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      • KCI등재

        「してもらう」文の文タイプの移行について ― 受益性を表さないタイプを中心に ―

        權勝林 ( Kwon¸ Seung-lim ) 한국일어교육학회 2023 일본어교육연구 Vol.- No.64

        This paper is about the transition of the sentence type of ‘sitemorau’ sentences that do not show beneficialness. The ‘sitemorau’ sentence, as a ‘monogatari bun (narrative sentence)’, is frequently converted to ‘machinozomi bun (optative sentence)’ and ‘sasoikake bun (hortative sentence)’, especially when an intention to do something against the listener is recognized. In this paper, the following sentence types were analyzed and described. [1] sitemoraou type:can be converted into a hortative sentence [2] sitemoraitai type:optative sentence to hortative sentence [3] sitemorattemoii type:narrative sentence to hortative sentence [4] sitemorattewakomaru/sitemorawanaitokomaru type: narrative sentence to hortative sentence [5] sitemorawanaitoikenai type:narrative sentence to hortative sentence Type [1] is the case that uses the verb’s volition type to express an intention to do something to the listener. Type [2] is an ‘optative sentence’ in itself since the ‘~tai’ combines right after, and it can also express an intention to do something to the listener. And the type [3]-[5] in the above are combined with deontic modality form and are basically narrative sentences that may convert to hortative sentences. In addition, if the rear form of the [4] or [5] types is omitted, it is easier to convert them into an optative sentence or a hortative sentence.

      • KCI등재


        權勝林 ( Kwon Seung Lim ) 한국일어교육학회 2018 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.42

        この論文では、日本語と韓國語の受身文を對象に、對照言語學的分析を行った。類型論的に類似した特徵を共有しながらも、文法形式の文法化の樣相という点では相違点が目立つ兩言語であるがゆえに、對照言語學的觀点からの分析は兩言語への示唆点が多い。非常に文法化の進んだ形式の日本語の受身文とは對照的に、多樣な形式で多樣な意味の受身を表す韓國語の各受身文の成立要因を探り、形式と意味の對應關係と各意味類型の特徵について分析した。 詳しくは、文成分では、主語の意味素性で有生性と主語とヲ格補語の間の所有性と動詞の種類-漢語動詞であるか一般動詞であるか一を取り上げ、どの受身のタイプと對應するかについて考察した。なお、受身文の意味と受身文類型の比較分析では、對照的な觀点から取り上げるべきこととして、韓國語の所有者受身文と被害受身文に關して考察した。また、日本語におけるモノ主語受身文と自動詞文との類似性に關して考察した。 This paper is a comparative analysis of passive sentences in Japanese and Korean. Those two languages are typologically each other but remarkably different in terms of grammaticalization. Japanese passive sentences have an advanced form of grammaticalization. In contrast, when it comes to Korean, it has a lot of forms to represent various meanings while leaving lexical aspects. Above all, this paper suggests requirements for establishment of each Korean passive sentences and analyzes features of each meaning types. It describes constituents of a sentence in detail. To be more specific, it looks into animacy of subject, possession between subject and accusative, types of verb. This paper also ranges over from the contrastive linguistic point of view, firstly, Korean possessor passive sentences and damage passive sentences, and then, similarity among Japanese inanimate-subject-passive sentences and intransitive sentences. The following is relationship between types of Korean passive sentences and variety of factors.

      • KCI등재

        일본어 실현가능문의 성립조건 -한국어의 "지다"형과의 비교분석-

        권승림 ( Seung Lim Kwon ) 한국일어일문학회 2015 日語日文學硏究 Vol.94 No.1

        이 논문에서는 한국어의 「지다 (jida)」형과의 비교분석을 통하여, 실현가능문의 존재를 확인하고, 그 성립조건을 제시하였다. 실현가능문은 자발문이 나타내는 자발성과 가능문이 나타내는 상태성이라는 성질을 함께 갖춘 독특한 구문 카테고리이다. 또한「jida」형은 수동과 자발의 마커(marker)임과 동시에 실현가능문도 나타내고 있어, 자발과 가능과의 관련성을 시사하고 있다. 실현가능문이란 일시적으로 가능한 상태가 주체에 존재함을 나타내는 문장이다. 행위가 저절로 일어난다는 의미에서 자발과 관련되고 있으며, 현재라는 한정된 시간에 있어서의 가능한 상태라는 의미에서 조건가능과 유사점이 있다. 실현가능문을 성립시키는 조건은 다음과 같다. 1) 대상에 대하여 언급하지 않는 주체언급성을 나타낸다. 2) 문에 나타나지 않는 화자인 주체가 함의된다. 3) 함의되는 주체는 화자인 1인칭에 제한된다. 4) 문의 시제는 비과거형으로 고정되어 있다. This research identifies a existence of the feasible sentence and presents its’ realization conditions. The feasible sentence is peculiar construction category which owns both of a spontaneity of the spontaneous sentence and a possibility of possible sentence. Also 「jida」 form suggests relation between spontaneity and possibility since it is both passive and spontaneous marker and also presents feasible sentence. Feasible sentence means a sentence presents momentary possible status exist on subject. It is connected to the spontaneity in a sense about automaticity of action. Also it is similar to limited possibility in a sense of restricted time, Present. Conditions conclude the Feasible sentence as follows; 1) Comment only action of agent 2) Implicate agent who is speaker not showing on the sentence 3) Implicated agent is restricted to the first person 4) Tense of sentence is immovable to Non past

      • KCI등재

        「してもらう」文の意味·用法 - 受益性の観点から -

        權勝林 ( Kwon¸ Seung-lim ) 한국일어교육학회 2021 일본어교육연구 Vol.- No.55

        本稿では、「してもらう」文の意味のバリエーションについて分析し、意味·用法を分類した。受益性に関しては、その実現の仕方のさまざまな様相について述べ、その様相の違いによって、「してもらう」文のタイプが異なってくることについて分析した。「してもらった」形で典型的受益文になり、非過去形の「してもらう」形は、発話時以降に実現してほしいことを表す希望文、命令文になる。 さらに、受益性の漂白化を伴う文末表現への拡張についても述べることができた。授受表現という範疇に束縛されず、実際の使用例の分析から、さまざまな「してもらう」文を抽出し分析することで、多様な「してもらう」文の姿が明らかになったと思われる。「してもらう」文の意味·用法は次のように分類することができる。 1) 典型的タイプ:「してくれる」文へ変換可能 2) 使役的タイプ:「させる」文へ変換可能 3) スルタイプ:「する」文へ変換可能 4) 希望表現:「してほしい」文へ変換可能 5) 強要·命令表現:「してください」形など要求表現へ変換可能 6) 改まり表現:丁重語 7) 文末表現:後続形式と融合 多様な「してもらう」文の意味·用法は、受益性のバリエーションを見せてくれるだけでなく、文タイプの移行の姿まで見せてくれる。典型的な「してもらう」文は、のべたてる文の下位タイプである「ものがたり文」であるが、希望表現の「してもらいたい」文は「まちのぞみ文」に、強要·命令表現は「さそいかけ文」に移行するのである。 This paper is making an analysis of the semantic variation of ‘sitemorau’ sentence and also the meaning and usage of this type of sentence are classified. When it comes to beneficialness, the various ways of how it can be realized are discussed. If ‘sitemoratta’ is used, it is a typical type of sentence that expresses beneficialness. If ‘sitemorau’ is used, which is non-past, it is an optative sentence or imperative sentence that wishes to happen after the speech point. Also, ‘sitemorau’ sentence becomes a sentence-final expression when accompanied by bleaching of beneficialness. Diverse aspects of ‘sitemorau’ sentence can be clarified by extracting and analyzing actual examples, without being bound to the category of giving and receiving expression. The classification of the meaning and usage of the ‘sitemorau’ sentence are as follows: 1) typical type : can be converted to ‘sitekureru’ sentence 2) causative type : can be converted to ‘saseru’ sentence 3) 「suru」 type : can be converted to ‘suru’ sentence 4) optative expression : can be converted to ‘sitehosii’ sentence 5) imperative expression : can be converted to ‘sitekudasai’ sentence 6) formal expression : expressing politeness 7) sentence-final expression : fused with succeeding form The various meanings and usages of the ‘sitemorau’ sentence not only demonstrate the variations in beneficialness but also show the transition of the sentence type. A typical ‘sitemorau’ sentence is originally a declarative sentence (monogatari bun), but the ‘sitemoraitai’ sentence, which is an optative expression, shifted into an optative sentence (machinozomi bun) and an imperative expression shifted into a suggesting sentence (sasoikake bun).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일본어 가능문과 자발문의 연속성에 관하여 -조건가능문과 실현가능문의 분석을 통하여-

        권승림 ( Kwon Seung-lim ) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2015 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.66

        이 논문은 일본어의 가능문과 자발문의 연속적 관계를 밝히고자 한 것이다. 실현가능문은 시간한정성(time stability)에서 조건가능문과 유사점을 갖고, 자기제어성(self-controlability)에서 자발문과 유사점을 갖는다. 가능문과 자발문의 연속적 모습은 다음과 같다. 능력가능문?조건가능문?실현가능문?자발문 능문의 하위유형의 분류와 자발문과의 연속적 모습에는 상태성, 시간한정성, 자기제어성과 같은 요소가 작용하고 있다. 1) 상태성(State property)과 시간한정성(Time stability) ① 능력가능문이 시간한정성이 생기면 조건가능문으로 이행한다. ② 실현가능문과 조건가능문은 시간한정성에서 유사하다. 2) 자기제어성(Self-controlability) ① 능력가능문과 조건가능문은 자기제어성을 갖는다. ② 실현가능문은 자기제어성을 갖지 않는다는 점에서 자발문에 연속된다. 또한 가능주의 문 표시 여부와 가능주를 마크하는 조사의 종류, 구문 타입에 의한 카테고리 간의 유사점과 차이점을 분석하였다. This paper in on purpose to clarify a continuous relationship of possible sentence and spontaneous sentence. Feasible sentence is similar to the possible sentence in time stability, and also similar to spontaneous sentence in self-controllability. The continuous aspect of possible sentence and the spontaneous sentence is as below. Ability possible sentence-Condition-possible sentence-Feasible sentence-Spontaneous sentence Elements such as State property, Time stability, Self-controllability operate on a classification of sub-type and continuous aspect of spontaneous sentence 1) State property and Time stability; ①Ability possible sentence switch over to Conditon-possible sentence when has Time stability. ②Feasible sentence and Condition-possible sentence shows similarity in Time stability. 2) Self-controllability; ①Ability possible sentence and Condition-possible sentence possess Self-controllability. ②Feasible sentence continue to spontaneous sentence in aspect which do not possess Self-controllability. Also, analysis regarding similarity and difference between categories by mark of possible agent and types of postpositions marking possible agent and statement type will be continued.

      • KCI등재

        사역문(使役文)의 의미 용법의 분류

        권승림 한국일어일문학회 1994 日語日文學硏究 Vol.24 No.1

        本稿は日本語の使役文を對象とし, 使役文の有する多樣な意味·用法を分類した. また, 本質的な問題として, なぜ使役文が樣樣な意味を表すことが出來るかについて考察した, その際, 他動性と對照させながら使役性の定義を行い, 典型的な使役文の有する意味素性を抽出した. その意味素性をも含めた次のような要因を基準に10種類の使役文の意味·用法を取り出した. [使役文の意味·用法の分類に關與する要素] [A] 使役主の意味素性 [B] 被使役者の意味素性 [C] 使役事態に對する意圖性の在處 [D]使役主の동きかけの性質 [E] 事態(event)間の繼起關係 [F] 基本動詞の性質 上記の基準により次のような意味用法を取り出すことが出來る. [1] 指示 : [+animate)の使役主と技使役者を含意し, 使役主を主語とする基本的な用法である. 使役主の동きかけは間接的であり, 使役事態に對する意圖は使役主にある. [2-1] 誘導-利益收受- : 使役主の동きかけが直接的な指示等によるものではなく, 被使役者に氣づかれない동きかけによって被使役者を間接的に仕向ける意味を表す. [2-2] 誘導-利益賦與- : <利益收受>の場合は, 基本動詞の制限を受けないが, <利益賦與>)は再歸性を有する基本動詞の使役文に限る用法である. [3] 許可 : 使役事態に對する意圖性を使役主ではなく被使役者が持っている場合の用法である. その現れとして使役主が背景化し, 被使役者を主語に据えた文が多く見られる. [4] 放任 : 使役文の含意する, 二事態間の繼起關係が上述の用法と<放任>を區別する要因である. <許可>までの用法は使役主の被使役者に對する동きかけの事態が被使役者の動作實現の事態より先行しているが, <放任>の場合は被使役者による動作の方が使役主の동きかけより先行している. [5] 放置 : 意味成立の條件は<放任>と同樣であるが, 使役主あるいは被使役者が旣に行われている事態に對して使役主が積極的に阻止しないことを不本意と感じていることを表している. [6] 非使役行爲 : 旣實現事態に對する態度表明を表しているという意味で<放任><放置>と同類に入るが, この場合は使役主による동きかけが一切行われていない. 實現した事態に對する使役主の感想が述べわれる場合が多い. [7] 直接的使役行爲 : [+animate]の使役主と被使役者を含意しながら使役主の동きかけが直接的な動作によるものである. [8] 操作 : <直接的使役行爲>より非常に他動詞文に接近している使役文である. 被使役者が無情物[-animate]であるが, [+animate]的に捉えられている. [9] 原因 : 使役主が無情物である場合と, 使役主の性質に關わらず基本動詞が認識·感情動詞の場合に成立する用法である. 以上のように使役文の意味·用法の分類にとどまらず, 今まで考察の及ばなかった用法間の相關關係をも考察した. このことによって他動詞文·使役動詞文との關係の中で使役文を捉え, 他動詞文から典型的な使役文までを連續的に捉えることが可能になった.

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