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      • CFRP 복합재로 보수된 알루미늄 재료의 피로특성에 대한 연구

        김만태(Man Tae Kim),이경엽(Kyong Yop Rhee) 대한기계학회 2004 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2004 No.4

        This work investigated fatigue characteristics of aluminum repaired by CFRP composites. Three specimens, cracked aluminum, cracked aluminum patched by CFRP, and plasma-treated aluminum patched by CFRP were used for the fatigue tests. The results showed that the fatigue crack growth behavior of cracked aluminum was improved by repairing the cracked area with composite patch. Specifically, the specimen repaired by composite patch showed about three times more fatigue life than the cracked aluminum. The plasma-treated aluminum repaired by composite patch showed about five times more fatigue life than the cracked aluminum.

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      • KCI등재후보

        음택풍수의 명당발복 설화를 통해 살펴본 우리 풍수문화

        김만태(Kim Man-Tae) 실천민속학회 2010 실천민속학연구 Vol.15 No.-

        풍수신앙은 오랫동안 우리 민족의 생활 곳곳에 큰 영향력을 행사해오고 있다. 특히 조선시대에 와서는 개인이나 집안의 길흉회복을 조상 산소와 연관시켜 생각하는 경우가 많았다. 그래서 지금도 개인이나 집안이 잘되고 못되는 까닭을 ‘조상 윗자리가 좋아서’ 또는 ‘조상 윗자리가 나빠서’ 그렇다고 흔히 말한다. “잘되면 제 탓, 못되면 조상 탓”이라는 속담도 자손의 부귀영달과 가문의 흥망성쇠가 조상 윗자리와 깊은 연관이 있다는 음택풍수의 오랜 전통을 보여주는 것이다. 풍수설화는 오랜 세월 정서적 공감대를 이루며 자연스레 만들어져, 풍수에 얽힌 우리 삶의 이야기를 진솔하게 담고 있다. 이는 풍수에 대한 한국인의 심성을 이해하는데 더할 나위 없이 좋은 자료가 된다. 그래서 다양한 풍수설화를 통해 음택풍수의 명당발복 인식에 담긴 무리 풍수문화를 고찰하였다. 적극적 기복 풍수, 현세중심 세계관, 운명종속과 개척의지의 공존, 부계 혈족중심 가족관, 흔백 분리의 이원적 존재인식 등 다섯 가지가 바로 그것이다. Feng-shui beliefs have long influenced. significantly all the aspect of Korean people's life. Especially in the Joseon era, the good and ill luck, fortune and misfortune of an individual or family were explained in connection with ancestors' graves. Even now, lots of people commonly cite 'the good location of ancestors' graves' and 'the bad location of ancestors' graves' as the reason for the ups and downs of an individual or family. The old saying, ''Pur credit upon oneself when things go well and blame the ancestors when they do not," is an example showing the old tradition of grave Feng-shui that descendants' riches and honors and a family's ups and downs are deeply related to the location of ancestors' graves. Folk tales on Feng-shui which sincerely tell of Korean people' lives related to Feng-shui have been naturally created for a long period, forming people's sentimental sympathy. They constitute an extremely good material that helps to understand Korean people's nature. Therefore, through various folk tales on Feng-shui, this study examined Korean people's Feng-shui culture contained in the notion of grave Feng-shui that propitious site brings a favorable change in fortune. The five things discussed in the study included Feng-shui aimed at aggressively seeking blessing, this life-centered view of the world, the coexistence of following destiny and the willingness to pioneer destiny, paternal kin-centered view of family and the perception of dual. presence explaining the separation of the spirit.

      • KCI등재

        훈민정음의 제자원리와 역학사상

        김만태(Kim, Man-Tae) 서울대학교 철학사상연구소 2012 철학사상 Vol.45 No.-

        훈민정음은 사람의 소리에도 음양오행의 이치가 담겨 있다는 인식 하에서 그 음양오행 이치에 따라 각 글자에 해당하는 모양을 본떠 만들어졌다. ‘모양[形]을 본뜨다[象]’는 의미를 역의 괘상처럼 추상적 의미까지도 형상화했다는 뜻으로 확장 해석을 해야만 훈민정음에 함축된 역학적 의미를 보다 온전히 이해할 수 있다. 훈민정음에 함축된 역학사상이란 다른 게 아니라 하늘이 음양과 오행을 부여해서 만물을 생기게 하는 것이다. 만물의 다양한 모습은 오행의 다름에서 비롯되고, 오행의 다름은 음양의 본질에 바탕을 두고, 음양의 본질은 하나의 이치인 태극에 근본을 둔다. 만물 속에는 각각 하나의 태극이 있다는 것이다. 우주만물의 생성과 운행원리는 태극·음양·오행·삼재로 귀결된다는 역철학적 관점에서 인간의 성음(聲音)을 이해했던 우리 선인들의 사유 결정체가 오늘날 ‘한글’이란 소리와 문자로서 존재한다. 훈민정음이 태극이라는 하나[一]의 이치에서 출발했지만 그 적용인 순음과 후음의 오성·오행 분류에 있어서는 다름[殊]을 연출하고 있다. 훈민정음의 제자·자음·모음·합자 등에는 동양의 역철학적 원리와 사상들이 대거 함축되어 있기에 한글은 음운적 자질을 시각적으로 표현하여 만든 문자 체계이면서도 철학적 사유 요소까지도 내포하고 있는 유일한 문자로 평가된다. The shape of each alphabet in Hunminjeongeum was modeled after the principles of yin and yang and the five elements under the idea that even human sound contains the principles of yin and yang and the five elements. One can develop a full understanding of the meanings of philosophy of I Ching implicated in Hunminjeongeum only by expanding the interpretation of the meaning of “modeling after” to the embodiment of even abstract meanings such as the trigrams of the I Ching. The ideology of science of the I Ching implicated in Hunminjeongeum is that Heaven created all things by granting them yin and yang and five elements. The diverse forms of all things derive from differences in the five elements, which are based on the nature of yin and yang, which takes its root in the Great Absolute, a principle. There is a Great Absolute in everything. The product of the ancestors’ thinking style, which was to understand human vocal sounds from the perspective of philosophy of the I Ching that the creation and operation principles of all things in the universe are based on the Great Absolute, yin and yang, five elements, and three components of the universe, was the sounds and letters of “Hangeul” today. Hunminjeongeum started from a principle called the Great Absolute, but it does have differences in the Oseong and Ohaeng distinction of labial and guttural sounds, which are its applications. Given that there are many principles and ideologies of oriental philosophy of the I Ching implicated in the letter creation, consonants, vowels, and letter combinations of Hunminjeongeum, it is no wonder that Hangeul is considered the only alphabet that expresses phonemic quality visually and contains the elements of philosophical thinking.

      • KCI등재

        성수신앙의 일환으로서 북두칠성의 신앙적 화현 양상

        김만태 ( Man Tae Kim ) 연세대학교 국학연구원 2012 동방학지 Vol.159 No.-

        Looking into relics related to the Big Dipper, one can perceive a link among the holes representing constellations in dolmens (ancient Joseon), the paintings of the Big Dipper in ancient murals (Goguryeo and Goryeo), and the Big Dipper of mortuary planks containing seven holes representing the Big Dipper (since Joseon). The Big Dipper is worshipped as a guide to another world at the cusp between this world and the other, reflecting the concept of life-death-grave (the Big Dipper)-hope for immortality. Faith in the Big Dipper was just one of the many different constellation faiths institutionally worshipped since the time constellation faiths integrated around faith in the Big Dipper before the early Joseon. Judging from the Offering Writing to the Big Dipper used by believers during Buddhist services of the Big Dipper at Gwangheung Buddhist Temple in Andong, Gyeongbuk Province, it is estimated that faith in the Big Dipper waned following emergence of folk faith praying for eliminating disaster, prolonging life, avoiding misfortune, and promoting luck among individuals in the former half of the Joseon at the latest. In Korean folk customs, there are very diverse religious manifestations of the Big Dipper, which can be categorized into narrative, iconic, and ritual patterns. The major elements of faith in the Big Dipper in the narrative pattern include the Big Dipper puri and the Big Dipper bonpuri, The iconic pattern is usually found in the gut instruments used by female shamans and also in the Big Dipper painting enshrined in the Big Dipper tower and the chilseongpan (the bottom lining board of a coffin) containing seven holes representing the Big Dipper in line with the paintings of the Big Dipper in dolmens and ancient murals. The ritual pattern takes realistic and diverse forms according to the transmission areas and informants. The Big Dipper as an object of faith is regarded as a god that controls the production of offspring and human life, along with property and talent; a god that gives rain to the earth; and the star of bonmyeongseong that controls human destiny according to the 12 zodiacal signs under which one was born. There is also a need to explore clues for the new perception of correlations among the Andong area, the Big Dipper, and faith in the Big Dipper when considering the relics of the yut board and the custom of yut play.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        세시풍속의 기반 변화와 현대적 변용

        김만태(Kim Man-Tae) 비교민속학회 2009 비교민속학 Vol.0 No.38

        대개 1년을 주기로 계절에 따라 특정한 날을 가려서 관습적ㆍ반복적으로 행하는 세시풍속 안에는 그 시대 사람들의 삶의 모습이 잘 응축되어 있다. 그러나 전통 농업사회에서 현대 산업사회로 바뀌면서 우리 세시풍속도 그 모습이 많이 달라졌다. 이 글에서는 우리 세시풍속의 본질과 현상을 구분하여 세시풍속을 이루는 바탕은 무엇이며, 그 바탕이 어떻게 변해왔는지를 살펴보고 이를 토대로 전통사회와 견주어 현대사회에서 세시풍속은 과연 어떻게 달라졌으며 또 어떤 모습으로 존재하고 있는지 그 현상을 고찰했다. 전통사회에서 세시풍속을 이루던 자연ㆍ인문바탕들이 대개 1960년대를 기점으로 급변함에 따라, 이를 기반으로 했던 오랜 세시풍속들도 빠르게 소멸하거나 변모하고 있다. 그런 반면 새롭게 변화된 기반에 적합한 또 다른 세시풍속들이 등장하여 현대인들의 새로운 삶의 주기적 마디로 역할하고 있다. 현대사회어서 어떤 세시풍속들이 새롭게 생겨나고 있으며 앞으로 생겨날 것인가를 조망하고, 현대 세시풍속에 담긴 다양한 생활문회를 읽어내는데 있어 이 글은 새로운 시각을 제시할 수 있다. Being practiced in a customary and repetitive manner on set days in each season every year, annual cyclic rites have the solid concentration of contemporary people's lives. The shift from the traditional agricultural society to the modern industrial one, however, caused many changes to the conventional annual cyclic rites. This study set out to investigate the foundation of the annual cyclic rites by distinguishing their nature and phenomena and the changes to the foundation. It also aimed to compare the annual cyclic rites from the traditional society and the modern one to understand how they changed and what was the current state. The natural and civilized foundation of the annual cyclic rites in the traditional society went through rapid changes in the 1960s, which resulted in the fast disappearance and alteration of the long-held annual cyclic rites. At the same time, there appeared new annual cyclic rites proper for the newly changed foundation, and they have served as the period nodes for contemporary life. The research findings will offer a new perspective regarding how and what new annual cyclic rites were created in modern society and how to read the diverse life cultures reflected in the contemporary annual cyclic rites.

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