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      • KCI등재

        한·일 관용표현 대조고찰 -신앙관련 표현을 중심으로-

        김계연 ( Kim Gye-yon ) 한국일어일문학회 2021 日語日文學硏究 Vol.117 No.-

        本稿では信仰関連の慣用表現を仏教と民間信仰関連表現に分け、主となる語彙の素材と意味を中心に日·韓両国語の発想の違いと特徴を考察した。 仏教関連の慣用表現は日本語の方が特に発達していた。 「ブチョ/仏」の基本意味は共通していたが、仏像に対する両国の発想は対照的であった。「ブチョ/仏」」以外の素材では、韓国語は念仏とお坊さんを中心に批判の意味が強いのに対し、日本語の方は人間の行いやある状況での心理描写が豊富であった。 民間信仰関連の慣用表現では、「ハヌル/天」関連の慣用表現での発想の類似性は非常に高かった。「シン/神」関連の慣用表現の共通の意味は超能力と守護神であったが、韓国語では「グィシン」を用いた怨念の意味が、日本語の場合は守護神という認識が特に強かった。ただ、恐れ多い神の怒りに触れ、祟られないため「神」への接近を憚ろうする認識も見られた。また、韓国語の「ムダン」と「グッ」関連表現が日本の祭事や祭り関連表現と対照を成していることも特徴的であった。 In this study, the characteristic ways of thinking were researched by contrasting the aspects by lexicons and the meanings of each subject focused on the religious related idioms from Korean and Japanese language. While both Korean and Japanese used "Bucheo/Hotoke" meaning as < death, mercy, patience >, the perception of statues of the Buddha was different. In other - non-"Bucheo/Hotoke"related- idioms, Korean suggested negative meanings such as criticizing others. In Japanese, on the other hand, had abundant descriptions of human behavior and situational psychology. Within the idioms with folk beliefs, “Haneul" commonly meant ‘The Supreme Being, The Punisher, The Grace of God’ and showed the similarity of ways of thinking. Both languages indicated common meanings as < Supernatural Powers > and < Patron Saint > in the “Shin” related idioms. In Korean, idioms with “Gwisin” implied such negative meanings. In Japanese, however, the meaning of < Patron Saint > was emphasized. In addition, the attitude to refraining an excessive approach to “Shin” showed a sense of Japanese perception of avoiding meddling in others’ affairs. Especially it was distinctive that the idioms with “Mudang” and “Goot” in Korean formed a sharp contrast to those in Japanese with their religious events and festivals.

      • KCI등재

        독거노년부모에 대한 중년자녀의 정서적 돌봄 경험 : 불안정부모애착 중년을 중심으로

        김계연(Kye-Yeon Kim),홍경화(Kyung-Wha Hong) 한국콘텐츠학회 2021 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.21 No.11

        본 연구는 불안정부모애착을 형성한 중년을 대상으로 독거노년부모에 대한 정서적 돌봄의 경험과 그 본질의 탐색을 통해 이들에 대한 이해와 상담학적 자료제공에 기여하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 45세 이상 60세 미만의 중년 12명(남 3명, 여 9명)을 심층면접한 후 Colaizzi의 현상학적 연구방법으로 분석하였다. 연구결과, 불안정부모애착을 경험한 중년이 독거노년부모의 정서적 필요를 돌보는 경험에 대하여 60개의 구성된 의미, 18개의 주제, 4개의 주제군이 도출되었다. 주제군으로는 ‘정서적 소진을 불러온 부정적 경험’, ‘정서적 돌봄에서의 정서적 원동력’, ‘부모돌봄에서의 조력자의 역할’, ‘정서적 돌봄에서의 경제적·신체적 내용’이 있었다. 본 연구는 불안정부모애착을 맺은 중년이 독거부모를 정서적으로 돌보는 경험의 현상을 밝혀 불안정애착 중년에 대한 이해를 넓혔고 상담 적용에 기여할 자료를 마련하였다는 의의를 갖는다. This study aimed to explore the experience and nature of emotional care for elderly parent living alone for middle-aged adult who formed initial insecure attachment with his or her parent. To this end, 12 middle-aged people aged 45 to 60 (3 males and 9 females) were recruited as subjects of the study, interviewed in-depth, and analyzed using Colaizzis phenomenological research method. As a result of the study, 60 constitutive meanings, 18 themes, and 4 thematic groups were derived for the experience of middle-aged adult who experienced insecure attachment to his or her parent and caring for the emotional needs of elderly parent living alone. Thematic groups included negative experiences that caused emotional exhaustion, emotional driving force in emotional care, the role of helper in parental care, and economic and physical content in emotional care. This study is meaningful in that it revealed the phenomenon of experiences of emotional care for parent living alone by middle-aged adult who had an initial unstable attachment with his or her parent to understand them and contributed to the provision of counseling data.

      • KCI등재

        한·일 섭식동사 관용표현 대조고찰-섭식동사의 의미역할을 중심으로-

        김계연 ( Kim Gyeyon ) 한국일어일문학회 2018 日語日文學硏究 Vol.104 No.1

        本論文では、日·韓兩語の攝食動詞慣用表現を取り上げ、慣用表現の意味の特徵及び、攝食動詞の意味上の役割を對照考察した。攝食動詞慣用表現は大きく二つに分けることができる。一つは、攝食動詞の元の意味は維持しながら慣用表現全體として一つの比喩的意味を表す場合、もう一つは、攝食動詞そのものが比喩的意味を表す場合である。それを前提にまず、攝食動詞慣用表現の意味を把握し、それを元に攝食動詞の意味上の動きや役割の特徵を明らかにしようと試みた。その結果、日本語の場合は、「食う·食らう」の'攻擊·迷惑·イジメ'などマイナスイメ一ジの意味への集中と「呑む」の'理解·納得'の意味が特徵的であった。一方、韓國語の「먹다(meokda)」の場合、一つの意味への集中は見當たらないのと'攻擊·賄賂·搾取'などのマイナス的意味をはじめ、'化粧·感動·心'との結び付きによる意味の廣がりが目立った。また、日本語の「食う·かじる·なめる」などでマイナス意味が强い反面、韓國語では「삼키다(samkida)·씹다(ssipta)」などのマイナスイメ一ジが强く、日本語との共通点はごく少なかった。なお、日·韓兩語ともに貧しさなどの表現に文化や歷史の影が窺われた。 This study compares and contrasts between Korean and Japanese language of the meanings of idioms with the verbs related to ‘Eat’ and ‘Drink’ and the semantic roles of the verbs in them. The idiomatic expressions with ‘Eat’ and ‘Drink’ verbs are divided into two categories. One is to keep the original meaning of the verbs in the idioms while the whole expression is used figuratively. The other is that the verbs have figurative meanings themselves in them. In this paper, the aspect and meanings of idiomatic expressions with verbs ‘Eat’ and ‘Drink’ are identified. And based on that study, the images and semantic roles of the verbs are figured out. In the result, it is very characteristic that「食う·食らう」are used mainly negatively as ‘attack · damage · bully’ and the meaning of 「呑む」is ‘convince · understanding’ in Japanese. In Korean, meanwhile, 「먹다」 is not focused on one meaning. It has negative senses as ‘attack· bribe · exploit’ as well as positive ones which have expanded meanings combining with ‘make-up · touch&move · mind&heart’. Also,「삼키다·갉아먹다·좀먹다·씹다」have strongly negative images and little in common with the usage of them in Japanese. As such, it is learned that the verbs expressing universal behaviors like ‘eating and drinking’ can have distinctive semantic roles in each language.

      • KCI등재

        한ㆍ일 의(衣)어휘 관용표현 대조고찰

        김계연 ( Kim Gye-yon ) 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2016 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.70

        This thesis presents comparative analysis on characteristics of vocabulary between Korean and Japanese, especially idiom expressions that are distinguished by the material for Apparel, by the aspect of idiom expression and by underlying psychology respectively. Although the similarity in number of material kinds, as 34 kinds of Korean and 36 of Japanese, was noticed, the community of material was hardly visible. Comparing to Japanese idiom expression of 117., the Korean has developed slightly better as these are 125. The number of idiom expressions of both languages is similar, but when they were looked closely, many differences are detected. The common materials are found only 8 out of many and each language has developed with distinctive materials. The different numerical aspect is detected from the idiom expressions of both languages. Especially the distinctiveness is discovered from the idiom expressions related to 「소매/袖」and pants kind (skirt/ pants, etc). In case of the Idiom Expressions sorted by material that is associated with `hat kind, pants kind, shoes kind` have been activated more in Korean language. In Japanese, any idiom expression concerned with pants kind is not noticed but particularly, the expressions of 「袖」 are developed(51 idiom expressions). Both Korean and Japanese languages have shown a lot of negative expressions in terms of the immanent psychology(about 72%(90)ㆍ56%(65)). Looking at the underlying psychology, strongly expresses negative psychology in the related vocabularies for hat kind, pants kind, and shoes kind of Korean in the aspect of the psychological expression as in < BluffㆍIncompetenceㆍPovertyㆍLossㆍUnfairㆍ Betray >. However, even in Japanese, the negative expression of psychology appears as < Sorrow of partingㆍBribe > of 「袖」, but the positive expression has specialized better than Korean as seen in the vocabularies, and likewise strong expression of blaming such as 「핫바지ㆍ치맛바람ㆍ오지랖」 in Korean is not common. When it comes to presentation methods, Korean characterizes redundancy, rhythm, humor, and satire where Japanese shows short, simple and clear figure of speech.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한,일 양국어의 味覺語(미각어) 관용표현 대조고찰-내재 심리를 중심으로-

        김계연 ( Gye Yon Kim ) 한국일어일문학회 2016 日語日文學硏究 Vol.97 No.1

        本稿では, 「맛/味」あるいは味覺形容詞を素材として用いる味覺語慣用表現を取 り上げ, 素材の意味と內在心理を中心に韓·日兩言語を對照考察した。慣用表現を 收集した結果, ほぼ同數の慣用表現が得られたが, 「맛/味」を用いた慣用表現は 韓國語の方が發達しているのに對し, 味覺形容詞を用いた慣用表現の場合は日本語 の方が多かった。考察の結果, 「맛/味」を用いた慣用表現の場合の共通点は, 韓·日兩國語ともにプラス心理が强く(70%を占めている), 成功や魅力·趣きを稱える 心理表現が多い点であった。相違点は, 韓國語の場合は强い興味·欲求·人への非 難を表す表現が目立つが, 日本語の場合は, 主に密かな魅力·趣き·能力を稱える心 理が中心で, 非難の意の場合も露骨ではない点であった。一方, 味覺形容詞の慣 用表現の場合は, 「惡用·失敗·苦·けち·不滿」などのマイナス心理の表現が多い点 と, プラス心理の「强さ·良さ」の表現が共通していた。相違点は, 韓國語の場合は 「苦勞·人への批判」の心理が强いことと, 味覺形容詞の元の意味(イメ一ジ)が生 きているケ一スが多いが, 日本語の場合は, 「甘い」の弱さに對する警戒心理と「辛 い·澁い」の嚴しさや根氣のようなプラス心理の表現など, 味覺形容詞の反意的動きによる 表現が多い点であった。また, 韓國語の場合は「맛」慣用表現の發達から, 味を, 人 の好みと關連づけ, 體驗的もしくは味全體として捉える傾向が見られるが, 日本語の場合 は, 味を細部的·具體的に認識する傾向が窺えることから, 味の捉え方が慣用表現にも影 響を及ぼしていると思われた。 In this thesis, the immanent psychology and the significations of words in the idioms used with 「맛/味」[Mat/Azi] and or taste adjectives in Korean and Japanese are contrasted and studied. The study is contrasted in the following order : categorizing idiomatic containing「맛/味」[Mat/Azi] and taste adjectives, expressed common to difference psychology and positive to negative psychology. The result is as in the following. First, positive psychology has developed in the idiomatic expressions with「맛/ 味」[Mat/Azi] while negative psychology has grown in those with taste adjectives. Second, the significations of taste adjectives are left in Korean idioms. However, most of idioms using taste adjectives in Japanese have developed being used adversatively while losing the original meanings. Third, Koreans’ recognition of flavor is rather as a whole than detailed. Japanese’s, on the other hand, is rather detailed and it affects their idiomatic expressions. Fourth, ‘interest’ ‘demand’ and the psychology of criticism toward other parties have grown in Korean, whereas, in Japanese, the negative psychological expressions do not carry strong negative images and have developed as instructive expressions.

      • KCI등재

        Identification on Fatigue Failure of Impeller at Single Stage Feedwater Pumps During Commissioning Operation

        김연환(Kim, Yeon-Whan),김계연(Kim, Kye-Yean),배춘희(Bae, Chun-Hee),이영신(Lee, Young-Shin) 한국소음진동공학회 2008 한국소음진동공학회 논문집 Vol.18 No.9

        This paper presents a case history on failures of impeller and shaft due to pressure pulsation at single stage feed water pumps in 700 MW nuclear power plant during commissioning operation. The pumps had been service and had run for approximately $40{\sim}50$ hours. For the most part, the failures of impeller occurred with the presence of a number of fatigue cracks. All cracks were associated with the deleterious surface layer of impeller by visual and metallurgical examination. On-site testing and analytical approach was performed on the systems to diagnose the problem and develop a solution to reduce the effect of exciting sources. A major concern at high-energy centrifugal pump is the pressure pulsation created from trailing edge of the Impeller blade, flow separation and recirculation at centrifugal pumps of partial load. Pressure pulsation due to the interaction generating between impeller and casing coincided with natural frequencies of the impeller and shaft system during 1ow load operation. It was identified that dynamic stress exceeding the fatigue strength of the material at the thin shroud section due to the hydraulic instability at running condition below BEP.

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