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        사우디아라비아 내 수니 와하비즘과 시아파 관계 연구

        금상문(Kum Sang Moon) 한국중동학회 2018 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.39 No.2

        This paper dealt that how the relation is unfolding between Sunni Wahabism and Shia sect in Saudi Arabia. And this paper dealt that how the religious awareness and religious discrimination against Shia sect is unfolding in Saudi Arabia. To illuminate the questions, the methodologies are based on historical approach, literature research, field survey. In particular, the application theory of this paper is based on stigma theory, labeling effect, alienation and anomy theory. The main body is divided into early labeling, mid-labeling, labeling settlement, and labeling deepening depending on the degree of persecution of Saudi Arabia Wahabism in Saudi Arabia. According to the survey, the degree of religious persecution of Saudi Arabia and Wahabism in Saudi Arabia is getting worse. As a result, the resistance of the Shiites in Saudi Arabia to the Wahabi government is getting stronger. In this situation, if the current Saudi Arabian king Salman politically integrates Saudi Shia into the Saudi people, discrimination will end, but the king is still facing a dilemma.

      • KCI등재

        사우디아라비아 세계경제위기 파급 양상과 대응정책

        금상문 ( Sang Moon Kum ) 한국외국어대학교 중동연구소 2010 중동연구 Vol.29 No.2

        This paper`s aim is illuminated what are the Saudi Arabia`s response policies resulted from the world economy crisis caused to sub-prime mortgage loan in America. So, world economy crisis spillover features in Saudi Arabia are studied in related to political aspects and economical aspects and cultural aspects for example woman`s demanding to free abroad travels. Against this influences, Saudi Government carries out social security network policy, dissolve the social polarization policy, free trade policy, global governence policy, reform of finance organization policy, regulation of finance Organization policy, cooperation policy with other states. In conclusion, Saudi Arabia carries out the various policies in order to overcome the world economy crisis. However, Saudi Arabia is under difficulty situations because of the fall out oil price.

      • KCI등재

        사우디아라비아의 군부엘리트와 부족주의

        금상문 ( Sang Moon Kum ) 한국외국어대학교 중동연구소 2009 중동연구 Vol.27 No.3

        This study illuminates the relationship between Military Elites and Tribalism in the Saudi Arabia. At first, The Military of Saudi Araia is stemmed from Ikwan ego White Army consisted of tribes in Saudi Arabia. And this study explains the present situation and Military structure of the Saudi Arabia. Namely, the Military forces of the Saudi Arabia divide into Saudi Arabian National Guard (SANG) and Minister of Defense and Aviation (MODA). SANG is a tribal force forged out of those tribal elements loyal to the Saud Family. MODA contains the official Saudi Army. and MODA`s mission is to protect the country from external threats, SANG is recruited by pro-King`s tribes for example Unayzah tribe, Mutayr tribe, Banu Khalid tribe, AI-Murrah tribe and Sudairi fmailies. Thbile, Harb tri be, Qahtan tri be, Sammar tri be, Utaiba tri be are anti Saudi Arabian regime. Meanwhile, military elites are belonge to the mentioned tribes. In this context, the matter of Identity is important to the military elites in the Saudi Arabia. So, Theory of Public Choice is applied to this matter. Generally, the military elites of pro-Saudi Arabia regime are seeking to the nationalism of Saudi Watan. In fact, this is members of military elite namely pro Saudi Arabia regime seeking to his own interest based on rent-seeking rather than public interest namely Islamic state. At the same time Saudi Arabia regime enforces polices like Military Keynesian. While, the military elites of anti-Saudi Arabia regime like Islamic Fundamentalists are trying to establish Islamic State. But the military elites including pro or anti Saudi regime thinks of tribalism in heart.

      • KCI등재

        모로코 이마지겐 정체성의 사회 및 정치적 기능 -자마아를 중심으로-

        금상문 ( Sang Moon Kum ) 한국외국어대학교 중동연구소 2012 중동연구 Vol.30 No.3

        The Imazighen (The Amazigh people : so called Berbers) are the indigenous peoples of North Africa west of the Nile Valley. They are distributed from the Atlantic to the Siwa oasis, in Egypt, and from the Mediterranean to the Niger River. This paper deals the social and political identities of the Imazighen, and this paper raises the questions about what is the functions of Imazighen identities. The studies of the imazighen deal in historical books and the relationship between Imazighen and Islam or Arab, but there are rare studies about Imazighen Identies and institutions. This paper deals with identities, common societies, social environment and institutions based on the paradigm of the Max Weber. First of all, the suvey of Imazighen is dealt. And Morocco Imazighen have regional identity, language identity, religion identity, especially Morocco Imazighen devide into the Suluh Imazighen, the Rif Imazighen, the Middle Attas Imazighen or Sahrawi Imazighen, the Zayane Imazighen, the Harratin Imazighen. And this paper dealt with that Morocco Imazighen consider their social and political identities based the blood and their institutions. This blood and institutions concentrate jama` institution into identities. And this identities lead into the social solidarity and union. And this paper is discussed Amghar, Anehkam, Amshshardu, Amghar n targa, Amaghar n usais etc. Especially, Imazighen social and political identities is functioned as the democracy. Namely, several institutions of the Imazighen serve as the function of the democracy in the decision making and the management of the procedures.

      • KCI등재

        모로코 이마지겐 이즈레프 체계 연구 -자이얀 이즈레프를 중심으로-

        금상문 ( Sang Moon Kum ) 한국외국어대학교 중동연구소 2012 중동연구 Vol.31 No.2

        This paper illuminated the Moroccan Imazighen Custom law (Izlef) System. Especially this paper is studied concentrating on Zayan tribe who lives in Kenifra Town and around it. The methodology of this paper is based on the field survey and literature search. The primary bases of Amazigh custom law are on the family, small family, al-haqt, dara and tribe or Ait. And the foundations of Zayan custom law are based on the system of jamaa,, Amghar and jaari, market. For example Amghar is responsible for the Executive or the Administration. As a common community, Jamaa`, is roled as the legislative power. And Anehkams namely judges are important role as a judicial power. And the bases of the custom law are the mutual trust, the kindness. the solidarity and the education of the movement. And general contents of Zayan custom law are based on general law, penalty law, special law and property law. After, this paper is dealt with the position of the custom law with Morocco law system. Morocco Government recognizes comparatively the Amazigh Custom Law. This is due to considerate the Islamic law not to oppose the Islamic law entirely. At any rate, the Imazighen Custom law is still alive in the framework of Arab Moroccan society and Moroccan positive law system.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 “대 중동구상”과 사우디아라비아의 대응 외교정책

        금상문 ( Sang Moon Kum ) 한국외국어대학교 중동연구소 2007 중동연구 Vol.25 No.2

        This paper illuminates decision making process and the adaptation and facing contents of Saudi Arabian foreign policies focusing on the Great Middle East Initiative of Bush administration. The America is only hegemonic state within the World System. The America forces western democracy and market economy to the Saudi Arabia. In total the Saudi Arabia. On the whole, the Saudi Arabian foreign policies were affected by the American Initiative policy at the same time the Saudi Arabia responses to the American Foreign policy. According to this analysis framework, the details of American Democracy, market economy, War against Terrorism in the Saudi Arabia are studied. In this contest the Saudi Arabia accepts the American Initiative. For example, the Saudi Arabia proclaims the War against the terrorism. So the Saudi Arabia continues to reform within the scope of Islamic values. While the American foreign policies like the Middle East Initiative have not effect on reform of the Saudi Arabia because of saudi`s dependence on oil, the weak of political will, the opposition of outside interferences. Namely the pursuit of the interest, the pursuit of independent security, the cooperation with GCC states, cooperation with European states and Asian states are principals of Saudi Arabian foreign polices within relative autonomy.

      • KCI등재

        사우디아라비아와 아랍연맹 관계 연구

        금상문 ( Kum Sang Moon ) 한국외국어대학교 중동연구소 2019 중동연구 Vol.38 No.2

        Saudi Arabia takes the diplomatic initiative in Arab league for security and national interest in the method of making new boundaries. In this context, this paper raise the questions about new boundaries of Saud Arabia in the Arab league. The Arab League defined Hezbollah, Lebanese supported by Iran, as a terrorist group. This decision, of course, came as a result of the exclusion of Lebanon and Iraq from the Arab League. This decision in the Arab League is due to Saudi Arabia setting the boundaries between Sunnis and Shiites within the Arab League The Arab Spring has changed many things about the power, political identity, and political indifference of authoritarian police states in the Middle East. But what was remarkable was that the Arab League ousted member countries that violently responded to democratization protests in Saudi Arabia under the leadership of Saudi Arabia. An example is the Arab League's suspension of Syria's membership for human rights. The Arab League's plan is to transfer power from Syrian President Bashar Assad to a democratic government. Of course, this action violates the principle that the Arab League does not invade the sovereignty of member countries that have been emphasized so far. Saudi Arabia is distinguishing itself from other Arab worlds by seeking national security and national interests due to the setting of boundaries within the Arab League. Saudi Arabia is currently making boundaries within the Arab League in a flat manner, but it is expected to create a three-dimensional boundary within the Arab League, given its national interest

      • KCI등재

        사우디아라비아의 부족주의 연구 - 정치엘리트와 부족주의 관계

        금상문(Kum Sang-Moon) 한국중동학회 2006 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.27 No.1

          The word "tribalism" refer to two related but distinct concepts. The first concept is a social system. The other concept to which the word "tribalism" refers is the possession of a strong ethnic identity that separates oneself as a member of one group from the members of another. In this context, this study illuminates tribalism in the Saudi Arabia especially the relationship between political elites and tribalism.<BR>  So, characters and stands of tribes in saudi arabia are overall studied. And after establishment of saudi arabian state in arabia peninsula, general political power which carries out political functions is examined. In this result, the political power is appeared through the saud family, and this political power controls the tribe powers.<BR>  And power elites are studied. Namely, limited families and tribes are filled up as power elites specially as political elites. and they control the saudi arabian state and society.<BR>  In general, saudi arabian political elites from the royal family encourage saudi arabian national to saudi arabian nationalism in order to establish the legitimacy. And Saudi Arabia Government uses the tribalism as a governmental means. And saudi arabian royal political elites hold the regional election within not disturb the scope of the political order, but the resurrectional Islamists participate the regional election. So political elites in Saudi Arabia were frustrated to use tribalism. In this result, a dilemma is occurred to establish democracy. And political elites of none royal family encourage the state sprits and nationalism.<BR>  While political elites like provincial members feel the dilemma between the tribalism and statism. But provincial members follow the statism seeking the identity of tribalism.

      • KCI등재

        사우디아라비아의 종교엘리트와 부족주의 연구

        금상문(Kum Sang-Moon) 한국중동학회 2007 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.28 No.1

          This study illuminates the relationship between religious elites and tribalism in the Saudi Arabia. So, this study illuminates the structure of religious elites and identities religious elite both establishment religious elites and non establishment elites in saudi arabia are overall studied. Namely after establishment of Saudi Arabian state in arabia peninsula, general religious elite"s roles which carrie out religious doctrine so called Wahhabism with Saudi Arabia kingdom, are examined. In this result, establishment religious elites in Saudi Arabia combine with the political power, while non establishment religious elites oppose with royal government.<BR>  In general, concerning establishment and non establishment religious elites thinking about the tribalism, establishment religious elites follow the Rashid Rida"s doctrine namely harmony between Islam and tribalism, while non establishment religious elite ignore between Islam and tribalism.<BR>  And concerning power about relationship between religious elite and tribal elite, after establishment saudi arabia state, religious elite replace from Hijaz region to Najd region. this phenomenon is maintained until nowadays.<BR>  And concerning, what is religious elite"s main issues, this paper deals with issues about relationship between religious elite and tribalism especially legitimacy establishment of the royal families and ethic formation, conciliation of conflicts.

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