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      • HIV 감염인의 사회적 낙인이 자기낙인과 내면화된 수치심을 매개하여 자살사고에 미치는 영향

        권경애(Kwon, kyung-ae),홍혜영(Hong, Hye-young) 한국통합치료학회 2019 통합치료연구 Vol.11 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 HIV 감염인의 사회적 낙인이 자기낙인과 내면화된 수치심을 매개로하여 자살사고에 영향을 미치는지 살펴보고자 하였다. 연구대상은 전국적으로 분포되어 있는 247명의 HIV 감염인이며, 자료 분석을 위해 기술 분석 및 상관분석, 구조방정식 모형 검증을 실시하였으며, SPSS와 PROCESS Macro를 사용하여 검증하였다. 연구의 결과는 첫째, 사회적 낙인과 자기낙인, 자기낙인과 내면화된 수치심, 내면화된 수치심과 자살사고는 모두 유의미한 정적 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 사회적 낙인은 자기낙인을 매개로 하여 자살사고에 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 사회적 낙인은 내면화된 수치심을 매개로 하여 자살사고에 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 사회적 낙인과 자살사고 사이에서 자기낙인과 내면화된 수치심은 이중매개효과에서 유의미한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 HIV 감염인의 사회적 낙인, 자기낙인, 내면화된 수치심이 자살사고에 영향을 미치는 변인임을 확인했고 HIV 감염인이 경험하는 사회적 낙인과 자기낙인의 존재만으로 자살사고에 영향을 미치는 것이 아니라 내면화된 수치심도 함께 가지고 있을 때 자살사고에 영향을 미친다는 것을 확인하였다. 그 외에 연구의 결과에 대한 논의와 시사점을 제언하였다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of social stigma on suicide ideation through the mediums of self-stigma and internalized shame in HIV-infected people. The objects of this study were 247 HIV-infected people, and descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, mediation analysis, and dual mediation analysis were conducted using SPSS and PROCESS Macro. The results of the study were as follows. First, there were meaningful positive correlations between social stigmatization and self-stigmatization, self-stigmatization and internalized shame, and internalized shame and suicide ideation. Second, social stigmatization through the medium of self-stigmatization had no meaningful influence on suicide ideation. Third, social stigmatization through the medium of internalized shame had no meaningful influence on suicide ideation. Fourth, between social stigmatization and suicide ideation, self-stigmatization and internalized shame were meaningful in terms of having a double mediation effect. This research identified social stigmatization, self-stigmatization, and internalized shame in HIV- infected people as variables that influence suicide ideation. It also concluded that the social and self-stigmatization of HIV-infected people alone does not influence suicide ideation, and that this effect takes place with the additional presence of internalized shame. Possible implications and discussion points of the results of the research were also suggested.

      • KCI등재

        눈 메이크업이 顏面相에 미치는 영향에 관한 硏究

        권경애(Kwon Kyung Ae) 한국인체미용예술학회 2000 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.1 No.2

          Physiognomy is well known to judge a person"s character by the face. Physiognomy is to read a person"s character not only by the face but also by the hands, frame, head, arms, legs, chest, back, abdomen, waist, hair and even the whole body.<BR>  However this study is focused on rather the effect of the make-up than the philosophical aspect.<BR>  Thinking of someone usually someone"s face comes first. It shows that the eyes can be very important part of the face. Therefore, it may be said that physiognomy a lot depends on the eyes. Those who want to have a plastic surgery most likely want to have plastic operations on their eyes. It shows how important the eyes on physiognomy. How can physiognomy be improved without any plastic operations? That method could be the make-up. Small changes in the make-up can change not only the images of eyes but also the image of the face. In the physiognomy, out of 100 face the eyes are considered 50. It shows how important the eyes are on the face in aspects of physiognomy. The shape of the eyes affects a lot on the face and decides the image of the face. This study was to analyse the shapes of the eyes in the applications of the theory of physiognomy.<BR>  This study includes the objectives and the method of this research in the introduction. The second chapter explains the term and the necessity of the make-up. In addition, it includes the category of physiognomy and preliminary elements, that is, forehead, eyebrow, eyes, nose, mouth, chin, ears.<BR>  The third chapter includes the images of the face in terms of physiognomy and the judgement of facial features in the common sense. This research analysed the shape of the face in the aspects of both physiognomy and make-up. In order to investigate the images and the shapes of the eyes, the followed analyses were carried out : physiognomy analysis, medical analysis, reflection symbol analysis: the name of the eyes in general, the sizes of the eyes, the angles of the eyebrows, the balance of the two eyes, the distance of the two eyes, the existence of the double eyelid and the differences of the two eyes in the aspects of physiognomy and the make-up.<BR>  The fourth chapter includes how the make-up on eyes can change the image of the face depending on the sizes of the eyes, the existence of the double eyelid, the distance of the two eyes, the protrusion of the eyeball, the shape of the eyes, the differences of the two eyes. It also includes studies of the changes of the make-up on the face depending on the categorized types of the eyes.<BR>  In conclusion, it was discussed there was a strong possibility of the effects of the make-up on the images of the face.<BR>  This research was carried out on the followed purposes: to study the basic terms of the make-up and physiognomy to create the beauty of the human being, to analyse the effects of the make-up on the shape of the eyes, and to study the effects of the make-up on the images of the face. Previous literature review was carried out to study the general theory and the effects of the Korean make-up on the face. In comparison, work experience was presented.

      • KCI등재

        QuEChERS 전처리와 LC-MS/MS를 이용한 고추 중 침투성농약 Imidacloprid 및 대사물질 동시분석법

        서은경(Eun-Kyung Seo),김택겸(Taek-Kyum Kim),홍수명(Su-Myeong Hong),혜영(Hye-Yong Kwon),지형(Ji-Hyung Kwon),경애(Kyung-Ae Son),김장억(Jang-Eok Kim),김두호(Doo-Ho Kim) 한국농약과학회 2013 농약과학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        Imidacloprid is a systemic insecticide which act as an insect neurotoxin. It used for control of pest such as aphids and other sucking insects in fruits and vegetables. Systemic pesticides move inside a crop following absorption by the plant, and these were converted into a variety of metabolites. Sometimes these metabolites make a problem about safety of agricultural products. So a simultaneous determination method of pesticide and its metabolites is needed, to monitor their presence in agricultural product and study on the fate of pesticide in a plant. This studys aim is to investigate simultaneous analysis method of imidacloprid and its metabolites, imidacloprid guanidine, imidacloprid olefin, imidacloprid urea, and 6-chloronicotinic acid in red pepper using QuEChERS method and LC-MS/MS systems. QuEChERS method was modifed beacuase MgSO<SUB>4</SUB> salts decreased the recoveries of 6-chloronicotinic acid in extraction procedure. Imidacloprid and its metabolites were extracted by acetonitrile with 1% glacial acetic acid and the extracts were purified through QuEChERS with primary secondary amine (PSA) and C<SUB>18</SUB> and analyzed with LC-MS/MS in ESI positive mode. Standard calibration curves were made by matrix matched standards and their correlation coefficients were higher than 0.999. Recovery studies were carried out on spiked pepper blank sample at four concentration levels (0.01, 0.04 and 0.1, 0.4 mg/kg). The average recoveries of imidacloprid and its metabolites were in the range of 70~120% with < 20% RSD. This result indicated that the method using QuEChERS and LC-MS/MS was suitable for the simultaneous determination of imidacloprid and its metabolites in red pepper.

      • KCI등재

        상대일본어에서 나타나는 모음탈락형

        권경애 한국일어일문학회 1995 日語日文學硏究 Vol.26 No.1

        上代日本語の$lt;母音脫落現象$gt;にいついて從來の硏究では脫落の原因を連母音忌避に求めたり, シラビ-ム構造をもつ言語の表記上の問題とするなど, さまざまな方面からのアプロ-チがあつた. しかし, ごく短い定型を要求する詩(歌)の中に現れる語彙を對象とするということを考慮していない点で議論の余地がある. 本稿の目的は, そのような母音脫落現象の硏究を見直し, 文體による脫落形の現れ方を中心に檢證を進めることである. 母音脫落の原因の一つとして, 韻文の影響を考えた結果, 具體的な現象の考察を通し, 次のような結論を得た. まず, 複合語においては語中母音音節の許容度は高い. 單純語における音配列則を適用して複合語および連語における母音脫落を連母音の忌避現象としてとらえてはならはい. そして, 母音脫落は定型を要する韻文に多く現れ, 音數の調整をはかる ために用いられた現象で, 散文にはほとんど現れなかつた. すなわち, 脫落形の現れる割合は, 韻文(万葉集短歌$gt;万葉集長歌$gt;上代歌謠$gt;散文の順で, 同じ韻文でも比較的音數の制限から自由だつた長歌などでは, 非脫落形の現れる比率は高くなる. 最後に, 脫落形の中には, 歌語として詩(歌)にだけ使用された表現があるということである, 枕詞のように慣用的な表現として用いられるものに, アリソ(荒磯), トキハ(常磐), クレナキ(吳藍 : 紅), ワギモ(我妹) などが擧げられる.

      • KCI등재

        상대 일본어의 모음탈락과 액센트 높이와의 상관성

        권경애 한국일어일문학회 1996 日語日文學硏究 Vol.29 No.1

        本硏究は, 母音連接部分のアクセントの高さが母音脫落現象にどのように關わっているかについて考察することをその目的としている. 前半では各用例における音連接部分のアクセントの高きについて檢討し, 後半では母音脫落とアクセントとの相關性の意味するものについて考察を行なった. 本稿の內容は以下のようである. 上代日本語において脫落の起こる結合では, 前項語の語末音節と後項語の語頭母音音節のアクセントの高さが同じであるケ-スが多い, 反面, 脫落の起こらない結合では, 前項語の語末音節と後項語の語頭母音音節のアクセントの高さが異なるケ-スがほとんとである. これは, 母音連接部分のアクセントの高さと母音脫落現象が相關關係にあるということ, すなわち, アクセントが脫落の起こる-つの條件となることを意味する. 中古末以後, 母音脫落現象が衰退するのは複合語のアクセントの調整がき全般に渡って行われるようになり, 生産的な複合語および派生語の形成が可能になったことによると思われる. 用例の判斷に對するより綿密な考察や, 他の音韻現象との關聯性などについてはこれからの課題にしたい.

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