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      • 한국 초파리 자연집단내의 치사인자 동좌율과 P-M system의 상관관계

        권국일,임낙룡 全北大學校 科學敎育硏究所 1994 과학과 과학교육 논문지 Vol.19 No.-

        Geographic variations of lethal genes and P-M system concealed in four natural populations of D. melanogaster were studied. The lethal frequency was estimated to be on the average of 80.67 percent, and the mean of allelism was 1.35%, 46 out of the total 3,395 crosses. The allelic frequencies of common descent(I_F) significantly decreased as the distance between populations increased. In the P-M test, no active P factor for GD sterility was found in all of the populations examined and the range of P susceptibility was from 32.26%(Taejon) to 45.59%(Naju). Therefore, these wild populations are probably composed of both Q and M types. To illustrate the relationship between lethals and GD sterility, a simple corelation was analized statistically. The results showed that there were significant correlation between P susceptibility and the allelism rates within population. It suggests that transposable element such as the P-M system may act as a causative of lethal genes in natural popualtions of D. melanogaster.

      • 전주 초파리 집단내 유전성 변이에 관한 연구

        임낙룡,권국일 全北大學校 敎育大學院 1997 敎育論叢 Vol.17 No.-

        The genetic studies on lethal gene frequencies and inversion polymorphisms from Chonju natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster were carried out. To analyse lethal gene frequencies and allelism of lethal genes in intra- and inter-population, two populations collected in November of 1986 and 1987 were tested. The frequency of genome carrying deleterious gene was 80.28%. The average frequency of allelic lethals was 0.0148 in within population and 0.0118 in between population. The rate of elimination of lethal genes by homozygosis(IQ^2) was 0.0024. And the effective population size of the present population sampled was estimated to be about 3,000 pairs of flies. To test inversion polymorphism, 832 males sampled in October and November of 1986 and 1987 were examined. Every wild caught male was crossed to three virgin females with standard chromosomal sequencies in all chromosome. A total of eight different inversions were found and identified to be autosomal paracentric types only. Seven of them were cosmopolitan inversions and the rest endemic one. The average frequency of flies carryoing inversions was 0.352 and mean number of inversions per individual fly was 0.454. The frequency order observed was 2Lt > 3RP > 3LP > 3RC > 2RNS > 2LK > 3RMo(P=0.0013 with Friedman's rank test). Although the linkage disequlibrium was detected between left and right arm of third chromosome, the present Chonju populations was in good fitted to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국 초파리 집단에서의 유전성 변이

        임낙룡,권국일,박승태 한국유전학회 1998 Genes & Genomics Vol.20 No.2

        The genetic studies on lethal gene frequencies and inversion polymorphisms from Chonju natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster were carried out. To analyse lethal gene frequencies and allelism of lethal genes in intra- and inter-population, a total of 410 males collected in Novembers of 1986 and 1987 were tested. The frequency of both second and third chromosomes, as a unit, carrying deleterious gene was 80.28%. The average frequency of allelic lethals was 0.0148 in within population and 0.0118 in between population. The rate of elimination of lethal genes by homozygosis (IQ²) was 0.0024. And the effective population size of the present population sampled was estimated to be about 3,000 pairs of flies. To test inversion polymorphism, a total of 832 males sampled in Octobers and Novembers of 1986 and 1987 were examined. Each wild caught male was crossed to three virgin females with standard chromosomal sequencies in all chromosome. A total of eight different inversions were found and identified to be autosomal paracentric types only. Seven of them were cosmopolitan inversions and the rest endemic one. The average frequency of flies carrying inversions was 0.352 and mean number of inversions per individual fly was 0.454. The frequency order observed was 2Lt > 3RP > 3LP > 3RC > 2RNS > 2LK > 3RMo (P=0.0013 with Friedman's rank test). Although a linkage disequilibrium was detected between left and right arm of third chromosome, the present Chonju populations was in good fitness to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        초파리 지역집단간에서 치사인자의 동향

        임낙룡,권국일 한국유전학회 1995 Genes & Genomics Vol.17 No.4

        To analyse the relationship between distance and the allelism of lethal genes, wild males of Drosophila melanogaster were captured in four Korean natural populations, Suwon, Taejon, Chonju and Naju. Using a balanced stock, known as A₁B_(18) which is translocated with second and third chromosomes and can balance two major autosomes simultaneously, two major autosomes were extracted as a single unit. The average frequencies of flies carrying lethal genes were 0.8067. The allelic rate of lethals were 1.35% within population, and 0.56% between populations. The rate of elimination of lethals by homozygosis (1Q²) was an average of 0.0022 in four populations. Effective sizes of the population were ranged from 2,068 to 5,865. The regression analysis showed that the slope of the allelism of lethals decreased with distance far apart.

      • 초파리 집단내 역위빈도의 계절적 변동에 관한 연구

        이태훈,권국일,임낙룡,Lee, Tae-Hun,Gwon, Guk-Il,Im, Nak-Ryong 한국통합생물학회 1988 동물학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        계절에 따른 초파리 집단내 역위다형 현상의 변동상을 알기 위하여 전주근교의 과수원에서 1983년 1월부터 11월까지 격월로 여섯번 채집한 집단 표본을 분석하였다. 총 1071마리에서 얻은 15개형의 역위는 모두 편동원체역위(paracentric inversion)였으며, 이 중 7개형은 세계형91위(cosmopolitan inversion)였고, 나머지 8개형은 지역형역위(endemic inversion)였다. 개체당 역위의 평균 보유수는 0.639이고 역위를 보유한 개체의 빈도는 0.465였다. 7개의 세계형역위에 대한 표본집단을 분석한 결과 격월 집단간에서 유의한 차이를 보이는 반면 1월과 1 1월 표본간에서는 그 성황이 오히려 비숫해짐으로서 집단내 총역위빈도는 주기적으로 변동하고 있음이 암시된다. 역위와 환경변수와의 다중상관분석에서는 기온, 습도, 강수량이 역위빈도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고 역위 중 In(2L)t가 상기한 환경변수 모두에 대하여 유의한 상관관계를 보인 반면, In(3R)C와 In(3R)P는 어느 것과도 상관성을 보이지 않았다. 염색체내 그리고 염색체간의 연관 또는 조합의 검정결과 연관불평형혈상을 1월, 5월, 그리고 7월 표본의 제3염색체에서, 그리고 비균일조합은 1월과 7월 표본에서 역시 제3염색체에서만 산출 되었다. Seasonal changes of inversion frequencies in Chonju 0. melanogaster populations were studied. A total of 1071 males were collected six times with ho months intewal from January through November in 1983. to analyse diploid sets of chromosomes carried by males, each male was mated to several virgin females homoBvgous for cytologically standard sequence in all chromo-somes. From each mating, more than seven FL larvae were selected in random and tested to find chromosomal aberrations. In the present study, 15 different inversions were found and identified to be paracentric only In both second and third chromosomes; seven were cosmopolitan and the rest eight endemic types. The average frequency of inversions was 0.465 and the mean number of inversions carried by a single male was 0.639. The linkage disequilibria were detected between the leK and right arms of third chromosomes from the samples of January, May and Julv, Whereas nonrandom associations appeared also in the third chromosomes only in January and Julv samples. In multiple regression analysis among frequencies of inversions and environ-mental variables it appeared that mean temperature, relative humidity and total precipitation for a month skipped over 30 days before collected affect to change to frequencies of particular inver-sions. With respect to the behavior of inversions in the present samples, it is suggested, with the Friedman's analysis of variance by ranks of inversion frequency orders, that the frequencies of inversions change cyclically year to year.

      • 초파리 자연집단내의 염색체 변이에 관한 연구

        임낙룡,권국일 全北大學校 敎育大學院 1995 敎育論叢 Vol.15 No.-

        Taejon wild populations of Drosophila melanogaster have been studied for chromosome inversion polymorphism and fluctuation of its frequencies. A total of 3123 flies. 1546 males and 1577 females, were tested. All of the 14 inversion types found were identified to be paracentric and autosomal. Among them 7 were cosmopolitan and the rest endemic. The average of inversion frequencies was 0.81 and 0.54 in male and female respectively. The order of inversion frequencies of six cosmopolitans which were pooled together male and female samples in every year was 2Lt > 3RP > 2RNS > 3LP > 3RMo. The linkage disequilibrium were detected between left and right arm of 2nd chromosome in October of 1985. The nonrandom association appeared between 2nd and 3rd chromosome in October, 1986. The frequencies of flies carrying one or more inversions did not depart from the expected in male samples. On the basis of the present result. Taejon wild populations were good fitted to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Hobo transposon(Tn)에 의한 염색체 재배열

        임낙룡,권국일 한국유전학회 1994 Genes & Genomics Vol.16 No.2

        The trainsposable hobo element plays the role as a causative agent to produce chromosome rearrangements in the Uc-1X chromosome. In the present study, the Notch mutation rate in an inbred Uc-1 strain ranged between a low value of 3.52±0.74 percent to a high one of 6.25±1.13 percent. Cytological analysis revealed 82 deficiencies and three different inversions, associated with the Notch mutations. And in situ hybridization showed that the hobo elements were participated in all of the chromosome mutations which had labels with the hobo probe at each of the breakpoints. This result suggested that hobo existing in the Notch locus interacts with the other hobo elements on the same chromosome to produce the structural rearrangements.

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