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        미국 공통핵심기준(Common Core State Standards)과 교육과정적 통합을 위한 발전방안 탐색

        권현수(Kwon, Hyunsoo) 이화여자대학교 특수교육연구소 2014 특수교육 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구는 2010년 발표된 미국의 공통핵심기준을 소개하고 이것이 국내 교육과정적 통합에 주는 시사점과 발전 방향을 모색해보려는 목적에서 수행되었다. 먼저 공통핵심기준이 무엇인지 그 목적과 특성, 지금까지의 개발 진행 과정에 대해 확인하고 공통핵심기준의 구성과 내용 및 이에 대한 논의가 어떻게 이루어지고 있는지 살펴보았다. 그리고 이를 토대로 미국의 공통핵심기준의 개발과정과 내용이 국내 통합교육을 위한 교육과정 개발에 주는 시사점을 찾아보았다. 결론적으로 통합교육의 발전을 위해서는 교육과정 개발 과정은 개방적이고 협력적인 분위기속에서 다양한 전문가의 의견을 수렴해 진행되어야 하고 유연성과 다양성을 인정하되 국가주도로 큰 틀은 제공되어야 하며 교육과정 개발 초기부터 평가방법과 교사교육에 대해 함께 고려해야 한다고 지적하였다. 내용적으로는 학습의 체계적 순서를 고려해 핵심 내용 기준을 선정하여 IEP 목표와 연계시킬 수 있도록 하고 이러한 핵심 내용을 기반으로 특수교육과 일반교육의 양 체제를 아우르는 통합교육 교육과정을 개발하는 것이 바람직하며 부록과 보충교재 형식으로 관련 자료를 충분히 제공하도록 하면서 교과별 특성을 고려해 교육과정 내용을 구성해야 한다고 주장하였다. The purpose of this study was to introduce the Common Core State Standards(CCSS) that was a state-led effort coordinated by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers in 2010 as well as to examine the direction for curriculum development for inclusion. For that reason, the researcher looked into the purpose of the CCSS, the development process of the CCSS and contents of the CCSS, and the study about pros and cons of the CCSS. Next, the curriculum implications about integration of special and general education curriculum that would be applied in inclusive classrooms discussed based on the findings from the investigations of the CCSS. From that efforts, it was argued that the curriculum development process must be open and collaborative, the curriculum development process should be flexible and be organized, the assessment and teacher preparations should be considered at the same time while the inclusive curriculum were developed, the core content standards that were presented before development of inclusive curriculum would be useful for students and teachers, and the resources such as references, student work examples, list of books for reading levels should be available for inclusive teachers in order to build the successful inclusion environment for all.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Collaboration in Higher Education to Prepare Teachers for the Twenty-First Century

        권현수 ( Hyun Soo Kwon ),( Suzanne M. Robinson ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2005 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.6 No.1

        Collaboration requires teachers to integrate curriculum, create block schedules, develop multicultural classrooms, design site-based professional development plans, raise academic standards, and refine school leadership committees (Friend & Cook, 2000). Therefore, collaboration in higher education level is even more important when teacher preparation programs are considered as the first place to affect and change future educators`` attitudes toward inclusion. If preservice program of the future intend to prepare teachers who have expertise related to trends in educational services for all students, preservice faculty must also have expertise in those areas. For that reason, several guidelines have been introduced to ensure a successful collaboration in higher education.

      • KCI등재

        전국 초등학교 통합교육 환경에서 인성교육과 봉사학습 실행 실태

        권현수(Kwon, Hyunsoo),박승희(Park, Seung Hee),박지연(Park, Jiyeon),전상신(Jeon, Sangshin),최승숙(Choi, Seungsuk) 이화여자대학교 교육과학연구소 2017 교육과학연구 Vol.48 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to identify the current status of character education and service-learning in inclusive elementary schools in South Korea and to suggest better ways to implement the programs for all students with and without disabilities through a national survey with 34 items developed by the researchers. A total of 205 elementary schools with special classes were selected by a stratified sampling method based on the number of students in elementary schools across the nation. Responses to the survey from 365 teachers of 183 schools were analyzed for this study. Most schools implemented character education and service-learning programs, and students with disabilities also participated in those programs. Character education programs such as school violence prevention and proper language usage education, and service-learning programs such as helping hands and campaign activities were most frequently conducted. However, the reflective activities and celebrations in service-learning programs were less rigorously implemented and the support for students with disabilities was limited. Thus, further study of curriculum-related various content and systematically organized structures for character education and service-learning programs is suggested. Also various support for students with disabilities should be provided to enhance their participation in diverse types of character education and service-learning, and to improve the quality of inclusive education for all.

      • KCI등재

        일반교사의 특수교육 관련 연수에 대한 인식 조사

        권현수 ( Hyun Soo Kwon ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2007 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.8 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to understand the general education teachers`` perceptions about inservice training programs for special education. The 294 general education teachers from kindergarten to highschool responded the survey about perceptions about special education inservice training programs and preference about special education courses. The results revealed that because of lack of opportunities, most of the teachers did not take the inservice training courses about special education however, they were eager to take the programs for their professional development. Therefore, it would be necessary to provide the special education inservice training programs for general education teachers to support the successful inclusive education. The respondents also reported that the most favorable special education courses were psychology and counseling, teaching strategies, and assessments. They mentioned that they liked to learn about practical skills to use in their inclusive classrooms but did not want to take foundational knowledge courses such as teaching philosophy, history of special education, or understanding children with special needs. As a conclusion, several guidelines were suggested for teacher inservice training programs. First, it is necessary to expand and improve the inservice training opportunities for general education teachers. Inservice programs for beginning teachers, middle school teachers, high school teachers, as well as inclusion teachers are recommended. Second, the practical courses for inclusion such as behavior management, communication skills, and adapting the curriculum should be provided as collaborative ways so that general education teachers and children with disabilities get benefit in inclusive educational environment.

      • KCI등재

        중등 일반교사의 통합학급 수업과 교수적 수정에 대한 인식

        권현수 ( Hyun Soo Kwon ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2012 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to identify the perceptions of secondary general education teachers about teaching and instructional adaptations in inclusive classrooms. For that purpose, 228 secondary general education teachers who works in inclusive schools in Seoul were surveyed. As a result, the participants reported that (1) the inclusion was necessary but it was difficult to put in practice, (2) it was important to understand the disabilities to teach students with disabilities in classrooms, (3) it was difficult to manage behavior and provide instructional adaptations in classrooms, (4) the instructional adaptations were necessary in secondary inclusive classrooms but it was difficult to practice, (5) the instructional adaptations in environment were more necessary and possible than in contents area, and (6) there were statistically differences between middle school teachers’ perceptions and high school teachers’ about instructional adaptations. Therefore, the researcher suggested that there should be more systematic supports for secondary inclusive education as well as it was necessary to develop the appropriate support systems for inclusion in middle schools and high schools respectively.

      • KCI등재

        특수교육 종단조사에 대한 학부모, 특수교사, 특수교육 전공 교수의 인식

        권현수 ( Kwon Hyunsoo ),김경화 ( Kim Kyeong-hwa ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2020 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.21 No.1

        [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of parents of students with disabilities, special education teachers, and special education professors about the Special Education Longitudinal Study(SELS) in order to know the general understandings of stakeholder on SELS and suggest a better way to improve the quality of it. [Method] A questionnaire obtained from 252 parents, 53 special education teachers, and 67 special education professors was analyzed to compare the perceptions of these participants. [Results] As a result, the participants reported that the SELS was necessary even though they were rarely aware of it, the SELS subject should include all individuals with disabilities under free education by the legislation(from infants to transition program students), and the purpose of the SELS as well as the outcomes of special education should reflect the characteristic of special education oriented for people with disabilities. Also, they insisted that the results of the SELS should be used to improve the quality of life for students with disabilities as well as make a better policy for special education. [Conclusion] Based on the results, it was suggested that the SELS should reflect the characteristics of special education and it was necessary to find the ways to reflect the results of SELS.

      • KCI등재

        특수교사와 일반교사의 협력에 관한 연구 고찰

        권현수 ( Hyunsoo Kwon ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2010 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.11 No.3

        As more and more students with disabilities have been included in general education classrooms, there are enormous needs for collaboration of educational professionals, especially teachers. Collaboration between highly qualified teachers who are well prepared for teaching in inclusive educational environments are necessary not only for students with disabilities but also for students without disabilities. In this paper, the author look into the research papers about collaboration between special education teachers and general education teachers to analyze current trends in research about teacher collaboration as well as to find out how teacher collaboration is described in research papers. As a result, the author reported that the study about teacher collaboration started after year 2000 and mostly studied about theoretic background. The main purpose of collaboration was to achieve the successful inclusion in schools. Students’ academic achievement as well as social development were improved and teachers’ perception about collaboration and inclusion changed positively as a result of collaboration. However, most of studies did not report about specific details in collaboration such as plans about time scheduling, support systems, and skills and strategies those were used in collaboration. Therefore, the author suggested that the research about teacher collaboration would be improved in several ways: (1) there should be more studies about various purpose and roles in teacher collaboration, (2) it is important to report research process and describe details about manage plans, skills, and strategies, (3) it is necessary to control the quality of participants and evaluate the results by rigorous standards, and (4) there should be more future studies to develop the effective teacher collaboration programs that reflect the real demands and educational situation in schools.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 통합환경에서의 긍정적 행동지원 적용 사례

        권현수(Kwon, Hyunsoo) 이화여자대학교 특수교육연구소 2017 특수교육 Vol.16 No.3

        연구목적: 본 연구는 일반학교에서 통합교육을 받고 있는 장애학생을 위한 S 교육청의 개별차원 긍정적 행동지원의 사례를 소개하고 그 과정을 구체적으로 살펴봄으로써 일반학교에서의 개별차원 긍정적 행동지원의 실제를 확인하고 실천 가능성과 효과를 살펴보려는 목적에서 실시되었다. 연구방법: S 교육청의 긍정적 행동지원 프로그램의 전체 과정을 살펴보고 구체적인 지원 내용과 협력 관계에 대해 살펴보기 위해 사례관리자로 2년간 프로그램에 참여하며 지원했던 두 초등학생의 사례를 중심으로 통합교육을 실시하는 일반학교에서의 긍정적 행동지원 프로그램 실행과정을 설명하고 이들을 지원하며 작성했던 지원 계획서, 멘토 일지, 상담일지, 결과보고서 등의 자료를 분석하였다. 연구결과: 전문가들로 구성된 지원팀은 각 개별학생을 위한 협의회를 구성해 학생의 문제행동에 대한 기능평가 결과를 토대로 지원계획을 수립하고 실천하게 된다. 대학생 멘토 지원, 학교와 학급차원 지원, 치료지원, 그리고 가족지원으로 나누어 다차원적 서비스를 협력적으로 지원함으로써 학생의 통합학급 적응을 돕고 문제행동을 감소시키는 효과를 거두었다. 결론: 학교의 상황과 개별 학생의 요구에 맞는 체계적인 지원 시스템을 구축하고 구성원들의 적극적이고 자발적인 협력과 행 재정적 지원이 뒷받침 된다면, 긍정적 행동지원 프로그램이 통합교육을 실시하는 일반학교에서 문제행동을 예방하고 관리하는 행동중재 방안으로 효과적인 대안이 될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to introduce the process of individual implementation of positive behavior support(PBS) in inclusive elementary schools to understand and identify the feasibility as well as effects of PBS in inclusive settings. Method: Various data such as students’ IEP, monthly plan, mentor diary, counseling notes, and final reports about the PBS were collected and analyzed to understand the process of PBS. Results: As a result, because the individual support team worked collaboratively and systematically, students’ behavioral problems were reduced and their inclusive classroom adaptations were improved. Conclusion: The PBS could be an effective behavioral intervention method for inclusion if inclusive schools develop PBS systems based on needs and feasibility, school members work collaboratively and administrative and financial support systems are available for schools.

      • KCI등재

        일반학교 중등교사의 통합학급 수업에서의 교수적 수정 실천정도 분석

        권현수 ( Hyun Soo Kwon ) 한국특수아동학회 2012 특수아동교육연구 Vol.14 No.3

        The purpose of the study was to understand how often general secondary school content teachers adapted their instructions while they taught in inclusive classrooms. The researcher surveyed 203 general secondary content teachers in Seoul and revealed that they did moderate adaptations in their classrooms. Based on the study results, the researcher reported that the environmental adaptations were the most often used and the content adaptations were the least used areas. Also, depend on teachers ``sex, experience, and the grade they taught, the frequency of teachers`` instructional adaptations differed. Finally the researcher found that the variables such as sex, educational level, and the grade they taught affected how often teachers adapted their instructions. Consequentially, the researchers suggested several ways to improve instructional adaptations in secondary inclusive classrooms.

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