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        채원배(蔡元培)와 중용(中庸)의 도(道)

        금정화 ( Jung Hwa Kim ) 중국사학회 2011 中國史硏究 Vol.75 No.-

        This article departs from a doubt whether Confucianism has a universal value which is equal to Civil Rights and Democracy from the West. ``Response of the Liberal Intellectuals against reactionism of Nanjing government was set to the theme to solve the question. Within this idea, ``Autocratic and Progressive Confucianism`` were compared. In 1930`s, the central thought of Jiang Jieshi`s Nanjing government was based on the Confucian ideas which was the dominant tradition of China. In the government, 戴季陶was reilluminated since Jiang Jieshi`s policy was founded on the theory of him. He interpreted 三民主義with the Confucian idea so that the ideology of reign, 訓政, implied a dominant-subordinate relationship(influenced by 父子有親) between the government and people. Therefore, Nanjing government was nothing but a despotic government in the feudal age which made the Confucianism as the ruling standard. Since the Confucianism was an important tradition, it was hard to exclude the revival of custom which emphasizes loyalty and filial piety in real life. However, the purpose of the revival was to train ``Renmen`` to adapt to the system itself, and to exclude communism which claims the class strife and distribution. On the other hand, it was also to block Liberalism and Democracy. Therefore, 訓政solidified dictatorship of Jiang Jieshi and Nanjing government. In this period, Cai Yuanpei constantly criticized Nanjing government`s policies of political violence and cultural retro. Through his life, 中庸之道(The Moralitet of Moderation) was the principle of his thought and action for the educational reform and cultural movement. The intention of the Moralitet of Moderation is to unify contradiction(折衷), to solve problems rationally(擇善), and to progress to adjust to the era(與時俱進). Pushing forward educational reformation since ancient regime was not suitable to Republicanism, Nanjing government abolished the cult of Confucius, the ancient educational ideals and its system when he conducted the post as the first Education Minister of 中華 民國in 1912. Beginning of 1917, as the president of National University of Peking, he repealed 通儒院and 經科to restructure university system. This reformation rearranged confucianism to lose its unique position so that it became one field of studies. Also, he suggested 兼容幷包to embrace different theories from diverse domains of studies. To cognize and conform goodness was the standard of judgement for the concept. In this way, he practised the Moralitet of Moderation represented by unify contradiction, to solve problems rationally, and to progress to adjust to the era. When the blending with Western culture was attempted, this idea did not only adopt Western culture, but it also preserved and researched the essence tradition by scientific methods. Interpreting 三民主義, the idea of Cai Yuanpei followed the Moralitet of Moderation, which differs to that of 戴季陶. Especially about 民生主義in 三民主義, he took the middle between Capitalism and Communism and created theories of 平均地權and 節制資本, and insisted that he resolved both negative effects of the private property system and class strife. To Cai Yuanpei, the values that China should succeed was ``仁義 (benevolence and righteousness)`` from Confucianism. To put it concretely, these values are explained by the phrases of 志士仁人 有殺身以成仁無求生以害仁(志士who bears great purpose and 仁 人who gives benevolence sacrifice themselves to achieve 仁. They do not harm 仁for their living), and 生, 我所欲也, 義, 我所欲也, 二者不可得兼, 捨生而取義者也(Life and righteousness are both wanted, however, if they cannot be achieved at one time, I would give up life and get righteousness.) from 孟子by Mencius. Whereas, conventionalities that should be broken through were binary oppositions of Absolute Monarchism, Paternalism and dominance- subordinated relationship. However, Nanjing governmen`s cultural retro encouraged obedience and adaptation of people under the name of the revival of tradition. On this idea, Cai Yuanpei insisted against ancient regime and against blind obedience. To cover the vacuum which was caused by rejection of the old custom, he asked people to choose goodness which is approved by and boon to humanity. Ultimately, he proposed members of Kuomintang to follow 孫文`s ideology properly, and to keep away from not only Bolshevik but also fascist Nanjing government.

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