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      • 본초종신(本草從新)의 목부(木部)에 관한 연구

        김달영 ( Dal Young Kim ),서부일 ( Bu Il Seo ),박지하 ( Ji Ha Park ),노성수 ( Seong Soo Roh ) 한약응용학회 2010 한약응용학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        Objective: In order to consolidate the foundation of herbal medicines and herbology, I translated and devoted deep study to the tree part(木部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新). Method: At first, I translated the tree part(木部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新) and I made a special study of that. And I analysed the special features of the tree part(木部) of this book. Result: 1. The tree part(木部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新) consists of three volumes. The tree part (木部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新) is from the seventh volume to ninth volume. 2. The tree part(木部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新) is made up of four parts and they are fragrant trees(香木類), shrubs(灌木類), growing thickly trees(苞木類), parastic trees on a tree(寓木類). 3. The tree part(木部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新) was based on Bonchobiyo(本草備要) written by Wangang(汪昻) and the tree part(木部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新) was too many by 9 herbal medicines in comparison with the tree part(木部) of Bonchobiyo(本草備要). 4. Ferulae Resina(阿魏) and Aloe(蘆會) are not members of the tree part(木部), they are members of the herbal part(草部). Conclusion:The tree part(木部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新) is of practical use for oriental medical doctors and students.

      • KCI등재

        배합사료와 생사료 공급이 쏘가리(Siniperca scherzeri) 암컷의 발안율과 부화율에 미치는 영향

        김달영(Dal-Young KIM),이동훈(Dong-Hoon LEE) 한국수산해양교육학회 2021 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.33 No.4

        This study was carried out to investigate the effect of artificial diet and live food on eyed egg stage rate and hatchability of eggs of broodstock mandarin fish (Siniperca scherzeri) for 10 months. Two groups (five fish per group) of fish with mean body weight of 892±65.7g (Mean±SD) were fed either artificial diet (commercial Japanese eel diet) or live food (crucian carp and common carp juveniles), respectively. Fish were cultured in running water culture system in which water temperature was kept at 3.9±0.4°C to 23.5±1.7°C. Averaged eyed egg stage rate (74.5±4.7%) and hatchability (68.6±1.1%) of eggs for broodstock mandarin fish fed artificial diet were significantly higher (P<0.05) than those of fish fed live food (eyed egg stage rate; 57.3±4.4%, hatchability; 51.8±3.3%).

      • KCI등재

        교권과 학생인권의 법적 쟁점 분석

        김달영 ( Dal Young Kim ),송규호 ( Jong Moon Shin ),신종문 ( Gyu Ho Song ),이경오 ( Gyung O Lee ),이승윤 ( Seung Yun Lee ),조민정 ( Min Jung Jo ),류민영 ( Min Young Ryu ) 대한교육법학회 2014 敎育 法學 硏究 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구는 교권과 학생인권에 대한 법적 쟁점을 분석함으로써 교권과 학생인권의 바람직한 관계 및 법령상의 미비점을 도출하는데 연구의 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 교사의 교육권과 교사의 인권, 학생인권과 학생의 학습권으로 구분하여 판례를 분석하였고 결과 및 논의는 다음과 같다. 교권과 학생 인권은 법령상에서 의미가 직접적으로 명시되어 있지 않아 법적 판단에 있어 일관성 있는 해석이 이루어지지 않고 있다. 실제 학교에서 일어나는 법적 쟁점은 교사의 교육할 권리, 학생의 교육권, 학생의 인권, 교사의 인권으로 법률적 판단이 변화해 가는 경향을 보이고 있었다. 이런 명확하지 않은 법적 정의가교권과 학생인권 충돌의 원인이 되고 있다. 이에 본고에서는 교권과 학생인권과 관련하여 분석한 결과 법제도 개선방안을 제안하고자 한다. 첫째, 교사의 교권 보호는 인권 보장을 전제로 하여야 한다. 둘째, 교사의 교육권에 대한 교사들의 인식전환을 위한 장치가 필요하다. 셋째, 학생의 인권과 교권이 동등한 지위를 누려야 한다. 넷째, 학교 현장에서 보호받지 못하는 학습권에 대한 실제적인 보호 방안이 필요하다. The purpose of this research lies in drawing the desirable relations of teachers` right and students` human rights and the insufficiency of the law. The study has been carried out in terms of teachers` right to teach and teachers` human rights and students` human rights and students` right to learn separately by analysing precedents. The results and the discussion are as follows. The meaning of teachers` right and students` human rights is not specified clearly in the law and the interpretation of the law is not clarified consistently in the legal judgment. The focus of the legal issues occurring in the school tends to move into teachers` right to teach, students` right to learn, students` human rights, and teachers` human rights. The unclear definition of the law is the main cause of the conflicts of between teachers` right and students` human rights. In this study, a few suggestions to improve the legal system relating to teachers` right and students` human rights are supposed to be represented. First of all, the protection of teachers` right has to be based on teachers` human rights. Secondly, some devices to change teachers` view on teachers` right to teach are required. Thirdly, the equal status should be granted to students` human rights and teachers` right. Fourthly, the efficient methods to protect students` right to learn are to be devised in the field of the school.

      • 綜說 : 택칠(澤漆)의 독생(毒牲)에 관한 문헌적 고찰

        김달영 ( Dal Young Kim ),김정자 ( Jeong Ja Kim ),서부일 ( Bu Il Seo ) 대구한의대학교 제한동의학술원 2012 東西醫學 Vol.37 No.2

        Euphorbiae Helioscopiae Herba is in use in Korean medicine. Korean medical doctors use Euphorbiae Helioscopiae Herba for inducing diuresis(利水), clearing away heat and eliminating toxin(淸熱解毒), etc. We investigated toxicity, poisoning symptoms, poisoning treatment and prevention against poisoning of Euphorbiae Helioscopiae Herba. The results were summarized as follows 1. The main ingredients of poisoning are saponin, butyric acid, etc. The ingredients of poisoning from Euphorbiae Helioscopiae Herba mainly cause stimulating symptoms on digestive system and central nervous system, etc. And These ingredients cause stimulating symptoms on the skin and mucous membrane for external use, 2, The representative methods of poisoning treatment are washing out the stomach, causing diarrhea, supplies of grape sugar and symptomatic treatment, etc. 3. The representative methods of poisoning treatment in Korean medicine take advantage of herbs, such as Phaseoli Radiati Semen(綠豆), Glycyrrhizae Radix(甘草), Glycine Semen(黑大豆), Isatidis Folium (大靑葉), etc. And Korean medical doctors should meet symptoms as patients call for attention. 4. In order to prevent against poisoning of Euphorbiae Helioscopiae Herba, the patients should keep usage, dosage and notes.

      • 본초종신(本草從新)의 초부(草部)에 관한 연구

        김달영 ( Dal Young Kim ),서부일 ( Bu Il Seo ),박지하 ( Ji Ha Park ),노성수 ( Seong Soo Roh ) 한약응용학회 2013 한약응용학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        Objective:Since Bonchojongshin(本草從新) is of practical use, the Korean medical doctors and students study this book in large quantities. In order to establish the foundation of Korean herbal medicines and herbology, I translated and deeply considered the herb part(草部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新) and compared this part with Bonchobiyo(本草備要). Method:At first, I translated the herb part(草部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新) and I analyzed the point of differences between Bonchojongshin(本草從新) and Bonchobiyo(本草備要). And I estimated the special features of the herb part(草部) of this book. Result:1. The herb part(草部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新) consists of six volumes. The herb part(草部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新) is from the first volume to sixth volume. 2. The herb part(草部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新) is made up of eight parts and they are mountain herbs(山草類), aromatic herbs(芳草類), herbs in the damp land(?草類), poisonous herbs(毒草類), vines(蔓草類), water herbs(水草類), herbs on the rock(石草類), hepatic herbs(苔類). 3. The herb part(草部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新) was based on Bonchobiyo(本草備要) written by Wangang(汪昻) and the herb part(草部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新) was too many by 41 herbal medicines in comparison with the herb part(草部) of Bonchobiyo(本草備要). 4. The 20 Korean medicines of the herb part(草部) were not members of the herb part(草部) and I thought that those medicines are Korean medicines of the tree part(木部). Conclusion:The herb part(草部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新) is of practical use for Korean medical doctors and students with a major in Korean medicine. But, we should deeply study the herb part(草部) of Bonchojongshin(本草從新) in order to practical use.

      • KCI등재

        햄릿의 행위와 헤겔의 불행한 의식

        김달영(Kim Dal Young) 한국셰익스피어학회 2005 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.41 No.4

        The philosophical concept 'Unhappy Consciousness' created in Hegel's The Phenomenology of Spirit, representing his dialectical ontology, gives us a few essential clues which can be possible to read Hamlet in comprehensive ways. Human's consciousness, called 'changeable consciousness' by Hegel, denies himself/herself and searches for essence from something ideal(the immutable; God) which is opposed to himself/herself. On the second phase, as the Christ unifies essence and nonessence with making himself Gestalt in this world by his incarnation(alienation), consciousness is sublated(aufgehoben) to the immutable in the coarse of alienating itself, losing its substance, and becomes the simple movement of consciousness itself. However, the movement of consciousness contains the limitation of subjectivity(lacking universality). On the last third phase, after cognizing the limitation or the impossibility of itself, posing itself as a substance(objectivity; humble thing), the consciousness achieves the in-and-for-itself state, or a subject. Hamlet is loaded with the duty of revenge and cognizes the underworld when he meets the ghost of his father. The ghost, the real in Lacan's term, exteriorly, is the gap which cannot be rationalized only with revenge and, interiorly, Hamlet's truth(essence) which has no way to be expressed. Hamlet alienates(denies) himself, regarding the kingdom of Denmark as a prison. The situation of the kingdom is the whole nightmare as the ghost appears at night, the places of Claudius, Gertrude and Hamlet are 'condensed' and 'displaced' even in the day time. Also their languages, composed of oximorons or puns, in a sense, are too hypercritical and vain, like floating desires which lack their substances. Borrowing Hegel's term, we may call it the specific without the universal or the situation that is full of extreme subjectivity. The full grown subjectivity of Hamlet appears well enough in his too early(murdering Polonius) or too late(delaying the revenge) behaviors. Nevertheless, considering differences between him and the play(art), he faces with a momentous turn. In spite of his abundant fret and agony, his own work or drama is not written yet. Therefore he has neither his own substance nor universal. Having a few chances, Hamlet returns to his truth and becomes a subject. As a prince and soldier Fortinbras does his utmost even at a humiliating duty, also as a handsome youth Laertes shows hypocritical rhetorics at the tomb of his sister, both they play their mirror-roles for Hamlet. He identifies himself with them. Becoming a foil, posing himself as a humble substance(seam of universality), Hamlet willingly turns himself into 'the vanishing mediator' who ends up the raging illness of Denmark. According to Lacan, it is the state that a subject comes back to the place which his destiny already written in.

      • KCI등재

        서해안 대호만에 서식하는 빙어 Hypomesus nipponensis의 난발생 및 자치어 형태발달

        박재민,유동재,유정남,임성율,김달영,한경호,Jae-Min Park,Dong-Jae Yoo,Jeong-Nam Yu,Seong-Ryul Lim,Dal-Young Kim,Kyeong-Ho Han 한국어류학회 2024 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.36 No.5

        본 연구에서는 서해안 대호만에 서식하는 빙어를 대상으로 초기생활사 특징을 규명하고자 실시하였다. 빙어의 난은 원형으로 물에 가라앉는 성질을 가진 점착란이었다. 성숙란의 크기는 0.52~0.66 (평균 0.59±0.03, n=30) mm였다. 부화 시간은 수온 22~23℃에서 140시간이 소요되었다. 부화 직후 자어는 전장 4.78~5.60 (평균 5.25±0.26, n=30) mm로 입과 항문이 완전히 열리지 않았다. 부화 후 7일째 전기자어는 전장 5.91~6.64 (6.32±0.21) mm로 입과 항문이 열렸고, 먹이활동을 시작하였다. 부화 후 25일째 중기자어는 전장 9.70~12.3(10.2±0.63) mm로 꼬리 끝 척추말단 부분이 위쪽으로 휘어지기 시작하였다. 부화 후 42일째 후기자어는 전장 14.1~18.8(16.9±1.44) mm로 꼬리 끝 척추말단 부분이 45°로 완전히 휘어졌다. 부화 후 56일째 전장 16.3~21.2(20.0±1.14) mm로 등 지느러미 10개, 뒷지느러미 16개, 배지느러미 7개, 꼬리지느러미 19개로 정수에 달하였다. 연구결과 부화 자어 시기 가슴지느러미 아래 반점모양의 흑색소포가 있는 점, 전장 대비 난황의 위치가 다른 점, 후기자어 시기에는 미병부 등 쪽과 몸통 아래쪽에 흑색소포가 침착된 점, 머리와 등지느러미 시작점 사이 몸통에 흑색소포가 없는 점에서 구분되었다. 치어기에는 몸통 등 쪽에서 미병부까지 흑색소포가 1열로 침착된 점에서 근연종들과 구분할 수 있었다. In this study, the characteristics of the early life history were investigated for the Hypomesus nipponensis in the west coast Daeho Bay. Egg's were adhesive eggs that had the property of sinking in water in a circular shape. The size of mature eggs was 0.52~0.66 (average of 0.59±0.03, n=30) mm. The hatching time took 140 hours at a water temperature of 22~23℃. Immediately after hatching, the yolk sac larvae was 4.78~5.60 (average of 5.25±0.26, n=30) mm in total length, and the mouth and anus were not completely opened. On the 7 days after hatching, the preflexion larvae was 5.91~6.64 (6.32±0.21) mm in total length, and the mouth and anus were opened, and feeding activities were started. On the 25 days after hatching, the flexion larvae was 9.70~12.3 (10.2±0.63) mm in total length, and the end of the spine at the tail end began to bend upward. On the 42 days after hatching, the postflexion larvae was 14.1~18.8 (16.9±1.44) mm in total length, and the end of the spine at the tail was completely bent at 45°. On the 56 days after hatching, it reached the integer with 10 dorsal fins, 16 anal fins, 7 ventral fins, and 19 caudal fins. According to the study, there were spot-shaped melanophore vesicles under the pectoral fins during the incubation period, the different positions of the egg yolk compared to the battlefield, the deposition of melanophore vesicles on the back and under the body of the caudal part during the postflexion larvae period, and the absence of melanophore vesicles on the torso between the head and the starting point of the dorsal fin. It was distinguished from related species in that melanophore vesicles were deposited in one row from the back of the body to the caudal part during the juvenile period.

      • KCI등재후보

        위상변화를 이용한 표면탄성파 가스센서

        김진상 ( Jin Sang Kim ),정용철 ( Yong Chul Jung ),강종윤 ( Chong Yun Kang ),김달영 ( Dal Young Kim ),남창우 ( Chang Woo Nam ),윤석진 ( Seok Jin Yoon ) 한국센서학회 2005 센서학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        This paper describes the development of a surface acoustic wave gas sensor that is designed to detect volatile gas by monitering phase change of output signal as a function of time. The sensor consists of SAW oscillators with a center frequency of 100 MHz fabricated on 128 ?Y-Z LiNbO3 substrates. Experimental results, which show the phase change of output signal under the absorption of volatile gas onto sensors, are presented. The proposed sensor has the properties of high sensitivity compare to the conventional SAW gas sensor and chemical selectivity. Thus, it is thought these results are applicable for use in sensor array of an high performance electronic nose system.

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