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      • KCI등재후보

        민족, 종족, 디아스포라의 자아의식

        김게르만(Kim German) 건국대학교 통일인문학연구단 2011 통일인문학 Vol.52 No.-

        이 글은 디아스포라의 자아의식에 대한 연구이다. 오늘날 관심이 급격히 증가되고 있는 디아스포라 문제에 관한 연구들은 다음과 같이 몇 그룹으로 분류될 수 있다. 첫 번째 그룹은 종족 정체성과 종족성의 의의와 기원을 설명하는 이론적인 개요들의 연구들이다. 두 번째 그룹은 특정한 종족-사회적 현상과 같은, 디아스포라의 구체적인 특수성과 다양한 관점들의 연구들이다. 세 번째 그룹은 지금보다 더 큰 관심을 끈 다양한 원인의 결과 중에 종족 디아스포라의 종족문화적, 사회-경제적, 법률적이고 국제적인 관점들의 연구들이다. 네 번째 그룹은 국외에서 이루어진 러시아 디아스포라 문제에 관한 연구들이다. 디아스포라의 자아의식은 종족적이거나 민족적인 것과 자주 혼합된다. 하지만 종족집단과 국가라는 사회적 존재의 차이 때문에 그것들과 완전히 일치하는 것은 아니다. 종족 정체성은 구체적인 종족의 공통성인 종족적 자아인지에 대한 종족 자결의 과정이라 불리는 것과 결부된다. 종족적 자아의식은 실제로 종족의 구별되는 특징을 평가하고 이해하는 완전한 체계이다. 알려진 바와 같이, 민족의식은 다른 민족적 공통성에 대한 태도, 사회적인 생활에 있어서의 국가의 역할과 위치, 국가의 실재의 반영이다. 그리고 민족의식은 민족의 실재의 구성과 상응하여 구성된다. 종족적 자아의식 특징들의 의미와 역할은 역사적-정치적인 상황과 종족적 환경의 특성과 강화에 따라 변화한다. 선구 이주자들을 시작으로 그 다음 세대를 확인하는 디아스포라 관념은 디아스포라 자아의식의 중요한 위치를 차지한다. 이 이념을 기초로 자신의 역사적인 운명의 특별함이 인식된다. 수용국가에 뿌리를 내린, 동요된 이주 종족 집단과는 달리, 디아스포라는 그들의 삶과 후손들의 삶이 새로운 모국과 관계를 갖는다는 것을 인식하고 있다. This paper is the study on the self-consciousness of diaspora. Studies on diaspora-problem are classified into four groups. The first group is the theoretical study on the meaning and origin of the ethnic identity and ethnicity. The second group is the study on the distinct characteristics and various perspectives of the diaspora. The third group is the study on ethnic-cultural, social-economical, legal and international perspectives of diaspora. the fourth group is the study on Russian diaspora in foreign country. The self-consciousness of diaspora is mixed with the ethnic or national. The ethnic identity is connected with the ethnical self-recognition of the so called ethnical self-determination process. The self-consciousness is the complete system which estimates and makes sense the distinct characteristics of ethnicity. The national consciousness is the reflection of the attitude toward national community, the role and position of state in social life. And the national consciousness is composed in accord with the reality of nation. The meaning and role of ethnical self-consciousness of diaspora is changed with historical-political situation and ethnical environment.

      • KCI등재

        한인의 러시아 극동지역 이주와 정착

        김게르만 ( Kim German N ) 한국민족운동사학회 2005 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.42 No.-

        Based on the extensive historical sources and first of all on the statistical data, the article examines the history of migration of Koreans to the Russian Far East. Originally the Korean peasants migrated to the borderline territories of the Russian Far East and Manchuria where inhabitants of the Korean peninsular had had a long history of land cultivation. In the Russian Maritime provinces and neighboring regions the Korean settlers of the period under consideration appeared in the first half of 60-ies of the XIX century. The pre-revolutionary immigration to Russia underwent three stages in its development: 1863~1884; 1884~1905; 1905~1917, each of them was characterized by different volume, speed and character of migration and also by the policy of the tsarist Russia regarding the influx of the Korean migrants.

      • KCI등재후보

        민족, 종족, 디아스포라의 자아의식

        김게르만 ( Kim German ) 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2012 한국시베리아연구 Vol.16 No.1

        최근 디아스포라에 대해 집중된 관심에는 몇 가지 이유가 있다. 첫번째는 개념의 본질 자체가 바뀌었다는 것이다. 두 번째는 디아스포라 연구의 현실성은 시공간적 범주에서의 전면적인 연구를 필요로 한다. 세 번째는 디아스포라는 국가의 대내, 대외정치간 일관되는 국제관계에서의 주체와 대내정치의 객체가 되었으며, 이로 인해 현재 정치학에서는 국제관계에 디아스포라 영향의 문제 연구들은 특히 큰 관심을 보이고 있다. 마지막으로 디아스포라 패러다임은 체코슬로바키아, 유고슬로비아, 구소련의 몰락과 동방연합의 붕괴 후, 단일국가의 이전 시민들의 수천만 사람들이 급격히 디아스포라의 상황에 놓이게 되었을 때 고유한 음성을 만들어 내었다. 이에 대한 디아스포라 문제에 관한 현재의 연구 그룹은 다음과 같이 분류된다: 첫 번째 그룹은 ‘디아스포라’ 연구들을 위해서 현재 기초를 이루고 있는 이론적이고 방법론적인 설계의 어려움들이다. 두 번째 그룹은 특정한 종족-사회적 현상과 같은, 디아스포라의 구체적인 특수성과 다양한 관점들의 연구들이다. 세 번째 그룹은 지금보다 더 큰 관심을 끈 다양한 원인의 결과 중에 종족 디아스포라의 기능의 종족문화적, 사회-경제적, 법률적이고 국제적인 관점들의 연구들이다. 네 번째 경향은 국외에서의 러시아 디아스포라 문제에 관한 연구들이다. 디아스포라의 종족적 자아의식 특징들의 의미와 역할은 역사적-정치적인 상황과 종족적 환경의 특성과 강화에 따라 변화한다. 오랜 역사 동안 종족적 특징들의 구성에서 디아스포라의 본질이 의식, 관습과 전통으로 바뀌었다는 주장은 어느 정도 연역적이며, 이러한 연역법은 그 주장의 사실을 포함하고 있다. 실제로 오랜 민족명절에 디아스포라인들은 다른 이들과 완전히 구별되고 다르다고 느끼고 있다. 선구 이주자들을 시작으로 그 다음 세대를 확인하는 핵심과 같은 디아스포라 이념은 디아스포라 자아의식의 중요한 위치를 차지한다. 이 이념을 기초로 자신의 역사적인 운명의 특별함이 인식된다; 모친의 종족과 다른 나라에 있는 그 일부들과의 유사점과 차이점; 역사적 모국과의 관계 수단의 성립과 유지의 필요성; 거주국의 내부 디아스포라의 강화와 종족 간 통합 지향. 수용국가에 뿌리를 내린, 동요된 이주 종족 집단과는 달리, 디아스포라는 그들의 삶과 후손들의 삶이 새로운 모국과 관계를 갖는다는 것을 인식하고 있다. The concept of “diaspora” has changed, there are now new criteria according to which we relate to diasporas and other groups of people forming a community, though this may not be solely based on the notion of homogenous ethnic origin. The last decade has seen a drastic broadening of political, socio- economic and ethno-cultural problems, all of which include a key definition of “diaspora”. Diaspora self-consciousness is often mixed with the ethnic and the national, yet does not coincide with them completely and also does not find itself in the relationship between the part and the whole due to the various social lives of its bearers - the nation and ethnic group. This kind of blend and overlap in understanding, however, can be attributed to that fact that all three communities of people, differing in many respects from each other, share with each other the core of “ethnicity.” Ethnic self-consciousness, on the other hand, is a stable system of conscious perceptions and assessments of actual ethno-differentiating and ethno-integrating signs of ethnicity. That is, the understanding of ethnic consciousness is voluminous and multi-faceted and is reflected in the various manifestations of life of an ethnos. The most significant and peculiar of ethnic characteristics include ethnonym (self), the origin and historical background of the members of an ethnos, ethnicity, territory, language, religion, culture and the economy, all representing the elements of various subsystems and spheres of ethnic culture. Furthermore, culture and ethnicity is represented in the media as anthropological and psychological reflective of the members of an ethnic group. National consciousness, as is known, presents a reflection of being a nation, its place and role in the life of society, its relationship to other national communities. National consciousness develops in parallel with the formation of national life. Long-term residence in another country transforms the generation of immigrants into a subethnos, a Diaspora, a splinter broken away from the main ethnic core, with a culture, lifestyle and language that differs from the original. The representatives of this kind of subethnos (Diaspora) usually have dual ethnic identity, with a consciousness of belonging to the larger ethnos, and a consciousness of belonging to the Diaspora. One of the keys to understanding the essence of Diaspora consciousness is understanding that the Diaspora does not generate Diaspora consciousness, but that, on the contrary, Diaspora consciousness creates the Diaspora. The genesis of the Diaspora, on the whole, is objective, but to argue that the processes of Diaspora formation have ended is possible only with the formation of Diaspora consciousness.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        박 미하일 소설 연구

        정덕준(Chung Dukjoon),김게르만(Kim German) 한국언어문학회 2015 한국언어문학 Vol.94 No.-

        Park Mikhail is not ex-Sakhalin writer and ex-Yeonhaeju writer, and so ex-North Korea writer. He was born Uzbekistan, and studied in Tadzhikistan, and then mostly worked in Kazakhstan, and now is around Russia. He thinks CIS Korean's matter integrated with Soviet regime's contradiction. And in the process he does not erase nationalty and does not hold in bondage, and he seeks rather prospect to overcome CIS Korean's matter and Soviet regime's contradiction through characters that strive high-artistic achievement. The works Sunflower Petal Flutter has two novels as Sunflower Petal Flutter and A pier of Angels. This two novels are very meaningful to writer. The former ferrets out the writer's identitat with reference to CIS Korean's history of migration, the latter is the novel that writer thinks most valuably. This two novels have all painter heros as writer's other self. Park Mikhail redintegrates CIS Korean's history of migration through the novel Sunflower Petal Flutter, and at the same time strives the writer's Identit„t(identity) as CIS Korean writer. In other words, he seeks prospect to overcome the hard lives of Joseon Persons of migration and for the moment unreasonable reality, and at the same time ferrets out the writer's Identit„t as CIS Korean. A pier of Angels embodies many contradictions that Joseon Persons of migration have been suffered under Soviet regime, and at the same time ferrets out the writer's Identit„t as CIS Korean. Especially A pier of Angels does not erase nationalty and does not hold in bondage, and it seeks rather prospect to overcome CIS Korean's matter and Soviet regime's contradiction through the artistic world that does not pander to the contradiction. Ultimately the writer counterbalances between nation and ex-nation. This is the writer Park Mikhail's prominent feature.

      • KCI등재

        독립국가연합 지역 한국학 진흥 방안 연구

        임영상(Yim Young-Sang),현택(Kim Hyun-Taek),김게르만(Kim German) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2001 슬라브학보 Vol.16 No.2

        This article purports to present a set of new strategic considerations for the development of Korean studies in CIS area, based on the careful study of the history and the current situation of Korean studies in this area. As the second chapter of this article explicates, Korean studies in Imperial and Soviet Russia can be divided into four respective periods: 1) before the Bolshevik revolution, 2) after the Bolshevik revolution until the 1950's, 3) 1960's and 1970's, 4) after 1980's until now. And each period produced a specific trend of Korean studies, reflecting the political and ideological situation of the given times. The first period was characterized by its primary efforts on accumulating the basic information about Korea. During the second period Korean studies in Soviet Russia was placed under the strong influence of ideological bias. However, namely this period witnessed the institutionalization of Korean studies, especially, in the fields of language and literature. The third period is most interesting, since Korean studies experienced a time of prosperity in various fields. The last, fourth period is closely connected with the establishment of diplomatic relations between Republic of Korea and Soviet Union in 1990. The establishment of official relations between South Korea and Russia triggered among Russians great interest on Korean studies as a whole. And Korean language is now being taught at many educational institutions throughout the country. And thanks to the recent translations and monographs in Russian. Russian readers are now able to get familiar with, at least, major aspects of Korean history, literature, politics and economy. In spite of this recent positive development of Korean studies in CIS area, we are now faced with some new problems as well. It is quite encouraging that geographic map of Korean studies in CIS is expanding rapidly, reaching from major European cities to remote provincial centers. However, a close look at its current situation indicates that in fact Korean studies in CIS area, once recognized as one of the best examples abroad, is in desperate situation because of following problems: 1) the retirement of well qualified specialists and the lack of capable young teaching staff who can replace the old generation, 2) the gradual decrease of students studying Korean, with the exception of Far East and Central Asia, due to the difficulty of finding appropriate job with the knowledge of Korean language, 3) the absence of well organized curriculum for Korean studies and the urgent need in necessary textbooks and secondary materials, 4) the inappropriate procedures for selecting Korean teaching staff working abroad. In the light of above mentioned problems. we can make some suggestions, which might be useful in formulating the new strategy for the development of Korean studies in CIS area. First, in order to maximize the efficiency of given material resources, it is necessary to divide educational institutions(which currently offer Korean studies program) into two categories: 1) an educational and research center with a differentiated field of concentration, 2) a strategic educational center for Korean immigrants, living compactly in a specific region. Second, we need to provide talented future scholars with corresponding financial support in order that they can devote themselves only to studies on Korea. The success of this program entirely depends on the objective procedures for defining and selecting the well-promising candidates. Third, new textbooks, adapted for the local needs, are essential for effective teaching. At the same time at the so-called educational and research centers we try to build a solid library, which are furnished with basic references and data base. Fourth, we need to pay close attention to who might be a best Korean candidate to teach abroad. A serious specialist in Korean linguistics without the minimum knowledge of Russian

      • KCI등재

        알마티시 고려인들의 민족간 결혼 문제

        게르만(German N. Kim) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2001 역사문화연구 Vol.14 No.-

        The article studies various aspects of inter-ethnic marriages among Koreans in KazakhstanCthe city of Almaty) in the 90s. The choice of the city under study has been defined by its multinational population and the fact that every fifth of a hundred thousand Koreans lives here. The analysis of such issues as dependence of the frequency of inter-ethnic marriages on education . social status. sex . age: criteria of choosing a future partner: stability of a nationally-mixed family etc. has been done on the basis of two sources. The first selection from official records of acts of marriage. the second - materi als of a questionnaire. The article notes that t he number of Korean-mixed marriages has been ri sing for the last ten years. and their influence on the social-cultural development of the Korean diaspora has been increasing. The behavior and attitude of the younger generation of Koreans to inter-ethnic marriages is changing and by many parameters it is different from their parents stand. In future inter-ethnic marriages and nationally-mixed families will occupy even a more important place in the lives of Kazakhstan Koreans.

      • KCI등재
      • Anthroponymy of the Koryo Saram

        KIM, German 단국대학교 한국민족학연구소 1993 한국민족학 연구 Vol.- No.1

        In total, the mumber of Koreans who lived in the former USSR, according to the 1989 Census, was 439 thousands, the great bulk of whom live in Uzbekistan, Russia and Kazakhstan. The modern demography of the Korean populations in characterized by dispersion; this demography is a legacy of the policy of forced migration during the Stalin epoch, and also by processes of migration and infiltration among the Korean populations.

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