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      • KCI등재

        러시아 ‘운명’ 어휘를 통해서 본 러시아인들의 운명관

        길윤미 한국러시아문학회 2015 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.49 No.-

        Among Russian vocabulary, there are several words that are considered having an important meaning both historically and culturally, and are regarded as so-called cultural key words showing Russians' racial emotion and universal consciousness. Pravda, dusha, toska are those and ‘fate’ vocabulary which is the subject of this manuscript can be included in the foregoing. Those ‘fate’ words show Russians' fate's orientation very well. Our life that numerous coincidences are consequentially involved is a fate itself(sud'ba) and accordingly, not happening of anything wished is also the fate(ne-sud'ba) and human being cannot predict future events, so all we can do is to leave them to chance(avos'). Like this, surrendering oneself to fate is a religious virtue and is to conform with a law of nature in everyday life at the same time. And referring to a judgment about situation in the daily discourse as a ‘fate’ naturally is also a distinctive aspect in Russian fate's orientation. The vocabulary ‘fate’ awakens impossibility of controlling life and admits that everything in the world occurs irrespective of the human will, providing convenient means to surrender to it. In those ‘fate’ vocabulary, features that are frequently mentioned as Russians' ethnic characteristics such as passivity, humility and nature-centered view of the world are reflected, and awareness of a close relation between fate and everyday life is also included. That is why ‘fate’ which is considered universal notion has greater cultural undertone only in Russian society.

      • KCI등재

        현대 러시아어에서 슬라뱌니즘의 유형과 특징 연구

        길윤미 한국노어노문학회 2023 노어노문학 Vol.35 No.3

        본 논문은 현대 러시아어에서 ‘슬라뱌니즘’, 곧 고대슬라브어, 교회슬라브어로부터 차용된 단어들의 유형과 형태적 특징을 고찰하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 논문은 슬라뱌니즘을 크게 세 가지 유형으로 구분하고 있다. 첫째, 러시아어휘 시스템 안으로 공고히 들어와 보통의 러시아단어가 된 ‘역사적 슬라뱌니즘’이 있다. 둘째, 러시아 고유어와의 경쟁에서 밀려나 체계 밖으로 나감으로써 주로 문체적 기능으로 활용되는 것들은 ‘문체적 슬라뱌니즘’이라 불린다. 셋째, 후대에 교회슬라브어를 모델로 하여 인위적으로 만들어진 ‘의사슬라뱌니즘’도 있다. 의사슬라뱌니즘의 독특한 조어 방식은 현대 러시아어의 신조어 구성에서도 발견된다. 슬라뱌니즘의 대다수는 일정한 형태적 특징을 공유한다. 이 특징들은 동슬라브어와 구별되는 남슬라브어의 소리변화의 결과가 단어의 외관에 남긴 흔적들이다. 그리하여 슬라뱌니즘은 고유한 러시아단어들과, 비충음형 vs. 충음형, 자음군 жд vs. ж, 자음 щ vs. ч, 모음 е vs. ё와 같은 대립쌍을 형성한다. The purpose of this paper is to examine the types and morphological features of Slavonicisms in modern Russian. Slavonicisms are words that came into Russian from Old Church Slavonic and Church Slavonic. The paper divides Slavonicisms into three main types. First, there are "historical Slavonicisms" that have solidified into the Russian vocabulary system and become ordinary Russian words. Second, "stylistic Slavonicisms" have been pushed out of the system by competition with Russian words. Third, there are some "pseudo-Slavonicisms" that were artificially created by imitating the Church Slavonic in the later period. The unique word formation method of pseudo-Slavonicisms is still used in the formation of new words in modern Russian. Many Slavonicisms share certain morphological features. They are traces of the result of changes in the sounds of South Slavic, which differ from East Slavic, left in the form of words. Thus, Slavonicisms are confronted with Russian words as follows: Non-pleophony vs. pleophony, consonant group жд vs. ж, consonant щ vs. ч, vowel sound е vs ё.

      • KCI등재

        러시아어에 반영된 투르크어와 투르크문화: 러시아 화폐용어를 중심으로

        길윤미 한국러시아문학회 2020 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.70 No.-

        This study is to examine how Turkic languages and cultures influenced Russian language and culture based on Russian monetary terms. As the unique currency began to be cast in Russian society at the end of the 14th century, new monetary terms also appeared. It is noteworthy that these new terms were mainly Turkic-based borrowed words. Both Denga and Altyn, the currency names representing the time, were Turkism. Considering the fact that most of the currency names of the previous era were Russian native, it can be seen that the influence of Turkic languages and cultures on Russian society was great. It is also necessary to pay attention to the origin of the representative currency terms Ruble and Kopeika in modern Russian society. They have been regarded as a Russian words without any doubt, but there are a lot of reasons and grounds to regard both words as Turkism. 'Russian words hypothesis' reveals insufficientness in many aspects, so it does not seem necessary to accept it without filtering. Considering that most of the economic terms that refer to taxes and money were Turkic borrowed words at the time, Ruble and Kopeika are also likely to be Turkic. Thus, it can be seen that through currency-related Russian Turkism the influence of Turkic languages and cultures after the Mongol Empire's invasion penetrates deep into Russian daily life and leaves a clear trace in language.

      • KCI등재

        트레디아콥스키의 언어 이론의 변화 양상 연구

        길윤미 한국러시아문학회 2022 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.79 No.-

        Trediakovsky is known as a translator and poet, but he is also a linguistic theorist who has written numerous articles on the problems of the language situation in Russia and the improvement of Russian. However, his linguistic theory contains quite different contents and directions from time to time. This paper attempts to trace the changes of his linguistic theory in the early and late period of his activities and to analyze the way in which theoretical changes are reflected in the text. Theoretical changes stand out in three aspects. First, the evaluation of the specificity of the language situation in Russia and the idea of improving the Russian literary language, second, the change of the concept of 'usage', which occupies an important position in his linguistic theory, and third, a view of the correlation between Russian and Church Slavonic. Trediakovsky used texts as a kind of language laboratory to apply his theory, and his writings reflect these theoretical changes well. Based on his own writings and remarks, this study examines the aspects of the theoretical changes reflected in actual language use, focusing on specific examples.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 운명 어휘를 통해서 본 러시아인들의 운명관

        길윤미 한국러시아문학회 2015 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.49 No.-

        Among Russian vocabulary, there are several words that are considered having an important meaning both historically and culturally, and are regarded as so-called cultural key words showing Russians`` racial emotion and universal consciousness. Pravda, dusha, toska are those and ‘fate’ vocabulary which is the subject of this manuscript can be included in the foregoing. Those ‘fate’ words show Russians`` fate``s orientation very well. Our life that numerous coincidences are consequentially involved is a fate itself(sud``ba) and accordingly, not happening of anything wished is also the fate(ne-sud``ba) and human being cannot predict future events, so all we can do is to leave them to chance(avos``). Like this, surrendering oneself to fate is a religious virtue and is to conform with a law of nature in everyday life at the same time. And referring to a judgment about situation in the daily discourse as a ‘fate’ naturally is also a distinctive aspect in Russian fate``s orientation. The vocabulary ‘fate’ awakens impossibility of controlling life and admits that everything in the world occurs irrespective of the human will, providing convenient means to surrender to it. In those ‘fate’ vocabulary, features that are frequently mentioned as Russians`` ethnic characteristics such as passivity, humility and nature-centered view of the world are reflected, and awareness of a close relation between fate and everyday life is also included. That is why ‘fate’ which is considered universal notion has greater cultural undertone only in Russian society.

      • KCI등재

        진실과 소통을 향하여: 러시아 언어-문화에서 дyшa의 의미화

        길윤미 한국러시아문학회 2013 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.43 No.-

        AYIIIa has received much attention as a word to well reflect Russian nationalistic sentiments, their view of the world, and value orientation. Insemantics of AyIIIa are also contained general meanings owned By similar Words oF other languages but possibly, the reason why it has been paid much attention to as one of Russian cultural key words is becausw of its unique Russian implication. This paper aims at elucidating the cultural implication contained in AyIIIa as well as the lexical meaning of AyIIIa. For this, we attempt applyings approaches of two directions as follows: First, we investigate characteristics of lexical meaning of AyIIIa through comparing it with Ayx, yM, and cepAIIe which seem share the meaning area with AyIIIa in Russian language. And next, We examine how it is differentiated from these words in the meaning area covered by AyIIIa and focusing pont through comparing it with words representing mental(psychological) areas in other languages, for example, English mind, French esprit, and Korean maeum, and nest, we elucidate unique Russian characteristics AyIIIa has come to contain in Russian historical and cultural context.Through this process we will demonstrate that AyIIIa haw semantic diversity covering spirituality, sensitivity, and intelligence and contains Russian recognitition of inseparability (close relationships) of these mental areas.In addition, it is a unique view of Russian language and culture to understand AyIIIa associating it with Russian national traits, further without limiting it to individual mental ares.Finally, it seems that semantics of Ay IIIa reflects an idea that its complete Values are revealed when each individual`s most secret and deep center, AyIIIa is living and breathing in communication with others.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 언어와 문화에서 인텔리겐치아 개념에 관한 소고

        길윤미 한국러시아문학회 2016 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.55 No.-

        The word `intelligentsia` first appeared in the Russian stage in the early eighteenth century. While `intelligentsia` was originally an abstract noun meaning `intelligence, recognition ability` in those days, conversion of meaning to a collective noun referring to `a group of intellectuals` was made after the mid-nineteenth century. As a group of intellectuals, invention of the term `intelligentsia` is frequently left to the share of an author named Boborykin, but an opinion that it is not the service by the inventor of the term and it was rather a collective creativity by the people who started to use the term in the late 1860s is encouraged more through to recent studies. In the aforementioned process, contribution by the conservative camp opposing to it as well as the contribution by the camp who firmly defended the term was not a little. Through a heated argument between the camps, the word started to be stamped gradually on the recognition of Russians as a term. Since then, the concept of intelligentsia kept developing on a unique aspect in Russian language and culture. From the early stage of the formation of concept to modern times, its uniqueness is findable in a close relationship between concept and negative nuance of intelligentsia. Going through the age of Soviet after the Russian Revolution, attributes indigenous to the term such as `ethicality, guilty toward the general public, sacrificing spirit` which distinguished Russian intelligentsia from Western intellectuals are considered receded, whereas the negativity of the concept of intelligentsia has been expanded as the `attribute of petit bourgeois` is emphasized. When viewing the close relationship between concept and negative nuance of intelligentsia at a different angle, we can read agonies and seeking over true intelligentsia. Social recognition toward ideal and normative attribute of intelligentsia was already established from the early stage of the formation of concept, and varied linguistic means from addition of prefix and suffix to the creation of neologism were mobilized to distinguish `fakes` from `true` intelligentsia having such attribute. Attempts to sort out `fakes` have still continued in modern Russian society, and when considering such efforts a little differently, it is considered a search for attribute and duty of true intelligentsia and it also shows that idea for true intelligentsia has been handed down continuously.

      • KCI등재

        правда와 истина를 통해서 본 러시아적 진의 가치

        길윤미 한국러시아문학회 2017 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.58 No.-

        In Russian there are two words for truth; правда(Pravda) and истина (Istina). In contemporary Russian, Istina means transcendental, invariable, absolute truth belonging to God`s domain, while Pravda corresponds to relative and subjective truth of humans. In the past, interrelationship between the two, though, were quite different from now. Initially Istina was related with the meanings of `substance, reality, existence`, and Pravda represented the complex meanings of `righteousness, justice, law, trial`, resulting in relatively clear distinction between the two words. Incorporation of religious notions into these words since the introduction of Christianity to Russia further deepened semantic division of them. In step with clear distinction between human, real world and God`s spiritual world, Istina was associated with the former meaning and Pravda became closely associated with the latter. Essential conceptual change of Pravda and Istina occurred following the formation of human-centered modern world view. That is, as the two words began to shake away from the religious contexts, Istina was principally applied to invariable law of nature, whereas Pravda gradually began to refer to human and real world. Over the course of `perceptual secularization` as such, Pravda gradually began to have the similar meaning with Istina. In other words, semantic approximation emerged based on agreement with real world - `truth`. Like this, Pravda lost original meanings of `law, judgement` and got the meaning of `justice` - commonly used in the 19th Century - weakened, and consequently altered to mean `truth` largely. And so, contemporary Pravda appears very often in relation with `words` while people evaluate `truth` in daily communication. Here, Pravda has unique meaning of `truth` because rather than meaning that what the speaker says is true, it highlights that the speaker is a honest and frank person. Pravda and Istina, which are closely interrelated and have a subtle and essential difference, contain core values of Russian culture. Pravda - integrating `truth` and `justice` as well as conceptualizing `frankness` - and Istina - referring to absolute, transcendental and universal truth - reveal complex and multi-sided nature of value of Russian truth on one hand and provide a diverse range of perceptions on value of truth on the other.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 언어-문화에서 친구 개념의 변천과 특징 : друг, подруга, товарищ를 중심으로

        길윤미 한국러시아문학회 2018 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.60 No.-

        The purpose of this article was to examine changes of the concept of friend in Russian language and culture - focused on the principal words used to express a friend from the ancient times - as well as characteristics of Russian concept of friend. товарищ, originated from Turkish and meaning ‘business partner’ in the beginning, has experienced diverse semantic changes over the course of long time. Especially during the Soviet Union period, it underwent such a large change that it was even considered to be a new word, and high symbolism and value of this word reflects demand of the time for ideal human relationship and friendship. подруга, with no proper equivalence in Korean, also cherishes unique characteristics of Russian culture. It's often considered to be feminine form of друг, but between them exists semantic imbalance apart from gender difference. This article sought to find the essence of this imbalance from feminine implications contained in подруга. Through the existence of the word подруга and its semantic characteristic, this study found, Russians perceived lives of women in Russian culture and their stereotyped socializing methods. друг, a typical word expressing concept of friend in Russia has diverse characteristics too. This study finds the most remarkable semantic quality of this word from the elements of ‘help’ and ‘communication’. The former element was already possessed in the ancient times and yet has become further activated until today's modern society via the Soviet Union period. Its another characteristic would be the significance of ‘communication’ друг contains amid interrelations of правда and душа considered to be other key words in Russian culture.

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