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      • KCI등재

        보건분야 ODA 사업에 대한 성별영향분석평가 : KOICA 에티오피아 아르시존 가족계획 및 모자보건 증진사업에 대한 시범적용

        권문영(Mun-Nyoung Kwon),한승헌(Seung-heon Han),강민아(Min-ah Kang) 한국여성정책연구원 2015 여성연구 Vol.88 No.-

        In this study, to examine the applicability of the Gender Impact Assessment policy as a main tool for gender mainstreaming of ODA projects, we applied the tool, which was developed by the Korea Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, to a health ODA project. As an trial case, we selected the “Family Planning Project in Arsi Zone, Ethiopi,” which was conducted by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) from 2008 to 2010. Using ‘the index of Gender Impact Assessment of Korea’ and ‘the KOICA Guideline for Gender Mainstreaming,’ we evaluated how the project performed in terms of promoting gender mainstreaming. Despite the project’s genuine efforts for gender mainstreaming, our analysis showed several points for further improvement. Most of all, we found profound needs to develop a system to regularly collect gender sensitive statistics that are separated by men and women at the individual level. Also, the social and cultural environments of partner countries that might have caused the gender inequality in the society should be thoroughly analyzed and understood to perform an assessment sensitive to the culture. At the same time, there were still needs for developing more gender-targeted health ODA projects and programs. The most critical remaining task, we found, was to develop an ‘ODA-tailored’ Gender Impact Assessment tool. 1995년 북경에서 열린 제4차 세계여성대회에서 성평등을 실현하기 위한 핵심적인 전략으로 성 주류화가 채택된 이후 개발원조정책에서도 젠더 관점을 적용하기 위한 패러다임의 전환이 시도되고 있다. 본 연구는 KOICA에서 추진했던“에티오피아 아르시존 가족계획 및 모자보건 증진사업”의 사례를 통해 보건분야 ODA 사업을 추진함에 있어 성별영향분석평가 지표 개발 등 성 주류화 전략의 주요 도구를 활용하기 위해서 고려되어야 하는 사항이 무엇인지 도출하는데 그 목적이 있다. 성별 영향을 분석함에 있어서는 여성가족부에서 제시한 성별영향분석평가 지표와 KOICA에서 제시한 보건분야 성 주류화 가이드라인을 참조하였다. 사업을 분석한 결과 도출된 연구의 함의는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 사업의 성별 영향을 검 토하고 개선안을 제시하기 위해서는 사업의 계획, 실행, 평가, 환류의 모든 단계에서 성별분리통계가 구축되어야 한다. 둘째, ODA 사업에서 성별 영향분석평가제도와 같이 성 주류화 전략을 적용할 수 있는 도구를 활용하기 위해서는 협력대상국에 적합한 평가 기준과 우선순위에 대한 보다 활발한 논의가 전제되어야 한다. 셋째, ODA 사업에 성 주류화 전략이 실질적으로 적용되기 위해서는 성평등의 실현을 목적으로 하는 사업을 적극적으로 발굴하고, 성 주류화 전략의 적용을 성과 관리 프레임에 포함시키는 조치들이 필요하다. 이상의 함의에도 불구하고 본 연구는 ODA 사업에 대해 성별 영향을 분석하고 평가할 수 있는 구체적인 지표가 개발되어 있지 않아 한국 정부가 개발한 성별영향분석평가 지표를 그대로 적용하였고 이에 따라 ODA 사업의 특성을 제대로 반영하여 평가가 수행되지 못했다는 한계를 지닌다. 이러한 한계는 ODA 사업을 추진함에 있어 국제사회가 함께 노력해야 할 과제라 여겨진다.

      • KCI등재

        성희롱 피해자 보호를 위한 법적 조치 강화 방안 -건강권 보장 관점의 적용-

        권문영 ( Kwon Mun-nyoung ),강민아 ( Kang Min-ah ),배현아 ( Bae Hyun-a ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2016 法과 政策 Vol.22 No.2

        This study examines issues, heretofore neglected, which have negative impacts on the health of victims of sexual harassment in South Korea. We review the current status of legal and institutional measures inteded to support victims in their recovery from sexual harassment, as well as the available assistance in he form of financial compensation. At the outset, in order to bring about increased attention to this issue, this study reviews current South Korean legal provisions, observes the extent to which these provisions actually overlook damage to victims’ health, and furthermore, how current practices aggravate damages to the victims. Next, after reviewing the European Union’s measures, as upheld by its member states, for the prevention of sexual harassment, the protection of its victims when it does occur, and corroborating regulatory health reports, this study lays out its proposed recommendations for the South Korean system. As for the improvements of measures to protect the victims of sexual harassment, first there needs to be a legal effort to define sexual harassment as a sub-category of harassment. Damage caused by the sexual harassment not only consists of mental and physical health violation but also additional damage caused by the act of bystanders and bullies blaming the victim rather than the perpetrator. Also the incident evokes violation of victim’s labor rights and their rights to learn where their lives become unstable. However, currently, Korea lacks a legal basis to protect such extensive damage of the victims. Therefore, by providing a legal basis for regulating the harassment is very effective in guaranteeing the right to health in a reactive approach to health damage caused by sexual harassment and a proactive preventive measure to ensure a safe living environment. Second, is to introduce the ancillary health system such as providing a therapeutic consultation and a leave system. In the case of sexual harassment, the moment when the violation happens, it causes both mental and physical health damage and there is a high chance of additional damage that can be caused by the community members where the victim resides. Thus providing a therapeutic consultation with the expert, separating victim and offender, and if the victim wishes, keeping the victim away from the community where the sexual harassment occurred is a way which can minimize other various damages. Thirdly, there is a need for expanding the criteria of injury in an industrial accident as a psychological trauma and comprehensively expanding the range of subject to vocational trainees, people who have applied for the position and employees whose contract has been terminated. Lastly, there is a need to actively raise issues about the structure of hierarchical gender system which perpetrates sexual harassment in Korea to create a healthy living environment where it could prevent the occurrence of sexual harassment.

      • KCI등재

        비혼 여성의 소외와 노후 불안 - 30~40대 비혼 여성의 국민연금제도에 대한 경험과 인식을 중심으로

        권문영 ( Kwon Mun-nyoung ) 부산대학교 여성연구소 2018 여성학연구 Vol.28 No.2

        New interest is aroused on national pension system due to rapid increase in elderly population of age 65 and above. This study intends to focus on a new blind spot for the unmarried women within the system, which is caused by the current national pension system design based on the presupposition of heterosexual marriage and one’s contribution through their wage labor. Another purpose of this study is to provide an analysis of how different economic statuses among unmarried women affect their access to the national pension system. In order to do so, in-depth interviews with the unmarried women were conducted. Interviewees are composed of both regular and non-regular workers to examine their experiences and recognition on their accessibility, entitlement, and guarantee of the national pension system. As a result, since forming a family through marriage is a social norm in Korea, national policies and system is designed in the unit of family and social security net that government cannot provide such as care and support is offered within families. In such reality, unmarried women who do not experience marriage and delivery ultimately face double exclusion from family and the government. Also because of remaining division of labor according to gender, unmarried women tend to be anxious of their lives of elderly in the aspect of economic security and care. Such experience on overlapping exclusion lead them to deficient trust on the government, which makes them hard to select national pension as an alternative for their unstable lives of elderly.

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