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        1-naphthylisothiocyanate에 기인된 랫드의 간내성 담즙분비 정지에 대한 인진호(Artemisia messes-schmidiana var viridis)의 지질 및 조직병리학적 영향

        김길수,정영길,김무강,Kim, Kil-soo,Jeong, Young-gil,Kim, Moo-kang 대한수의학회 1995 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.35 No.3

        Artemisia messes-schmidiana var viridis(Compositae) has been used for jaundice, hepatitis, diuretic and liver cirrhosis etc. 1-naphthylisothiocyanate(ANIT) has been used as a model compound to study mechanisms of intrahepatic cholestasis in laboratory animals as rat and mouse. The purposes of present study are to examine pharmacological effects of Artemisia messes-schmidiana var viridis water extract(AMWE) on alterations of triacylglycerol, cholesterol, protein, albumin and A/G ratio levels in serum, of histopathological appearances of liver, and that of hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 contents. Increased serum triacylglycerol levels by ANIT were significantly decreased with AMWE. However, AMWE posttreatment aggravated ANIT-induced cholesterol increase. Serum total protein and albumin contents, and A/G ratio were decreased in all ANIT-treated groups, and there were increased compared with control by AMWE posttreatment. Hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 contents were decreased in either AMWE and ANIT treatment, which greatly increased with AMWE pretreatment. On the other hand, in histological findings, our results shown that ANIT induced increase of lipid droplets and widening of sinusoidal capillary and these phenomena were disappeared with AMWE treatment. In conclusion, AMWE have choleresis effect. Also, AMWE improved lipid metabolism, protection and regeneration of hepatocytes in ANIT-induced cholestasis.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        < 칠산리 >를 통해 본 서사극 미학

        김길수 ( Gil Soo Kim ) 한국드라마학회 2002 드라마연구 Vol.- No.19

        Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt darauf, fur das Verstandnis vom Stuck<Tschilsanri>den Sinn und die Funktion der epische Theaterastheik heruszuarbeiten. <Tschilsanri> ist ein episches Drama. Das Stuck ist nicht dem Muster der aristotelischen traditionallen Theoriw gebaut. In diesem Stuck wird die Gegenstang der Untersuchung. Also wird die entfremdte und widerspruchliche Zustande auf der Buhne vorgetreten vor allem in provozierender Weise, die das Publikum sazu auffordern will, seiner eigenen Entfremdung bewuBt zu werden und dementsprechend sein BewuBtsein und Leben zu verandern. Die Szene im Stuck <Tschilsanri> ist Ausschnitt,herausgebrochene Srusk aus einem groBen , komplexen Geschehnisganzen , das groBer und umfassende ist als die im Drana ercheinende Handlung. Dieses groBe Geschehen begann,ehe der Vorhang am SchluB des Dramas gefallen ist.Dieses Stuck hilft besonders dort, wo das Publikum durch die Kommunikationsmittel ein entstelltes Bild besitzt,eine Korrektur dieses Bildes herbeifuhren.Das Stuck <Tschilsanri> vermittelt nicht nur Geschichtskennrnis,sondern hilft ein GeschtsbewuBtsein zu entwickeln. Die Mitteln der epische Theaterasthik im Stuck <Tschilsanri> sind geeignet,die dramatische Phantasie zu wecken, ohne dabei ein freies, ideologiges Spiel der Phantasie zu lassen. Hier trirr ein Erzahler als ein episches Ich vor, dann kann sie sich selber verfremden unfd auch kann das Spiel in seiner Ganzheit verfremdet werden. Der Parabelerzahler verfremdet die Wirklichkeit in die erhellende Analogie des Bildes und leitet damit einen historischen LernprozeB ein. Das Verfahren der Gleichnnisbildung setzt gleichzeitig ein erkennendes Subjekt voraus. Dieses Subjekt ist im epischen Theater der Erzaahler. Die Parabel gehort damit von Natur aus zur epischen Gattung. Der Erzahler hebt das Bild wieder in der Wirklichkeit auf, indem er durch seine Gegenwart die Uneigentlichleit des Bildes bewuBt macht. Die Buhne verwickelt die Uneigentlichkeit des Bildes bewuBt macht. Die Buhne verwickelt also nicht den Zuschauer in eine Altion, sondern, sondern macht ihn zum Betrachter.

      • KCI등재

        한국 주류산업의 지원 · 규제 · 조세정책에 관한 연구 : 전통주산업의 육성방안을 중심으로

        김길수(Kim Gil-soo) 한국정치정보학회 2010 정치정보연구 Vol.13 No.1

        우리나라 주류산업은 그동안 국가의 재정수입 확충에 치중하여 강력한 정부 규제를 시행하여 산업의 경쟁력이 취약하여 수입주류가 범람하고, 국내 농산물 소비가 거의 이루어지지 않고 있으며, 소비자 보호를 소홀히 해왔다는 비판을 받고 있다. 본 연구에서는 주류산업이 과거의 정책관행에서 벗어나 국민건강보호와 고부가가치 식품 산업의 한 분야로 육성되어야 한다는 취지에서 주류산업정책을 지원정책, 규제정책, 조세정책이라는 차원에서 분석한 후 가장 대표적인 전통주로 꼽히는 막걸리산업의 육성 필요성과 육성방안을 제시하였다. 막걸리산업은 국민건강 보호를 위해 고도주보다는 저도주를 보급해야 한다는 취지에도 부합하고 전통문화를 계승하다는 점에서 제한적 범위이지만 막걸리 산업을 육성해야 할 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 막걸리산업의 육성방안으로 좋은 원곡의 사용, 막걸리의 품질을 결정하는 누룩에 대한 연구·개발, 그리고 막걸리 산업에 대한 정부규제의 완화와 정부 지원방안 등을 제시하였다. The liqueur industry policy in Korea have been indicated that was carried out strong regulations to enlarge their nation financial income in stead of the promotion of industry and consumer protection, in result, competitiveness of liqueur industry have been weakened and the protection of consumer's interest was avoided. In this context, this study is analyzed the liqueur industrial policy in terms of variables; means of industrial support, governmental regulation and taxation. In the result of analysis, in spite of policy change since 1980s, there are many regulations that can restrict to make and sell the liqueur. Also taxation system is irrational. This study is proposed policy alternatives to promote of Makgulli(Korean traditional wine) industry in base of that analysis. Basically the liqueur industrial policy convert regulation into promotion that is responsive to consumer' preference and the open economic policy. More specifically, this study proposes policy alternatives in order to promote liqueur industrial support: the use of good grain to make liqueur, the establishment of research and development system for liqueur the deregulation and institutional improvement for liqueur industry, and the enforcement alternatives to support the industry.

      • KCI등재

        『오셀로』의 이원적 갈등

        김길수 ( Gil Soo Kim ) 한국드라마학회 2004 드라마연구 Vol.- No.22

        This dissertation is to analyze dualistic conflicts reflected In the dramatic structure of Shakespeare`s Othello. According to Aristotles` Poetics, "Tragedy is an imitation of action in the form of action, not of narrative ; through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation of these emotions." In Hegel`s ``theory of Tragedy``, the reason why the tragic conflict thus appears to the spirit is that it is itself a conflict of the spirit. It is a conflict between powers that rule the world of man`s will and action. Tragedy shows them in collision. Their nature is divine. The end of the tragic conflict is the denial of both the exclusive claims; it is the act of the ethical substance itself. The passion of Othello is not only personal; it is egoistic and anarchic, and leads to crime done with a full knowledge of their wickedness; but to the modem mind the greatness of the personality justifies its appearance in the position of hero; Accordingly such beings as Iago and almost portents of evil are not indeed made the heroes of tragedies. From this point of view I wish to discuss here: some domination, dualistic conflicts reflected in the dramatic structure of Othello. The Tragedy of Othello begins with a public proclamation of marriage in Act I. It seems to me that it is as if the play was a black comedy of sex and adultery. And that here Iago conspires to. make a public spectacle of sex, and to make it comic. From the heroic perspective, this drama is a. tragic romance, which means a violation of a romantic fantasy. As Desdemona remains a virgin, and as Othello is capable of regarding his desires as chaste, Iago can not but remain powerless. In this tragedy the substitution of a false conflict for a real conflict is the key-resolution to the dramatic structure of Othello. It seems to me that vicious Iago systematically conspires Othello by talking about Cassio`s irnaginal experience with Desdemona and in the long run, Othello can not help regarding his own sexual experience as adultery.

      • KCI등재

        『오델로』의 극구조(劇構造)에 나타난 이성과 직관

        김길수 ( Kim Gil-soo ) 현대영미어문학회 1998 현대영미어문학 Vol.16 No.2

        In point of substance, and in point of style, the likeness of Othello to Hamlet is much greater than the likeness; there is a probability that Othello was the tragedy written next after Hamlet. And also that it is confirmed by similarities of style, diction and versification, and also by the fact that ideas and phrases of the earlier play are echoed in the later. There is a certain resemblance in the subject. Accordingly Othello is the most painfully exciting and most terrible. From the moment when the temptation of the hero begins, our heart and mind are held in a vice, experiencing the extremes of pity and fear. Sympathy and repulsion, dreadful expectation if the simple issue is shaped by the play’s structure into the form of a struggle to the death between Good and Evil, then such matters are dearly not so much ‘simple’ as fundamental. It is this kind of structural simplicity. Accordingly the events of the plot are taxed from the very beginning with the weight of something ulterior. Iago represents Evil, Desdemona does simply Good, and also Othello is forced to choose between the two, such an uncompromising structure must be the basis of any analysis of the play, and it ensures that the play's action concerns itself primarily with Othello’s choice. The fact that such choice faces him comes about largely as a result of what Iago says and does in the play. The choice itself is manufactured and offered to Othello by Iago, the decision in the matter reached by Othello and the action he takes are conditioned and controlled by Iago, Desdemona throughout is a passive entity; she is there, but no action comes from her. All action is done to her with the climax of the tragic action of the murder.

      • KCI등재

        특별기고 : 부산 북항의 재활성화를 위한 전략 방안의 추출에 관한 연구

        김길수 ( Gil Soo Kim ),홍석암 ( Seok Am Hong ),김웅연 ( Ung Young Kim ),박용한 ( Yong Han Park ) 한국해운물류학회(구 한국해운학회) 2011 해운물류연구 Vol.27 No.2

        부산 북항은 그 동안 한국 수출입의 관문으로 근 역할을 하여 왔으나 부산신항의 개장으로 그 존재가치가 점점 상실되어 가고 있다. 북항을 이대로 두면 2011년에 신항과의 물동량 경쟁에서 점유율이 과반 이하로 떨어질 것이 확실시 되고 있다. 이에 북항의 독자 생존가능성을 살펴보고 북항의 전략적 방향을 설정하는 것은 시의적절한 주제로 생각되어 문헌조사에 의해 북항의 전략적 방향을 7개로 압축하였다. 이러한 전략적 방향 중 유효한 전략을 채택하기 위해 설문조사를 실시하였고 결국 3개의 유효한 전략이 추출되었다. · 전략 1: 북항을 컨테이너항으로서 계속 활성화시켜야 한다 · 전략 2: 북항을 신항과 연계를 통해 컨테이너항으로 유지하여야 한다 · 전략 3: 북항을 신항과 차별화된 컨테이너항만으로 재개발하여야 한다 이렇게 도출된 3개의 전략을 종합하면 ``북항은 컨테이너항으로 계속 발전시켜나가야 한다``는 것이다. The North Port of Busan harbour has been playing a critical role as a gate for the export-oriented Koreean economy. The value of the port, however, is decreasing due to the opening of Busan New Port. The decreasing market share of the port would come down even to under 50% this year. This article has established 7 strategic ideas for the re-invigaration of Busan North Port, and the ideas have been examined by statistical procedures. Finally 3 ideas have been adopted as the best ones for the purpose. ·Strategy 1: The North Port must be boosted as a container port ·Strategy 2: The North Port must be maintained as a container port connected with the New Port ·Strategy 3: The North Port must be redeveloped as a container port differentiated from the New Port The overall strategy can be summarized as ``The North Port must be developed as a container port.``

      • KCI등재

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