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        길병옥,Kil, Byung-Ok 대전대학교 군사연구원 2007 군사학연구 Vol.5 No.-

        Government duties in the cases of crisis are aimed at supporting efficient military operations in the fields of non-military affairs and resource mobilization, maintenance of government functions, and search for the public security of living during the war. In crisis, the government must change its functions into the total-war system with all resources available for the efficient performance of military operations, war economy, public safety and security as well as government continuance. The main contents of "Chung-Mu Plan" include the alternative measures to control the circulation of life necessities, emergency electricity, water and gas; recover public facilities from the disaster; and accommodate the wounded and refugees. Governments have practiced Ul-chi and ChungMoo exercises to improve government's management capabilities and master standard operating procedures including systematic distribution plans in the national and local level. However, such plans have not yet sufficient enough for the maintenance of public security of living. In addition to the conceptual ambiguity, major problems are the inappropriate system of the war economy, legal institutions, and administrative SOPs for the efficient maintenance of it. Thus, for the betterment of national crisis management system, the government should have the manual stated from every step and level dealing with crisis to the legal institutions. It is important to empower the National Emergency Planning Commission for the policy consistency and efficient/effective implementation. The comprehensive plans must have an integrated cooperative system of the central/local governments, military and civil society with actual practices and exercises for the maintenance of the public security of living.

      • KCI등재

        한국형 항공모함 및 함재기의 효과적 획득전략에 관한 연구

        길병옥 ( Kil Byung-ok ) 미래군사학회 2022 한국군사학논총 Vol.11 No.4

        군사력 건설에 대한 의사결정에 있어서 핵심적인 고려사항은 전략적 효과, 경제적 효율성, 그리고 국민적 공감대 내지는 합의 등이다. 특히 최첨단 무기체계를 획득하는 과정에서 국내개발과 해외도입에 대한 논란이 지속되어 왔다. 현재 항공모함 건조 관련하여서는 군사력 건설의 방향과 시점 그리고 구체적인 기술개발 등이 지연되거나 보류되고 있다. 항모 건설의 전략적 대안을 비교분석하여 최적의 방안을 도출해내야 하는 상황이다. 본 연구는 한국형 항공모함 및 함재기의 효과적인 획득방안을 제시하고 미래 전략적 방향을 모색하는 것이 주요 목적이다. 구체적으로 항모 건설의 적절성과 전략적 고려사항을 먼저 살펴보고 한국형 항모와 함재기의 국내 개발과 해외도입의 장단점을 비교분석한다. 국내개발과 해외도입의 장단점은 동전의 양면과 같아서 어느 한쪽을 추구하기보다는 장단점을 철저하게 검토하고 분석하여 전략적 효과와 경제적 효용성을 극대화하는 것이 필요하다는 점을 제기한다. 본 연구는 다음과 같은 경우의 수를 두고 함재기 획득방안에 대한 의견을 개진한다. 먼저 항모 건조에 있어서 중항모를 선택하는 경우 함재기는 국내개발을 우선적으로 추진하고 필요한 장비와 기술을 해외도입하는 것이 바람직하다고 본다. 만약 경항모를 선택하는 경우에는 함재기는 해외에서 도입하고 필요한 무기체계는 국내에서 개발하여 장착하는 것을 선호한다. 현재 항모 건설과 관련하여서는 국민적 공감대 확보와 정부의 지원 그리고 산업계의 협업이 절실한 과제이다. Economic efficiency, strategic effectiveness, and public consensus are key issues in the decision-making processes of building, operating and maintaining military forces. In particular, controversies over the domestic development and overseas acquisition have been continued in acquiring state-of-the-art weapons systems. Currently, regarding the construction of aircraft carrier, in addition to the direction and time of it, specific plans of core technology development are delayed or suspended. It is necessary to derive the optimal method by comparing and analyzing the strategic alternatives for the acquisition of aircraft carrier. The main purpose of this study is to present an effective acquisition plan for the Korean aircraft carrier and to seek future strategic directions. Specifically, the adequacy and strategic considerations of aircraft carrier construction are first examined, and the advantages and disadvantages of domestic development and overseas acquisition are analyzed. The pros and cons of them are the same as both sides of the coin, raising the need to maximize strategic effectiveness and economic utility by thoroughly reviewing the pros and cons rather than pursuing either side. This inquiry elucidates the following perspectives on the acquisition plan: First of all, in the case of selecting an Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier, it is desirable to prioritize domestic development and acquire necessary equipment and technology from overseas. And second, if a light aircraft carrier is selected, it is preferred to acquire the fighter plane from overseas and develop the necessary weapon systems internally. The primary task lies in securing public consensus, government support, and industrial cooperation for the construction of aircraft carrier.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 해양안보전략과 다자안보협력 증진방안

        길병옥 ( Kil Byung Ok ) 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2020 한국시베리아연구 Vol.24 No.3

        최근 동북아 지역정세에서 주목할 만한 부분이 해양에서의 패권경쟁이다. 특히 중국의 급격한 국력증강과 과기강국(科技强國)에 의한 화평굴기(和平屈起) 전략이 대외정책에서 공세적으로 변화된 모습을 보이고 있고 이에 대응하려는 주변국들의 외교정책과 중국의 부상을 견제하여 패권을 유지하려는 미국의 아시아 회귀 및 재균형 전략이 혼재되어 발생하고 있다. 한국의 강력한 동맹국인 미국과 다자안보협력 증진의 주요 파트너인 중국이 해양패권을 위한 경쟁 내지는 충돌하는 상황에서 한국은 양자동맹과 다자협력을 동시에 추진하진 해야 하는 어려움이 있는 것이 사실이다. 현재의 상황에서 한국이 선택 가능한 해양안보정책 방향은 ①한·미동맹 발전 우선 다자안보협력 증진 참여 ②한·미동맹 발전 및 다자안보협력 증진 동시 추진 ③다자안보협력 증진 우선 한·미동맹 유지 등 세 가지 가운데 하나로 보인다. 한국이 처한 안보환경 상 가장 이상적인 방향은 공동번영과 평화유지 차원의 동맹과 협력의 공진화(共進化, coevolution)이지만 안보환경과 지역 국가들간의 패권경쟁과 국익추구 등의 이해관계가 복잡하게 얽혀있어 한국은 선택적 차원에서 심도 있는 전략적 판단과 분석이 요구된다. 본 연구는 한국이 그동안 추진해 온 한·미동맹과 관련된 군사외교활동, 다자안보협력 증진의 방안으로서 주변국과의 군사외교활동, 다자안 보협력기구와의 군사외교활동 등에 대한 통시적 분석을 시도한다. 한국의 다자안보협력 군사외교활동은 미·중 패권경쟁의 일환으로 진행되고 있는 갈등으로 인해 전략적 선택에 제한을 받고 있다. 따라서 향후 해양분쟁요인 중 군사적/비군사적 분쟁요인과 전통적/비전통적 분쟁요인에 대한 분석과 지역 정세변화에 대한 면밀한 고찰을 통해 우리의 정책적 대안을 마련하는 것이 방향이다. 한국은 미국을 포함하여 전략적 해양동맹 및 협력체제를 구축하고 동맹의 다변화를 추진해야 한다는 점을 강조한다. Recently, a noteworthy part in the Northeast Asian regional politics is a competition for the hegemony in the sea. In particular, there are complexities with China’s rising strategy through peace and stability, by way of abrupt state building and strong nation on the basis of science and technology, portrayed in a way that is aggressive and in respective neighboring countries’ foreign policies and the US, maintaining hegemony, retrospective and re-balancing strategy toward Asia aimed at prohibiting China’s rising. In the midst of the US and China struggling for the maritime hegemony, South Korea has limitations in promoting both alliance and multinational cooperation at the same time. The former is a powerful alliance and the latter is a major partner of multinational security cooperation to South Korea. In the current status, a selectable direction for the maritime security policies is one of the following: ①ROK-US alliance first and participating multinational security cooperation, ②promoting ROK-US alliance and multinational security cooperation simultaneously, and ③multinational security cooperation first and maintaining ROK-US alliance. The most ideal direction is a coevolution of alliance and cooperation in the dimension of co-prosperity and peace maintenance, but South Korea needs to have a thoughtful strategic judgment and analysis due to the complexities of security environment and regional powers’ coercion forcing South Korea to select policy options. This inquiry attempts to have a longitudinal research on the military diplomacy activities with regard to the ROK-US alliance, multinational security cooperation, and multinational security institutions. South Korea has been faced limitations in selecting policy strategies for the multinational security cooperation because of the struggles competing for the hegemony between the US and China. Thus, a policy direction lies in the preparation of possible alternatives through a scrupulous and careful review on the changes of regional security politics as well as analysis on the military/non-military and traditional/nontraditional conflict factors in the future. This study stresses on the promotion of a strategic maritime alliance and cooperation system including the US and diversification of alliance mechanism.

      • KCI우수등재
      • 탈냉전 시대 미국의 대한반도 정책: 동향과 전망

        길병옥 ( Byung Ok Kil ) 국방대학교 안보문제연구소 2004 국방연구 Vol.47 No.1

        미국식 일방주의를 통한 국제질서의 재편, 대테러국제연대 그리고 국익의 극대화라 집약할 수 있는 현재의 국제정세 동향은 군사, 정치 및 경제적 측면에서 그 체제적 현상을 설명할 수 있다. 특히 동북아 국제정세는 미국 주도의 군사적 단극, 지역에서의 강대국들간의 대립과 갈등이 예기되는 정치적, 외교적 다극 그리고 경제적으로는 협력적 다극체제를 유지하고 있다. 이는 앞으로의 국제정치 동향이 이중적 양면성을 띠는 패턴으로 전개될 것이라는 점을 시사한다. 현 시점에서 미국의 대외정책은 외교목적/목표에서 국가지상주의(nationalism) 및 결연주의 (resolute diplomacy), 국제이념 면에서 미국식 국제주의(American internationalism), 국제적 분쟁 개입유형에서 일방주의(unilateralism), 개입명분 면에서는 전략적 국익주의(strategic nationalism)로 요약할 수 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 동북아 국제상황 및 미국의 대한반도 외교·안보·국방정책의 변화와 흐름의 체계적인 분석을 통해 한국의 정책방향을 재정립하고 우리의 독자적인 대외정책을 확립해야 한다는 차원에서 제기되었다. This inquiry demonstrates the future tasks and directions of South Korea`s security policy contemplated to meet the challenges and obstacles in international politics. Analysing the impact of the changes in Washington`s strategic posture and military strategy, as the sole hegemonic power, over the past decade, it suggests that a comprehensive ROK -US security alliance is necessary. It is also important for South Korea to maintain "the principle of peaceful settlement through diplomatic negotiation" to resolve the problem of nuclear proliferation and encourage US-DPRK talks, possibly with supports from various international organizations and exchange of special envoys. South Korea should also take an initiative to lay down a groundwork upon which the principle, direction and boundary of the future ROK-US and North-South Korean relationships are to be founded to establish peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia. This paper also urges to develop reliable, secure and strong military forces that fit to South Korea`s current and future geopolitical situation.

      • 국방과학기술 분야의 우수인력 확보 및 처우개선 방안 -국방과학연구소(ADD)를 중심으로-

        길병옥 ( Byung Ok Kil ),최기출 ( Ki Chul Choi ),신종태 ( Jung Tae Shin ),이영 ( Young Lee ) 한국군사학회 2009 군사논단 Vol.57 No.-

        The core of the advancement of national defense is in the promotion of effectiveness of developing weapon systems and defense R&D competitiveness. The investment of national defense R&D is conducive to strengthening deterrence capability, increasing added value of industrial development and science/technology, and reinforcing national status in the international society. Korea has produced almost all conventional weapons by its own defense industries, but its investment rates for the high-tech and advanced weapon systems are low compared to the advanced countries. Most important aspects for the promotion of defense capacity and capability are to increase national defense R&D, acquire predominant human resources, and improve treatment for the Agency for Defense Development(ADD) researchers. The ADD has had problems in the assurance of prominent researchers due to the low payments, poor incentives, limits on the external presentation of the research results that lead to the lack of enthusiasm. Thus, this inquiry aims at providing effective ways in the acquisition of predominant human resources and betterment of treatment for the ADD researchers. Comparing the other governmental institutions to the ADD, it searches for the plans of assuring financial resources and strengthening professionalism in the national defense R&D through the legal and institutional reform.

      • 국가비상사태 대비 국가위기대응법 제정방안에 관한 논고

        길병옥 ( Byung Ok Kil ) 한국군사학회 2010 군사논단 Vol.64 No.-

        Recent war and warfares illustrate that advanced weapon systems based on the C4ISR and precision guided missile system and total mobilization of national resources available will be the key in the future war. Particularly, an effective and efficient mobilization capability equipped with a system of systems for rapidity, precision and asymmetry will determine the victory of war. Thus, what we need to do is the enactment of National Crisis Response Act(tentatively named) for the efficient mobilization system of national physical and human resources. In order to strengthen the national crisis management system, this inquiry proposes the reestablishment and refinement of crisis management system, mobilization organs and processes, mobilization information system, civil·government·military cooperation, natural disasters, safety and crisis management system of localities, as well as procurement of financial resources for the reserves. Such are the essential ingredients for national survival and security and need to be fulfilled through the effective and efficient performance of national crisis management system.

      • 효과적인 해양재난구조를 위한 민,관.군 협력방안 구조

        길병옥 ( Byung Ok Kil ) 한국군사학회 2012 군사논단 Vol.72 No.-

        This inquiry searches for the ways of implementing effective policy plans for the maritime search and rescue system based on the civil-government-military cooperative plans. It illustrates structural problems in rescuing people and ships from the disastrous incidents on the ocean as well as responding to the maritime crisis. Since the crisis has grown and become more diverse in its scale and scope, what is essential is to have high-tech equipments, specialized personnel, and all kinds of supporting systems including information networks. This paper contends that civil-government- military coordination and cooperative plans are essential for the effective salvage system. Analyzing the salvage system of advanced countries, this paper proposes a refinement of the legal and institutional framework of the maritime salvage system. More specifically, it stresses the enactment of the Deep Sea Salvage Law and establishment of the Special Rescue Team for the Maritime Crisis and the Research Institute for the Maritime Crisis. Finally, it suests strengthening international cooperative measures on the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue. It concludes that the best solution is to find the ways of solving the problem or crisis before it comes.

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