Internet novels and Image and discussions. Also, Include Neo-Gender. About the model of the female, first of all, Guiyeoni type characters from the Internet romance novel such as The Guy was nice or The lure of wolf, written by teenager author GuiyeonNi. Those characters are not likely to neogender which is progressive personality. But likely to Cinderella complex characters which represent pure-hearted schoolgirl’s fantasy. On the other hand, the characters from Twenties writer, Ji Suhyeon’s novel such as My name is Kim Sam-Soon, or Lee Seonmi’s novel Coffee Prince are not likely to Cinderella complex character women. They carve out a fortune themselves and awaken their independent as a woman. The writers shows in their novel Contrasexual or likely to Nonsexual characters, which are part of Neogender and The writers use the homosexual concept and The women characters in their novel are break out from the Male Centered mind about the women’s physical weakness. And after all of these conceptions, they lead great reflections from the readers or the audience. Hypertext novel, Digital Gubo 2001’s main female character, Gubo is professional woman, based from her knowledge and intelligence capabilities and shows active work. By her character, the writer shows Neogendered female model but the novel did not spotlighted by readers or netizens. About the Model of the Male, first of all, here are the advent of the 'ul-jjang'(good looking) and the meaning of 'ul-jjang'. The main characters from Guiyeoni’s novel The Guy was nice or The lure of wolf , and Choi Suwan’s novel, Tutoring a person of the same age, and Lee Hetnim’s novel My ill-mannered lover, are all 'mom-jjang'(good shape) or 'ul-jjang'(good looking). Besides their inborn characteristic of ul-jjang, they also have Macho character which are likely to male chauvinism but by the age or social position, they are above the high school student and they are highly interested in fashion and their appearance. They do not show their superiority by the violence but by the social advantages or management ability. Also They created new image and lead the trend not by the movie but by the main characters from the TV drama such as My name is Kim Sam-Soon or Coffee Prince. The message from the digital generation is men’s male models or women’s female models come from the communication each other and love. Also no matter by consciously or unconsciously, it is about the sexual identification and sexual part.

      • KCI등재

        The Meaning of "Love" (Ai) in the Analects

        김명석 성균관대학교 동아시아학술원 2014 Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies Vol.14 No.2

        While the word "love" sometimes means our feelings of affection for our family members and loved ones, religious teachings often maintain that we should love our neighbors as much as ourselves. In this essay, I analyze the ancient Chinese word "ai" as it appears in the Analects, and show that there exists a roughly similar distinction in the Analects as well: that is, ai can refer to natural affection for family and friends on one hand, or to a non-discriminating attitude of care that a virtuous person is supposed to assume universally toward all human beings, on the other. In addition to these two, however, we also find another sense of ai in the Analects, and I argue that this third sense of ai, namely some sort of "valuing" in a broad sense, can weave through the other two senses of ai.

      • KCI등재

        중국 고대유가의 음악을 통한 도덕감정 계발모형 연구 ― 서곡(序曲): 『순자』와 『예기』 「악기」의 감정관 분석을 중심으로 ―

        김명석 한국동양철학회 2012 동양철학 Vol.0 No.38

        My research project, entitled “A Study on the Musical Theory of the Cultivation of Ethical Emotions in Early Confucianism,” aims to explore the ancient Chinese Confucian discourse on music (especially that of Xunzi and the author of the “Yueji” chapter of the Liji) from an ethical perspective, specifically focusing on the relationship between music and emotions. The first question to be answered for conducting a proper inquiry into the musical theory of moral education in the context of the Xunzi and the “Yueji” is what kind of view of emotions Xunzi and the author of the “Yueji” held, and I argue that we can find in these texts three distinct views of emotions as follows: 1) a kind of propositional interpretation of the intentional object of one's emotions based on one's long-term concerns or system of values; 2) a kind of affective attitude or a group of affective dispositions that can be manifested as diverse forms of particular emotions; and 3) a kind of physiological state of excitement. This finding poses a challenge to much of the previous scholarship on the “Yueji” because it often treats various emotion terms discussed in this text as if they all belonged to one homogeneous category of 'emotion,' and the same finding also implies that possibly diverse theories of the relationship between music and emotions can be developed in correspondence respectively with the three different views of emotions arguably found in the “Yueji.” In the last part of this essay, I focus on brain-stem reflex, emotional contagion, and visual imagery among the various mechanisms of the mind concerning the recognition of music, and I briefly discuss 1) what kinds of theories of moral education could be developed in relation to each of these mechanisms, 2) what kinds of philosophical and moral psychological implications such theories could have, and 3) what kinds of theoretical obstacles such theories should overcome in order for them to be good ones. “중국 고대유가의 음악을 통한 도덕감정 계발모형 연구”라는 필자의 연구프로젝트는 『순자(荀子)』 「악론(樂論)」을 거쳐 『예기(禮記)』 「악기(樂記)」에서 집대성된 중국 고대유가의 악론을 음악과 감정 간의 관계에 초점을 맞추어 윤리학적 관점에서 분석하는 것을 그 목표로 한다. 『순자』와 「악기」에 나타난 음악적 도덕교육론을 도덕감정의 계발이라는 관점에서 탐구하려면 순자와 『예기』 「악기」의 저자가 어떠한 감정관을 가지고 있었는가 하는 점이 먼저 분명해져야 하며, 본고에서는 1)평소에 지니던 관심 혹은 호오(好惡)의 체계를 바탕으로 자신의 감정이 향하는 지향적 대상에 대해 내리는 일종의 명제적 해석, 2)일종의 태도이자 다양한 구체적 감정들로 발현될 수 있는 정서적 경향성들의 집합, 그리고 3)특정한 대상에 대한 명제적 해석이 아닌 단순한 생리적 흥분상태라고 하는 감정에 대한 세 가지 입장을 『순자』와 『예기』 「악기」에서 발견할 수 있음을 주장한다. 이러한 발견은 「악기」에 대한 기존연구의 대다수가 음악과 감정의 관계문제를 다루면서 ‘감정’의 범주에 속하는 다양한 구체적 심리상태들을 일률적으로 다룬 점에 대한 문제제기가 됨과 동시에 「악기」 감정관의 다양한 측면에 상응하는, 감정과 음악의 관계에 관한 다양한 이론적 가능성이 「악기」의 해석을 통해 탐색될 수 있다는 점을 시사한다. 본고에서는 아울러 음악의 인지와 관련된 마음의 다양한 메커니즘 가운데 뇌간(腦幹) 반사, 감정의 전이, 시각적 심상에 주목하여 이들 각각의 메커니즘과 관련하여 어떠한 음악적 도덕교육론이 개발될 수 있는지, 그리고 그러한 이론들이 가질 수 있는 철학적 함축은 무엇이며 어떠한 이론적 난점을 극복해야 하는지 등을 간략히 논의할 것이다.

      • Effect on activated carbons of surface functional groups for methane storage

        김명석,박수진 한국공업화학회 2016 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2016 No.1

        The effect on methane storage of activated AC surface functional groups behavior and cycling properties were investigated. Chemical activation process was conducted by treatment with KOH. Structural properties were evaluated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and morphology properties were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). Textural properties and microporosity were determined from N2/77 K adsorption-desorption isotherms using the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) equation and the Horvath-Kawazoe (HK) method. Surface functional groups were indicated by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and were made clear functional groups by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). In this paper, the functional group of the activated carbon surface were investigated the effects of methane storage capacities. Also, the activated carbon was performed charge and discharge cycle experiment methane storage.

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