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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전공글쓰기와 국어 음운사 지식의 구조

        김남미 ( Kim Nam-mee ) 한말연구학회 2023 한말연구 Vol.64 No.21

        The purpose of this article is to clarify the importance and involvement factors of the internalization process of the knowledge structure of Korean phonological change and to suggest that academic writing can contribute to the internalization process. The 'structure of knowledge' is a network of essential concepts, principles, and core ideas of the researcher's academic activities. The 'the knowledge structure of phonological change' means a change in the structure of phonological knowledge, which is a network of phonological systems and phonological phenomena. College of Education learners should internalize this structure knowledge of Korean phonological change and play a role in teaching them to deliver the structure of knowledge to learners and explore the structure of knowledge within the subsequent curriculum. First of all, it should be understood that the 'real data' of the phonology-related part described in the Korean language curriculum does not indicate the speech subject to linguistic analysis. At the same time, it should be possible to internalize the phonological researcher's methodology in which speech data is interpreted within the framework of the phonological system and phonological phenomena. The core concept of change in the knowledge structure of Korean phonological change should also be internalized within the framework of the phonological system and phonological phenomena. Academic writing can be useful tools to help learners in the process of internalizing the structure of knowledge. Through various academic writing processes in classes, learners can examine themselves while objectifying their thoughts, and strengthen themselves by leading them toward a more essential structure of knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        /X□-/계 어간의 재구조화와 음운 과정

        김남미 ( Nam Mee Kim ) 국어학회 2006 국어학 Vol.0 No.48

        모음 앞 환경에서든 자음 앞 환경에서든 /X□-/계 어간의 재구조화는 음운 과정을 거쳐 이루어졌다. 자음 앞에서 /X□-/계 어간은 음절말 중화라는 음운 과정과 관련되어 /Xㅂ-/으로 재구조화되었다. 이 재구조화형은 공시적 음운 과정의 출력형과 동일하다. 또한 모음 앞 환경의 /X□-/계 어간의 재구조화 과정에도 몇 가지 음운 과정이 개입하였다. 이 음운 과정들은 축약, 탈락, 약화 현상이다. 이 음운 과정들은 ``□``이 가진 [원순성]과 관련된 것들이다. 이중 ``□``의 [원순성]과 후행 모음이 축약된 /X오-/, /X우-/가 재구조화형으로 선택되었다. 축약이라는 과정은 이전에 연쇄되었던 두 분절음의 속성을 유지하는 과정이기 때문이다. /X□-/ stems were restructured by phonological processes. /X□-/ stems that were appeared before consonants restructured /Xㅂ-/ stems. This process is concerned with the syllable final neutralization in the 15th century. The forms of restructure are the same with the result of output in the phonological process. And /X□-/ stems were appeared before vowel were restructured by phonological processes too. They were contraction, deletion and weakening. The contraction forms took the forms of restructuring. Because of including the vowel [Λ/i] with [+round].

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        비판적사고 능력 확장을 위한 글쓰기 교수방안

        김남미(Kim Nam-Mee) 한국리터러시학회 2012 리터러시 연구 Vol.- No.5

        이 논문의 목적은 글쓰기 수업을 통해 학습자들이 비판적 사고를 확장하게 할 수 있는 방안을 제안하는 것이다. 구체적으로 설문을 통해 확인한 학습자 글쓰기의 문제 상황을 극복하기 위해 활용할 수 있는 교안 및 수업자료를 제시하였다. 비판적 사고력 확장을 위한 교안은 이전 차시의 결과물이 다음 차시의 입력물이 되어야 한다는 원칙을 준수해야 한다. 학습자들의 결과물은 현 시점에서의 사고의 결과물인 동시에 다음 수업을 위한 분석대상이 된다는 것을 의미하는 것이다. 이러한 연계성을 통해 학습자의 사고능력을 확장해 나갈 수 있다. 비판적 사고력 확장을 위한 교안은 사고 능력을 진작할 수 있는 질문과 과제로 이루어져야 한다. 이를 위해 사안을 위계화하고 심층화할 수 있는 질문들을 실은 수업자료가 활용될 수 있다. 또 학습자들의 사고를 확장하기 위해서는 사안을 둘러싼 상황들에 대한 다면적 접근을 촉발하는 질문들을 활용하는 것이 필요하다. 글쓰기 수업에 관련된 요소인 ‘학습자 자신, 글쓰기 자체, 학습자를 둘러싼 상황’ 등이 모두 비판적 사고의 대상이 된다는 점을 학습자가 인지할 수 있도록 수업 자료의 질문을 구성할 필요가 있다. 학습자의 비판적 사고를 진작하는 수업을 진행하기 위해서는 교수 스스로 비판적 사고를 통해 수업 상황을 분명하게 분석하고 문제 상황을 진단하고 이에 대한 변수들을 조정하는 과정을 거쳐야 한다. 수업 상황 분석이나 학습자 결과물 분석 피드백 등을 통해 이러한 활동을 진행하고 그 결과를 다음 수업자료에 반영하는 과정을 지속적으로 수행해야 한다. This paper aims to suggest a way to enable learners to develop critical thinking skills through writing classes. Specifically, lesson plans and class materials are suggested so that they can be utilized to overcome the problems happening in the learner s writing situation, which have been identified through a questionnaire. The lesson plan for improving critical thinking ability must abide by a principle that the previous result must be the input for the next session. This means that the outcome of the learners is the present result of their thinking, and it is at the same time, an object of analysis to prepare for the next class. Through this connection, the learner s thinking ability can be improved. The lesson plan for improving critical thinking ability should be composed of questions and assignments that can enhance thinking ability. For this, the class materials with questions that can systematize and sophisticate the matters dealt with in the class can be utilized. In addition, utilizing questions that require multi-dimensional approaches toward the matters is needed to improve the learners thinking. It is necessary to compose questions for course materials that can enable learners to recognize the point that the elements related to writing class?‘the learners themselves, the writing itself, and the situation around the learners?are all objects of critical thinking. To conduct a class that improves the learners critical thinking, the teachers themselves have to go through the processes by which they clearly analyze the class situation, diagnose the problematic situations, and adjust the variants of them through critical thinking. They need to continuously go through the processes where they give feedbacks on the outcome of learners activities and analyze the class situations so that they can reflect them on their future class materials.

      • KCI등재

        대학 내 외국인 학습자의 학술적글쓰기 개선방안

        김남미(Kim Nam-Mee) 한국리터러시학회 2012 리터러시 연구 Vol.- No.4

        이 논문의 목적은 대학에 재학 중인 외국인 학습자의 학술적 글쓰기 교육을 효율적으로 지원하는 방안을 논의하는 것이다. 학문 목적 한국어 교육은 학술적 글쓰기 자체의 특성, 대학 교육의 특성, 학습자 특성 때문에 몇 가지 한계 상황에 직면한다. 첫째는 전공별 장르별 접근의 한계이다. 대학 교육 현장의 자체의 전공별, 과목별 글쓰기 담화 공동체의 유형화 작업을 진행되지 못하였다. 전공이나 교양과목을 담당한 교강사의 학술적 글쓰기 자체에 대한 관심도나 중요도에 대한 연구도 충분히 이루어지지 못하고 있다. 또한 글쓰기에 관여하는 사고 영역을 점검하기 위한 기반 작업도 여전히 부족하다. 두 번째 한계 상황은 대학 내 학문 목적 글쓰기 교육에 관여하는 주체의 문제에서 기인한다. 외국인 학습자의 학술적 글쓰기 결과물이나 과정에 대한 평가자는 외국인을 위한 한국어 교육 담당자가 아니다. 또 평가자인 전공 담당 교강사는 외국인을 위한 학술적 글쓰기 교육자가 아니다. 외국인을 위한 학술적 글쓰기 교육자가 평가자가 되는 강좌가 일부 존재하지만 외국인을 위한 학술적 글쓰기 교육은 부담이 되는 상황이다. 세 번째 한계 상황은 대학에 재학 중인 외국인 학습자의 특성이 다층적이라는 점이다. 어떤 학습자는 한국어 능력으로 부족으로 인해 대학 수업에 적응하지 못하는가 하면, 또 다른 학습자는 모어를 사용하는 학습자보다 뛰어난 글쓰기 능력을 보여주기도 한다. 이러한 다면성을 가진 학습자 특성을 무시하고 획일적으로 접근하는 방법도, 학습자 개별 상황에 맞추어 맞춤형 프로그램을 개발하기도 어려운 상황이다. 이러한 한계를 극복하기 위해서는 글쓰기센터와 같은 기관이 관련 주체들을 연계하는 역할, 다양한 자료들을 모아내고 이를 연구하고 공유하는 역할, 구성원들을 개별적으로 만나 글쓰기 교육의 제반 상황을 운영하고 연구할 수 있는 역할을 담당해야 한다. This paper aims to suggest a way of systematizing ‘Writing Education’ in Korean Education for Academic purposes. It discusses the possible ways to improve academic writing for foreign students in universities. When it comes to the discussion of academic purpose Korean Education, the denotation of “Korean Writing for academic Purpose” and “academic Writing” is not the same. The main reason for the difference stems from the field of university education itself which has distinctive characteristics in terms of academic writing itself, university education, and students. Due to these characteristics, the education of Korean writing for academic purpose faces a few challenges. First, there is the limit of access to different academic disciplines and genres. We are now in a situation where the classification process of writing discourse community according to different disciplines and majors in the field of university education itself has not been proceeded. The second challenge comes from the matter of subject involved in the writing education for academic purpose within universities; evaluators for the result of foreign students’ academic writing and process is not the specialist for Korean education for foreigners. Third, the characteristics of foreign students enrolled in Korean universities are multi-layered. To overcome these challenges, institutions such as writing centers should play an important role in connecting relevant subjects, collecting and sharing various data, and meeting related constituents individually to organize and research the situation of writing education.

      • 대학생 글의 단락 분석을 반영한 글쓰기 교수법

        김남미 ( Nam Mee Kim ) 시학과 언어학회 2010 시학과 언어학 Vol.18 No.-

        This paper shows what is the definition of paragraph and how can teach it in composition classes at universities as a part of education theory or educational method. For this purpose we analyzed and purpose the results of students from actual writing classes. The paragraph is a functional unit for effective reading and writing. Writers organize and structured their thought by paragraphing. Readers follow them and reach the writer`s structure. The following teaching method is proposed as a process of writing classes. ① theory of paragraph, ② training of paragraphing as a unit, ③ test of theory, ④ revision of the test, ⑤ reflecting feedback results ⑥ training of paragraphing in a whole text. Through these process students can digest the process of paragraphing in individual or collaborative learning.

      • KCI등재

        지식구조 발견 절차로서의 국어사 수업 방안

        김남미 ( Nam Mee Kim ) 한말연구학회 2016 한말연구 Vol.- No.39

        This paper aims at suggesting a method to teach Korean historical linguistics for pre-service teachers in college. This tries to overcome the problems that current historical linguistics has too much content as well as is not fundamentally helpful for current language usage by focusing on the knowledge production of historical linguistics. It is the very beginning stage of the knowledge production of historical linguistics to analyze historical records in sequence, which needs to be associated with the subsequent, integrative thinking process later on. Learners can be aware of how to discover linguistic order only through the way to approach toward historical linguistics in respect of Korean language education. For this, the lecturers responsible for historical linguistics in college need to encourage their students, Korean pre-service teachers, to contact the historical records with the language involved in discovery process. In addition, they should provide pre-service teachers with the appropriate feedback. Through this process, pre-service teachers, who need to design their lessons by themselves, can enhance their insight on Korean historical linguistics. This activity includes the process of understanding, analyzing and discussing related issues with the lecturers. To make successful result, the lecturers should be equipped with the insight to understand the variables in classroom and need to reflect them in their curriculum.

      • 대학 학습자를 위한 요약문 쓰기 교수 방안

        김남미 ( Nam Mee Kim ) 시학과 언어학회 2012 시학과 언어학 Vol.22 No.-

        The main purpose of this paper is to classify the results of university students` summary writing. Based on this, the secondary aim is to suggest teaching method for university students` summary writing. Through the analysis of university students` summary writing, three requisites for the teaching methods have been identified. First, the need for teaching a strategy of recognizing the intention and purpose of original source has been found. This is related to the practice of determining subject matter and range. Second, the need for practicing summary writing with understanding micro structure frame has also been identified. Through the practice, university students should be able to learn the strategy of recognizing the overall structure of writing and the connection between the parts within. Third, the need for keeping objective distance has come up. This is related to the practice of distinguishing one`s thoughts from others`, and summarizing the original source with an objective perspective. These three aspects should be the goal of summary writing class. To achieve this goal, detailed goals must be chosen, and time is needed to share each goal with the student. The assignment and the purpose of it for each goal can be different such as different kinds of summary writing. It should be constructed in a way that involves students in a various ways of practicing summery writing. Furthermore, each goal has to be identified through individual feedback and in-class overall commentary.

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