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      • KCI등재

        特定読み手宛てのメール文タスクのフィードバック - 作文支援システム『さくらだより』のフィードバックを例に -

        김란미 한국일본어학회 2024 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.81

        This study aims to examine and propose the necessary and appropriate methods of providing feedback for written tasks with specific readers, using the writing support system 'Sakura Dayori' as an example. 'Sakura Dayori' differs from traditional feedback methods in content and manner of feedback. It is believed to be particularly effective for providing feedback on written tasks with specific readers. Traditional feedback for writing focuses on what is written, such as vocabulary and grammatical errors. However, 'Sakura Dayori' goes further by pointing out necessary expressions and vocabulary for task completion, including suggestions for what was not written. Most notably, since it deals with email writing tasks, it can also address considerations for the reader. Additionally, the feedback is delivered with special attention to the following: (1) clearly stating the reasons for the feedback, (2) using expressions appropriate to the learner's level, and (3) offering advice as gently as possible. This paper confirms whether the feedback provided by 'Sakura Dayori' is necessary and appropriate by comparing it with the elements of good language communication—'accuracy,' 'clarity,' 'appropriateness,' and 'respect and friendliness'—as outlined in the Agency for Cultural Affairs' report on 'Language Communication for Mutual Understanding.' In conclusion, 'Sakura Dayori' has been found to offer necessary and appropriate feedback for language communication. This feedback method is effective and suitable for written tasks with specific readers, providing essential feedback to learners without harming their writing motivation.

      • KCI등재

        日本語メール文に見られる伝聞表現 - 相手からの情報を前提情報とする場合-

        김란미,가네니와구미코,김현주 대한일어일문학회 2019 일어일문학 Vol.84 No.-

        This study examines hearsay expressions quoting information obtained from the other party in e-mail with the objective of inquiry, comparing their usage between native Japanese speakers and non-native Japanese learners. It was found that non-native Japanese learners used hearsay expressions less frequently compared to native Japanese speakers. The reasons for this could be the difficulty of using hearsay expressions for non-natives and a difference between the two in how information is perceived. While native Japanese speakers use ‘toiukotoda’ to show that the information was obtained from the other party, some non-native learners have the tendency to consider information from the other party as pre-obtained information, using expressions such as ‘sitteiru’ or ‘wakaru’, without using hearsay expressions. It may also be possible that they were not taught sufficiently about the usage of ‘toiukotoda’. This study focuses on ‘toiukotoda’ when used to reconfirm information obtained from the other party, and not ‘toiukotoda’ used to mediate information from a third party. It is our hope that these findings may be used to guide learners of the Japanese language in the appropriate usage of ‘toiukotoda’.

      • KCI등재

        メール文の自動採点のための評価基準とタスク -タスクの達成の可否と必須語に焦点を当てて-

        김란미 한국일본어학회 2016 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.48

        본 연구는 웹상에서 학습자가 메일형태의 작문과제를 선택한 후、 해당작문을 입력하면 자동으로 채점이 가능한 자동채점시스템을 구축하기 위한 기초연구이다. 본 연구에서는 작문의 과제달성 여부를 자동으로 평가할 수 있는 방법을 모색하기 위해「YNU書き言葉コーパ ス」의 데이터를 사용해 조사를 실시했다. 조사 목적은 ①자동채점에 적합한 작문과제는 어떤 것인가 ②자동채점시스템으로 내용평가가 가능한가의 두 가지였다. 조사 방법은 먼저 본 코퍼스의 메일형식의 작문 한국어모어화자 30명의 6종류의 과제 180건의 데이터와 같은 수의일본어모어화자의 데이터를 형태소분석기「茶筌」을 사용하여「名詞-一般」「名詞-サ変接続」에 해당하는 어휘를 추출하여 작문과제별로 총어휘수와 필수어휘수를 비교했다. 그 후 필수어휘에 대해서는 『分類語彙表』의 분류기준에 따라 그룹을 나누었다. 형태소분석 결과、 작문과제별로 사용어휘수와 필수어휘에 차이가 보였고、 필수어휘가 적은 작문과제가 자동채점에 적합하다는 것을 알수 있었다. 일본어모어화자와 한국어모어화자의 필수어휘를 비교한 결과. 수와 종류에 차이가 있었다. 일본어모어화자의 경우 필수어휘와 사용어휘의 차가 별로 없었지만、 한국어모어화자의 경우、 필수어휘 이외의 어휘를 많이 사용하고 있었다. 분류어휘표의 분류기준에 의한분석에서는 일본어모어화자의 경우는 같은 어휘 카테고리내에서 다양한 어휘를 구사하고 있었으나 한국어모어화자의 경우는 어휘의 종류가한정되어 있었다. 이러한 조사결과를 바탕으로 앞으로 자동채점에 있어서 필수어휘에 주목하면 작문의 내용을 평가할 수 있고、 과제달성여부도 판단가능할 것이라 생각된다. This paper explains the preliminary research of an Automatic Scoring System being developed through which Japanese learners can submit compositions for pre-set tasks to an online scoring application. We investigated the ‘YNU written language corpus’ to find a method by which completion of tasks can be automatically determined. The aims of this investigation were to determine the feasibility of automatic content evaluation and appropriate tasks for this application. We extracted nouns from 30 compositions from each of 6 tasks written by native Korean speakers(NKS)、 and the same number of compositions written by native Japanese speakers(NJS)、 using the morpheme analyzer “Cha-Sen”. We then categorized the extracted “mandatory words”(MW)using the 『Bunruigoihyo』. We also compared the number of MW with the total number of nouns used for each task、 and found certain tasks were more appropriate for automatic content analysis、 because the number of MW was small. We found differences in both the number and types of MW used by NKS versus those used by NJS. We also discovered that while NJS did not use unnecessary nouns to complete the tasks、 NKS did. Our analysis of the participants' submissions using the『Bunruigoihyo』showed that NJS used a wider variety of synonyms to express the same notions than NKS. Based on the results of this investigation、 we came to the conclusion that an automatic scoring system that focuses on MW can not only evaluate the content of compositions、 but also determine the fulfillment of pre-set tasks.

      • KCI등재


        김란미 한국일어일문학회 2010 日語日文學硏究 Vol.72 No.1


      • KCI등재


        金蘭美(김란미),金庭久美子(가네니와 구미코),金玄珠(김현주) 한국일본어학회 2018 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.55

        본 연구에서 개발 중인 ‘메일작성 태스크를 사용한 작문 지원 시스템’은 학습자가 작성한 이메일에 대해 메일 수신인을 배려하는 관점에서 표현에 관한 조언을 해 주는 기능이 있다. 이를 위해 일본어 모어 화자와 일본어 학습자를 대상으로 다양한 태스크의 메일을 작성하게 하여 데이터를 수집 중이다. 본 연구는 그 가운데 일본어 모어 화자와 한국인 학습자 30명을 대상으로 지인에게 받은 번역 의뢰를 거절하는 메일 태스크의 데이터를 분석하여 완화 표현을 비교하였다. 구성 요소별로 분석한 결과, 한국인 학습자는 1) 「수신확인」에서 「メール見ました」「メールちゃんと読みました」를 사용하고 2) 「사죄」·「이유」·「거절」 앞에 오는 「緩和表現」에서는 「手伝えなくて」 대신에「助けられなくて」를 사용하고 있었다. 3) 「사죄」에 서는 동일한 메일에서 사죄표현을 여러 번 사용하는 경향이 있었으며, 4)「거절」에서는 「できない」「無理だ」를 사용하여 한 마디로 잘라 말하거나 「それはちょっと...」와 같이 말끝을 흐리는 「言いさし」표현을 사용하는 경향이 보였다. 이와 같은 표현들은 문법적 오류는 아니지만, 메일을 읽는 상대방에게는 위압적인 표현으로 좋은 인상을 주지 못 할 가능성이 있다. 앞으로는 앞서 제시한 작문 지원 시스템을 활용하여 이와 같은 표현을 학습자에게 알려 주고 일본어 모어 화자가 사용하는 표현을 제안함으로써 상대방을 배려하여 메일을 작성할 수 있도록 적절한 조언을 하고자 한다. In the project “Writing Support System using E-mail Writing Tasks” being developed by the authors, learners are provided with appropriate advice on how to show consideration to readers based on the text that they have written. In order to provide learners with appropriate advice about the system, the authors have collected a large amount of e-mail language data for various tasks, written by both Japanese native speakers and learners of Japanese. For this study, e-mails written in Japanese to reject a translation request from an acquaintance, by 30 Japanese native speakers and 30 Korean native speakers, were analyzed and compared. The results showed that Korean learners of Japanese tended to use expressions which, while not grammatically incorrect, may be misconstrued by the reader as arrogant. Examples of these were 1) メール見ました (I read your e-mail) and メールちゃんと読みました (I read your e-mail well) as acknowledgements of receipt of the email, 2) 助ける (help) instead of 手伝う (help) as a ‘softening expression’ preceding the rejection, 3) multiple repetitions of apologetic expressions in the apology, and 4) assertions such as “できない” or “無理だ” or incomplete sentences with omitted portions such as “それはちょっと…” in the ‘rejection.’ Based on these findings, the authors plan to incorporate advice on inappropriate expressions and recommended expressions used by Japanese native speakers into their writing support system to help users compose e-mails that show greater consideration towards the reader.

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