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        나물콩用 品種育成을 위한 特性形質의 比較

        S.H. KWON(權臣漢),Y.I. LEE(李栄,日),J.R. KIM(金在利) 한국육종학회 1981 한국육종학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        The small seed size group of 164 native soybean lines which were collected for germplasm bank was evaluated for use of edible soybean sprout by the characteristics of bean sprout such as germinability, elongation of hypocotyl, performance of sprout production and the other related characters in laboratory and field. Significant differences for sprout yield, hypocotyl elongation, and germinability among the soybean lines tested were observed. Maximum, average and minimum hypotocyl length and weight of sprout were 8.8, 5.5, 2.0㎝ and 61.8, 43.0, 27.6 g/100 sprouts respectively. The weight and diameter of sprout and cotyledon length were positively correlated with the seed weight. On the other hand the elongation responses of hypocotyl were naively correlated with the seed weight(r=-0.57). About 90 percent among the soybean lines of small seed size group contained the hard seeds which were unable to germinate within the sprouting of the normal seeds, and the frequency of hard seeds varied from 1% to 50% which was depended upon lines. Some promising qualified soybean sprouting lines could be selected for the improvement of soybean sprout cultivar.

      • 충청북도 지역내 불균형현황 파악 및 진단 : - 충청북도 산업분포를 중심으로 -

        한국교통대학교 2017 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.52 No.-

        Korea has achieved successful economic development through growth-oriented policies for decades. However, the imbalance of spatial structure of the national land intensified. Korea has an imbalance between the Seoul Metropolitan Region and other regions and various imbalance problems including an imbalance between cities and rural areas, large cities and medium or small sized cities. The regional imbalance problem and the national imbalance remain serious. However, provincial governments that try to solve regional imbalance are few. The regional imbalance problem in Chung-buk Province has continued to be serious for decades. Yet since 2007, various efforts for the balanced development of Chung-buk Province have continued, including the establishment and operation of a balanced development headquarters, enactment of an ordinance for the development, and foundation of special accounts for regional balanced development. The purpose of this research is to analysis the time-series imbalance situation and transformation process at the regional level focusing on Chung-buk Province where many efforts for its balanced development have continued. Also, it is important to understand how the various efforts for the balanced development of Chung-Buk Province influence regional balanced development empirically. For this purpose, we analyzed the changes in the number of industries and the number of employees and the variation of imbalance with the concentration of Cheongju from 2000 to 2015. As the results of the analysis, it can be said that the concentration of Cheongju and Gini’s coefficient have been slightly decreased since 2010, and the trend of increasing concentration of Cheongju and Gini’s coefficient has been relaxed. Future research will be carried out to grasp the effect of balanced development in Chung-Buk Province more sophisticatedly in the future.

      • 한·일간 국토 불균형 현황 비교 : 인구분포를 중심으로

        한국교통대학교 2014 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.49 No.-

        The objective of this study is to compare the changes over time in national territorial development in South Korea and Japan from 1960 to 2010. The changes over time in two measures denoting the level of imbalanced developments are examined. The first measure is the ratio of population in the Capital Region to the national total and the second one is the Gini’s coefficient. Both South Korea and Japan have experienced the rapid concentration of population in the Capital Region (Seoul Metropolitan Area and Tokyo Metropolitan Area) during the high growth period and currently, the concentration is still deepening. In the case of Japan, the change in Gini’s coefficient was higher in 1960s and after that, during the last five decades, the concentration has tended to be let up. That is, Gini’s coefficient has only slightly increased as much as 0.1051 from 0.4747 in 1960 to 0.5798 in 2010. In the case of South Korea, however, the Gini’s coefficient has steeply increased as much as 0.3681 during the last fifty years from 0.2732 in 1960 to 0.6413 in 2010 which was measured in Sido administration boundary. In the case of Sigun boundary, during the same period, the coefficient has increased as much as 0.337 from 0.4387 in 1960 to 0.7757 in 2010. The conclusion is that the imbalance between the Capital Region and the other regions has been a serious problem, but it has been much more severe in the national level. Based on this findings, it is suggested that appropriate policy actions need to be taken to tackle down the deepening of imbalanced development in national scale as well as the concentration of population in the Capital Region

      • 노이만(S. K. Neumann)의 새로운 노래와 붉은 노래의 중심주제

        (Kwon,Jaeil) 한국동유럽발칸학회 2007 동유럽발칸학 Vol.9 No.2

        노이만의 시집 ?새로운 노래?의 중심이 되는 제1부와 제2부는 현대 과학기술과 기계문명의 발전 그리고 이로 인한 현대인들의 삶의 변화를 중심주제로 내세우고 있다. 따라서 제1부 는 당시 현대 과학문명과 기계문명의 총아인 전기, 전화, 전신에 대한 문명주의 적이고 미래주의 적인 찬가의 형식을 띠고 있고, 제2부 는 현대 기계문명의 영향 아래에서 살아가고 있는 현대인들, 특히 현대 도시인들의 역동적인 삶의 모습에 대한 사실적인 묘사 를 담고 있다. 반면에 제3부 는 자연과 농촌을 배경으로 한 고요한 정서와 자연과의 합일된 삶을 통한 기쁨과 환희를 중심 주제로 하면서 활력주의 적인 시각을 견지하고 있는데, 결국 전체적 으로 보면 시집 ?새로운 노래?의 궁극적인 목표가 문명과 자연, 도시와 농촌을 함께 아우를 수 있는 길의 모색에 있음을 알 수 있다. 시집 ?붉은 노래?는 프롤레타리아 계급의 해방을 위한 투쟁과 혁명 그리고 이를 쟁취하기 위한 선동성의 고취를 중심주제로 하여 무 기와 수단으로서의 투쟁예술과 선동예술을 추구하고 있는데, 시인 스스로 시 에서 자신의 시가 강철의 소리와 기계와 총탄의소리를 닮은 ‘계급투쟁의 노래’가 될 것이라고 방향을 제시하고 있다. 따라서 시집 ?붉은 노래?의 대부분의 시들은 프롤레타리아 혁명의 모델이자 미래의 희망인 소비에트 러시아와 그의 붉은 군대에 충성을 맹세하거나, 모두가 사회주의와 공산주의 혁명 전선으로 나아가 용감한 사수들이 되고 전사들이 되어줄 것을 선동하거나, 있는자와 없는 자 간의 이분법적 편가르기를 통해 증오를 확산시키고 계급투쟁의 길로 나설 것을 부추기는 시들로 구성되어 있다. 시집 ?새로운 노래?는 현대 기술문명과 도시문명이라는 새로운 주제의 도입, 현대 기계문명의 이기들이 동반하는 소리와 색깔들의 적절한 활용, 구체적인 사물들의 점층적인 ‘열거 기법’, 이와 관련된‘복합 주제적 방식’과 ‘자유연상 기법’의 도입, 새로운 어휘의 사용등, 새로운 주제에 부응하는 새로운 기법과 형식의 도입이라는 장점이 분명히 있다. 시집 ?붉은 노래?의 경우도 프롤레타리아의 이해를 돕기 위한 쉬운 시의 작성과 구호나 경구를 사용한 선동성의 효율적인 부각을 나름대로의 장점으로 내세울 수 있겠지만, 이러한 장점이 이 시집의 문학성의 확보와는 아무런 관련을 갖지 못한다는 숙명적인 한계 가 있다. Neumann's collection New Songs (Nov? zp?vy; 1918) has as its main themes the progress of the modern technology and the change of the people's life at the age of machine. So the first part of the collection ‘Songs of the Wires’ (Zp?vy dr?t?) is oriented to the celebration of the electricity, telephone and telegraph, the favorite of the machine civilization. The second part ‘Songs of The Din’ (Zp?vy z lomozu) contains the poems of the dynamic life under the strong influence of the modern technology. On the other hand most of the poems of the third part 'Songs of the Tranquility' (Zp?vy z ticha), except of the poems ‘Construction of the Water Supply’ (Stavba vodovodu) and ‘Celebration of the Rotary Press’ (Chv?la rota?ky), are songs of the quiet life in the countryside by the nature. As a result the collection seeks the harmony between the city and the countryside as well as between the civilization and the nature. Neumann's collection of proletarian poetry Red Songs (Rud? zp?vy; 1923) has class consciousness and class struggle and proletarian revolution as its main themes, and the goal of the collection is to create an agitation art. In a word Red Songs are ‘class struggle songs’ (t??dn? zp?vy), as the poet himself defines his collection in the poem ‘Prologue’ (Prolog). As a result most of the poems of the collections are either songs of a celebration of the Soviet Union and its Red Army as well as its leader Lenin or songs of an oath of loyalty to them or songs of agitation to urge the people to be warriors of class war and revolutionary war as well. Introduction of the new themes like the modern technology and modern city life as well as introduction of the enumeration method, polythematic method, and the free association technique into the contemporary Czech poetry and also the good appreciation of the rich sounds and colours of the various modern industrial machineries are good points of the collection New Songs. In a certain degree Neumann succeeds in Red Songs in producing the proletarian poetry easy enough to be understandable and acceptable by the proletariat. However the poet's excessive stress on the ideology and the propagandistic function of the literary work made his poetry the poetry that lacks artistic quality.

      • 우리나라 권역별 인구 불균형 분포 변화 : 2005년 이후 인구변화를 중심으로

        한국교통대학교 2018 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.53 No.-

        This paper is a follow-up study of Kweon‘s(2010) study on the distribution of population imbalance by region. Kweon analyzed regional imbalances based on population distribution by region and concentration level of prime city by region from 1960 to 2005. Since 2005, various national balanced development policies have been implemented in Korea including Haengbok-city, Innovative-cities, and Corporate-cities. Therefore, it is necessary to analysys the effects of the balanced development policy until now by identifying the imbalance problem of the population in each region after 2005. As a result of the study, population concentration of the Capital Region is continued from 2005 to 2015, but the numerical values of population in 2015 are increased in all regions compared to 2005. In addition, the proportion of the population of prime cities by region also decreased after 2010, indicating that balanced development policies such as construction of Haengbok-city, Innovative-cities, and Corporate-cities have shown some effect, and especially the constructions of Innovative-cities have played a major role in mitigating the imbalance. In addition, the concentrations of population to the region’s prime cities area in the region have decreased since 2010.

      • 사무관리자의 의식행태 및 대학의 역할에 관한 연구

        이 상 락 (Sang-Rak Lee), (Jae-Il Kwon) 대구보건대학 2008 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is to provide some basic data on how effective universities are educating employees through the new academic-industrial cooperation between universities and hospitals. To create this data, we researched the attitude of hospital employees, their opinion about public health administration and their demands for further education to improve themselves and their work place. The research demonstrates that the employees working in small and medium sized hospitals which do not have a good working environment have a high demand for further education and make an effort at self improvement. Also, they preferred to participate in a feed back type of education which provides information from universities while improving themselves. Universities which have wide academic-industrial cooperation with small and medium sized hospitals need to take an active attitude in the further education of employees and provide the qualified workers. Also, we expect a new concept of academic-industrial cooperation which is more useful and practical through the expansion of research in this area.

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