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      • KCI등재

        대한국제법학회의 독도학술연구조사에 의한 한국의 독도에 대한 실효적 지배

        김명기(Myung-Ki Kim) 대한국제법학회 2018 國際法學會論叢 Vol.63 No.1

        1979년 대한국제법학회는 “독도학술연구조사단”을 구성하여 한국해양대학의 “한바다호”편으로 독도에 상륙하여 독도학술연구조사활동을 실행한바 있다. 대한국제법학회는 대한민국의 국가기관이 아니고, 민법상 사단법인에 불과하다. 따라서, 대한국제법학회가 독도에 상륙하여 행한 학술연구조사활동은 대한민국의 독도에 대한 실효적 지배의 효력이 인정되지 아니한다고 보기 쉽다. 그러나, 사적인 개인이나 단체의 행위가 국가기관의 사전적인 허가 혹은 협조로 행하여 진 경우는 그 사적 단체의 행위는 국가기관의 행위로 인정되어 위 독도학술연구조사 활동은 당시 치안본부의 사전허가와 한국해양대학의 사전협조로 독도에 상륙하여 학문적 연구와 조사활동을 실행한 것은 대한민국의 독도에 대한 실효적 지배로 인정된다. 그리고, 김대령의 행위도 대한민국의 국가기관의 행위로 인정된다. 대한국제법학회와김대령의 독도에서의 학문적인 조사와 연구활동이 있었다는 사실을 입증하기 위한 증거를 보관해야 할 것이 오늘의 과제이다. On March 26, 1979 the Korean Society of International law organized a Group of the Academic Study and Research over Dokdo constituted 28 persons and the society landed on Dokdo studied and researched over Dokdo, However the society was not a organ of the ROK as a state but a private person. Therefore the study activities of the Society did not constitute the effective control over Dokdo by the ROK. However the Society attained the authorized Permission landing on Dokdo by the headquarters of National Policy one of the organ of the ROK as a state in advance. And attained the cooperation of the National Maritime Academy to use the training ship named “Hanbadaho”. The Permission and the cooperation of national organ of the ROK in advance the studies and researches of the Society on the Dokdo were recognizes the effective control over Dokdo by the ROK. For the purpose of maintenance of Korean territorial title of Dokdo, It is necessary for the Government and the Society to preserve the evidences that the society and colonel Kim’s academic activities to study and research on Dokdo were constitutes the effective control over Dokdo. it’s obvious fact that Korean territorial severity over Dokdo under control of Korean government the fact was confirmed by the colonel Kim’s landing on Dokdo for academic study and researches over Dokdo.

      • DQSM 알고리즘을 이용한 FIR 디지털 필터의 구성

        김명기,임영도 동아대학교 공과대학 부설 한국자원개발연구소 1986 硏究報告 Vol.10 No.1

        A method on the hardware implementation of the Finite Impulse Response (FIR) digital filter using Digital Quarter Square Multiphcation (DQSM) algorithm is proposed. ROM requirement can be reduced by using the double precision algorithm and the absolute value circuit, and also execution speed can be improved by reducing logic level steps of absolute value circuit. The frequency response of FIR digital filter implemented by the above method is quite agreeable with the frequency response simulated by Remez exchange algorithm. If coefficients should be stored in the RAM instead of the ROM, this method is especially useful in the case of FIR digital filter with time varying coefficients.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        집단운동에 따른 "파킨슨 가정 운동프로그램"어플리케이션 적용이 파킨슨병 환자의 기능 체력 및 뇌 활성도에 미치는 영향

        김명기(Kim, Myung-Ki),조혜영(Cho, Hye-Young),박윤진(Park, Yun-Jin) 한국사회체육학회 2015 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.59

        We investigated the effects of communal exercise intervention no functional fitness and brain activation, for 29 female patients of PD (Parkinson’s disease). The subjects were randomly divided into 3 groups: control group(n=9); communal exercise group using the smart phone application(n=10); and an individual exercise group, also using the smart phone application(n=10). The exercise program consisted of warm up(10 min) , exercise with the smart app.(40 min), and cool down(10 min). The exercise program was performed 3 days a per week for 10 weeks. In the present result, strength of lower limbs were significantly increased among exercise groups and interaction. Flexibility of upper and lower limbs and static balance were significantly increased time and interaction. Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4 of alpha wave were significantly increased among groups, time and interaction. However T3, T4 of alpha wave were significantly increased interaction but P3, P4 of alpha wave were no significantly among groups, time and interaction. These finding indicates that a 10 weeks of group communal exercise program using a smart app. can be effective, in terms of, on improving functional fitness and brain activation, for patient with PD.

      • KCI등재

        국제법상 중국의 간도불법점거에 대한 대중국 항의의 필요성과 요건에 관한 연구

        김명기(Kim, Myung-Ki) 백산학회 2009 白山學報 Vol.- No.85

        The Gando Convention concluded between China and Japan in 1909 stipulates that China grants the interests and rights to construct railway and to minie mineral matters in Manchuria to Japan and Japan transfers Gando to China. The Convention was legally based on the Protectorate Treaty between Japan and Korea in 1905 that was concluded by means of Japanese military coercion to the Korean Cabinet members. As a result of the means the treaty was null and vold. So the Gando Convention based on the treaty is null and void too. Therfore Chinese occupation on Gando is unlawful occuprtion on Korean territory in international law. What Korea needs to protest against Chinese unlawful occupation on Gando (ⅰ) for excluding the eftect of acquiescence, (ⅱ) for acquiring the eftect of effective control on Gondo, (ⅲ) for acquiring the relative title of the territorial sovereignty over Gerndo, (ⅳ) for interrupting the Chinese prescription and historical consolidation over Gando, and (ⅴ) for obidencing duty and responsibility of the President to preserve national territory in accordance with the stipulation of the Korean Constitutional law. The protest subject in international law is state as a subject of international law. Therefore the protest subject against the Chinese unlawful occupation on Gando is not the Gando Institute, the Paek-San Society, and the Chern-Jin Sws Paper but the state thpublic of Korea. The he stateorgan of a state in international law is the Head of State, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Diplomatic Agcncies. Thus the State organ of the ROK against the Chines unlawful occupation on Gando is not the National Aieembly, the Minister of Education Science and Technology, and the President of the Northeast Asian Mistory Foundation. The he stateForm in international law shoulechn donn by the official diplomatic docurn-Jithrough the diplomatic Channnl. Thus the Korean Governrn-J’s protest agaist Chinese Governrn-J is not effective as protest through a neweweweference, radio broadcast, TV, or a resolution of international eweference. The protest contn-J in international law should be clear. So the Korean protest against China should be effective protest on the clear base. in accordance with the rules of international law. It should be needed the Korean Government’s protest aginst Chinese unlawful occapation on Gando to preserve Korean territorial sovereignty over it as soon as possible.

      • KCI등재

        이중에너지 흡수계측법을 이용한 한국 성인의 성별, 연령별에 따른 근육량 및 근육 분포의 변화

        김명기(Myung Ki Kim) 한국사회체육학회 2004 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.22

        This purpose of this study was to examine the influence of age and gender on whole and body regional muscle mass and distribution using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry(DEXA). The subjects consisted of healthy adult men and women who had participated in body composition studies at Korea University. The subjects varied in age(20~73 yr) and body mass index(15.6~42.5). None of the subjects was taking medications known to affect the study variables. They were divided three groups according to age. The major findings in this study were summarized as follows : 1. Whole and body regional muscle mass in men was greater than in women. 2. The arm muscle mass and distribution in men was greater than in women. 3. The muscle mass in the arms and legs were decreased with age, but the trunk muscle mass was increased with age in both group. 4. The loss of muscle mass was significantly different with age among groups, arm muscle mass were decreased in men and leg muscle mass were decreased in women.

      • KCI등재
      • 국제인도법상 국제적십자운동 기본원칙의 법적 구속력

        김명기(Myung-Ki Kim) 大韓赤十字社 人道法硏究所 2005 人道法論叢 Vol.- No.25

        “국제적십자운동 기본원칙”을 선언하는 결의가 1965년 비엔나에서 제20차 적십자국제회의에 의해 채택되었다. “국제적십자운동 기본원칙”은 협약으로서가 아니라 국제조직의 결의로서 선언되었다. 일반적으로 국제조직에 의해 채택된 결의는 국제법상 법적 구속력을 갖지 아니한다. 그러므로 “국제적십자운동 기본원칙”은 권고 또는 호소의 성격을 가질 뿐인 것으로 일반적으로 이해되고 승인되었다. 그러나 “국제적십자운동 기본원칙”의 법적 구속력이 1949년의 “제1제네바협약” 제44조, “제4제네바협약” 제63조, 그리고 1977년의 “제1추가의정서” 제81조에는 원칙이 법적 규범으로 규정되어 수용되게 되었다. 따라서 “국제적십자운동 기본원칙”은 국제법상 법적 구속력을 갖게 되었다. 우리는 국제법의 현재의 개념에 있어서 근본적인 변화의 상황에 직면하고 있다. 환언하면, 우리는 국제법상 “국가 주권 지향 접근”은 “인간지향 접근”으로 대체된 현실에 있는 것이다. 이러한 현상은 국제법 구조의 혁명적 변화에 의해 형성되었다. 이러한 혁명적 변화는 다음과 같은 추세에 기초한 것이다. (ⅰ) “국제형사재판소를 위한 로마규정”에 의한 국제형사재판소의 설치 (Ⅱ) 국제연합 안보리의 주 기능이 국제 평화와 안전의 유지에서 인권의 보호에로의 변화 (Ⅲ) 국제법질서의 이익의 개념의 국가이익의 보호에서 인간의 이익의 보호에로의 변화 (Ⅳ) ICJ의 그의 권고적 의견에서의 핵무기의 사용은 무력충돌에 적용될 국제법의 규칙 그리고 특히 인도법의 원칙과 규칙에 반한다는 결론 상기 혁명적인 변화에 의해 국제인도법의 기본원칙은 타 국제법 분야에 비해 보다 상위의 법적 효력을 갖게 되었다. 따라서 “국제적십자운동 기본원칙”은 여타의 국제법 규범보다 상위의 법적 규범으로 된 것이다. The resolution proclaiming the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Movement was adopted in 1965 at Vienna by the 20th International Conference of the Red Cross. The Principles were proclaimed not as a convention but as a resolution of an international organization. In general, the resolutions adopted by international organizations have no legal binding force in international law. It is, therefore, understood and recognized that the Principles only have the character of recommendations or appeals. However, the legal binding character of the Principles is brought out in that they are mentioned as legal norms in Article 44 of the First Geneva Convention of 1949, in Article 63 of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, and in Article 81 of the First Additional Protocol of 1977. The Provisions have so accepted the Principles as a part of international humanitarian law and given them legal binding character. Therefore, the Principles have legal binding force by the Provisions of the Geneva Conventions and the Additional Protocol in international law. Now we are facing a situation of fundamental change in the present concept of international law, that is to say. we are facing that. "State-sovereignty-oriented approach" of international law had gradually been replaced by "Human-being-oriented approach of international law". The situation is formed by the revolutionary changes of international law structure. The revolutionary changes are based on following trends: (ⅰ) The establishment of the International Criminal Court by the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court. (Ⅱ) The main function of the Security Council of the United Nations had been changed from maintaining international peace and security to protecting human rights. (Ⅲ) The concept of interest of international legal order had been changed from safeguarding the interest of state to protecting the interest of human beings. (Ⅳ) ICJ, in advisory opinion, concluded that the use of nuclear weapons would generally be contrary to the rules of international law applicable to armed conflict, and particular the principles and rules of humanitarian law. As a result of the revolutionary changes the international principles of international humanitarian law have become a superior legal force to that of the other sphere of international law. Therefore, the legal character of the Red Cross Principles is superior legal norm to that of the other sphere of international law.

      • KCI등재

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