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      • 결련택견에 나타나는 상생(相生)과 대동(大同)에 관한 연구

        김도준(Kim, Do-Jun),이병익(Lee, Byung-Ik),안재식(An, Jae-Sik) 용인대학교 무도연구소 2012 武道硏究所誌 Vol.23 No.2

        이 연구는 민족의 몸짓 택견의 정신과 철학을 결련택견이 성행하던 1910년 당시의 시대적 배경에서 살펴봄으로써 택견이 단순히 하나의 격투나 놀이 이상의 의미를 지니고 있음을 살피고자 하였다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 택견에 내재되있는 상생(相生)과 대동(大同)의 사상을 분석하기 위해 고서와 연구논문, 전문서적 등의 다양한 자료를 검토·분석하였는데 이는 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 결련택견에는 상생(相生)의 철학이 있다. 구체적으로는 결련택견의 모습에서 개인의 이익을 합하여 공동선을 추구하는 상생공영의 철학을 엿볼 수 있다. 즉 택견 경기를 통하여 공동체의 결속을 다지는 화합과 단결의 상생의 정신이 담겨있다. 이는 상대가 타도의 대상이 아니라 협력의 대상, 즉 공생의 관계라는 것인데 이처럼 더불어 함께하고 상생하는 정신이 바로 민중의 생활 속에서 함께해온 택견 철학이다. 둘째, 결련택견에는 대동(大同)의 사상이 있다. 결련택견이 성행하던 시기에 우리 민족은 남녀노소, 신분을 초월하여 많은 사람들이 한데 어울려 함께 즐겼다. 이를 대동놀이라 한다. 대동놀이는 모두가 평등한 대동세상을 만들고 싶었던 우리 조상들의 간절한 소망이 놀이를 통해 표현된 것이다. 이에 택견의 경기 또한 판의 구성만을 놓고 보면 위에서 언급하였던 대동놀이의 형태와 같이 집단적 신명이 녹아 모두가 함께 어우러지는 축제의 장이었다. 이는 택견이 집단적 유희문화, 즉 대동의 사상이 내재되어있는 대동놀이라는 것을 의미한다. 이처럼 택견은 우수한 민족 사상인 상생(相生)과 대동(大同)의 철학을 내포하고 있다. This study was to research that Taekkyon means more than just tussling or playing through searching historical background of the time 1910 when Gyul-ryeon Taekkyon has been actively carried out the spirit and philosophy of Taekkyon, ethnic gesture. In this study, we reviewed and analyzed a variety of materials, including reports, research papers and professional publications to analyze the ideas of win-win and Daedong that are inherent in Taekkyon. Therefore, the following conclusions were drawn. First, there is a philosophy of win-win in Gyul-ryeon Taekkyon. Specifically, philosophy of mutual prosperity, pursuing common good by combining personal interests can be seen in the appearance of Gyul-ryeon Taekkyon. Namely, Taekkyon match is filled with the spirit of win-win, which means harmony and unity that strengthen the solidarity of community and promote good neighborhood and friendship. It means opponent is not a target of overthrow but a target of cooperate, that is, symbiotic relationship. A spirit of win-win and along together with people is the a philosophy of taekkyon. Second, There is a daedong thought in gyul-ryeon taekkyon. A time when Kyul-ryeon taekkyon has been actively carried out, our nation enjoyed together without distinction between men and women, old and young. It called daedong play. Daedong play, the earnest desire of our ancestors is expressed through play. Only the configuration of the plate, and as mentioned above of the form of daedong play, taekkyon match was a festival to enjoy all together as a group. This means taekkyon is daedong play that the idea of daedong is inherent in the daedong play. In this way, taekkyon contains philosophy of win-win and daedong which are our nation’s excellent thought.

      • KCI등재
      • 원료 배합조건에 따른 발열보온재의 열적 특성

        김도준(D. J. Kim),신동엽(D. Y. Shin),변승용(S. Y. Byun),위창현(C. H. Wi),유병돈(B. D. You),오상훈(S. H. Oh) 한국소성가공학회 2009 한국소성가공학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.5

        The change of the thermal properties of exothermic & insulating materials with mixing condition of raw materials which is the most important factor for exothermic & insulating materials was investigated by using the evaluation system of the thermal properties of exothermic & insulating materials. In this study, the effect of the thermal properties of the exothermic & insulating materials such as exothermic properties, endothermic properties, insulating properties, maximum temperature of molten metal, ignition time of exothermic & insulating materials and temperature recovery time on the mixing ratio of reductant and oxidant, types of reductant, and particle sizes of reductants was examined. It could be expected to design the mixing condition of raw materials for various exothermic & insulating materials.

      • 우수 여자유도선수의 체력현황과 평가기준치 설정

        김도준(Kim, Do-Jun),안수정(An, Soo-Jung) 용인대학교 무도연구소 2008 武道硏究所誌 Vol.19 No.1

        The objects of this research were 142 female Judo players who won the third prize or up at the national level contests selected out of the players who were categorized as winning contestants at the national level contest pursuant to the Enforcement Decree of the Citizens" Athletics Promotion Law, and for the objects, 9 physical strength test items related to muscular strength, muscular endurance, heart-lung staying power, explosive muscular strength, flexibility and promptitude measured using physical strength test equipments. And comparative analysis on the status of physical strength was conducted and standard values for physical strength evaluation were set based on the result of measuring and analysis. In order to identify the difference in the accomplishment rate of physical strength grade by weight category through setting of physical strength evaluation grades, the standard values were prepared by classifying the grade in five stages(7%, 24%, 38%, 24% and 7%) applying percentile points, and the average and standard deviation of the measures data were calculated using SPSS 12.0 statistics program. For the verification of difference, one-way random analysis was conducted while using Bonferroni for its analysis. And based on the result of analysis, the researcher obtained the following conclusions: 1. Physical strengths of the players in general were enhanced but in some weight categories endurance and flexibility was deteriorated while the factors such as explosive muscular power, muscular endurance, promptitude and flexibility factors except muscular strength of the players in heavy weight categories showed deterioration as compared to the players in other weight categories. 2. In order to prepare the standard values for the evaluation of physical strength by categorizing them into five stages(7%, 24%, 38%, 24% and 7%) applying percentile points for which the ratio corresponding to each level is easier to apply than the method of categorization which uses normal distribution theory from spot utilization aspect and to set the standard value for the evaluation of physical strength of superior female Judo players, grades were classified by analyzing the reason for change of respective items of tests such as abdominal strength, grasping power, trunk extension backward, push-up, 1600m running, 100m running, sergeant jump, left forward body bending and side step test. The result of classification of the grades showed that the standard values for physical strength of superior players became in most cases similar or relatively higher compared to the standard values for physical strength from the preceding researches as shown in the <Table 11>. 3. The result obtained through cross analysis, from which the difference in the grades of physical strength evaluation by weight category was examined, showed that "Average" which is the 3rd grade was the highest rate of accomplishment in all physical strength factors while the 2nd, 4th, 1st and 5th grades followed in the order of accomplishment rate.

      • 유도 선수들의 최대 운동시 심폐운동능력과 주관적 운동 강도의 신뢰성 검증에 관한 연구

        김도준(Kim, Do-Jun),염준일(Yum, Jun-Il) 용인대학교 무도연구소 2007 武道硏究所誌 Vol.18 No.1

        This study was to investigate loss of agreement on the basis of repeatedly measured data to verify reliability depending on subjective exercise intensity by Borg"s scale using heart rate during incremental ergometer cycling. Total 12 male subjects in 20s were sampled, from Y university and without any heart disease or medical history and they took the sub-maximal test twice by gradual load of cycling ergometer. Starting with 50W, 60rpm of ergometer, they did 1-minute warming up, afterwards exercised to exhaustion 30W per minute. Their heart beat and Borg"s scale was recorded every 2 minutes. VO2max was measured in real time using a closed-auto-breath analyzer and filtering time every 30 seconds. Reliability and loss of agreement verification used bias±95% limits of agreement (LOA) in addition to repeatedly measured data. Loss of VO2max showed 4.17% at sub-maximal and 2.25% at maximum. Loss of heart beat were showed 46.80% at sub-maximal and 11.12% at maximum. Loss of Borg"s scale were showed 7.45% at sub-maximal and 4.72% at maximum. This results suggest that the reason why some errors happen in exercise ability test using RPE is the difference of load in test and to prevent these errors, some objective alternative is needed to encourage the subjects" will to exercise when they take a gradual-load test to measure aerobic exercise ability.

      • KCI등재

        효과적인 해적퇴치를 위한 법적 대응방안 연구

        김도준(KIM, Do Jun) 인하대학교 법학연구소 2013 法學硏究 Vol.16 No.2

        2011년 1월 15일 삼호해운 소속의 삼호주얼리호가 아랍에미리트에서 스리랑카로 항해중 오만과 인도사이 인도양 북부의 아라비아해 입구에서 피랍됐으나 해군에 의해 구조된 바 있다. 이러한 해양안보위협 가운데 특히 소말리아 해적은 해양안전(maritime safety)뿐 아니라 해양안보(maritime security)와도 관련되는 중요한 문제로 부상하면서 국제사회의 집중적인 관심사가 되고 있다. 해적은 인류공동의 “보편적 범죄(Universal Crime)”이나 해양법협약을 비롯한 국제협약과 국제기구 등에서 해적의 개념을 개별적으로 정의하고 있어 국제법과 국내법간의 충돌 할 소지가 상존한다. 우리 형법 역시 해적처리 적용여부가 명확하지 않고, 죄형법정주의 원칙과 관련하여 해적죄를 규정하고 있지 않다. 이 외에 구성요건과 처벌규정이 모호, 형사소송법상의 구금과 구속영장 청구까지 절차적 문제, 법원의 토지관할과 관련된 제반문제 등이 해적 처벌과정에서 대두되는 문제로 지적된다. 삼호주얼리호 해적사건 처리과정에서 대두되었던 세계주의 역시 우리 형법이 국제적 규제를 적용할 때 채택하지 않음으로서 나타나는 문제로 지적된 바 있다. 해적 사법처리에 대하여 우리나라 사법권을 적용한 것은 기본적으로 국제법상 해적행위에 대하여 보편적 관할권(Universal Jurisdiction)에 근거한 것이다. 그러나 여기서 해적 단속을 위하여 우리나라 사법권을 적용함에 있어서 형법의 미비점을 분석하고 그 대안으로 관련 법안(가칭 해적처리특별법)을 제정하여 해적 행위에 효과적으로 대응할 수 있는 방안을 모색하고자 한다. Samho Jewelry which was hijacked in the entrance of the Arabian Sea, northern Indian Ocean between Oman and India, sailing from United Arab Emirates to Sri Lanka, was rescued by South Korea"s navy on January 15th, 2011. Among maritime security threats, the problem of Somali pirates is emerging as a international issue related not only to maritime safety but also to maritime security. Although piracy is “Universal Crime”, as the ‘pirate’ is differently defined by Law of the Sea Conference, international agreement, and international organization, there are conflicts between the international law and the domestic law. There is a problem related to the applicability of the Criminal Law to pirates. According to the principle of “nulla poena sine lege”, our law does not regulate the crime of pirates. Ambiguity of the legal configuration requirement, the procedural problem of the Criminal Procedure Law and request for a warrant, and the trouble related with the territorial jurisdiction of court are also matter of great concern. When applying international regulation to piracy, our Criminal Law has a problem due to not choosing Cosmopolitanism. Many imperfections appeared in the case of Samho Jewelry. Applying our jurisdiction to pirate is basically founded on the Universal Jurisdiction to international law of piracy. Thus, this thesis will analyze the imperfections of Criminal Law to applying our jurisdiction to anti-piracy and will search the solution to cope effectively with the piracy by enacting related law (tentatively named “Special Treatment to Piracy”).

      • 고류유술과 강도관 유도에 나타난 신체교육사상에 관해

        김도준(Kim, Do-Jun),송일훈(Song, Il-Hun),김재범(Kim, Jae-Beom) 용인대학교 무도연구소 2011 武道硏究所誌 Vol.22 No.2

        이 연구는 고류유술에 나타난 유도의 교육적 수련체계를 비교 검토하여 현시대의 유도신체교육에 있어서 인간완성의 의미와 가치를 살펴보았다. 유도의 교육적 수련의 사상체계를 통해 전인적 인간완성을 심층적으로 제시하고자 하였다. 이와 관련된 구체적인 내용을 논의 및 결론으로 도출하면 다음과 같은 시사점을 확인할 수 있었다. 고류유술의 성립배경에 나타난 신체교육사상에는 이치와 극치 기(技)를 떠나 몸과 마음을 부드럽고 바르게 하여야 한다. 기(氣)에는 심기(心機)를 잊고 마음의 움직임을 조절하며 무엇보다도 스스로가 사물에 하나로 이어지는 지극(至極)의 경지까지 정진해야 한다. 이는 상대의 움직임에 응하여 인순(因循)으로 변화가 가능하게 된다. 이러한 결과는 자연의 무(無)로부터 나올 수 있다. 즉 고류유술은 이치와 극치가 하나이다. 사람과의 다툼에서 이긴다는 생각으로부터 초월하여 스스로를 극복하는 길〔道〕을 고안하여 자득(自得)하여야 한다. 따라서 이를 신체사상으로 신체기법을 수련하기 위한 방법은 극기(克己)와 복례(復禮)이다. 극기(克己)란 기(氣)의 편재(偏奇)를 항상 의식적으로 억제하는 것을 의미한다. 이는 정신적 차별과 신체의 허실을 깨우치며 기(機)의 선악을 구별하는 매우 중요한 사안이다. This study compared and examined educational train systems of judo found in Goryuyusul and grasped the meaning and value of human perfection in judo body education in the modern age. This study intends to present the whole human perfection through educational thought system in judo. Discussion and conclusion drawn out from related concrete contents lead to the suggestions as followings. The thought of body education found in the creation background of Goryuyusul lays an emphasis on soft and appropriate body and mind, rather than reason and skills. As for energy, trainees have to forget mental system, control mental movement, and do their best to reach the extreme till they can get to an object. It enables a layer to respond to counterparts and change from a vacillation. It stems from nothing in the nature. In Goryyusul, reason and the ultimate are the one. Players have to escape from the intention to win counterpart in a game and realize a way by inventing a way to overcome themselves. A way of body train with realization applied is to moderate myself and return to manner. Moderation is restraining scatter of energy consciously. It s very important in recognizing mental breakup and body weakness and discrimination.

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