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        日本語の連体修飾と名詞志向構造 - 「~からの+名詞」構文を事例に-

        金光成 ( Kim Kwang-sung ) 한국일어일문학회 2024 日語日文學硏究 Vol.130 No.0

        본고에서는 「~からの+名詞」구문의 용법을 코퍼스를 활용해서 실증적으로 분석하였다. 코퍼스를 활용해서 용례를 검토한 결과, 「~からの+名詞」는 「名詞+からの+名詞」와 「動詞のテ形+からの+名詞」로 나누어볼 수 있었다. 분석에서는 「名詞+からの+名詞」와 「動詞のテ形+からの+名詞」가 문장성분(주어, 목적어, 술어)에 따라 어떠한 공기관계 및 특성을 보이는지에 대해 빈도가 높은 사례를 중심으로 검토를 진행하였다. 일본어 학습자의 경우, 「~からの+名詞」와 같은 구문에 대한이해만으로는 문장의 형태로 적절히 활용하는 데에는 한계가 있다. 그러한 이유로 문장 안에서 어떠한 공기관계를 이루는지에 주목하였다. 「名詞+からの+名詞」의 경우, 주어로 사용된 사례는 (i)존재와 관련된 술어, (ii)수량·크기·강도와 관련된 술어, (iii)전달 및 이동과 관련된 술어와의 공기빈도가 특히 높았다. 목적어로 사용된 사례는(i)수용 및 획득과 관련된 술어, (ii)지각 및 사고와 관련된 술어, (iii)목적·실행·달성과 관련된 술어와의 공기빈도가 특히 높았다. 술어로 사용된 사례는 수식부가(i)시간과 관련된 사례, (ii)사람과 관련된 사례, (iii)장소와 관련된 사례의 빈도가 특히 높았다. 그리고 「動詞のテ形+からの+名詞」의 경우, 주어로 사용된 사례는 명사의 위치에 「方(ほう)」가 사용된 사례가70.05%, 술어로 사용된 사례는 명사의 위치에「こと」가 사용된 사례가 70.1%였다. 「~からの+名詞」 는 이른바 중명사(重名詞)로 볼 수 있는데 일본어 특유의 중명사는 일본어가 어떠한 표현방식을 선호하는지 보여주는 흥미로운 사례라고 할 수 있겠다. This paper empirically analyzed the usage of '~からの+noun' using corpus. Examples of '~からの+noun' can be divided into 'noun+からの+noun' and '-te form of a verb+からの+noun'. In the analysis, the characteristics of 'noun+からの +noun' and '-te form of a verb+からの+noun' were examined in terms of how they are used as sentence components (subject, object, predicate) especially focusing on high-frequency cases. In the case of 'noun+からの+noun', the cases used as subjects had a particularly high co-occurrence with predicates related to (i) existence, (ii) quantity, size, or strength, (iii) delivery or movement. The cases used as objects had a particularly high co-occurrence with predicates related to (i) acceptance or acquisition, (ii) perception or thought, (iii) purpose, execution, achievement. The cases used as predicates had a particularly high co-occurrence with modifiers related to (i) time, (ii) person, (iii) place. In the case of '-te form of a verb+からの+noun', 70.05% of the cases used as subjects had '方(ほう)' as the noun part. Similarly, 70.1% of the cases used as predicates had 'こと' as the noun part. Heavy nouns unique to Japanese like '~からの+noun' are interesting examples showing what kind of expressions Japanese prefer.

      • KCI등재


        金光成(Kim, Kwang-sung) 대한일어일문학회 2018 일어일문학 Vol.78 No.-

        Previous studies about Japanese compound verbs mainly focused on the word-formation or semantic extension. But, to properly understand the usage of Japanese compound verbs, it is necessary to get to know how Japanese compound verbs are actually being used in real context. To deal with this problem, this paper focused on the context in which Japanese compound verbs are being used. Specifically, the semantic relationship between quantity adverbs and Japanese compound verbs was examined. Previous studies related to adverbs rarely dealt with quantity adverbs. So, it was necessary to analyze the basic usage of quantity adverbs. This paper, first, analyzed the quantity adverbs which co-occurs with Japanese compound verbs in terms of frame semantics because frame-semantic approach could provide relatively systematic framework of the analysis. And, second, it was analyzed how the co-occurrence of quantity adverbs and Japanese compound verbs are motivated semantically. As a result, it was revealed that there are semantic motivation to the co-occurrence. Also, it was found that there is some sort of inclination to the co-occurrence in terms of its evaluative aspect. The co-occurrence of quantity adverbs and Japanese compound verbs is quite difficult to grasp for Japanese learners because its usages have subtle aspects. In this analysis, NLT was used to understand the relatively objective frequency and logDice of the co-occurrence of quantity adverbs and Japanese compound verbs. So, the result could be useful even for the Japanese learners. It would be necessary to study more about the co-occurrence of various adverbs and Japanese compound verbs to understand the usage of Japanese compound verbs from new perspective.

      • KCI등재

        주체화의 관점에서 본 복합동사의 의미확장 -「V+こむ」을 사례로-

        김광성 ( Kwang Sung Kim ) 한국일어일문학회 2013 日語日文學硏究 Vol.87 No.1

        ‘이동’ 이나 ‘변화’는 우리들이 매일 경험하는 일들이다. 그 때문에 이동이나 변화와 관련된 표현이 많이 존재한다고 볼 수 있다. 일본어 복합동사에 있어서도 기본적인 이동과 관련된「~こむ」와「~だす」가 붙는 복합동사의 수가 많고 그 빈도도 매우 높다 (cf. 淺尾2007). 특히 후항동사「~こむ」가 붙는 복합동사는 다양한 용법을 보이는데, 종래의 연구에서는 복합동사「V+こむ」의 점진적인 의미확장 과정을 포괄적으로 분석해내지 못하였다. 그 근본적인 요인중의 하나는 복합동사의 어형성이나 용법을 (인지) 주체의 존재로부터 분리한 형태로 분석이 이루어지고 있다는 점이다. 본 논문에서는 이와 같은 문제의식을 바탕으로 선행연구를 비판적으로 검토하고 복합동사「V+こむ」의 의미확장 과정을 분석하였다. 이론적으로는 인지언어학에서 제안된 ‘주체화’를 참고로하였다. 분석해 본 결과, Langacker (1999) 가 제시한 주체화의 요인만으로는 후 항동사「~こむ」의 주체화를 적절하게 분석해낼 수 없었다. 그 대신 본론에서 는 총체로서의 ‘상황레벨의 의미’와 ‘인지레벨의 의미’를 동시에 고려해서 분석함으로서 점진적인 주체화 과정을 분석해내는 것이 가능하다는 것을 보였다. 언어표현의 의미확장에 인지주체의 주체적인 의미부여가 큰 역할을 한다는 것은 당연하게 생각될 수도 있지만, 분석 결과를 바탕으로 해서 생각해보면, 주체화의 과정은 불규칙적으로 이루어진 것이 아니라 인지레벨의 의미가 강해지는 방향으로 진행되는 것으로 보여진다. 다만, 분석 결과에서 확인되는 것처럼 주체화가 진행될 수로 단순히 상황레벨의 의미가 약해지는 것은 아니었다. 후항동사「~こむ」의 경우 활동의 근원이 스테이지 위의 탄도체 (trajector) 로서 초점화되지 않고 불명화한 것으로 되는 형태의 주체화가 순서상 가장 늦게 일어나고 있었다. ‘Motion’ and ‘Change’ is the experience we live with. That explains why we have lots of expressions related to those experience. In Japanese compound verbs, there are many compound verbs with ‘-dasu’ and ‘-komu’ which involves basic motion and, at the same time, the frequency of these verbs are very high (cf. Asao 2007). Compound verbs with ‘-komu’ shows various usages, but previous studies did not examined the relationships among different usages properly. One of the main reasons why they are not proper analysis is that they failed to take into account of the existence of the conceptualizer. This study analyzes the semantic extension of ‘V+komu’ from the perspective of subjectification (cf. Langacker 1999, 2006). Analysis shows that the parameters proposed by Langacker (1999) are not enough because those could not capture the gradual process of subjectification. So, this study argues that ‘truth-conditional meaning’ and ‘cognitive meaning’ as Awhole needs to be considered. In Away, it is very natural that Aconceptualizer plays Abig role in construal. This study demonstrates that the process of subjectification is not arbitrary. As the subjectification of ‘V+komu’ proceeded, its cognitive meaning became salient. But interesting part about this process was that it was not that simple. The subjectificatin that the locus of activity is not focused on the stage and in its diffused form was the last one.

      • KCI등재

        名詞と助詞からなる重名詞に関する分析 ― 「名詞+への+名詞」構文を事例に ―

        金光成 ( Kim Kwang-sung ) 한국일본어교육학회 2024 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.108

        This paper conducted a case analysis on the usage of heavy nouns consisting of nouns and particles. Specifically, we examined the usage of the ‘noun + への + noun’ construction in detail, focusing on collocations as elements of sentences (subjects, objects, predicates). The analysis revealed certain tendencies in the usage of the ‘noun + への + noun’ construction. In cases where ‘noun + への + noun’ was used as a subject, as in ‘noun + への + noun + が’, there was a particularly high frequency of collocation with predicates expressing increase or decrease in size, predicates representing the process of execution, and predicates related to existence, appearance, or occurrence. The proportion of these predicates was 72.6% among those with a frequency of occurrence of three or more. In cases where ‘noun + への + noun’ was used as an object, as in ‘noun + への + noun + を’, there was a particularly high frequency of collocation with predicates representing the process of execution, predicates expressing expression, predicates related to perception or thought, and predicates expressing increase or decrease. The proportion of these predicates was 60.64% among those with a frequency of occurrence of three or more. In cases where ‘noun + への + noun’ was used as a predicate, as in ‘noun + への + noun + だ/です/である’, nouns expressing movement or transition, nouns representing response, and nouns related to heart or emotion had a particularly high frequency as modified nouns. The proportion of these modified nouns was 79.35% among those with a frequency of occurrence of three or more. This study provides an empirical analysis of how the ‘noun + への + noun’ construction is used as subjects, objects, and predicates.

      • KCI등재

        금구혈(禁灸穴)에 관한 문헌적 고찰

        김광성 ( Kwang Sung Kim ),이병렬 ( Byung Ryul Lee ),임윤경 ( Yun Kyoung Yim ) 대한경락경혈학회 2009 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.26 No.4

        Objective: To increase the safety of moxibustion by understanding moxibustion-prohibited points` distinguishing features through literary inquiry. Method: We searched for moxibustion-prohibited points in Traditional Oriental Medical literature. Results: 1. Upon the advancement of moxibustion technique, the numbers of moxibustion-prohibited points increased. 2. Both Foot Meridians and Hand Meridians have similar percentage of moxibustion-prohibited points. Both Yin Meridians and Yang Meridians have similar percentage of moxibustion-prohibited points. 3. The face has the highest moxibustion-prohibited points ratio. The Back has the lowest moxibustion-prohibited points ratio. 4. We research 80 moxibustion-prohibited points and find 31 moxibustion-prohibitive reasons. A key reasons is that heating effect of moxibustion damages tissues, organs and meridian functions. There are also cases where the moxibustion-prohibited points can be designated upon the patients condition. Conclusions: We could learn the distinguishing characteristics of moxibustion-prohibited points from this study. These results suggest that the treatment of moxibustion is more useful and safe.

      • KCI등재

        이주노동자의 권리보호를 위한 관련법제 개선방안

        김광성(Kim, Kwang Sung) 한국비교노동법학회 2011 노동법논총 Vol.23 No.-

        In contemporary global era, international material and personal exchanges are extremely active. Moreover, number of workers who have left their own countries and provide or have been providing their manpower to the business or the workplaces located in the other countries for the purpose of getting wage, the foreign workers, are gradually increasing. As we have entered into the multi-cultural society as of present, we should continuously make efforts, for the sake of their human rights protection and its promotion, by seeking the way to improve the system and policy more efficiently after analyzing and considering various problems raised from work scenes. Therefore, the following remedial measures on foreign worker’s rights protection are hereby suggested as an alternative: First, regarding three labor rights of foreign workers, the rights will be truly guaranteed only if the independence of enjoyment for three labor rights of unregistered foreign workers is recognized. Second, the current ‘laws on employment of foreign workers’ that excessively restrict the freedom of workplace transfer or of paid activities must be fundamentally revised in order to exclude any possibility that downscales various working conditions and forces them out to illegal situations by deserting from workplaces. Third, to guarantee foreign worker’s rights to health, the foreign workers must be provided of medical services for neglected class of people, vaccinations and worker’s compensations without any obligation of notifying and must be able to practically buy health insurance through the measures such as health insurance fee reduction for financially embarrassed foreign workers. Forth, rights to health for dependent foreigners in the Immigration Processing Center should be guaranteed to the extent of that of domestic convicts and furnishing a surety on emergency treatment must be prohibited. Fifth, the system must be improved to allow children of unregistered foreign workers to enter the schools without providing any certificate on immigration or on alien register so their actual rights to education can be assured. Sixth, the children’s access rights to education must not be segregated and a curriculum for the children must be considered and the integration in the true sense of word must be achieved at a place of education by respecting their cultural identities. Seventh, to assure the most basic human rights of foreign workers, rights to family union must be promised for them to live humanly and happily in any country that they are working at with their families at any time they wish. Outside of that, constructions and services of administration must be revised to the purpose of the law by supplementing the law system for foreign workers not to get discriminated for vocational rehabilitation trainings under the Workers’ Compensation Act and foreign workers must be included in recipient’s list on the Employment Insurance Law in principal and disadvantages from a stay for certain periods should be supplemented and if foreign workers have requested for a vocational training or a retraining, either Employment Approval Policy should be complemented for them to be excluded from the objects to be deported by considering requests for change in business or workplaces or basically the Employment Approval System should be changed into the Work Permit System. Moreover, according to the need of human rights devices with rather detailed and binding legal grounds in national level for foreign workers protection, we should ratify ‘International Convention on the Protection of All Migrant Workers And their Families’ which has been chosen and effectuated by UN so that we raise ourselves to be a country where has taken a major step forward by promising the human rights of foreign workers.

      • KCI등재

        위중전침의 항산화 효과에 대한 실험적 연구

        김광성 ( Kwang Sung Kim ),홍권의 ( Kwon Eui Hong ),임윤경 ( Yun Kyoung Yim ) 대한경락경혈학회 2007 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.24 No.1

        Objectives: The purpose of this study is to observe the anti-oxidative effects of electroacupuncture at Wijung (BL40) in rats. Methods: The author performed several experimental items including measurements of body weight, liver index, levels of albumin, total bilirubin, LDL-cholesterol, LDH, GOT and GPT in blood serum, and levels of SOD, glutathione, catalase, NO and MDA (malondialdehyde) in liver, histological analysis of liver. Results: 1. In the BL40-EA group, liver index was decreased significantly compared to those of the control group, the holder group and the sham-EA group. 2. In the BL40-EA group, the albumin level was increased significantly compared to those of the control and holder group. LDL-cholesterol and GOT level were increased significantly compared to those of the control group and the holder group. 3. In the BL40-EA group, the SOD activity & the Catalase activity were decreased significantly compared to those of the control group and the holder group. 4. In the BL40-EA group, the density of liver tissue was more similarly maintained to the normal group compared to those of the control group and the holder group. Conclusion: These results suggest that electroacupuncture at BL40 has an antioxidant effect in human, and hereafter continuous study & clinical application is needed.

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