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        김경학,정우락,손은하,정규식,김봉국 전남대학교 인문학연구소 2022 전남대학교 인문학연구소 전국학술대회 자료집 Vol.- No.-

        안녕하십니까? 전남대학교 인문학연구소 소장 신해진입니다. 먼저, 전남대학교 인문학연구소에서 주최하는 전국학술대회를 축하하기 위하여 자리해 주신 여러분께 깊은 감사의 뜻을 전하고 싶습니다. 202년 학술대회는 학술대회장에서 만나 심도 깊은 논의가 이루어지기를 바라며 주제 강연과 기획 발표를 맡아주신 여러 발표자 분들을 한 자리에 모시는 시간을 마련하려고 했습니다만, 오미크론 상황이 너무나 엄중하여 이렇게 온라인으로 만나 뵙게 되었습니다. 어려운 여건 속에서도 온라인 학술대회에 참석하여 주신 여러분의 건강과 가정의 평안을 기원합니다. 이번 학술대회는 인문학연구소가 지속적으로 관심을 가지고 살피고 있는 지역 공동체의 역할과 의미 속에서, 지역 서사와 공동체의 경험을 인문학과 사회학의 통섭적 관점에서 논의하는 자리를 마련했습니다. 바쁘신 시간 속에서도 김경학 전남대 교수님께서 첫 번째 기획 특강을, 정우락 경북대 교수님께서 두 번째 기획 특강을 준비해 주셨으며, 기획 발표에서는 세 분의 교수님이 옥고를 발표하실 예정입니다. 발표를 맡아주신 손은하 교수님, 정규식 교수님, 김봉국 교수님께 깊은 감사를 드리며, 아울러 토론을 맡아주신 한순미, 한의숭, 한정훈 교수님께도 감사드립니다. 코로나 확산 방지를 위해 비대면 온라인 학술대회로 진행하지만 학문적이며 실질적으로 알차고 풍성한 결실을 맺을 수 있기를 바랍니다. 학술대회 발표를 흔쾌히 허락해주시고 또 옥고를 제출해주신 선생님들께 진심으로 경의를 표합니다. 아울러 전남대학교 인문학연구소의 전국학술대회가 이웃과 지역에 대한 관심이 더욱 커진 우리 사회에서 지역 공동체에 대한 관심을 보다 높일 수 있는 논의의 장이 되도록 많은 관심과 성원 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

      • 국어의 이중주어 및 이중목적어 구문에 대한 고찰 : 기능문법 및 화용론적 입장에서 Functional and Pragmatic view

        김경학 울산대학교 1983 연구논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        국어문법에서 이중주어 및 이중목적어 구문에 대한 연구는 많이 논의되었으나 대체로 통사론적인 분석에 의존하고 이는 것 같다. 본 논문에서는 기능문법적인 면에서 이를 분석해 보고, 나아가 화용론적인 설명이 필요함을 지적하고자 한다. 즉 "이/가"와 "을/를"이 중출하는 현상을 통사론적인 면만으로는 만족할 만한 설명을 할 수 없고, 화용론상의 대화함축(Conversational Implicature)에 의한 보충 설명이 필요함을 살펴보고자 한다. Korean double subject and object constructions have been discussed by many linguists but there is no satisfactory analysis about them. In this paper, they are analyzed according to revised Dik's (1978) Functional Grammar, comparing with previous analyses. In the process of analysis, pragmatic function (Topic and Focus) proves to be very important factor because Korean morphological form varies according to its context and situation. Therefore Conversational Implicature is postulated to explain the pragmatic function of subject ease marking 'i/ka' and object case marking 'il'lil' in Korean double subject and object construction.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국전쟁 경험과 지역사회의 이념갈등 -전남 영광지역을 중심으로-

        김경학 영남대학교 민족문화연구소 2007 민족문화논총 Vol.37 No.-

        This study aims at exploring the ideological fight between the rightists and the leftists / the conservative forces and the progressive forces ignited by some events at the very beginning of the 21st century in the Yeong Gwang-gun, Chollanamdo. It was regretful that the civilians of Yeong Gwang had been targets of rampant massacres by militant leftists during the Korean War. The historical inter-Korean summit meeting in 2000 largely promoted inter-Korean reconciliations and became the momentum of peaceful coexistence in the Korean Peninsula. In the same year, the progressive residents intended to shed new light on the poem by composed by a poet Jo-Woon who crossed over the border into North Korea before the Korean War by erecting a monument inscribed with a poem named 'Seok-Rue'(a pomegranate). In 2002, an old woman of ‘Walbul Kajok’(left families in South Korea by movers to North Korea) has been in spotlight by the broadcasting and press after her visiting North Korea to meet long-separated husband who crossed into North Korea during the Korean War. This research reviewed some backgrounds and scenarios of ideological disputes between left-wing organizations and progressive forces during- and post-war by focusing on the above-mentioned two incidents(monument and reunion). It is quite relevant to say that the fierce ideological fights between the right-wingery people, especially the surviving families of the civilian massacre and the regional progressive forces are not likely to end in no distant future in the anticommunism-stricken regions like Yeong Gwang.

      • 주어 교체 현상에 대한 이론과 주어 선택에 대해

        김경학 水原大學校 2014 論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        This paper deals with the theory of subject alternations and the choice of subject. In section 2, I review Fillmore(1968)'s case grammar and thematic hierarchy. In section 3, I will discuss Dowty(1991)’s properties of proto-role and the argument selection principle and then some problems and disadvantages of his explanations. In section 4, I will discuss Langacker(1991)’s cognitive grammar and the profile principle and then some problems and disadvantages of his explanations will be pointed out. In section 5, I will discuss the information structure and topic. Then I will argue that the choice of subject in the point of information structure will have many advantages.

      • KCI등재
      • 처소동사의 논항교체현상과 하위분류

        김경학 水原大學校 2000 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        This paper deals with locative verbs and their classification in terms of argument structure alternations. Locative verbs and argument structure alternations can be found in the examples like Mary loaded the hay onto the truck./ Mary loaded the truck with the hay. The meanings of two sentences are different from each other. The former indicates the manner of motion, and the latter indicates the change of state. That means that one verb like 'load' has the two different meanings: polysemy. On the other hand. the verb like 'pour' only indicates the manner of motion (Tamara poured water into the bowl./*Tamara poured the bowl with water.) and the verb like 'fill' only indicates the change of state.(Bill filled the tank with water./*Bill filled water into the tank.) In this paper, I discuss classification of locative verbs in the point of the argument structure alternations. In section 2, I discuss Dowty's(1981) proto-role properties (a small subset of lexical entailments without thematic roles in the traditional sense) and the argument selection principles, and point out that it needs some more detailed classification of locative verbs. In section 3. I describe Pinker's(1989) lexical rules and classification of locative verbs. His theory is that the syntactic frame of a verb is predictable from the semantic representation of the verb. Different syntactic frames, therefore, reflect differences in the semantic representations of the verb. However his lexical rules and classification of locative verbs have some problems about the argument structure alternations like the verb 'load and spray'. In section 4. the locative verbs are classified into five classes.

      • KCI등재
      • 영어의 기본문장구조의 분석과 생성문법에 대해

        金慶學 水原大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        This paper deals with the constructions of English basic sentences and the principles of universal grammar. The sentence structures have to be analyzed according to the linear order as well as the hierarchical structure. In the Traditional Grammar, however, the linear order is only focused in the analysis of the 5 patterns of English sentences. In section Ⅱ, the phrase structure rules of the Standard Theory will be discussed on the point of Generative Grammar. It is pointed out that they deal with the hierarchical structure and linear order as well, but their generative capacity is limited and they only focus on English. In section Ⅲ, the X-bar structure will be discussed on the point of the Language Universal Principles. It is also pointed out that the lexical structure represents the language universal thematic structure but thematic structure cannot be captured only by the syntactic structure just like X-bar structure and that the semantic interpretation principles are needed in the analysis of sentence structures.

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