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      • KCI등재

        고려시대 북방민족과의 관계와 서북 접경공간의 변천

        권용철 중앙대학교 중앙사학연구소 2019 중앙사론 Vol.0 No.50

        Since its founding, Goryeo has gradually expanded its territory to the north. Thus, the perception of the boundary was extended to the Amnok River, when the Khitan-Liao empire began its campaign against the northeastern region, leading to the formation of a confrontation between Goryeo and the Liao over the area around the Amnok River. In the end, the conflict led to Khitan’s the first intrusion to Goryeo, and the two countries ended the war by accepting the outcome of the negotiations at 994. As a result of the negotiations, the Amnok River has become the boundary between the two countries. During the 11th century, tension has always been created between Goryeo and Khitan. As a result, it could be said that the contact zone between Goryeo and Khitan was in a state of “peace in high tension,” as was the case with the relationship between the two countries. In the early 12th century, Goryeo accepted tribute relationship to Jurchen-Jin at a fairly rapid pace, and the Jin empire did not bother to wage war with Goryeo. Finally, when Goryeo sent a sworn document (誓表) to Jin to meet the demands of Jin empire, the Jin approved to own the area around the Amnok River. That is to say, the relatively stable relationship between Goryeo and Jin allowed the handling of the contact zone to take place without such fierce clashes as war. The international situation in East Asia has changed rapidly again in the 13th century with the rise of the Mongols in the north. The Goryeo Dynasty fought for a long time against Mongol, but it was forced to accept the Mongols’ control. In addition, Goryeo’s King Wonjong was helped by Khubilai Khan in restoring the royal authority, so the situation was developed dependent on Mongol-Yuan. Thus, even when the northwestern region was annexed by Mongol-Yuan, Goryeo failed to strongly oppose Khubilai Khan. Rather, Khubilai Khan sought to use the Dongnyeongbu(東寧府) to further strengthen his dominance in the relationship with Goryeo. The Dongnyeongbu, which was made in the early stage of the formation of the Goryeo-Mongol relationship, was also a sign that Mongol did not believe in Goryeo until 1270. As King Chungnyeol, who married Khubilai’s daughter, ascended to the throne in 1274, and Goryeo contributed greatly to the Mongol’s expedition to Japan, so Khubilai’s view on Goryeo changed. King Chungnyeol also had to pay attention to his relations with Mongol all the time because he needed a background of Mongol to keep his royal authority stable. Thus, Khubilai gradually turned to Goryeo, and eventually abolished Dongnyeongbu in 1290 and returned the northwestern area to Goryeo. This also meant that the nature of the Goryeo-Mongol relationship in the early 1270s and the 1290s changed. From this time on, the contact zone between Goryeo and Mongol-Yuan was again formed around the Amnok River. This article has reviewed what happened in the northwestern contact zone of Goryeo amid changes in relations with Khitan, Jurchen, Mongol, and how the border itself has changed. The contact zone was a sensitive place that reflected not only the direct relationship between two or more countries bordering on the border, but also the factors such as the international situation at the time and the change in the internal politics of each country, so the pattern of border changes was a phenomenon that allowed us to gauge the trends of international relations and affairs at that time.

      • 정책동향 - 어선 검사제도의 변화

        권용철,Kwon, Yong-Cheol 선박안전기술공단 2009 선박안전 Vol.27 No.-

        "선박안전법"에 따른 선박 설비기준 및 검사업무에 관한 규정 가운데 어선 관련 부분을 어선법(법률 제9718호, 2009. 5. 27 공포, 2009. 11. 28 시행)으로 이관하여 어선관리업무를 일원화하고, 어선에 관한 검사 및 검사대행기관 지정토록 개정되어, 그에 따라 어선 검사제도의 변화를 통하여 어선관리업무의 정책방향 등을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        미 쇠고기 수입반대 촛불시위의 성격에 대한 일 고찰

        권용철 경찰대학교 2008 경찰학연구 Vol.8 No.3

        On May 2. 2008, we were not able to suppress astonishing to candle demonstrations against import of American cows in Korea 2008. It was triggered by teenagers who was mostly women middle or high school students. There was no one who forecasted it 100th candle demonstration during 4 months. And apologies of President Lee two times were enough to stimulate to anxiety of Korea nations. Moreover, police got a shock in mentality and got gross material damages. Some specialities of candle demonstrations against import of American cows in Korea 2008 are as follows. First, teenagers appeared extensively on situations of struggles against government. Second, participants of candle demonstrations consisted of various social stratums which were students, labors, journalists, religionists, professors, especially women were also organized. Third, it was violent and they used drastic measures. Fourth, it was developed on the basic of communication technologies which are wireless internet, cell phones etc. Finally, it occurred to debate ‘what is new methodology of progressive social movement?’ in the context of new social environment within, so called, ‘civil movement’ and ‘progressive social movement’ or ‘Min-jung(people) movement’. We are confronted with new democratic civilians and new extraneous construct of life which is communication revolution. It means maturities of ‘subjects’ and ‘environment’ in the democracy of korea.

      • KCI등재

        至正條格 年度未詳 기록의 年度에 대한 小考

        권용철 중국학연구회 2021 중국학연구 Vol.- No.96

        In this article, I attempted to analyze the year of provisions of unidentifiable period in order to utilize Zhizhengtiaoge(至正條格), which is an important source for the study of history in the late Yuan empire. As the era name “Zhiyuan”(至元) was used twice in different times in the Yuan Empire, there was no means to distinguish it, so provisions of unidentifiable period were inevitably made within the Zhizhengtiaoge. In order to make more accurate and wider use of the Zhizhengtiaoge, it is very important to identify which of these provisions of unidentifiable period are capable of year correction. According to the analysis, most of provisions of unidentifiable period were made during the reign of Huizong(惠宗). This is because the year of provisions of unidentifiable period was fixed based on the name of people, place, and official that could not appear in the year of Qubilai. In particular, the fact that many of the provisions of unidentifiable period are from the reign of Huizong further increases the historical value of Zhizhengtiaoge. There are not many articles about the late Yuan legal documents except for Zhizhengtiaoge, which can be actively used as data for later research based on the year’s correction of the provisions. 본고에서는 원대 후기 역사 연구를 위한 중요한 자료인 지정조격의활용을 위해 연도미상 조문의 연도를 확정하는 분석을 시도해보았다. 원제국에서 ‘至元’이라는 연호가 다른 시기에 두 번 사용되면서 이를 구별하는 수단이 없었기 때문에 지정조격 내에서 연도미상인 조문이 나올 수밖에 없었다. 지정조격을 더욱 정확하고 폭넓게 활용하기 위해서는 이러한 연도미상 조문 중에서 연도 확정이 가능한 것들을 파악하는 것이 매우중요하다. 이를 위해 연도미상 조문들에서 시기 파악을 가능하게 만드는 증거로 인명, 지명, 관직명 등의 요소들을 원사의 기록과 비교해서 확인함으로써 조문들의 연도를 확정할 수 있는 기록들을 찾아내고자 했다. 분석 결과 연도미상 조문으로 분류된 대부분은 혜종 시기인 ‘後’至元 연간의 것임을 알 수 있었다. 쿠빌라이 시기의 至元 연간에는 나타날 수없는 인명, 지명, 관명 등을 기준으로 조문의 연도를 확정할 수 있었기 때문이다. 특히 연도미상 조문의 다수가 후지원 연간의 것이라는 점은 지정조격의 사료적 가치를 더욱 상승시키는 것이다. 지정조격을 제외한 원대의 법률 조문 자료 중에는 원대 후기의 모습을 보여주는 기사들이 많지않은데, 지정조격 연도미상 조문들의 연도 확정을 통해 원대 후기 관련자료들을 추가할 수 있었고 이를 기반으로 차후 원대 후기 연구의 자료로서 적극 활용될 수 있을 것이다. 키워드 : 지

      • KCI등재

        大元帝國 末期 權臣 엘테무르의 쿠데타 -‘케식’ 출신으로서의 정치적 명분에 대하여

        권용철 고려대학교 역사연구소 2013 사총 Vol.80 No.-

        这篇论文调查了大元帝国末期权臣燕铁木儿(El-Temür)的初期行迹和1328年宫廷政变的发生原因。1328年宫廷政变是燕铁木儿集权过程的发端, 所以非常重要的历史事件。但是美国学者达德斯(John.W.Dardess)、日本学者杉山正明端正了燕铁木儿的集权是元朝的‘儒教化(confucianiza- tion)’或者‘汉化(sinicization)’的基点。本稿对现存学说提了疑点, 探讨了燕铁木儿的‘非汉’、‘怯薛’(Kešig)出身与1328年发生的大都武力政变的政治名分。还有, 本稿注目了在燕铁木儿的名分里包含‘怯薛’的影响。钦察(Qibcaq)人军士贵族出身的燕铁木儿依靠祖父土土哈(Totqaq)、父亲床兀儿(Jünggür)的军功和元武宗海山(Qaišan)的怯薛经历,在武宗即位以后成功地进出了政治舞台。大概20年以后, 燕铁木儿拥立了武宗的次男图帖睦儿(Toq Temür), 成了朝廷最高权臣。因为共有武宗恩宠的人比较多, 所以为拥立武宗的后裔武力政变可以成功了。武宗的怯薛人员一代又一代享受武宗授予的恩惠, 他们特别地记忆了武宗之非凡的领导力。即, 对武宗怯薛人员来说, 燕铁木儿政变的名分很妥当。所以燕铁木儿确保很多怯薛人员、家门还有诸王的支持, 容易地成功了军事政变, 以后执掌了大元帝国末期的宫廷政治。燕铁木儿集权的名分的基础不是‘汉地’, 而是在‘草原’形成的‘合汗-怯薛’的关系。燕铁木儿本人也是武宗的怯薛出身, 可以主张拥立武宗的后裔。怯薛、军事贵族世臣出身的燕铁木儿当然没代表‘中原’的价值与理念, 折衷‘北方’和‘汉地’的政治背景。于是, 燕铁木儿的集权、文宗的拥立不是‘汉化’(理念纠纷)的象征而是我们应该从政治斗争的观点理解燕铁木儿的政界进出、集权过程。为了确立新的观点, 本稿强调了燕铁木儿保有的‘草原’要素。

      • KCI등재

        원 제국의 3차 대월 침입과 그 이후 양국의 관계 ― 『安南行記』 자료의 발굴과 분석을 중심으로 ―

        권용철 이화여자대학교 이화사학연구소 2023 梨花史學硏究 Vol.- No.66

        This article has analyzed for the evolution of the relationship between the Yuan and Đại Việt, focusing on the two documents(表文) of Đại Việt and imperial order(詔書) of Qubilai recorded at Annanxingji, written by Xumingshan(徐明善) who was part of an envoy sent to Đại Việt from the Yuan Empire in November of 1288. While Qubilai's imperial order document has been discussed in the past because of its presence at Annanzhilüe(安南志略), the two documents(表文) of Đại Việt are less well known and have not been examined in detail. However, the contents of the two documents(表文) of Đại Việt have clear historical value as they show the position and diplomatic posture of the Đại Việt side after the end of the Yuan Empire's third invasion of Đại Việt. Although Đại Việt was heavily damaged by the Yuan invasion, it was by no means defeated in the war, and in fact was able to attack the retreating Yuan army and ultimately win. However, if we look at the documents of Đại Việt, we can see that they attempted to reconcile with the Yuan Empire through tribute immediately after the war, and to this end, they fabricated the causes of the deaths of the Yuan commanders they had intentionally killed. The document of Đại Việt also reveals that they attempted to restore diplomatic relations by returning captured prisoners and offering tribute to Qubilai and the empress. However, Qubilai was not entirely receptive to these efforts, insisting that the only way to show submission was through the coming to Yuan court of the Đại Việt monarch. The Đại Việt side insisted that only a tribute could be made, so diplomacy between the two countries continued to run parallel. The records contained in Annanxingji illustrate this diplomatic posture and the tension between the Yuan Empire and Đại Việt in 1288~1289.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1년간 낙상위험 예측 평가 도구로서 최대보장검사의 유용성

        권용철,김석중,최진영,조비룡,박진호,김화정 대한가정의학회 2008 Korean Journal of Family Medicine Vol.29 No.1

        The Usefulness of Maximal Step Length to Predict Annual Fall RiskYong Chol Kwon, M.D., Seok Joong Kim, M.D., Hwa Jung Kim, M.D.*, Jinho Park, M.D.**, Jin Young Choi, Ph.D.***, Be Long Cho, M.D., Ph.D. Background: Many clinical measures have been used to assess fall risk in elderly adults. The first objective of this study was to assess the clinical availability of maximal step length (MSL) as a measurement predicting falling probability in future. The second objective of this study was to try to find out how to use MSL more easily in a clinical setting. Methods: The study population consisted of 50 community-dwelling people (≥60 yrs). Demographic data were reviewed by self-recorded questionnaire and MSL, US and TUG had been done when the subjects visited a clinic in March and April 2004. They revisited the clinic after one year and information of fall incidence was obtained and their visual acuity was examined. To examine the association between many performance tests (MSL Unipedal stance, Timed up and go) and their real falling after tests, we analysed data by Mann-Whitney rank Test, pearson correlation and multiple regression. Results: The average MSL predicted future falling (P-value 0.025), but Unipedal stance, Timed up and go did not. The predicting ability of MSL was preserved using many MSL measures (average MSL corrected by leg length and height, one direction measure among six directions of MSL, and average of left and right three directions of MSL). Conclusion: This study showed that MSL had the ability to predict elderly adults’ falling in future. And this study showed that MSL can be used more easily in a clinical setting. (J Korean Acad Fam Med 2008;29:26-33) 연구배경: 노인의 낙상 위험도 측정을 위해 이용되고 있는 많은 임상적 도구 중 최대보장검사(Maximal Step Length, MSL)로 노인의 향후 1년 동안의 실제 낙상 여부를 예측할 수 있는 가능성을 알아보고 최대보장검사를 임상적으로 쉽게 쓸 수 있는 방법을 모색해보고자 하였다. 방법: 2004년 3, 4월에 일개 노인 대학에 다니는 60세 이상 노인 149명을 대상으로 사회인구학적 변수 및 우울 정도, 피로도를 평가하고, 최대보장검사, 외발 자세(Unipedal Stance, US), 의자에서 일어서 걷기(Timed Up and Go, TUG)를 면담 시 시행하였으며 이 중 추적 가능한 50명에 대해서 1년이 지난 2005년 4,5월에 추적 검사하였다. 이들 50명에 대해서 사회 인구학적 변수 및 우울 정도, 피로도, 지난 1년 동안의 낙상 여부를 조사하고 시력 검사도 수행하였다. 2004년에 측정한 MSL, US, TUG와 향후 1년 동안의 실제 낙상과의 관련성을 Mann-Whitney 검정, 상관분석 및 회귀분석을 이용하여 분석하였다. 결과: 로지스틱 회귀분석 결과 US, TUG은 향후 1년 동안의 다빈도 낙상 여부와 관련이 없었으나, 평균 MSL은 유의한 관련성을 보였으며, 이러한 양상은 하지 길이 또는 키로 보정하였을 때도 유지되었다. 좌, 우측 하지에 대해 전, 측, 후 방향으로 측정한 MSL의 평균치로 통계분석했을 경우에도 통계적 유의성은 크게 변하지 않았으며 이러한 경향성은 각각의 측정치들을 하지 길이 또는 키로 보정하였을 때도 유지되었다. 결론: 본 연구를 통해 노인의 낙상 위험도 측정 도구인 MSL이 실제로 향후 낙상 정도를 예측할 수 있음을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 본 연구에서는 MSL을 6방향 모두가 아닌 1방향만 측정하여도 낙상과 관련성을 보여, MSL을 임상적으로 보다 간편하게 이용할 수 있는 가능성을 제시하였다.

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