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        중국어유래 한어오노마토페에 대한 한일양언어에서의 수용과 정착

        권경애 ( Kyoung-ae Kwon ) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2015 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.64

        본 연구의 목적은 한국어와 일본어에서의 한어오노마토페의 수용 양상을 조사하는 것이다. 한어오노마토페는 문어체에 많이 보이고 구어체에서의 사용이 생산적이지 않다. 또한 일반어휘와 오노마토페의 경계가 명확하지 않아, 연구자들에 따라 한어오노마토페의 인정범위가 각각 다르다. 그래서 본고에서는 용례수집의 편의를 위해 여러 연구들에서 한어오노마토페라고 인정하고 있는 용례를 수집하여 그것들을 쌍성어, 첩운어, 중언 등으로 분류하였다. 그 후에 그러한 용례들에 대해 이 한국어와 일본어에서 어떻게 취급되고 있는지, 각 문헌에서 어떻게 쓰이고 있는지에 대해 검토하였다. 주요 조사결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한어오노마토페는 원형 그대로 문장 속에 사용된 경우가 한국어 쪽이 일본어 쪽보다 많다. 그러나 그 예들이 적고 양 언어 모두 동사나 형용사의 어근으로 수용된 경우가 대부분이다. 둘째, 한국어에서 동사나 형용사의 어근으로 사용된 경우 [-이(i)] 형태가 되는 경우는 하나밖에 없고 나머지는 [-히(hi), -하게(hage), -하다(hada)」의 어근으로 쓰인다. 이에 반하여 일본어의 경우에는 거의 대부분이 [-と(to)][-として(tosite)]형태의 부사나 [-な(na)]형용사의 어근이 된다. [-する(suru)]형태가 되는 것은 아주 드물다. 셋째, 동음반복이라는 특성상 양 언어 모두 중언인 경우가 오노마토페로서 수용되기 쉬웠으며 쌍성어나 첩운어는 일반어휘로 수용되기 쉬웠던 것 같다. 넷째, 한국어의 경우, 한어오노마토페인지를 판단하기 위해 세 가지 기준을 세웠다. 즉, 의성어 및 의성적인 특성을 지닌 의태어, 원형 형태로 문장 속에 나타날 것, [-이(i)]형 이외의 파생형을 지니지 않을 것 등이다. 그러나 일본어에서는 한국어보다 의성어 및 의성적인 특성을 지닌 의태어가 많지만 원형 형태로 문장 속에 사용되는 용례가 하나도 없다. 따라서 일본어의 경우에는 원형 그대로 문장 속에서 쓰이는지의 여부가 한어오노마토페를 규정짓는 기준이 되지 않는다. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the acceptance phase of ‘the onomatopia of Chinese origin’ in Korean & Japanese. The onomatopia of Chinese origin seems to be frequently used in literary style, but not in colloquial style. And an ambiguous boundary between the onomatopia of Chinese origin and general vocabulary makes it difficult to establish the certain difference between the onomatopia of Chinese origin and the rest. Therefore I collected the examples that are academically recognized as the onomatopia of Chinese origin for the convenience of the example collection in this report. Furthermore, I classified them into three categories : gemination words, repeated rhymes words, reduplication words. And I conducted an examination on how they were classified in both languages(Korean and Japanese), and how they are being used in the documents. The main findings are as in the following. First, Korean has more words that keep the original form of the onomatopia of Chinese origin compared to Japanese. However, there are only few examples, and most of them are received as the root of a word for the verbs or the adjectives in both languages. Second, when they are used as the root of a word for the verbs or the adjectives in Korean, there is only one case that they become the form of [-i], and in most cases, they are used as the root of words of [-hi, -hage, -hada]. In contrast, in Japanese, they are used in the adverb form [-to][-tosite] and the adjective form [-na]. Case they are used in [-suru] form is very unusual. Third, due to the property of tautophony, reduplication words were easily received as an onomatopoeia by both languages. On the other hand, the gemination words and repeated rhymes words were mostly received as general vocabulary. Fourth, I set the three standards for the indication of the onomatopeia of Chinese origin : the case of imitative words and mimetic words that have the imitative connotation, the case when they are used in original form in sentences, the case when the words are used in [-i] derivative form. Although there are more cases of imitative words and mimetic words having the imitative connotation in Japanese than in Korean, there is no precedent where they are used in the original form in the sentence.

      • KCI등재

        한일 한시문에서의 의성적 한어오노마토페의 수용 양상 -사물이 부딪칠 때 나는 소리를 묘사한 첩어를 중심으로-

        권경애 ( Kwon Kyoung-ae ) 한국일어일문학회 2017 日語日文學硏究 Vol.102 No.1

        본고에서는 한어 오토마토페에 대한 연구의 일환으로 옛날 중국의 한시문에 보이는 첩어 중 의성어로 쓰인 용례들에 대하여 고찰하였다. 구체적으로는 첩어의 의성성이 인정되는 용례들 중, `사물이 부딪칠 때 나는 음을 묘사`한 `轟轟(굉굉, ゴ一ゴ一[go:go:])` `??(린린, リンリン[riN·riN])` `丁丁(정정, チョ一チ ョ一·ト一ト一[cho:cho: , to:to:])` 등을 중심으로 중국의 한시문에 사용 된 의미 를 고찰하고, 그것들이 한국과 일본의 한시문에서 어떤 의미로 해석되는지를 살펴본 후 어떻게 수용되고 어떤 의미 변화를 거쳐 왔는지에 대해 검토하였다. 수용 초기 단계에서는 한국과 일본의 한시문에서도 세 첩어 모두 의성어로 사용된 용례들을 많이 볼 수 있었다. 그러나 한국어에서의 쓰임은 1950년대를 기점으로 거의 나타나지 않는 반면에 일본어의 경우, 세 단어 모두 2000년대 이후의 기사나 블로그 등에서도 찾아볼 수 있다. 또한 `린린(??)`의 경우 한국 어에서는 두음법칙으로 인하여 `인린하다[in ㆍrin ㆍhada]`와 같이 오노마토페의 동 음반복성이 사라지고 동사의 어근으로서만 사용되는 양상을 보였으나 일본어 에서는 고유의 오노마토페 `リンリン[riN ㆍriN]`과 단어 음형이 동일한 점도 작용 하여 의성어적 성격을 그대로 유지하고 있었다. 한편 `轟轟(굉굉, ゴ一ゴ一 [go:go:])` 이나 `丁丁(정정, チョ一チョ一·ト一ト一[cho:cho: , to:to:])`는 의태적 용법이나 일반어휘화 되는 양상을 엿볼 수 있었다. In this paper, I examined the reiteratives used as imitative words in ancient Chinese poetry, as part of a study on the onomatopoeia of Chinese origin. Specifically, I analyzed the meanings of reiteratives in Chinese poetry in China with a focus on `轟轟(gueng · gueng, go:go:)`, `??(rin · rin, riN·riN)` and `丁丁 (jeong · jeong, cho:cho: , to:to:)`, which describe the sounds of things that hit each other. Furthermore, I reviewed what they mean in ancient Chinese poetry in Korea and Japan and then how they had been accepted and what change of meaning they had undergone. In the early stage of acceptance, all three reiteratives were also used as imitative words in ancient Chinese poetry in Korea and Japan. However, they have rarely appeared in Korean since the 1950s, but they have also been found in Japanese newspaper or magazine articles or blogs since 2000. In Korean, `??(rin · rin, riN·riN)`, as seen in `in · rin· hada`, showed no same sound repeatability of onomatopoeia and was used only as a verb root, according to the initial law of Korean. In Japanese, however, `rin·rin` maintained its onomatopoeic character, since it had the same sound form as `リンリン [riN·riN]`, an imitative word native to Japanese. On the other hand, `轟轟(gueng · gueng, go:go:)` or 丁丁(jeong · jeong, cho:cho: , to:to:) was used as a mimetic word or general vocabulary.

      • KCI등재후보

        일본어 학습자를 위한 효율적 한자교육에 관한 연구

        권경애 ( Kyoung Ae Kwon ) 한국외국어대학교 외국어교육연구소 2007 외국어교육연구 Vol.21 No.1

        本稿では日本の常用漢字1945字を韓國の敎育用漢字1800字、中國の常用漢字2500字と對照分析を行い、3國共通字種ほど基礎漢字に屬するものが多く、實際の使用頻度の面においても上位順位に相當することを明らかにした。これに基づいて、これからの日本語敎育においては共通字種や共通字體という要素が考慮された形で常用漢字を提示する必要があると考え、次のような漢字習得段階を提示した。初級段階では、小學校低學年用の日·韓·中3國で共通に用いられる共通字種だけを提示することによって、日本語の學習負擔を輕減させる。次に初中級段階では、小學校低學年用の共通字種および低學年用の相違字種、高學年用の3國共通字種を提示して日本式の漢字になじませる。さらに中上級段階では、小學校高學年用の共通字種および高學年用の相異字種、中學生用の3國共通字種を提示して日本の漢字語彙を增やせる機會を與える。最後の上級段階に至っては、中學生用の共通字種および相違字種を與え、漢字に對する自信感を持たせる必要がある。上記のような基準が必ずしもすべての敎育現場において適用されるものではないが、韓國人日本語學習者に、漢字に對する負擔を最小限に止め、かつ日本語學習に對する興味を誘發させられる漢字敎育の一つのモデルを提示しようと試みたものである。 This study compared the 1945 Chinese characters used in Japan with the 1800 characters taught in Korea and the 2500 characters used in China. This comparison revealed that the characters used in all three countries belong to the ``basic character`` category and are the most frequently used. This study claims that the characters that are in common use or are related to those in common use in the three countries are an important factor to be considered in teaching the characters designated for common use in Japan to Korean learners of Japanese. This paper suggests the following approach for the step-by-step presentation of characters to students. At the beginning level, only the Chinese characters commonly used in the three countries in the lower grades of elementary school should be taught. At the low intermediate level, learners should be exposed both to the different characters taught in the lower grades of elementary school and the commonly used characters that are taught in the higher grades of elementary school. Then, at the high intermediate level, learners should build their vocabulary by learning the commonly used characters and the divergent characters taught in the upper grades of elementary school, as well as the commonly used characters in all three countries in junior high school. Lastly, at the advanced level, learners should develop their skills with Chinese characters by studying both the commonly used characters and the different characters commonly taught at the junior high school level.

      • KCI등재


        권경애 ( Kyoung Ae Kwon ) 한국일어일문학회 2013 日語日文學硏究 Vol.87 No.1

        本稿は『看羊錄』の「賊中聞見錄」の中の<倭國八道六十六州>の上段に見られる日本の地名を表記したハングル表記について考察したものである。『看羊錄』より先に記錄された文獻および同時代の他文獻に收錄された日本の地名に關する表記や、『捷解新語』原刊本·改修本におけるハングル表記と對照することによって、姜沆による『看羊錄』のハングル表記の資料的價値を檢討し、合わせて16世紀末、17世紀初の日本語の音價について推定してみた。本考察によって得られた結論は次の三つである。第一、『看羊錄』を他の文獻と比較してみたところ、『看羊錄』のハングル表記は16世紀末の日本語を反映していることが確認された。第二、『看羊錄』を『捷解新語』におけるハングル表記と比較してみたところ、濁音の鼻音性において『捷解新語』原刊本と似た樣相を帶びていたが、チ·ツの口蓋化過程においてはチを‘디[ti]’で表記した地名が見られ、口蓋化がほぼ終了しつつある時期の狀況を見せており、『捷解新語』以前の日本語の樣相を知ることの出きる資料と言える。最後に、たとえ『看羊錄』のハングル表記が『捷解新語』のそれと比べて誤字や特異な表記が目立ち、やや精密性に欠けているが、それがむしろ當時の實際の發音に近い表記であった可能性を示唆していると言える。『看羊錄』に見られる日本地名のハングル表記に關する考察 本稿は『看羊錄』の「賊中聞見錄」の中の<倭國八道六十六州>の上段に見られる日本の地名を表記したハングル表記について考察したものである。『看羊錄』より先に記錄された文獻および同時代の他文獻に收錄された日本の地名に關する表記や、『捷解新語』原刊本·改修本におけるハングル表記と對照することによって、姜沆による『看羊錄』のハングル表記の資料的價値を檢討し、合わせて16世紀末、17世紀初の日本語の音價について推定してみた。本考察によって得られた結論は次の三つである。第一、『看羊錄』を他の文獻と比較してみたところ、『看羊錄』のハングル表記は16世紀末の日本語を反映していることが確認された。第二、『看羊錄』を『捷解新語』におけるハングル表記と比較してみたところ、濁音の鼻音性において『捷解新語』原刊本と似た樣相を帶びていたが、チ·ツの口蓋化過程においてはチを‘디[ti]’で表記した地名が見られ、口蓋化がほぼ終了しつつある時期の狀況を見せており、『捷解新語』以前の日本語の樣相を知ることの出きる資料と言える。最後に、たとえ『看羊錄』のハングル表記が『捷解新語』のそれと比べて誤字や特異な表記が目立ち、やや精密性に欠けているが、それがむしろ當時の實際の發音に近い表記であった可能性を示唆していると言える。 The purpose of this paper is to investigate Hangul (Korean Alphabet) notations used for Japanese place names in “Kanyangrok”. By comparing the notations found in “Kanyangrok” with those used in other written texts that were recorded before and after “Kanyangrok”, and with Hangul notations in “Cheophaesineo”, I attempt to evaluate the validity of Hangul notations of “Kanyangrok” as a means of constructing the past sound system and to speculate on the sound system of Japanese used at the end of the 16th century or at the beginning of 17th century. The main findings are as follows. First, the result of my study shows that Hangul notations of “Kanyangrok” reflect the Japanese language of the late 16th century. Second, my comparison of “Kanyangrok” and “Cheophaesineo” in terms of their Hangul notations demonstrates that nasality of ‘dakuon(Voiced sound)’ is found in both texts whereas forms undergoing palatalization of チ& ツ(ti/tu→t□i/□u) are not attested in “Kanyangrok” (e.g., 디 [ti]``). It means that “Kanyangrok” can serve as a valuable source for exploring linguistic aspects of Japanese spoken before “Cheophaesineo” where the effect of the palatalization is present. Therefore, it can be concluded that Hangul notations of “Kanyangrok” should be seen as the text to reflect the real pronunciation of the contemporaries and some typos and specific diacritics found in the text result from the author’s intention to represent the real pronunciation of the speakers.

      • KCI등재

        일본어「もたげる」의 의미 변화 고찰 - 단어 형성 과정과 오용 표현을 중심으로-

        권경애(Kwon, Kyoung-Ae) 대한일어일문학회 2021 일어일문학 Vol.89 No.-

        This paper focuses on the compound verb, “モタグ(モタゲル),” in which a vowel deletion occurs as a phonological feature, how its meaning and usage have changed and expanded over the decades, and the case that it is currently used conveys the opposite of what the original verb meant. We used corpus reference applications Chunagon"s, which included “The corpus of Japanese (CHJ)” and “The balanced corpus of contemporary written Japanese (BCCWJ)”, to conduct this phonological feature. “モタゲル” was simply used to indicate the following: “lift up (the body/object)” in the past tense. However, it is nowadays used to convey derived meanings such as, “one’s thought or desire to do something becomes stronger, to commend others, and to compliment.” As we discovered in our research, recently, “モチアゲル” is used much more frequently than “モタゲル.” “モタゲル” is mainly used as collocations when referring to body parts such as the head and neck. On the other hand, “モチアゲル” is used in a variety of collocation forms, and the collocation form, “human/animal/plant (subject)~“object/matter (object),” occurs much more frequently than the collocation form, “human/animal (subject)~body parts(object).” As mentioned above, the usage of “モタゲル” has expanded from the description of body parts to describing abstract matters, situations, and psychological statements. Also, “モチアゲル” had once coexisted separately with “モタゲル,” and the collocation forms of “モチアゲル” have been increasingly found. In turn, the use of “モタゲル” has dwindled. Consequently, “モタゲル” has come to be used only rarely in a spoken language, and this situation has led to the loss of its original meaning, and may have eventually contributed to the less frequent use of the word in its original meaning. And that has caused the reversal, erroneous as it is, of the original meaning.

      • KCI등재


        權景愛(권경애, Kwon, Kyoung-Ae) 일본어문학회 2009 일본어문학 Vol.44 No.-

        本稿は、外来語が日本語の語彙として定着する過程において「元となっ た語(原語)」と「日本語化した語(外来語)」の語形について、母音の特徴を中心に考察したものである。 音韻体系の特質上、原語の発音がそのまま日本語音に対応することは到 底不可能である。そのため、外来語は原語の発音とは相當隔たった語形となり、初期段階ではさまざまな異形態を持つことになる。これらは規則的に変化したものもあれば、不規則的に変化したものも存在する。本稿では外来語の流入過程における表記方式に注目し、それらが日本に受け入れられた時期の日本語の音韻体系の変化に伴って當時異質だった外国の音をどのように日本語の音韻体系に組み込まれてきたのかを確認した。また、初期段階では原音の発音に忠実した表記が主流だったのが、日本語の発音にもっともなじんだ形で安定するようになったこと、近代以降の外来語の場合、ローマ字表記の定着などの影響もあって、綴りに依存した形での規則的な表記の語形が多くを占めるようになったこと、最近は専門用語を中心に再び原音の発音通りに表記しようとする動きが見られることを明らかにした。最後に、表記方式の違いによる異形態を用いることによって意味分化を図った語例についても検討した。

      • KCI등재

        한일 근대 문헌에 나타나는 ‘신어’와 ‘외래어’의 개념 - 범위와 용어의 분화과정에 대하여 -

        권경애 ( Kwon Kyoung Ae ) 한국일어일문학회 2020 日語日文學硏究 Vol.114 No.-

        한국과 일본은 근대화 과정에서 필연적으로 ‘외래어’의 증가가 이루어졌다. 개 화기 단계에서 ‘외래어’는 ‘신어(新語)’ 및 다양한 용어와 동일시되거나 혼동되어 쓰였다. 본고에서는 1876년부터 1946년까지를 크게 4개의 시기로 나누어 한일 양국어에서의 ‘신어’와 ‘외래어’, 기타 용어들과의 구분 양상에 대해 고찰하였다. 일본에서의 ‘신어’는 ‘박래어(舶来語)’ ‘모던어’ ‘사회어(社会語)’ ‘첨단어(尖端語)’와 같은 이름으로 불리며 사회 전반에 쓰이던 새로운 용어 전체를 아우르는 명칭으로서 사용되고 있었다. 또 ‘외래어’의 범위는 현재보다 좁게, ‘외국어’에 가까운 의미로 사용되거나, 외국어 색채가 남아있는 단어들만을 가리키는 용어로서 구분되어 사용하였다. 가타카나(Katakana) 문자로 표기된 단어라 할지라도 학자에 따라서는 ‘외래어’가 아닌 ‘과학용어’ ‘신시대용어’ 등과 같이 다른 범주의 어휘군으로 구분하기도 하였으나 서서히 가타카나로 표기된 것만을 대상으로 외래어 연구가 진행되어 갔음을 확인하였다. 한편 한국의 근대문헌(신문이나 잡지) 등에서는 ‘신어>술어>사회어>신술어・신숙어>외래어>모던어>신문어>첨단어>현대어’ 순으로 용어가 나타난다. 개화기 초에는 ‘신어≒외래어・외국어’라는 인식이 강했으나 서서히 ‘신어’의 하 위개념으로서 ‘외래어’를 두는 쪽으로 인식이 변해갔음을 확인하였다. 한국어 속에서 외래어가 어휘의 일종으로 정착함에 따라 한국인에 의한 한글 표기 ‘외래어사전’이 편찬되는 등, 외래어에 대한 의식이 정립되어 갔던 것으로 보인다. In Korea and Japan, an inevitable increase of ‘Loanword’ has taken place during the modernization process. At the beginning of enlightenment period, ‘Loanword’ was equated or confused with ‘New word’ or other terms. In this paper, the period from 1876 to 1946 was largely divided into four periods, and the changing aspect of the distinction between ‘New word’, ‘Loanword’ and other terms in both Korean and Japanese languages was discussed. In Japan, ‘New word’ was called as ‘Hakurai-go(Foreign word)’, ‘Modan-go(Mordern word)’, ‘Shakai-go(Social word)’ or ‘Sentan-go(Leading edge word)’ and was used as terminology that embraces the whole set of new words that was socially prevalent. In addition, the conceptual scope of ‘Loanword’ was narrower than that of the present. Instead the term was used in a sense closer to ‘foreign word’ or was used to refer only to words suggesting itself to be a foreign language based. Even when the words were written in Katakana, some scholars categorized those words not only into ‘Loan word’ but also into different categories of vocabulary groups such as ‘scientific terms or ‘new era word’, but it was confirmed that gradually, ‘Loan word’ studies were conducted only on those marked as Katakana. Meanwhile, in modern Korean literature (newspaper or miscellaneous records), terminologies have appeared in the order of ‘Shin-eo(New word)’> ‘Sul-eo’> ‘Sahoe-eo’> ‘Shinsul-eo’‘Shinsuk-eo’> ‘Loanword’> ‘Modern word’> ‘Shinmun-eo’>‘Cheomdan-eo’>‘Hyeondae-eo’. At the beginning of the enlightenment period, the perception of ‘New word≒Loanword·foreign word’ was strong, but it was confirmed that the perception has gradually changed to treating ‘Loanword’ as sub-concept of ‘New word’. As ‘Loanword’ settled as vocabulary in Korean language and ‘A dictionary of Loanword’ written in Hanguel was being compiled, the concept of ‘Loanword’ seems to have been established.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        권경애(Kwon Kyoung Ae,権景愛) 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2015 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.64

        본 연구의 목적은 한국어와 일본어에서의 한어오노마토페의 수용 양상을 조사하는 것이다. 한어오노마토페는 문어체에 많이 보이고 구어체에서의 사용이 생산적이지 않다. 또한 일반어휘와 오노마토페의 경계가 명확하지 않아, 연구자들에 따라 한어오노마토페의 인정범위가 각각 다르다. 그래서 본고에서는 용례수집의 편의를 위해 여러 연구들에서 한어오노마토페라고 인정하고 있는 용례를 수집하여 그것들을 쌍성어, 첩운어, 중언 등으로 분류하였다. 그 후에 그러한 용례들에 대해 이 한국어와 일본어에서 어떻게 취급되고 있는지, 각 문헌에서 어떻게 쓰이고 있는지에 대해 검토하였다. 주요 조사결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한어오노마토페는 원형 그대로 문장 속에 사용된 경우가 한국어 쪽이 일본어 쪽보다 많다. 그러나 그 예들이 적고 양 언어 모두 동사나 형용사의 어근으로 수용된 경우가 대부분이다. 둘째, 한국어에서 동사나 형용사의 어근으로 사용된 경우 [-이(i)] 형태가 되는 경우는 하나밖에 없고 나머지는 [-히(hi), -하게(hage), -하다(hada)」의 어근으로 쓰인다. 이에 반하여 일본어의 경우에는 거의 대부분이 [-と(to)][-として(tosite)]형태의 부사나 [-な(na)]형용사의 어근이 된다. [-する(suru)]형태가 되는 것은 아주 드물다. 셋째, 동음반복이라는 특성상 양 언어 모두 중언인 경우가 오노마토페로서 수용되기 쉬웠으며 쌍성어나 첩운어는 일반어휘로 수용되기 쉬웠던 것 같다. 넷째, 한국어의 경우, 한어오노마토페인지를 판단하기 위해 세 가지 기준을 세웠다. 즉, 의성어 및 의성적인 특성을 지닌 의태어, 원형 형태로 문장 속에 나타날 것, [-이(i)] 형 이외의 파생형을 지니지 않을 것 등이다. 그러나 일본어에서는 한국어보다 의성어 및 의성적인 특성을 지닌 의태어가 많지만 원형 형태로 문장 속에 사용되는 용례가 하나도 없다. 따라서 일본어의 경우에는 원형 그대로 문장 속에서 쓰이는지의 여부가 한어오노마토페를 규정짓는 기준이 되지 않는다. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the acceptance phase of 'the onomatopia of Chinese origin' in Korean & Japanese. The onomatopia of Chinese origin seems to be frequently used in literary style, but not in colloquial style. And an ambiguous boundary between the onomatopia of Chinese origin and general vocabulary makes it difficult to establish the certain difference between the onomatopia of Chinese origin and the rest. Therefore I collected the examples that are academically recognized as the onomatopia of Chinese origin for the convenience of the example collection in this report. Furthermore, I classified them into three categories : gemination words, repeated rhymes words, reduplication words. And I conducted an examination on how they were classified in both languages(Korean and Japanese), and how they are being used in the documents. The main findings are as in the following. First, Korean has more words that keep the original form of the onomatopia of Chinese origin compared to Japanese. However, there are only few examples, and most of them are received as the root of a word for the verbs or the adjectives in both languages. Second, when they are used as the root of a word for the verbs or the adjectives in Korean, there is only one case that they become the form of [-i], and in most cases, they are used as the root of words of [-hi, -hage, -hada]. In contrast, in Japanese, they are used in the adverb form [-to][-tosite] and the adjective form [-na]. Case they are used in [-suru] form is very unusual. Third, due to the property of tautophony, reduplication words were easily received as an onomatopoeia by both languages. On the other hand, the gemination words and repeated rhymes words were mostly received as general vocabulary. Fourth, I set the three standards for the indication of the onomatopeia of Chinese origin : the case of imitative words and mimetic words that have the imitative connotation, the case when they are used in original form in sentences, the case when the words are used in [-i] derivative form. Although there are more cases of imitative words and mimetic words having the imitative connotation in Japanese than in Korean, there is no precedent where they are used in the original form in the sentence.

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