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        다문화주의 음악교육론과 국악 교육

        권덕원(Douk Won Kwon) 세계음악학회 2000 음악과 문화 Vol.2 No.-

        The philosophy of multi-cultural music education has more and more increased its influence on some Western countries such as U.S.A. and Canada. This trend is not so strange because their students come from various ethnic groups. In addition, the development of ethno-musical study has supported the philosophy. Korean people have the same ethnic origin, use the same language, and enjoy the common culture. Korean students, however, need to know and experience other ethnic cultures because the world of today is increasingly getting near. Each country seems to be very difficult to exist without understanding other countries and their cultures. If then, what meaning does the philosophy of multi-cultural music education have in the context of the recent Korean music education? I tried to figure out the theoretical background of the multi-cultural education and the meaning for the music education of Korea, specifically, in terms of Korean music teaching through this study. Some people who support the multi-cultural education mentioned the equity among various ethnic cultures. For instance David Elliott insisted that any ethnic group`s culture, even European music, should not be the center of music curriculum. However, it is not possible for music teachers to deal with various music equally because of teachers` cultural limits. It is believed that a music teacher`s understanding shows a certain center which reflects his or her cultural background. For instance, although a Canadian music teacher may try to do the best in applying the ideal of multi-cultural equity, there might be Canadian music in the center of his or her lessons since he or she still lives in Canadian musical culture. Same thing will happen for a Korean music teacher. What are the implications of the multi-culturalism for Korean music education? First, Korean music educators need to understand the meaning of the multi-cultural approach in a specific context of Korean culture. Second, we need to recognize that Korean music will be the center of curriculum in the school music classes. Third, the development of Korean music is a responsibility of Korean people in the 21st century of the world. Fourth, the education of Korean music should be strengthen in general music classes. Fifth, proper equipment and instructional materials of Korean music should be prepared. Finally, Korean government needs to create a new educational system through which Korean music teachers can introduce Korean music not only to Korean children in foreign countries but also to other countries` people.

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