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      • KCI등재후보

        스와힐리 mbele/nyuma를 중심으로 한 '전후' 개념의 문법화 양상

        권명식(Kwon Myong-Shik) 한국아프리카학회 2004 한국아프리카학회지 Vol.20 No.-

        In this article we have tried to explore the aspects of the meaning extension of mbele and nyuma. Originally they were used to refer to the body parts like breast or back. In the mean time they were developed into the term denoting spatial orientation like front or back. Synchronically these are the main concepts with which these words are used. However they are also used quite different meaning according to the given contexts. In order to clarify these aspects of meaning extension we employed the so called 'cognitive domain' and 'empathy hierarchy' which is proposed by B. Heine and Ch. Lehmann each other. In the other we used the data from the present Kiswahili novel 'Rosamistika' which was written in 1971 by a Tanzanian writer. After the analysis we tried to modify the given model of cognitive domain according to the relevance of our linguistic data. All the varieties of semantic extension are represented under the concept of grammaticalization.

      • KCI등재후보

        아프리카 청소년들이 겪는 도시 문제

        권명식(Kwon Myong-Shik) 한국외국어대학교 아프리카연구소 2005 Asian Journal of African Studies Vol.18 No.-

        Contemporary Swahili novels have their origin in oral narratives even though they emerged from the new African colonial cities under the influence of European modern culture. In the past the young African hero made his adventurous journey to the bush where all kinds of spirits and deads are dwelling. In the course of adventures they got initiated and returned home as hero to save his people. Now the scene have changed drastically. The bush is now substituted by modern colonial city, where African youth venture their lives for money, girls and other opportunities. Instead of becoming a hero, however they often end up being a criminal or failure who need help other people. In modern Kiswahili novels there are two different tendencies depending on the way of solving the problem of degraded African rural youth: ujamaa, African socialistic ideology, or religious answer like that of Christianity. There are even existential endings without any other outer help. In this article I have tried to explore the so called 'city theme' of African youth, which are presented in modern Ki-Swahili novels like Kezilahabi, Balisidya and other four authors. Common features of young protagonists in those novels are analysed and summarized according to the authors, their nationality and background ideology. The polarity of traditional village life and modern colonial city can be extended further to the provincial city life in Africa and the imperial center of metropolitan cities in Europe of Northern America.

      • KCI등재후보

        문법화의 단방향성

        권명식(Kwon Myong-Shik) 한국외국어대학교 아프리카연구소 2005 Asian Journal of African Studies Vol.19 No.-

        Shaba Swahili is one of many varieties spoken in so called 'Up-Countries' inside of East African Swahili speaking coast. The central city of the area is Lubumbashi, however the whole area is known to us broadly as Shaba. This variety is quite different from the Standard form of Tanzania not only in its phonological level but also in grammatical, lexical level. Beside the linguistic structure there are also contact-induced differences between these forms, namely difference of historical and colonial background. Under the French speaking Belgian influence the traces of French are noticed quite well one, most of all in pronunciation and lexical items. In this paper it is pursued to find out the general change of Shaba variety. In the meantime this variety is known to be a pidgin and/or creole, which has been developed over the last 80 or more years. There are many synchronic description of pidgin and creole language in general and most typical characteristics are given, however no diachronic explanations in the sense of language change. Recent years this view is treated in new aspect, namely from cognitive and pragmatic point of view. This theory is known to be grammaticalization(Heien et al. 1991), even though there are many disputes over some assertions in this theory, like principle of uni-directionality. In this paper I tried to reexamine the principle of unidirectionality on the basis of Shaba creole data. I arrange seven typical patterns of linguistic change in this variety and examine each case whether they are conformed to the principle of unidirectionalty. As in other pidgin creole data we have found many seemingly untenable examples with the theory of grammaticalization. Following the terms defined by Lehmann(1981) we introduced another pattern of historical language change namely innovation, renovation in one level and grammatical channel, and cycle in the other. Using these concepts we can find out the real situation of language change without violating the principle of grammaticalization.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        범주지위의 비대칭과 주변성 : 스와힐리어의 {pa-, ku-, mu-} 부류를 중심으로

        권명식(Kwon Myong-Shik) 한국아프리카학회 2010 한국아프리카학회지 Vol.32 No.-

        It is well known that those in structural and Chomskyan linguistics have had an inclination to describe the structure of language in an elegant and simple but complete way without taking irregularities and variation into consideration. According to what they presuppose, human language is a rigid and unchangeable code of system endowed with discrete categories. Swahili(popularly known as Kiswahili) noun class system is regarded as the core of grammar in the sense that nouns are systematically grouped into 15 classes and that these nouns have three different types of concord system: adjectival, pronominal and verbal concord respectively. In this paper, however, I try to show the opposite aspect of the system, namely the asymmetric and marginal nature of pa-,ku-,mu--class which denotes three different conceptual types of space in Swahili. In terms of the number of words belonging to this class(commonly termed as place class), the only word classified into this class is mahali 'place', which could be viewed as idiosyncratic and anomalous compared to other classes. This kind of imparity of paradigm with its membership can be characterized as asymmetrical and marginal in a remarkable contrast to the effort to understand the system as a symmetric and balanced whole. This kind of asymmetry and unbalance in the system is observed also at the level of noun phrase and that of clause as well. The constraint on the adjectival agreement in the case of locative noun(N+ni), for example, seems to be complicated to explain, unless we characterize it just as an irregularity. If we proceed to observe the level of clause, the status of noun phrase as a subject marker differs gradually according to the differential units of its form; mahali, N+ni, proper noun, demonstrative/adverb and zero/null morpheme. This phenomenon can be characterized as a kind of weakening of NP-status as a subject marker. When the head noun in NP, or NP posited as a subject marker is not used any more because of its untypicality as 'nounness', the noun-modifiers like determiners lose its original categorial status as demonstratives and are thus altered into other parts of speech such as adverbs(hapa, pengine 'here, perhaps') or prepositions(kwa, kwenye 'for, with') in newly contextualized situations. What can be observed in this alteration is that categorial changes take place after certain phases of ambiguous stage. In sum, what I attempt to ascertain is the fact that the categories as well as system are not a fixed, or a given one, but can be created at any time in utterances, and be also changed in accordance with the need of speakers in a given context. This kind of nature of grammar seems to engender a sort of asymmetry and marginality in pa-,ku-,mu- class of Swahili, which is concomitant with idiosyncratic and anomalous constructions.

      • KCI등재후보

        남부 아프리카 코이산어 연구 : 분포, 언어 상황, 언어계통 분류와 언어 구조적 특징

        권명식(Kwon Myong-Shik) 한국아프리카학회 2005 한국아프리카학회지 Vol.22 No.-

        Among four African language families Khoisan has been most poorly studied not only in Western circle but also in Korea. To understand the prehistory of African people like for example hunter-gatherer in Kalahari it has been suggested that linguistic description of given language and its comparison to other is mostly significant. In this article I tried to deliver how many languages are still alive in South-Western area, with their speakers. Concerning the situation of these Khoisan people we must first identify what kinds of languages are there and their genetic relation. It is still unclear to follow the Greenberg's three way classification of Khoisan as north, central and south. There are only 3 or 4 dialects in northern group and in southern there is only one. So following G?ldemann & Vossen(2000) I represent Khoisan Khoe and non-Khoe. Concerning the grammatical structure it is well known there are two types of structure, that of isolating and of inflectional. As a sample of former type I gave ≠H??, a isolating group, and as an example of inflectional I provided !Korana. Phonetically clicks are most salient and its phonotactic structure C(C)VCV, whereby clicks are positioned in first consonant place. Various structures of language like word order, noun phrase structure, adpositional type, and complex sentence structure like relative clause. Some problems about prehistory of these people are presented. The fundamental theoretical issues like the relationship between race, cultural types, and linguistic structure. The Khoisan people are composed of hunter-gathering Bushmen and herding Hottentots. These characteristics are often related to the people of minority, Dahalo, Okiek in Eastern Africa in Kenya. There remain still some questions of possibility of the relationship between Southern Cushitic and Khoisan people of Sandawe in Tanzania. All these issues should be studied further.

      • KCI등재

        Overview of Korean research for African Languages with particular reference to major topics and methodologies

        Kwon, Myong-Shik(권명식) 한국아프리카학회 2019 한국아프리카학회지 Vol.57 No.-

        이 논문은 한국에서의 아프리카어 연구 상황을 연구주제와 방법론을 중심으로 고찰한 것이다. 연구분야를 아프리카 언어분류, 스와힐리어 문법 기술, 언어사회학적 접근, 유형적 비교 연구와 담화화용 및 텍스트 분석이라는 다섯 개의 분과로 나누어 기술하였다. 아프리카언어 확인과 계통분류는 아프리카학의 최초 과제로 서구에서 일찍이 수행되어 왔는데 그 줄기를 소개한 다음 국내에서 이 주제가 어떻게 연구되었는지, 반투, 대서양어, 꾸아(에베), 코이산, 쿠쉬어 및 나일어를 중심으로 소개 기술하였다. 이에 관련된 중요한 자료들을 함께 제시하였다. 언어에 관련된 사회 문화를 함께 이해하기 위한 방편으로 제시된 사회-언어학 분야에서 어떤 연구가 국내에서 중점적으로 이루어졌는지 소개한 후 언어구조의 비교인 유형적 연구주제로 들어갔다. 동아프리카 스와힐리어와 서아프리카는 같은 나이저-콩고어족이지만 그 유형에서 크게 다르고, 하우사어 및 아프로-아시아어족과도 크나큰 유형대비가 이루어진다는 점이 국내 연구에서도 부각되었다. 코이산과 쿠쉬어 그리고 나일어들에 나타난 구조적 차이는 계통관계와 관련 지어 설명했다. 마지막으로 담화-화용적 연구는 새로운 연구 경향으로 국내에서는 이러한 연구흐름이 새롭게 소개되고 있음을 제시하였다. 지난 40여년 동안 소개, 연구된 아프리카어 연구가 폭이 넓고 그 내용 면에서도 충실한 바가 적지 않으나 저변의 확대와 논의의 장을 넓혀가는 데는 아직도 노력을 더 기울여야 할 부분이 많음을 암시하였다. This paper deals with the research history of African languages in Korea. It begins with the background information how the African linguistics was introduced in Korea for the first time with its relevant institutions. The best known African lingua Swahili was chosen to be applied as a teaching subject at the higher educational level. In the meantime it spread to the other two languages, namely Hausa and Zulu. Among Korean scholars of these languages, it was the first given duty to describe the relevant grammars and further to compile the dictionaries with two basic goals of achieving the need of students in one hand and to establish the ground for further research of these languages. On behalf of the academic journal of Korean association of African studies different topics concerning the structure and the functions African languages are published up to now. They are to be classified under the general disciplines of linguistic studies, i.e. phonology, morpho-syntax and discourse-pragmatics. On the matter of extra-linguistic fields the methods of historical linguistics and sociolinguistics are applied. Individual accomplishments in these fields are introduced with their main interests and topics. Furthermore their relations to main stream research in Europe and America are explained in order that the world-wide audience can be able to apprehend the situation in Korea, although the circle is still very small and its academic activities are quite limited. The paper intended to bridge the gap between the Korea scholars and outside world academics in the field of African linguistics.

      • KCI등재후보

        스와힐리 고전 시에 나타난 삶에 대한 몇몇 주제들

        권명식(Kwon Myong-Shik) 한국외국어대학교 아프리카연구소 2004 Asian Journal of African Studies Vol.17 No.-

        It is well known that the Swahili traditional poetry was influenced by Islamic religion. However the traditional oral songs seem to have influenced as much on the form and also on the themes of the written poetries. In this article we have attempt to explore some metaphorical expression of ambiguous themes of Swahili people on the East African coast. Four main poets like Muyaka from Mombasa, a female poet Mwana Kupona Msham, and the Shaban Robert from Tanganyikan Coastal city Tanga. They are different each other on sex, the birth place and also the time they have lived. Accordingly the themes they treat are different, but they represent main streams of Swahili literary history. Their poetries deal with love, war, dispute from power struggle, wisdom in human life. All these issues are attempted to interpret from authors view.

      • KCI등재

        보편적 의미역 설정의 문제점, 스와힐리어 술어와 참여자 사이의 관계를 중심으로

        권명식(Kwon Myong-Shik) 한국아프리카학회 2009 한국아프리카학회지 Vol.30 No.-

        Since C. Fillmore(1968)'s seminal paper on the list of universal semantic roles to explain the relationship between the predicate and its arguments, there were many debates and also revised suggestions(Blake 1994, Van Valin 1994) regarding the number of roles and also on the definitions of given roles. However it never be of satisfaction for having an universal set of semantic roles. In this article I have examined the Standard Swahili simple sentences with a variety of arguments and the various kinds of predicates. To determine the semantic role of given argument, we have to consider the inherent properties of verbs. According to the two basic parameters of arguments and verbs, the semantic roles can be of variate even to the point which the different but neighboring roles overlap each other like AGENT/THEME, RECIPIENT/DESTINATION~GOAL, PATIENT~THEME. We can also confirm the continuum on the level of AGENT role according to the properties of participants which can be distinguished according to the hierarchy of animacy. To understand the very nature of the universal semantic roles, we suggest, we have to consider the characteristics of categorization itself, which can be best explained by the terms like continuity, turning point, and typicality.

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