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      • KCI등재

        아버지의 양성평등한 부모역할신념과 어머니 문지기 역할이 아버지의 놀이참여와 영아기 자녀와의 친밀감에 미치는 영향

        김경희,김유미,Kim, KyungHee,Kim, Yumi 한국보육지원학회 2022 한국보육지원학회지 Vol.18 No.5

        Objective: The aims of this study is to investigate the internal and external environment surrounding fathers and to promote play-participation with children and father-Infants Intimacy by identifying the influence of a father's belief concerning gender-equal parental role and the mother's roles as a gatekeeper. Methods: The participants of this study were 291 fathers who had infants ranging from 1-36 months of age and were living in Seoul and South Chungcheong Province. The data were collected through the questionnaires and analyzed using the SPSS 24.0. Results: The main results are as follows. First, gender roles, livelihood keeper-father beliefs, importance of father rearing, and the mother's role as a doorkeeper affect the father's participation in play. This differs according to the characteristics of each type of play. Second, it was found that the father's gender roles and the mother's role as a doorkeeper had a significant effect on the intimacy between the father and the infant. Conclusion/Implications: The results of this study revealed that fathers' belief in gender-equal parenting and mothers' encouragement through opening the door as gatekeepers affect the formation of intimacy between fathers and their children in infancy, and are factors that influence play participation.

      • KCI등재

        영어와 스페인어 정관사 대조 분석과 교육적 제언

        김경희 ( Kim Kyunghee ) 한국스페인어문학회 2016 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.80

        The present study seeks to explain the similarities and differences between the usages of the definite article in English and Spanish. Both languages belong to the Indo-European family and share definite articles, while the Korean language does not employ them. In Korea, English is an obligatory school subject for every student, so normally Korean learners of Spanish have prior knowledge of English and its definite articles. Language instructors` acknowledgement and incorporation of this prior knowledge of the English definite article system in the Spanish language classroom could contribute to a higher mastery of Spanish by Korean students. In both English and Spanish, the discursive, visible in the situation, visible in the mind, inclusive/associative, and syntactic usages of the definite article are the same. But in generic usage English only produces it before singular forms of countable nouns, while Spanish uses it not only in the same environment but also before singular forms of uncountable nouns and plural forms of countable nouns in the subject position. That is because Spanish definite articles originated as subject markers in this language and act as concordance markers in number and gender, while in English the subject position is marked by the word order and nouns do not have grammatical gender. In a concrete contrastive analysis of Obama`s speech and its Spanish version, the syntactic usage is more prevalent than any other usages. And the presence of Spanish definite articles with uncountable nouns is salient. In general Spanish shows a stronger tendency to use the definite articles than English.

      • 한국어 음성 이해를 위한 TDNN기반 이음소 인식과 CYK - 형태소 분석의 통합

        김경희(Kyunghee Kim),이근배(Geunbae Lee),이종혁(Jong-Hyeok Lee),정홍(Hong Jeong) 한국정보과학회 1994 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.21 No.1

        대용량 어휘의 연속음성인식으로 확장 가능한 한국어 음성 언어 해석 모델을 제안한다. 본 모델은 다이폰(diphone) 인식기, 다이폰2음소 필터와 CYK 형태소 분석기로 구성된다. 트리구조의 TDNN(timd-delayed neural network)들은 한국어 음소 격자(lattice)로 변환될 다이폰을 인식한다. 형태소 분석기는 음소들간의 음운현상들을 처리하면서 인식된 음소격자를 분석하고 해석된 어절들을 출력한다. 한국어 음성인식을 위해 제안된 새로운 음성인식 단위인 다이폰에 대해서 95.27%의 17모음 인식과 93.77%의 68다이폰 인식, 그리고 92.24%의 66어절 음성언어 형태소 분석 성공률을 얻었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        방정환의 「마음의 꽃」에 나타난 ‘마음으로 피우는 꽃’의 의미

        김경희 ( Kim Kyunghee ) 방정환연구소 2019 방정환연구 Vol.1 No.1

        이 논문은 방정환의 『사랑의 선물』에 수록된 「마음의 꽃」(1922)과 북한 옛이야기 그림책 『마음의 꽃』(1986), 중국 교과서에 수록된 「빈 화분을 든 아이(手捧空花盆的孩子)」(2001)를 비교 연구하여 ‘꽃 피우기’의 의미를 밝히는 데 목적이 있다. 이 논문의 쟁점은 방정환의 「마음의 꽃」과 후대의 작품들이 지닌 친연성이 아니라 ‘꽃피우기’ 서사가 지속적으로 유지되고 소통이 되는 이유가 무엇인지를 탐색하는 데 있다. 그 과정에서 ‘마음이 착한 사람이 키우는 꽃’, ‘아름다운 꽃’의 의미를 찾아서 이 이야기가 지닌 현재적 가치를 보여주고자 한다. 특히, 주인공이 정성을 다하여 꽃을 길러도 만발하지 않는 과정을 극복하고 스스로 마음의 꽃을 피우는 여정을 통해 ‘마음으로 피워내는 꽃’의 의미를 전달한다. 이러한 과정에서 나타나는 감동이 시대를 거슬러 독자와 소통하게 된 중요한 열쇠이다. This paper aims to clarify the meaning of flowering by comparing The flower of heart(1922) in The gift of love of Jung Hwan Bang, The flower of the mind(1986) of the old story book in North Korea, and The empty flower pot(2001) in the Chinese textbook. The purpose of this study is to clarify the meaning of ‘flowering’. The point of this paper is to explore the reason why the narratives of ‘the flowering of flowers’ are constantly maintained and communicated, not the affection of the ‘flower of the heart’ and the works of later generations. In the process, I want to show the present value of this story by searching for the meaning of ‘flower grown by a good heart’, ‘beautiful flower’. In particular, the hero conveys the meaning of the flower that blooms through the mind through the journey to overcome the process that does not bloom even if the flower grows with all its soul, and to bloom the flower of the heart by oneself. The impression that emerges in this process is an important key to communicate with the reader through the ages.

      • KCI등재

        적극적 조치의 민간부문으로의 확대방안 - 미국사례를 중심으로

        김경희(Kyunghee Kim) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) 2005 여성연구 Vol.68 No.-

        이 연구는 성차별 개선을 위한 적극적 조치(affirmative action)가 공공부문에 만 제한적으로 실행되고 있어 실효성이 미흡하다는 문제인식에서 출발해서, 적극적 조치 실행사례를 분석하여 이 제도를 민간부문에 확대 적용하기 위한 정책적 과제를 모색하는데 연구목적을 두고 있다. 적극적 조치는 국내에서 공공부문에서부터 도입되어 여성공무원 채용목표제, 여교수 채용목표제, 여성과학기술인 채용목표제가 실행되어 왔다. 최근에는 민간부문에 적극적 조치를 도입하는 방안의 하나로 정부조달계약제도의 도입이 논의되면서 이 제도에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 이 글은 적극적 조치 실행사례에 대한 분석을 토대로 이 제도가 여성고용 확대 뿐 아니라 성별 불균형을 개선하는 방향으로 확대 적용되기 위한 정책과제를 다음과 같이 제시하고 있다. 우선 직종과 직급별로 여성의 고용상태를 파악할 수 있는 고용평등통계 양식이 마련되어야 하며 기업이 적극적 조치 계획서를 작성하고 실행하는 과정에서 요구되는 통계자료 및 프로그램 개발 등에 관한 정부의 기술적 지원이 병행되어야 할 것이다. 둘째, 적극적 조치가 실효성을 거두기 위해서는 정부기구의 법적 권한이 강화되어야 한다. 정부기구가 차별구제를 요청하는 당사자를 위해 법적 소송의 주체가 되거나 지원할 수 있도록 제소권의 신설이 필요하며 정부계약준수제가 도입되어야 할 것이다. 셋째, 적극적 조치는 소수집단에 대한 간접차별을 적극 시정할 뿐 아니라 인력관리의 다양성 차원에서 기업경영을 위해 긍정적인 제도로 평가받고 있다. 적극적 조치의 확대가 양성평등을 실현하기 위한 정책적 도구가 될 수 있다는 사실을 홍보하여 공감대를 형성하는 것이 필요하다. This article aims at suggesting policies for introducing affirmative action into the private sector where most women work. The purpose of this research is for the implementation of affirmative action and increasing its effectiveness. Since 1996, Korea has introduced affirmative action in the public sector, in government officer positions and in public university-level teaching staff. Recently, the interest in federal contract compliance (the proposed method for implementing affirmative action in companies) has been increasing through discussion on how to expand and develop it to reduce sexual discrimination in the workplace. Cases involving the implementation of affirmative action in Korea and the United States are analyzed in order to find alternatives for expanding it to into the private sector. Statistical forms showing the sexual segregation in different occupations must be prepared. Companies must draw up affirmative action programs to decrease the under-utilization of women. Also, the government should provide the necessary support, in the form of an organization that is demanded by the implementation process. The legal authority of this government organization must be strengthened so an individual is capable to fight against a company within their legal rights. Above all, the federal contract compliance programs have to be introduced with the intent of expanding affirmative action within companies. Affirmative action has been evaluated as a viable method for reducing the indirect discrimination toward women and minorities as well as for making more diverse human management possible. It is important to understand affirmative action as a tool for bringing about gender equality.

      • KCI등재

        회복실 보호자 상주가 전신마취 노인수술환자의 수술직후 상태불안, 각성섬망, 통증 및 회복실 체류시간에 미치는 영향

        김경희(Kim, Kyunghee),이숙희(Lee, Sookhee) 기본간호학회 2015 기본간호학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        Purpose: The objectives of this study were to assess the influence of family presence in the PACU (Post Anesthesia Care Unit) on anxiety, emergency delirium, pain and length of stay in the recovery room for elderly patients undergoing surgery for which general anesthesia has been used. Methods: The study was a nonequivalent control group pre-post test design. Eighty elderly patients over 65 years who underwent surgery under general anesthesia were recruited. Forty were assigned to the experiment group, patients together with a family member and 40 to the control group, with no family member present. Patients’ anxiety, emergency delirium, pain and length of time in the recovery room were evaluated at 10 minute and 30 minute after arrival in the PACU. Results: Patients with family members in the PACU showed significantly decreased levels of anxiety at 10 and 30 minutes and significantly lower levels of emergency delirium and pain at 30 minutes. However there was no difference between the 2 groups for length of time in the recovery room. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that being with family members in the PACU after surgery under general anesthesia is effective for reducing elderly patients’ anxiety, delirium and pain during time in the recovery room.

      • KCI등재

        학업성취도 평가 결과에 나타난 초ㆍ중학생의 정의적 특성에 대한 종단분석과 예측

        김경희(Kim, Kyunghee),임은영(Lim, EunYoung),신진아(Shin, JinAh) 한국교육평가학회 2013 교육평가연구 Vol.26 No.5

        본 연구의 목적은 전수평가를 기반으로 한 ‘국가수준 학업성취도 평가(이하 학업성취도 평가)’ 결과를 활용하여 학생의 정의적 특성을 파악하고 더 나아가서는 정의적 특성을 예측하는 교육맥락변인을 탐색함으로써 정의적 특성 함양을 위한 교육적 지원방안을 모색하는 것이다. 우선, 정의적 특성의 종단분석을 위해 2009년부터 2012년까지의 학생들의 정의적 특성 변화 추이를 분석하였고, 정의적 성취 우수 학교의 특성을 예측하는 교육맥락변인을 다항 로지스틱 회귀분석을 통해 탐색하였다. 연구 결과에 따르면, 첫째, 교사 관계 및 교우관계의 정의적 특성은 연도별로 감소 추세가 보였지만 수업태도와 관련된 정의적 특성은 증가 추세를 보였다. 그러나 2009년에 부정 응답한 학생들이 2012년에 긍정 응답으로 전환된 비율이 높았고, 긍정 응답으로 전환된 학생들의 학업성취도가 부정 응답을 유지하는 학생들에 비해 더 향상되었다. 둘째, 정의적 성취 우수학교, 즉 2년 연속 상위에 속한 학교를 예측하는 변인은 초등학교에서는 학업성취도, 학부모풍토, 교우관계, 학교풍토, 수업태도, 부모와의 대화 정도, 가족과의 취미생활 정도, 동아리 수, 공모제교장 여부, 국ㆍ공립학교, 교장의 성별이었고, 중학교에서는 학업성취도, 학교풍토, 수업태도, 가족과의 취미생활 정도, 동아리 수, 학부모 풍토, 남학교, 여학교, 학생풍토였다. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and explore the affective characteristics of grade 6 and grade 12 students in Korea based on the results of the National Assessment of Educational Achievement (NAEA). First, the trends of students' affective characteristics in 2009-2012 were analyzed using cohort data and panel data. Second, in order to investigate the education context variables to predict positive or negative schools in terms of affective domain for two consecutive years, multinomial logistic analysis was employed. The results of trend analysis across 4 years show that the affective domain related to relationships with friends or teachers declined, but the affective domain related to class or subject attitude seems to have increased. In addition, of students who responded negatively in 2009, there were more students who converted their negative response to a positive response by 2012 than there were students who maintained the negative response. Second, the number of prediction variables for the positive schools is larger than that of the negative schools.

      • KCI등재

        기본간호실습 교육 현황 및 실습교육 필요도

        김경희(Kim, Kyunghee),장성옥(Chang, Sung Ok),강현숙(Kang, Hyun-Sook),김금순(Kim, Keum Soon),김종임(Kim, Jong Im),김화순(Kim, Hwasoon),박진희(Park, Jin-Hee),엄미란(Eom, Mi Ran),윤미선(Youn, Mi-Sun),이옥철(Lee, Ogcheol),원종순(Won, Jon 기본간호학회 2011 기본간호학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify content of Fundamental Nursing Practice (FNP) and the educational needs for nursing practice items in schools of nursing. Methods: Participants were 81 professors who were teaching FNP and 166 clinical nurses. The research questionnaire included 148 practice items, which were selected by content analysis of 7 FNP textbooks. Data were collected from May 20 to July 27, 2011 and analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test with SPSS 17.0. Results: The research findings showed that : 1) the seven items included in the education content of all schools of nursing were putting on sterile gloves, checking radial pulse, checking blood pressure in the arm, Foley catheterization, injection preparation with ampule, intramuscular injection in the buttocks, and mixing intravenous fluid. Fifty items were included in the content in more than 80% of the schools. 2) Educational domains needing emphasis were medication, infection control, health assessment, oxygenation, urinary elimination, activity/positioning, and nutrition. There were significant differences in reported educational needs between professors and clinical nurses for 62.8% of practice items. Conclusions: Results indicated that standardization of FNP education contents using the findings of this study should lead to improvement in quality of FNP education.

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