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      • DQSM 알고리즘을 이용한 FIR 디지털 필터의 구성

        김명기,임영도 동아대학교 공과대학 부설 한국자원개발연구소 1986 硏究報告 Vol.10 No.1

        A method on the hardware implementation of the Finite Impulse Response (FIR) digital filter using Digital Quarter Square Multiphcation (DQSM) algorithm is proposed. ROM requirement can be reduced by using the double precision algorithm and the absolute value circuit, and also execution speed can be improved by reducing logic level steps of absolute value circuit. The frequency response of FIR digital filter implemented by the above method is quite agreeable with the frequency response simulated by Remez exchange algorithm. If coefficients should be stored in the RAM instead of the ROM, this method is especially useful in the case of FIR digital filter with time varying coefficients.

      • 정선군 지역 고랭지 채소 유통구조의 문제와 개선 방향

        김명기,고종태,이종인 江原大學校 經營硏究所 2004 經營科學硏究 Vol.30 No.-

        본 연구에서는 고랭지채소생산지역 중 대표적인 강원도 정선의 무릉리 지역의 고랭지 무·배추의 유통현황을 살펴보고 문제점 및 개선방안을 도출하고자 하였다. 본 연구를 위하여 문헌연구와 현지조사를 병행하여 실시하였다. 현지조사는 무릉리 지역을 1995년과 2003년 방문하여 이 지역의 고랭지 무·배추의의 유통실태를 조사하였다. 문헌연구 결과 정선군지역의 고랭지채소의 유통경로는 생산자→ 중간상안→ 도매상→ 소매상→ 소비자로 이루어져있었다. 1995년 정선군 무릉리의 현지조사에서 응답한 고랭지채소농가는 배추와 무를 중간상인에게 각각 88%와 83%를 판매하였으나, 2003년의 조사에서는 중간상인에 대한 판매는 배추농가는 40.9% 그리고 무 농가는 38.5로 줄었다 고랭지채소농가는 고랭지채소를 중간상인에게 판매하는 대신 도매시장, 중간상인, 그리고 농협과의 계약을 통한 대형유통회사에 판매하는 것으로 나타났다. 고랭지채소 유통의 문제점으로는 첫째, 고랭지 무 배추의 수급조절과 유통조절기능이 미흡하고, 둘째, 생산자 조직이 영세하고 거래 교섭력 약화 등 기능과 역할이 미흡하며, 셋째, 다단계 유통경로로 유통마진이 매우 높으며 비효율적이며, 넷째, 유통환경 변화에 대응할 수 있는 새로운 유통주체인 소비지의 물류센터와 산지의 유통센터의 역할이 미흡한 것으로 나타났다. 이를 위한 개선방안으로는 채소 수급 안정 사업을 발전시켜 우리나라 현실에 맞은 계약재배 사업을 실시하고, 새로운 유통환경에 적응할 수 있는 산지유통기능을 활성화시켜 소비지의 물류센터와 네트워킹을 실현해야 하는 것을 들 수 있다.

      • 大韓民國樹立을 前後한 韓國과 國際外交關係의 史的考察

        金明基 명지대학교 1975 明大論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        The internal faction strife rather than international competition brought closed foreign policy in the latter pant of Lee Dynasty or Korean History covering foreign policy could not be maintained because of the pressure of foreign powers to open the Korean peninsula to them. Japan took full advantage among foreign powers. After the feudal system of Lee Dynasty had collapsed, a new era that Japan annexed Korea under her colonial rule began. From this time on, nationwide anti Japanese regime had been stated until Korea was liberated in 1945. In the mean time, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson's proposol on political independence and territorial integrity was received by koreans as the key thought in their initiation of independence movement. The relation between Korea and the United states began by signing a treaty of amity and commerce in 1882. Ever Since the United States in voled in the Korean issues such as her participation in Cairo Conference in 1943 and Potsdam Conference in 1945 which dealt with Korea's independence from Japanese colounial rule. After the end of the Second World War, U.S. President Truman declared korea's independence in September 18, 1945. United States had not established a clearcut U.S. Korean policy until the Korean War broke out in 1950 although the United States involved in the korean issues for a long time. Since the end of the Second World War the world was divided into two blocs. One is free world represented by the United States and the other communist world by the Soviet Union. This era is described as the cold war. The formulation of U.S. foreign policy was mainly based in consideration of the Soviet issues. Although the United States emerged as the most powerful leader in the world, she overlooked communist's Russias strategy in her attempt to make may states as their satellite states. This is also applied to the Korean situation. The United States attempted to establish a coalition movement as a part of U.S. Korean policy. Both The United States and the Soviet Union organized a joint council to bring about their own national interest and security. This Council was abolished because of too many confilicts between them. For political structure, the decision that the Allied Powers had decided during the war that Korea would not be at once ready to undertake the responsibilities of self government after forty years' occupation by the Japanese exerted much influence. The U.S. Military government was accepted as a turning point in Korean Political structure because western style democracy and individual political order that the U.S. military government introduced led to the collapse of the Korean characteristic culture which was incorporated with traditional government, society and culture and the Japanese totalitarian government during the colonial rule. On the other hand, Japan's victory in Russo-Japanese war helped the United States and Britain to blockade Russia in Manchuria and the United States supported Japan in international affairs in order to exert her influence in other regions. The competition between the United States and Japan brought the second would war finally and Korea was sacrificed between them. The United States and Japan, however, signed a secret agreement in which the Unite States recongnized Japan's special interest in the Korean penninsulc in return for Japan's nonaggression strategy on the phillipines. In many summit talks during the Second World War, The United States did not pay due attention, which led many allied nations to maintain their strong position in the Korean peninsula after the Second Word War came to end. They established temporary military boundary for military purpose, which resulted in division of the peninsula. This was a tragedy against expectation of Korea's reunification. As the Korean War ensued Korea suffered in many respects korea did not sign the armistice agreement because it was against the Koreans' wishes for national unification. Despite Korea's opposition, the United States representing the United nations signed the armistice agreement which produced the so-called armistice line separating the Korean peninsula into two parts. The Unite states also made the Korean affairs as international ones because she presented the Korean affairs to the United Nations General Assembly. After the Korean government was established, the Korean government had a plan to equip the korean armed forces with the American weaponry, which the Korean government wanted to receive in return for U.S. troop withdrawal. The Soviet Union maneuver tactics to sympathize her with the Korean's emotion favoring withdrawal, and to criticize U.S. policy that the United Stated maintained military base in Korea. The Soviet Union demanded U.S. to withdraw her troops from Korea continuously which played a very important role in pressing pressure to U.S. government to withdraw her troops from within and without. The United States not only withdrew her troops from Korea but also excluded korea from initial defense line resulting in the Korean War during this vacuum period. The United States, however, contributed to the establishment of basic democracy during the U.S. Military government ruling period and it also contributed to the establishment of the Korean government along with the United Nations. Considering the past example, the korean government's warning on so-called U.S. policy, Deamericanization policy in Asia should be seriously examine because it indicated withdrawal of U.S. troops from Korea. Otherwise expecting result is predictable. Under this circumstance, maintaining a balance of power is an only means for peace and consequently more emphasis should be given to well maintained relations with United States and Japan in an effort to take steps against Soviet Union, Red China and North Korea. The so-called cold war emerged after the Second World War was pluralized world politics. Detante between the United States and Soviet Union, challange against U.S. and Soviet Union by France and Red China which newly possessed nuclear power and expanded role of Asia and African Neutral block have changed the world political map from plualistic to multipolarized one. Korea's foreign policy under current circumstances in which communists initiate local warfare under the cover of peaceful coexistence and their threat has been shown more than past, shold be formulated on the bases of independent posture, creation of dowestic and international environment for detente between South and North Korea. For this purpose, firstly, relation between the Unite States and Japan should be well maintained, secondly, it is desirable to seek possibility of peaceful coexistence with the European nations and it is suggested to take measures for noralization of relation among Japan, China and Korea on the basis of long range view. These will contribute to developing Korean foreign policy as practical and benefit seeking policy, In the general trend of World politics, it has shown integcated from. Keeping this in mind, recognition of territorial division and formulation of practical check and balance system and structural stabilization should be sought for the feasible direction for Korea's foreign policy.

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